akshay rajput 736053e24e
Patch to remove preceding zero of hour digit for 7segment usermod (#2445)
* Update usermod_seven_segment_reloaded.h

* Update usermod_seven_segment_reloaded.h
2021-12-26 02:29:56 +01:00
usermod_seven_segment_reloaded.h Patch to remove preceding zero of hour digit for 7segment usermod (#2445) 2021-12-26 02:29:56 +01:00


Seven Segment Display Reloaded

Usermod that uses the overlay feature to create a configurable seven segment display. Optimized for maximum configurability and use with seven segment clocks by parallyze (https://www.instructables.com/member/parallyze/instructables/) Very loosely based on the existing usermod "seven segment display".


Add the compile-time option -D USERMOD_SSDR to your platformio.ini (or platformio_override.ini) or use #define USERMOD_SSDR in my_config.h.

For the auto brightness option, the usermod SN_Photoresistor has to be installed as well. See SN_Photoresistor/readme.md for instructions.


All settings can be controlled the usermod setting page. Part of the settings can be controlled through MQTT with a raw payload or through a json request to /json/state.


Enables/disables this overlay usermod


Enables the inverted mode in which the background should be enabled and the digits should be black (leds off)


Enables the blinking colon(s) if they are defined


Enables the auto brightness feature. Can be only used with the usermod SN_Photoresistor installed.

auto-brightness-min / auto-brightness-max

The lux value calculated from usermod SN_Photoresistor will be mapped to the values defined here. The mapping is 0 - 1000 lux will be mapped to auto-brightness-min - auto-brightness-max

The mA current protection of WLED will override the calculated value if it is too high.


Defines the type of the time/date display. For example "H:m" (default)

  • H - 00-23 hours
  • h - 01-12 hours
  • k - 01-24 hours
  • m - 00-59 minutes
  • s - 00-59 seconds
  • d - 01-31 day of month
  • M - 01-12 month
  • y - 21 last two positions of year
  • Y - 2021 year
  • : for a colon


  • LED-Numbers-Hours
  • LED-Numbers-Minutes
  • LED-Numbers-Seconds
  • LED-Numbers-Colons
  • LED-Numbers-Day
  • LED-Numbers-Month
  • LED-Numbers-Year

See following example for usage.


Example for Leds definition

  <  A  >
/\       /\
F        B
\/       \/
  <  G  >
/\       /\
E        C
\/       \/
  <  D  >

Leds or Range of Leds are seperated by a comma ","

Segments are seperated by a semicolon ";" and are read as A;B;C;D;E;F;G

Digits are seperated by colon ":" -> A;B;C;D;E;F;G:A;B;C;D;E;F;G

Ranges are defined as lower to higher (lower first)

For example, an clock definition for the following clock (https://www.instructables.com/Lazy-7-Quick-Build-Edition/) is

  • hour "59,46;47-48;50-51;52-53;54-55;57-58;49,56:0,13;1-2;4-5;6-7;8-9;11-12;3,10"

  • minute "37-38;39-40;42-43;44,31;32-33;35-36;34,41:21-22;23-24;26-27;28,15;16-17;19-20;18,25"


  • hour "6,7;8,9;11,12;13,0;1,2;4,5;3,10:52,53;54,55;57,58;59,46;47,48;50,51;49,56"

  • minute "15,28;16,17;19,20;21,22;23,24;26,27;18,25:31,44;32,33;35,36;37,38;39,40;42,43;34,41"

depending on the orientation.

The example detailed:

hour "59,46;47-48;50-51;52-53;54-55;57-58;49,56:0,13;1-2;4-5;6-7;8-9;11-12;3,10"

there are two digits seperated by ":"

  • 59,46;47-48;50-51;52-53;54-55;57-58;49,56
  • 0,13;1-2;4-5;6-7;8-9;11-12;3,10

In the first digit, the segment A consists of the leds number 59 and 46., segment B consists of the leds number 47, 48 and so on

The second digit starts again with segment A and leds 0 and 13, segment B consists of the leds number 1 and 2 and so on

first digit of the hour

  • Segment A: 59, 46
  • Segment B: 47, 48
  • Segment C: 50, 51
  • Segment D: 52, 53
  • Segment E: 54, 55
  • Segment F: 57, 58
  • Segment G: 49, 56

second digit of the hour

  • Segment A: 0, 13
  • Segment B: 1, 2
  • Segment C: 4, 5
  • Segment D: 6, 7
  • Segment E: 8, 9
  • Segment F: 11, 12
  • Segment G: 3, 10