# WiFi Stepper Motor Controller Control Stepper Motor remotely using WiFI using ESP8266, DRV8825 and the Blynk App # NOTE: THIS PROJECT IS DEPRECATED!!! ## Since Blynk upgraded to v2 and removed v1 from the AppStore and the PlayStore, there is no reason to use it and I leave it here just as a reference for the history. ## I created a new project that replacing this one and it can be found here: https://github.com/tamirrosenberg/WiFi-Stepper-Motor-Controller-v2 ## Please follow the new project - Thank you! # DEPRECATED - YOU CAN STOP HERE!!! The Project ----------- Tuning the Magnetic loop antenna, by controling the capacitor remotely, using Wifi. I built a Magnetic Loop Antenna, and my idea was to control the tuning capacitor remotely. ## Please visit my YouTube channel to see this project in action ## --> YoutTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHImT8lgZAWDnsUao0wHAQQ <-- This project is based on: ------------------------- * ESP8266 Micro Controller * DRV8255 Stepper Motor Driver * Bipolar stepper motor * Blynk Application The Blynk App ------------- In the Blynk app, I added five virtual buttons: * V0 - Tune Left * V1 - Tune Right * V2 - Fine Tune Left * V3 - Fine Tune Right * V4 - Scan https://blynk.io/ DRV8825 - Motor Driver ---------------------- The DRV8825 is a smart motor driver that can be used with normal steps and even with micro-steps, and that can be controlled by the driver's pins M0, M1, M2. In my case I wanted to use the 1/32 micro-steps, and these are the speeds that you will see in the code. More details about this driver can be found here: https://www.pololu.com/product/2133 Arduino IDE ----------- When you are using the Arduino IDE, you will probalby need to install the Blynk & ESP libraries, so please follow this procedure. 1. Go to the "File" menu and choose "Preferences" 2. In the "Additional Boards Manager URLs:" insert "http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json" 3. Confirm with "Ok" From the Arduino IDE menu: 1. Go to "Sketch" --> "Include Library" --> "Manage Libraries" 2. Search for "Blynk", and install it Choose the correct ESP library: 1. In your Aruduino IDE, from the main menu choose "Tools" 2. Then choose Board "NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module) Download: https://www.arduino.cc/en/software License ------- Are you allowed to use this code anywhere? Or change the code? - Yes! You are free to do that! Enjoy! Please feel free to change that to your own project use case. Design: Tamir Rosenberg, N6JJ YouTube Channel Name: re: Ham Radio YouTube Channel link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHImT8lgZAWDnsUao0wHAQQ # The best "Thank you" will be to subscribe to my channel and "like" the video - Thanks in advance!