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#pragma once
#include "ESPRotary.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "wled.h"
class RgbRotaryEncoderUsermod : public Usermod
bool enabled = false;
bool initDone = false;
bool isDirty = false;
BusDigital *ledBus;
* Green - eb - Q4 - 32
* Red - ea - Q1 - 15
* Black - sw - Q2 - 12
ESPRotary *rotaryEncoder;
int8_t ledIo = 3; // GPIO to control the LEDs
int8_t eaIo = 15; // "ea" from RGB Encoder Board
int8_t ebIo = 32; // "eb" from RGB Encoder Board
byte stepsPerClick = 4; // How many "steps" your rotary encoder does per click. This varies per rotary encoder
/* This could vary per rotary encoder: Usually rotary encoders have 20 "clicks".
If yours has less/more, adjust this to: 100% = 20 LEDs * incrementPerClick */
byte incrementPerClick = 5;
byte ledMode = 3;
byte ledBrightness = 64;
// This is all needed to calculate the brightness, rotary position, etc.
const byte minPos = 5; // minPos is not zero, because if we want to turn the LEDs off, we use the built-in button ;)
const byte maxPos = 100; // maxPos=100, like 100%
const byte numLeds = 20;
byte lastKnownPos = 0;
byte currentColors[3];
byte lastKnownBri = 0;
void initRotaryEncoder()
PinManagerPinType pins[2] = { { eaIo, false }, { ebIo, false } };
if (!pinManager.allocateMultiplePins(pins, 2, PinOwner::UM_RGBRotaryEncoder)) {
eaIo = -1;
ebIo = -1;
// I don't know why, but setting the upper bound here does not work. It results into 1717922932 O_o
rotaryEncoder = new ESPRotary(eaIo, ebIo, stepsPerClick, incrementPerClick, maxPos, currentPos, incrementPerClick);
rotaryEncoder->setUpperBound(maxPos); // I have to again set it here and then it works / is actually 100...
void initLedBus()
byte _pins[5] = {(byte)ledIo, 255, 255, 255, 255};
BusConfig busCfg = BusConfig(TYPE_WS2812_RGB, _pins, 0, numLeds, COL_ORDER_GRB, false, 0);
ledBus = new BusDigital(busCfg, WLED_MAX_BUSSES - 1);
if (!ledBus->isOk()) {
void updateLeds()
switch (ledMode) {
case 2:
currentColors[0] = 255; currentColors[1] = 0; currentColors[2] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < currentPos / incrementPerClick - 1; i++) {
ledBus->setPixelColor(i, 0);
ledBus->setPixelColor(currentPos / incrementPerClick - 1, colorFromRgbw(currentColors));
for (int i = currentPos / incrementPerClick; i < numLeds; i++) {
ledBus->setPixelColor(i, 0);
case 1:
case 3:
// WLED orange (of course), which we will use in mode 1
currentColors[0] = 255; currentColors[1] = 160; currentColors[2] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < currentPos / incrementPerClick; i++) {
if (ledMode == 3) {
hsv2rgb((i) / float(numLeds), 1, .25);
ledBus->setPixelColor(i, colorFromRgbw(currentColors));
for (int i = currentPos / incrementPerClick; i < numLeds; i++) {
ledBus->setPixelColor(i, 0);
isDirty = true;
void cleanup()
// Only deallocate pins if we allocated them ;)
if (eaIo != -1) {
pinManager.deallocatePin(eaIo, PinOwner::UM_RGBRotaryEncoder);
eaIo = -1;
if (ebIo != -1) {
pinManager.deallocatePin(ebIo, PinOwner::UM_RGBRotaryEncoder);
ebIo = -1;
delete rotaryEncoder;
delete ledBus;
enabled = false;
int getPositionForBrightness()
return int(((float)bri / (float)255) * 100);
float fract(float x) { return x - int(x); }
float mix(float a, float b, float t) { return a + (b - a) * t; }
void hsv2rgb(float h, float s, float v) {
currentColors[0] = int((v * mix(1.0, constrain(abs(fract(h + 1.0) * 6.0 - 3.0) - 1.0, 0.0, 1.0), s)) * 255);
currentColors[1] = int((v * mix(1.0, constrain(abs(fract(h + 0.6666666) * 6.0 - 3.0) - 1.0, 0.0, 1.0), s)) * 255);
currentColors[2] = int((v * mix(1.0, constrain(abs(fract(h + 0.3333333) * 6.0 - 3.0) - 1.0, 0.0, 1.0), s)) * 255);
static byte currentPos;
// strings to reduce flash memory usage (used more than twice)
static const char _name[];
static const char _enabled[];
static const char _ledIo[];
static const char _eaIo[];
static const char _ebIo[];
static const char _ledMode[];
static const char _ledBrightness[];
static const char _stepsPerClick[];
static const char _incrementPerClick[];
static void cbRotate(ESPRotary& r) {
currentPos = r.getPosition();
* Enable/Disable the usermod
// inline void enable(bool enable) { enabled = enable; }
* Get usermod enabled/disabled state
// inline bool isEnabled() { return enabled; }
* setup() is called once at boot. WiFi is not yet connected at this point.
* You can use it to initialize variables, sensors or similar.
void setup()
if (enabled) {
currentPos = getPositionForBrightness();
lastKnownBri = bri;
// No updating of LEDs here, as that's sometimes not working; loop() will take care of that
initDone = true;
* loop() is called continuously. Here you can check for events, read sensors, etc.
* Tips:
* 1. You can use "if (WLED_CONNECTED)" to check for a successful network connection.
* Additionally, "if (WLED_MQTT_CONNECTED)" is available to check for a connection to an MQTT broker.
* 2. Try to avoid using the delay() function. NEVER use delays longer than 10 milliseconds.
* Instead, use a timer check as shown here.
void loop()
if (!enabled || strip.isUpdating()) return;
// If the rotary was changed
if(lastKnownPos != currentPos) {
lastKnownPos = currentPos;
bri = min(int(round((2.55 * currentPos))), 255);
lastKnownBri = bri;
// If the brightness is changed not with the rotary, update the rotary
if (bri != lastKnownBri) {
currentPos = lastKnownPos = getPositionForBrightness();
lastKnownBri = bri;
// Update LEDs here in loop to also validate that we can update/show
if (isDirty && ledBus->canShow()) {
isDirty = false;
void addToConfig(JsonObject &root)
JsonObject top = root.createNestedObject(FPSTR(_name)); // usermodname
top[FPSTR(_enabled)] = enabled;
top[FPSTR(_ledIo)] = ledIo;
top[FPSTR(_eaIo)] = eaIo;
top[FPSTR(_ebIo)] = ebIo;
top[FPSTR(_ledMode)] = ledMode;
top[FPSTR(_ledBrightness)] = ledBrightness;
top[FPSTR(_stepsPerClick)] = stepsPerClick;
top[FPSTR(_incrementPerClick)] = incrementPerClick;
* readFromConfig() is called before setup() to populate properties from values stored in cfg.json
* The function should return true if configuration was successfully loaded or false if there was no configuration.
bool readFromConfig(JsonObject &root)
JsonObject top = root[FPSTR(_name)];
if (top.isNull()) {
DEBUG_PRINTF("[%s] No config found. (Using defaults.)\n", _name);
return false;
bool oldEnabled = enabled;
int8_t oldLedIo = ledIo;
int8_t oldEaIo = eaIo;
int8_t oldEbIo = ebIo;
byte oldLedMode = ledMode;
byte oldStepsPerClick = stepsPerClick;
byte oldIncrementPerClick = incrementPerClick;
byte oldLedBrightness = ledBrightness;
getJsonValue(top[FPSTR(_enabled)], enabled);
getJsonValue(top[FPSTR(_ledIo)], ledIo);
getJsonValue(top[FPSTR(_eaIo)], eaIo);
getJsonValue(top[FPSTR(_ebIo)], ebIo);
getJsonValue(top[FPSTR(_stepsPerClick)], stepsPerClick);
getJsonValue(top[FPSTR(_incrementPerClick)], incrementPerClick);
ledMode = top[FPSTR(_ledMode)] > 0 && top[FPSTR(_ledMode)] < 4 ? top[FPSTR(_ledMode)] : ledMode;
ledBrightness = top[FPSTR(_ledBrightness)] > 0 && top[FPSTR(_ledBrightness)] <= 255 ? top[FPSTR(_ledBrightness)] : ledBrightness;
if (!initDone) {
// First run: reading from cfg.json
// Nothing to do here, will be all done in setup()
// Mod was disabled, so run setup()
else if (enabled && enabled != oldEnabled) {
DEBUG_PRINTF("[%s] Usermod has been re-enabled\n", _name);
// Config has been changed, so adopt to changes
else {
if (!enabled) {
DEBUG_PRINTF("[%s] Usermod has been disabled\n", _name);
else {
DEBUG_PRINTF("[%s] Usermod is enabled\n", _name);
if (ledIo != oldLedIo) {
delete ledBus;
if (ledBrightness != oldLedBrightness) {
isDirty = true;
if (ledMode != oldLedMode) {
if (eaIo != oldEaIo || ebIo != oldEbIo || stepsPerClick != oldStepsPerClick || incrementPerClick != oldIncrementPerClick) {
pinManager.deallocatePin(oldEaIo, PinOwner::UM_RGBRotaryEncoder);
pinManager.deallocatePin(oldEbIo, PinOwner::UM_RGBRotaryEncoder);
delete rotaryEncoder;
DEBUG_PRINTF("[%s] Config (re)loaded\n", _name);
return true;
* getId() allows you to optionally give your V2 usermod an unique ID (please define it in const.h!).
* This could be used in the future for the system to determine whether your usermod is installed.
uint16_t getId()
//More methods can be added in the future, this example will then be extended.
//Your usermod will remain compatible as it does not need to implement all methods from the Usermod base class!
byte RgbRotaryEncoderUsermod::currentPos = 5;
// strings to reduce flash memory usage (used more than twice)
const char RgbRotaryEncoderUsermod::_name[] PROGMEM = "RGB-Rotary-Encoder";
const char RgbRotaryEncoderUsermod::_enabled[] PROGMEM = "Enabled";
const char RgbRotaryEncoderUsermod::_ledIo[] PROGMEM = "LED-pin";
const char RgbRotaryEncoderUsermod::_eaIo[] PROGMEM = "ea-pin";
const char RgbRotaryEncoderUsermod::_ebIo[] PROGMEM = "eb-pin";
const char RgbRotaryEncoderUsermod::_ledMode[] PROGMEM = "LED-Mode";
const char RgbRotaryEncoderUsermod::_ledBrightness[] PROGMEM = "LED-Brightness";
const char RgbRotaryEncoderUsermod::_stepsPerClick[] PROGMEM = "Steps-per-Click";
const char RgbRotaryEncoderUsermod::_incrementPerClick[] PROGMEM = "Increment-per-Click";