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2021-06-04 06:26:28 +00:00
Project: Tuning the Magnetic loop capacitor remotely using Wifi
Details: This project is based on the ESP8266 Micro Controller, DRV8255 stepper motor driver, bipolar stepper motor and the Blynk App.
I built a Magnetic Loop Antenna, and my idea was to control the tuning capacitor remotely, using Wifi.
In the Blynk app, I added five virtual buttons:
V0 - Tune Left
V1 - Tune Right
V2 - Fine Tune Left
V3 - Fine Tune Right
V4 - Scan
The DRV8825 is a smart motor driver that can be used with normal steps and even with micro-steps, and that can be controlled by
the driver's pins M0, M1, M2. In my case I wanted to use the 1/32 micro-steps, and these are the speeds that you will see in the code.
More details about this driver can be found here: https://www.pololu.com/product/2133
Please feel free to change that to your own project use case.
Please visit my YouTube channel to see this project in action.
Are you allowed to use this code anywhere? Or change the code? - Yes! You are free to do that! Enjoy!
Design: Tamir Rosenberg, N6JJ
YouTube Channel Name: re: Ham Radio
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHImT8lgZAWDnsUao0wHAQQ
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>
#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial
// Define pin connections
const int enablePin = 0; // ESP8266 digital pin 0
const int stepPin = 4; // ESP8266 digital pin 4
const int dirPin = 5; // ESP8266 digital pin 5
// Define Blynk ports
bool TuneRight = false;
bool TuneLeft = false;
bool FineTuneRight = false;
bool FineTuneLeft = false;
bool Scan = false;
// Define networking parameters
char auth[] = "your Blynk auth code here"; // set the Blynk authentication code
char ssid[] = "your WiFi SSID here"; // set the WiFi SSID
char pass[] = "your WiFi password here"; // set the Wifi password
// -- Start of Setup ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void setup(){
Serial.begin(115200); // baudrate for serial communication
Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass); // network information
// Declare pins as Outputs
pinMode(stepPin, OUTPUT); // step pin
pinMode(dirPin, OUTPUT); // direction pin
pinMode(enablePin, OUTPUT); // enable pin
pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); // onboard LED indicator
BLYNK_WRITE(V0){ // Blynk virtual pin V0
TuneLeft = param.asInt(); // turn left
BLYNK_WRITE(V1){ // Blynk virtual pin V1
TuneRight = param.asInt(); // turn right
BLYNK_WRITE(V2){ // Blynk virtual pin V2
FineTuneLeft = param.asInt(); // fine tuning Left
BLYNK_WRITE(V3){ // Blynk virtual pin V3
FineTuneRight = param.asInt(); // fine tunning Right
BLYNK_WRITE(V4){ // Blynk virtual pin V4
Scan = param.asInt(); // scan
// -- Main Tunning Function ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Tunning (int Steps, int Rotation){
digitalWrite(enablePin, LOW); // enable the driver
for (int i = 0; i < Rotation; i++){ // loop for motor steps
digitalWrite(stepPin, HIGH); // perform a step
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); // turn LED indicator OFF
delayMicroseconds(Steps); // wait for the steps operation
digitalWrite(stepPin, LOW); // stop the step
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // tuen LED indicator ON
delayMicroseconds(Steps); // wait between steps
// -- Start of loop -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void loop() {
digitalWrite(enablePin, HIGH); // disable the driver - will save power and heat on the motor driver
if (TuneRight){ // turn right
digitalWrite(dirPin, LOW); // set direction to one side
Tunning(1500, 320); // turn in normal speed
if (FineTuneRight){ // fine turn right
digitalWrite(dirPin, LOW); // set direction to one side
Tunning(3000, 16); // turn slow, aka "Fine Tune"
if (TuneLeft){ // turn left
digitalWrite(dirPin, HIGH); // set direction to the other side
Tunning(1500, 320); // turn in normal speed
if (FineTuneLeft){ // fine turn left
digitalWrite(dirPin, HIGH); // set direction to the other side
Tunning(3000, 16); // turn slow, aka "Fine Tune"
while (Scan) { // scan as long as the App button is enable
digitalWrite(dirPin, LOW); // set scan direction to one side
Tunning(1000, 16); // scan quickly, aka "Fast Tune"
// -- End of loop ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------