-- (C) 2001-2018 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. -- Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other -- software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output -- files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation -- files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject -- to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription -- Agreement, Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable -- license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the -- sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by -- Intel or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable -- agreement for further details. library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use std.textio.all; library work; entity tx_ciccomp_tb is constant FIR_INPUT_FILE_c : string := "tx_ciccomp_input.txt"; constant FIR_OUTPUT_FILE_c : string := "tx_ciccomp_output.txt"; constant PHYSCHANIN_c : natural := 1; constant PHYSCHANOUT_c : natural := 1; constant INWIDTH_c : natural := 16; constant OUTWIDTH_c : natural := 30; constant BANKINWIDTH_c : natural := 0; constant BANKCOUNT_c : natural := 1; constant DATA_WIDTH_c : natural := (INWIDTH_c+BANKINWIDTH_c) * PHYSCHANIN_c; constant OUT_WIDTH_c : natural := OUTWIDTH_c * PHYSCHANOUT_c; constant NUM_OF_CHANNELS_c : natural := 1; constant CHANSPERPHYIN_c : natural := 1; constant CHANSPERPHYOUT_c : natural := 1; constant LOG2_CHANSPERPHYOUT_c : natural := 0; constant TDM_FACTOR_c : natural := 3200; constant INVERSE_TDM_FACTOR_c : natural := 1; constant INVALID_CYCLES_c : natural := 3199; constant INTERP_FACTOR_c : natural := 1; constant TOTAL_INCHANS_ALLOWED : natural := PHYSCHANIN_c * CHANSPERPHYIN_c; constant TOTAL_OUTCHANS_ALLOWED : natural := PHYSCHANOUT_c * CHANSPERPHYOUT_c; constant NUM_OF_TAPS_c : natural := 64; constant TOTAL_EFF_COEF_c : natural := 64; constant COEFF_BIT_WIDTH_c : natural := 8; constant COEFF_BUS_DATA_WIDTH_c : natural := 16; constant COEFF_BUS_ADDR_WIDTH : natural := 6; end entity tx_ciccomp_tb; architecture rtl of tx_ciccomp_tb is signal ast_sink_data : std_logic_vector (DATA_WIDTH_c-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal ast_source_data : std_logic_vector (OUT_WIDTH_c-1 downto 0); signal ast_sink_error : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal ast_source_error : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0); signal ast_sink_valid : std_logic := '0'; signal ast_source_valid : std_logic; signal ast_source_ready : std_logic := '0'; signal clk : std_logic := '0'; signal reset_testbench : std_logic := '1'; signal reset_design : std_logic; signal eof : std_logic; signal sink_completed : std_logic := '0'; signal ast_sink_ready : std_logic; ----coef reload ports signal cnt : natural range 0 to CHANSPERPHYIN_c; signal push_counter : natural range 0 to CHANSPERPHYIN_c :=0; constant tclk : time := 10 ns; constant time_lapse_max : time := 60 us; signal time_lapse : time; signal valid_cycles : std_logic := '1'; function div_ceil(a : natural; b : natural) return natural is variable res : natural := a/b; begin if res*b /= a then res := res +1; end if; return res; end div_ceil; function to_hex (value : in signed) return string is constant ne : integer := (value'length+3)/4; constant NUS : string(2 downto 1) := (others => ' '); variable pad : std_logic_vector(0 to (ne*4 - value'length) - 1); variable ivalue : std_logic_vector(0 to ne*4 - 1); variable result : string(1 to ne); variable quad : std_logic_vector(0 to 3); begin if value'length < 1 then return NUS; else if value (value'left) = 'Z' then pad := (others => 'Z'); else pad := (others => value(value'high)); end if; ivalue := pad & std_logic_vector (value); for i in 0 to ne-1 loop quad := To_X01Z(ivalue(4*i to 4*i+3)); case quad is when x"0" => result(i+1) := '0'; when x"1" => result(i+1) := '1'; when x"2" => result(i+1) := '2'; when x"3" => result(i+1) := '3'; when x"4" => result(i+1) := '4'; when x"5" => result(i+1) := '5'; when x"6" => result(i+1) := '6'; when x"7" => result(i+1) := '7'; when x"8" => result(i+1) := '8'; when x"9" => result(i+1) := '9'; when x"A" => result(i+1) := 'A'; when x"B" => result(i+1) := 'B'; when x"C" => result(i+1) := 'C'; when x"D" => result(i+1) := 'D'; when x"E" => result(i+1) := 'E'; when x"F" => result(i+1) := 'F'; when "ZZZZ" => result(i+1) := 'Z'; when others => result(i+1) := 'X'; end case; end loop; return result; end if; end function to_hex; begin DUT : entity work.tx_ciccomp port map ( clk => clk, reset_n => reset_design, ast_sink_data => ast_sink_data, ast_source_data => ast_source_data, ast_sink_valid => ast_sink_valid, ast_source_valid => ast_source_valid, ast_sink_error => ast_sink_error, ast_source_error => ast_source_error ); -- for example purposes, the ready signal is always asserted. ast_source_ready <= '1'; ast_sink_ready <= '1'; -- no input error ast_sink_error <= (others => '0'); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Read input data from file ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- source_model : process(clk) is file in_file : text open read_mode is FIR_INPUT_FILE_c; variable data_in : integer; variable bank_in : integer; variable indata : line; variable read_data_completed: integer; variable q, j, j_temp : integer := 0 ; variable realInChansCount : integer ; variable totalInChansCount : integer ; variable idle_cyles : integer := 0 ; type In_2D is array (PHYSCHANIN_c-1 downto 0, CHANSPERPHYIN_c-1 downto 0) of integer; variable arrayIn : In_2D; variable arrayBank : In_2D; --Debug variable my_line : line; begin if rising_edge(clk) then if(reset_testbench = '0') then ast_sink_data <= std_logic_vector(to_signed(0, DATA_WIDTH_c)) after tclk/4; ast_sink_valid <= '0' after tclk/4; eof <= '0'; realInChansCount := NUM_OF_CHANNELS_c * INVERSE_TDM_FACTOR_c; totalInChansCount := TOTAL_INCHANS_ALLOWED; else if (sink_completed='0' or eof='0') then eof <= '0'; if( valid_cycles = '1' and ast_sink_ready = '1') then if not endfile(in_file) then if (push_counter=0) then q := 0; for k in 0 to PHYSCHANIN_c-1 loop -- Super-Sample Rate if (k /= 0) then j := j + INVERSE_TDM_FACTOR_c; if (j > PHYSCHANIN_c - 1) then j_temp := j_temp + 1; j := j_temp; end if; else j := k; end if; for i in 0 to CHANSPERPHYIN_c-1 loop totalInChansCount := totalInChansCount - 1; if (realInChansCount > 0) then realInChansCount := realInChansCount - 1; readline(in_file, indata); read(indata, data_in); arrayIn(j,i) := data_in; if (BANKINWIDTH_c > 0) then read(indata, bank_in); arrayBank(j,i) := bank_in; end if; ast_sink_valid <= '1' after tclk/4; --Debug --write(my_line, string'(" j = ")); --write(my_line, j); --write(my_line, string'(" i = ")); --write(my_line, i); --write(my_line, string'(" Array content = ")); --write(my_line, arrayIn(j,i)); --writeline(output, my_line); end if; end loop; if (totalInChansCount = 0) then realInChansCount := NUM_OF_CHANNELS_c * INVERSE_TDM_FACTOR_c; totalInChansCount := TOTAL_INCHANS_ALLOWED; end if; end loop; j_temp := 0; sink_completed <= '0'; read_data_completed := 1; end if; else eof <='1'; end if; -- Reorder the input format -- Expected input format by FIR Compiler II -- ..., , , , --> -- ..., , , , --> -- ..., , , , --> if (read_data_completed = 1) then for p in 0 to PHYSCHANIN_c-1 loop --Debug --write(my_line, string'(" Push input = ")); --write(my_line,arrayIn(p,q)); --writeline(output, my_line); -- write to display ast_sink_data(p*(INWIDTH_c+BANKINWIDTH_c)+INWIDTH_c-1 downto (INWIDTH_c+BANKINWIDTH_c)*p) <= std_logic_vector(to_signed(arrayIn(p,q), INWIDTH_c)) after tclk/4; if (BANKINWIDTH_c > 0) then ast_sink_data(p*(INWIDTH_c+BANKINWIDTH_c)+(INWIDTH_c+BANKINWIDTH_c)-1 downto (INWIDTH_c+BANKINWIDTH_c)*p+INWIDTH_c) <= std_logic_vector(to_signed(arrayBank(p,q), BANKINWIDTH_c)) after tclk/4; end if; end loop; if ( q < CHANSPERPHYIN_c ) then q := q + 1; else q := 0; end if; if ( push_counter < CHANSPERPHYIN_c-1 ) then push_counter <= push_counter + 1; else push_counter <= 0; read_data_completed := 0; sink_completed <= '1'; --start invalid cycles if needed if ( idle_cyles < INVALID_CYCLES_c ) then valid_cycles <= '0' ; end if; end if; end if; -- End Reordering and sinking data else if ( idle_cyles < INVALID_CYCLES_c ) then ast_sink_valid <= '0' after tclk/4; idle_cyles := idle_cyles + 1; if ( idle_cyles = INVALID_CYCLES_c ) then valid_cycles <= '1' ; idle_cyles := 0; end if; end if; ast_sink_data <= ast_sink_data after tclk/4; end if; else eof <= '1'; ast_sink_valid <= '0' after tclk/4; ast_sink_data <= std_logic_vector(to_signed(0, DATA_WIDTH_c)) after tclk/4; end if; end if; end if; end process source_model; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Write FIR output to file --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sink_model : process(clk) is file ro_file : text open write_mode is FIR_OUTPUT_FILE_c; variable rdata : line; variable y,z,z_temp : integer :=0; variable realOutChansCount : natural := NUM_OF_CHANNELS_c * INVERSE_TDM_FACTOR_c; variable totalOutChansCount : natural := TOTAL_OUTCHANS_ALLOWED; type Out_2D is array (CHANSPERPHYOUT_c-1 downto 0, PHYSCHANOUT_c-1 downto 0) of integer; variable arrayOut : Out_2D; begin if rising_edge(clk) then if(ast_source_valid = '1' and ast_source_ready = '1') then -- Expected output format from FIR Compiler II --> , , , ... --> , , , ... --> , , , ... for x in 0 to PHYSCHANOUT_c-1 loop -- Super-Sample Rate or Interpolation with TDM = 1 -- only interpolation factor is needed for super-sample rate test if ( PHYSCHANOUT_c > NUM_OF_CHANNELS_c ) then if (x /= 0) then z := z + INVERSE_TDM_FACTOR_c * div_ceil(INTERP_FACTOR_c,TDM_FACTOR_c); if (z > PHYSCHANOUT_c-1) then z_temp := z_temp + 1; z := z_temp; end if; end if; else z := x; end if; arrayOut(y,x) := to_integer(signed(ast_source_data(z*OUTWIDTH_c+OUTWIDTH_c-1 downto OUTWIDTH_c*z))); end loop; if (y < CHANSPERPHYOUT_c - 1) then y := y + 1; else y := 0; z := 0; z_temp := 0; for n in 0 to PHYSCHANOUT_c-1 loop for m in 0 to CHANSPERPHYOUT_c-1 loop totalOutChansCount := totalOutChansCount - 1; if (realOutChansCount > 0) then if (NUM_OF_CHANNELS_c > PHYSCHANOUT_c) then realOutChansCount := realOutChansCount - 1; end if; write(rdata, arrayOut(m,n)); writeline(ro_file, rdata); end if; end loop; end loop; end if; if (totalOutChansCount = 0) then realOutChansCount := NUM_OF_CHANNELS_c * INVERSE_TDM_FACTOR_c; totalOutChansCount := TOTAL_OUTCHANS_ALLOWED; end if; end if; end if; end process sink_model; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- clock generator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clkgen : process begin -- process clkgen if eof = '1' and sink_completed = '1' and ast_source_valid = '0' and time_lapse >= time_lapse_max then clk <= '0'; assert FALSE report "NOTE: Stimuli ended" severity note; wait; elsif time_lapse >= time_lapse_max then clk <= '0'; assert FALSE report "ERROR: Reached time_lapse_max without activity, probably simulation is stuck!" severity Error; wait; else clk <= '0'; wait for tclk/2; clk <= '1'; wait for tclk/2; end if; end process clkgen; monitor_toggling_activity : process(clk, reset_testbench, ast_source_data, ast_source_valid) begin if reset_testbench = '0' then time_lapse <= 0 ns; elsif ast_source_data'event or ast_source_valid'event then time_lapse <= 0 ns; elsif rising_edge(clk) then if time_lapse < time_lapse_max then time_lapse <= time_lapse + tclk; end if; end if; end process monitor_toggling_activity; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- reset generator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reset_testbench_gen : process begin -- process resetgen reset_testbench <= '1'; wait for tclk/4; reset_testbench <= '0'; wait for tclk*2; reset_testbench <= '1'; wait; end process reset_testbench_gen; reset_design_gen : process begin -- process resetgen reset_design <= '1'; wait for tclk/4; reset_design <= '0'; wait for tclk*2; reset_design <= '1'; wait for tclk*80; reset_design <= '1'; wait for tclk*64*2; reset_design <= '1'; wait; end process reset_design_gen; end architecture rtl;