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Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

2019-07-01 23:36:44 +00:00
Here is the info needed to remove restrictions on the GPL licensed XC8-AVR compiler
This is done on a Linux pc, so only refers to the Linux version.
2020-05-21 19:09:37 +00:00
Version 2.20 (they are back to using global variables)
change data at file offset specified for the 3 files cc1,cc1plus,lto1
2021-05-30 10:56:33 +00:00
objdump will show the global var virtual addresses, and the .data section virtual address
is used to figure out where the vars are located in the file-
virtual var address - virtual section base address + section file offset = var file offset
The vars and what they do can be found in the gpl source code available from microchip.
2020-05-21 19:09:37 +00:00
objdump -T cc1 | grep license_valid
00000000017fe880 g DO .data 0000000000000008 Base mchp_xccov_license_valid
00000000017fe878 g DO .data 0000000000000008 Base mchp_avr_license_valid
objdump -h cc1 | grep " .data "
25 .data 000086f0 00000000017f6860 00000000017f6860 011f6860 2**5
2021-05-30 10:56:33 +00:00
2020-05-21 19:09:37 +00:00
0x17fe878 - 0x17f6860 = 0x8018 +011f6860 = file offset 0x11fe878 - change FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF to 0200000000000000
0x17fe880 - 0x17f6860 = 0x8020 +011f6860 = file offset 0x11fe880 - change FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF to 0900000000000000
2021-05-30 10:56:33 +00:00
2020-05-21 19:09:37 +00:00
objdump -T cc1plus | grep license_valid
0000000001985980 g DO .data 0000000000000008 Base mchp_xccov_license_valid
0000000001985978 g DO .data 0000000000000008 Base mchp_avr_license_valid
objdump -h cc1plus | grep " .data "
25 .data 000087d0 000000000197d880 000000000197d880 0137d880 2**5
2021-05-30 10:56:33 +00:00
2020-05-21 19:09:37 +00:00
0x1985978 - 0x197d880 = 80F8 +0x137d880 = file offset 0x1385978 - change FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF to 0200000000000000
0x1985980 - 0x197d880 = 8100 +0x137d880 = file offset 0x1385980 - change FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF to 0900000000000000
2021-05-30 10:56:33 +00:00
2020-05-21 19:09:37 +00:00
objdump -T lto1 | grep license_valid
0000000001713660 g DO .data 0000000000000008 Base mchp_xccov_license_valid
0000000001713658 g DO .data 0000000000000008 Base mchp_avr_license_valid
2021-05-27 03:33:07 +00:00
objdump -h lto1 | grep " .data "
2020-05-21 19:09:37 +00:00
25 .data 000083d0 000000000170b960 000000000170b960 0110b960 2**5
2021-05-30 10:56:33 +00:00
2020-05-21 19:09:37 +00:00
0x1713658 - 0x170b960 = 7CF8 +0x110b960 = file offset 0x1113658 - change FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF to 0200000000000000
0x1713660 - 0x170b960 = 7D00 +0x110b960 = file offset 0x1113660 - change FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF to 0900000000000000