
320 wiersze
10 KiB

function getPixelRGBValues(base64Image) {
httpArray = [];
fileJSON = `{"on":true,"bri":${brgh.value},"seg":{"id":${tSg.value},"i":[`;
//Which object holds the secret to the segment ID
let segID = 0;
if(tSg.style.display == "flex"){
segID = tSg.value
} else {
segID = sID.value;
//const copyJSONledbutton = gId('copyJSONledbutton');
const maxNoOfColorsInCommandSting = parseInt(cLN.value);
let hybridAddressing = false;
let selectedIndex = -1;
selectedIndex = frm.selectedIndex;
const formatSelection = frm.options[selectedIndex].value;
selectedIndex = lSS.selectedIndex;
const ledSetupSelection = lSS.options[selectedIndex].value;
selectedIndex = cFS.selectedIndex;
let hexValueCheck = true;
if (cFS.options[selectedIndex].value == 'dec'){
hexValueCheck = false
selectedIndex = aS.selectedIndex;
let segmentValueCheck = true; //If Range or Hybrid
if (aS.options[selectedIndex].value == 'single'){
segmentValueCheck = false
} else if (aS.options[selectedIndex].value == 'hybrid'){
hybridAddressing = true;
let curlString = ''
let haString = ''
let colorSeparatorStart = '"';
let colorSeparatorEnd = '"';
if (!hexValueCheck){
colorSeparatorStart = '[';
colorSeparatorEnd = ']';
// Warnings
let hasTransparency = false; //If alpha < 255 is detected on any pixel, this is set to true in code below
let imageInfo = '';
// Create an off-screen canvas
var canvas = cE('canvas');
var context = canvas.getContext('2d', { willReadFrequently: true });
// Create an image element and set its src to the base64 image
var image = new Image();
image.src = base64Image;
// Wait for the image to load before drawing it onto the canvas
image.onload = function() {
let scalePath = scDiv.children[0].children[0];
let color = scalePath.getAttribute("fill");
let sizeX = szX.value;
let sizeY = szY.value;
if (color != accentColor || sizeX < 1 || sizeY < 1){
//image will not be rezised Set desitred size to original size
sizeX = image.width;
sizeY = image.height;
//failsafe for not generating huge images automatically
if (image.width > 512 || image.height > 512)
sizeX = 16;
sizeY = 16;
// Set the canvas size to the same as the desired image size
canvas.width = sizeX;
canvas.height = sizeY;
imageInfo = '<p>Width: ' + sizeX + ', Height: ' + sizeY + ' (make sure this matches your led matrix setup)</p>'
// Draw the image onto the canvas
context.drawImage(image, 0, 0, sizeX, sizeY);
// Get the pixel data from the canvas
var pixelData = context.getImageData(0, 0, sizeX, sizeY).data;
// Create an array to hold the RGB values of each pixel
var pixelRGBValues = [];
// If the first row of the led matrix is right -> left
let right2leftAdjust = 1;
if (ledSetupSelection == 'l2r'){
right2leftAdjust = 0;
// Loop through the pixel data and get the RGB values of each pixel
for (var i = 0; i < pixelData.length; i += 4) {
var r = pixelData[i];
var g = pixelData[i + 1];
var b = pixelData[i + 2];
var a = pixelData[i + 3];
let pixel = i/4
let row = Math.floor(pixel/sizeX);
let led = pixel;
if (ledSetupSelection == 'matrix'){
//Do nothing, the matrix is set upp like the index in the image
//Every row starts from the left, i.e. no zigzagging
else if ((row + right2leftAdjust) % 2 === 0) {
//Setup is traditional zigzag
//right2leftAdjust basically flips the row order if = 1
//Row is left to right
//Leave led index as pixel index
} else {
//Setup is traditional zigzag
//Row is right to left
//Invert index of row for led
let indexOnRow = led - (row * sizeX);
let maxIndexOnRow = sizeX - 1;
let reversedIndexOnRow = maxIndexOnRow - indexOnRow;
led = (row * sizeX) + reversedIndexOnRow;
// Add the RGB values to the pixel RGB values array
pixelRGBValues.push([r, g, b, a, led, pixel, row]);
pixelRGBValues.sort((a, b) => a[5] - b[5]);
//Copy the values to a new array for resorting
let ledRGBValues = [... pixelRGBValues];
//Sort the array based on led index
ledRGBValues.sort((a, b) => a[4] - b[4]);
//Generate JSON in WLED format
let JSONledString = '';
//Set starting values for the segment check to something that is no color
let segmentStart = -1;
let maxi = ledRGBValues.length;
let curentColorIndex = 0
let commandArray = [];
//For evry pixel in the LED array
for (let i = 0; i < maxi; i++) {
let pixel = ledRGBValues[i];
let r = pixel[0];
let g = pixel[1];
let b = pixel[2];
let a = pixel[3];
let segmentString = '';
let segmentEnd = -1;
if (segmentStart < 0){
//This is the first led of a new segment
segmentStart = i;
} //Else we allready have a start index
if (i < maxi - 1){
let iNext = i + 1;
let nextPixel = ledRGBValues[iNext];
if (nextPixel[0] != r || nextPixel[1] != g || nextPixel[2] != b ){
//Next pixel has new color
//The current segment ends with this pixel
segmentEnd = i + 1 //WLED wants the NEXT LED as the stop led...
if (segmentStart == i && hybridAddressing){
//If only one led/pixel, no segment info needed
if (JSONledString == ''){
//If addressing is single, we need to start every command with a starting possition
segmentString = '' + i + ',';
//Fixed to b2
} else{
segmentString = ''
else {
segmentString = segmentStart + ',' + segmentEnd + ',';
} else {
//This is the last pixel, so the segment must end
segmentEnd = i + 1;
if (segmentStart + 1 == segmentEnd && hybridAddressing){
//If only one led/pixel, no segment info needed
if (JSONledString == ''){
//If addressing is single, we need to start every command with a starting possition
segmentString = '' + i + ',';
//Fixed to b2
} else{
segmentString = ''
else {
segmentString = segmentStart + ',' + segmentEnd + ',';
} else{
//Write every pixel
if (JSONledString == ''){
//If addressing is single, we need to start every command with a starting possition
JSONledString = i
//Fixed to b2
segmentStart = i
segmentEnd = i
//Segment string should be empty for when addressing single. So no need to set it again.
if (a < 255){
hasTransparency = true; //If ANY pixel has alpha < 255 then this is set to true to warn the user
if (segmentEnd > -1){
//This is the last pixel in the segment, write to the JSONledString
//Return color value in selected format
let colorValueString = r + ',' + g + ',' + b ;
if (hexValueCheck){
const [red, green, blue] = [r, g, b];
colorValueString = `${[red, green, blue].map(x => x.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')).join('')}`;
} else{
//do nothing, allready set
// Check if start and end is the same, in which case remove
JSONledString += segmentString + colorSeparatorStart + colorValueString + colorSeparatorEnd;
fileJSON = JSONledString + segmentString + colorSeparatorStart + colorValueString + colorSeparatorEnd;
curentColorIndex = curentColorIndex + 1; // We've just added a new color to the string so up the count with one
if (curentColorIndex % maxNoOfColorsInCommandSting === 0 || i == maxi - 1) {
//If we have accumulated the max number of colors to send in a single command or if this is the last pixel, we should write the current colorstring to the array
JSONledString = ''; //Start on an new command string
} else
//Add a comma to continue the command string
JSONledString = JSONledString + ','
//Reset segment values
segmentStart = - 1;
JSONledString = ''
//For every commandString in the array
for (let i = 0; i < commandArray.length; i++) {
let thisJSONledString = `{"on":true,"bri":${brgh.value},"seg":{"id":${segID},"i":[${commandArray[i]}]}}`;
let thiscurlString = `curl -X POST "http://${gurl.value}/json/state" -d \'${thisJSONledString}\' -H "Content-Type: application/json"`;
//Aggregated Strings That should be returned to the user
if (i > 0){
JSONledString = JSONledString + '\n<NEXT COMMAND (multiple commands not supported in API/preset setup)>\n';
curlString = curlString + ' && ';
JSONledString += thisJSONledString;
curlString += thiscurlString;
haString = `#Uncomment if you don\'t allready have these defined in your switch section of your configuration.yaml
#- platform: command_line
friendly_name: ${haNe.value}
unique_id: ${haUe.value}
command_on: >
command_off: >
curl -X POST "http://${gurl.value}/json/state" -d \'{"on":false}\' -H "Content-Type: application/json"`;
if (formatSelection == 'wled'){
JLD.value = JSONledString;
} else if (formatSelection == 'curl'){
JLD.value = curlString;
} else if (formatSelection == 'ha'){
JLD.value = haString;
} else {
JLD.value = 'ERROR!/n' + formatSelection + ' is an unknown format.'
fileJSON += ']}}';
let infoDiv = imin;
let canvasDiv = imin;
if (hasTransparency){
imageInfo = imageInfo + '<p><b>WARNING!</b> Transparency info detected in image. Transparency (alpha) has been ignored. To ensure you get the result you desire, use only solid colors in your image.</p>'
infoDiv.innerHTML = imageInfo;
canvasDiv.style.display = "block"
//Drawing the image
drawBoxes(pixelRGBValues, sizeX, sizeY);