
202 wiersze
5.7 KiB

2022-04-18 16:53:10 +00:00
#include "swr_analyzer.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "lcd_driver.h"
#include "trx_manager.h"
#include "functions.h"
#include "fpga.h"
#include "lcd.h"
#include "rf_unit.h"
//Private variables
static const uint16_t graph_start_x = 25;
static const uint16_t graph_width = LCD_WIDTH - 30;
static const uint16_t graph_start_y = 5;
static const uint16_t graph_height = LCD_HEIGHT - 25;
static float32_t now_freq;
static float32_t freq_step;
static uint16_t graph_sweep_x = 0;
static uint32_t tick_start_time = 0;
static int16_t graph_selected_x = (LCD_WIDTH - 30) / 2;
static float32_t data[LCD_WIDTH - 30] = {0};
static uint32_t startFreq = 0;
static uint32_t endFreq = 0;
//Saved variables
static uint32_t Lastfreq = 0;
static bool LastMute = false;
//Public variables
bool sysmenu_swr_opened = false;
static void SWR_DrawBottomGUI(void); // display status at the bottom of the screen
static void SWR_DrawGraphCol(uint16_t x, bool clear); // display the data column
static uint16_t SWR_getYfromX(uint16_t x); // get height from data id
// prepare the spectrum analyzer
void SWR_Start(uint32_t start, uint32_t end)
LCD_busy = true;
startFreq = start;
endFreq = end;
//save settings
Lastfreq = CurrentVFO()->Freq;
LastMute = TRX_Mute;
// draw the GUI
LCDDriver_drawFastVLine(graph_start_x, graph_start_y, graph_height, COLOR_WHITE);
LCDDriver_drawFastHLine(graph_start_x, graph_start_y + graph_height, graph_width, COLOR_WHITE);
// horizontal labels
char ctmp[64] = {0};
sprintf(ctmp, "%u", (startFreq / 1000));
LCDDriver_printText(ctmp, graph_start_x + 2, graph_start_y + graph_height + 3, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK, 1);
sprintf(ctmp, "%u", (endFreq / 1000));
LCDDriver_printText(ctmp, graph_start_x + graph_width - 36, graph_start_y + graph_height + 3, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK, 1);
// vertical labels
float32_t vres = SWR_TopSWR - 1.0f;
float32_t partsize = vres / (SWR_VParts - 1);
for (uint8_t n = 0; n < SWR_VParts; n++)
int32_t y = graph_start_y + (int32_t)(partsize * n * graph_height / vres);
sprintf(ctmp, "%.1f", (double)(SWR_TopSWR - partsize * n));
LCDDriver_printText(ctmp, 0, (uint16_t)y, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK, 1);
LCDDriver_drawFastHLine(graph_start_x, (uint16_t)y, graph_width, COLOR_DGRAY);
// start scanning
TRX_setFrequency(startFreq, CurrentVFO());
TRX_Mute = true;
TRX_Tune = true;
TRX_ptt_hard = TRX_Tune;
FPGA_NeedSendParams = true;
now_freq = startFreq;
freq_step = (endFreq - startFreq) / graph_width;
graph_sweep_x = 0;
tick_start_time = HAL_GetTick();
LCD_busy = false;
LCD_UpdateQuery.SystemMenu = true;
void SWR_Stop(void)
TRX_setFrequency(Lastfreq, CurrentVFO());
TRX_Mute = LastMute;
TRX_Tune = false;
TRX_ptt_hard = false;
TRX_ptt_soft = false;
// draw the spectrum analyzer
void SWR_Draw(void)
if (LCD_busy)
// Wait while data is being typed
if ((HAL_GetTick() - tick_start_time) < SWR_StepDelay)
LCD_UpdateQuery.SystemMenu = true;
if (TRX_SWR == 0) //-V550
tick_start_time = HAL_GetTick();
LCD_busy = true;
// Read the signal SWR
// Draw
data[graph_sweep_x] = TRX_SWR;
SWR_DrawGraphCol(graph_sweep_x, true);
// draw a marker
if (graph_sweep_x == graph_selected_x)
// Move on to calculating the next step
if (now_freq > endFreq)
graph_sweep_x = 0;
now_freq = startFreq;
now_freq += freq_step;
TRX_setFrequency((uint32_t)now_freq, CurrentVFO());
FPGA_NeedSendParams = true;
LCD_busy = false;
// get height from data id
static uint16_t SWR_getYfromX(uint16_t x)
int32_t y = graph_start_y + (int32_t)((SWR_TopSWR - data[x]) * (float32_t)(graph_height) / (SWR_TopSWR - 1.0f));
if (y < graph_start_y)
y = graph_start_y;
if (y > ((graph_start_y + graph_height) - 1))
y = (graph_start_y + graph_height) - 1;
return (uint16_t)y;
// display the data column
static void SWR_DrawGraphCol(uint16_t x, bool clear)
if (x >= graph_width)
if (clear)
// clear
LCDDriver_drawFastVLine((graph_start_x + x + 1), graph_start_y, graph_height, COLOR_BLACK);
// draw stripes behind the chart
int16_t vres = SWR_TopSWR;
for (uint8_t n = 0; n < (SWR_VParts - 1); n++)
LCDDriver_drawPixel((graph_start_x + x + 1), (uint16_t)(graph_start_y + ((vres / (SWR_VParts - 1)) * n * graph_height / vres)), COLOR_DGRAY);
// draw the graph
if (x > 0)
LCDDriver_drawLine((graph_start_x + x), SWR_getYfromX(x - 1), (graph_start_x + x + 1), SWR_getYfromX(x), COLOR_RED);
LCDDriver_drawPixel((graph_start_x + x + 1), SWR_getYfromX(x), COLOR_RED);
// display status at the bottom of the screen
static void SWR_DrawBottomGUI(void)
char ctmp[64] = {0};
int32_t freq = (int32_t)startFreq + ((int32_t)(endFreq - startFreq) / (graph_width - 1) * graph_selected_x);
sprintf(ctmp, "Freq=%dkHz SWR=%.1f", (freq / 1000), (double)data[graph_selected_x]);
LCDDriver_Fill_RectWH(170, graph_start_y + graph_height + 3, 200, 6, COLOR_BLACK);
LCDDriver_printText(ctmp, 170, graph_start_y + graph_height + 3, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK, 1);
LCDDriver_drawFastVLine(graph_start_x + (uint16_t)graph_selected_x + 1, graph_start_y, graph_height, COLOR_GREEN);
// analyzer events to the encoder
void SWR_EncRotate(int8_t direction)
LCD_busy = true;
// erase the old marker
SWR_DrawGraphCol((uint16_t)graph_selected_x, true);
if (direction < 0)
SWR_DrawGraphCol((uint16_t)graph_selected_x + 1, false);
// draw a new one
graph_selected_x += direction;
if (graph_selected_x < 0)
graph_selected_x = 0;
if (graph_selected_x > (graph_width - 1))
graph_selected_x = graph_width - 1;
LCD_busy = false;