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Particle system with functions for particle generation, particle movement and particle rendering to RGB matrix.
by DedeHai (Damian Schneider) 2013-2024
Rendering is based on algorithm by giladaya, https://github.com/giladaya/arduino-particle-sys
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2024 Damian Schneider
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Note on ESP32: using 32bit integer is faster than 16bit or 8bit, each operation takes on less instruction, can be testen on https://godbolt.org/
it does not matter if using int, unsigned int, uint32_t or int32_t, the compiler will make int into 32bit
this should be used to optimize speed but not if memory is affected much
#include "FXparticleSystem.h"
#include "wled.h"
#include "FastLED.h"
#include "FX.h"
// Fountain style emitter for particles used for flames (particle TTL depends on source TTL)
void Emitter_Flame_emit(PSpointsource *emitter, PSparticle *part)
part->x = emitter->source.x + random8(emitter->var) - (emitter->var >> 1);
part->y = emitter->source.y + random8(emitter->var) - (emitter->var >> 1);
part->vx = emitter->vx + random8(emitter->var) - (emitter->var >> 1);
part->vy = emitter->vy + random8(emitter->var) - (emitter->var >> 1);
part->ttl = (uint8_t)((rand() % (emitter->maxLife - emitter->minLife)) + emitter->minLife + emitter->source.ttl); // flame intensity dies down with emitter TTL
part->hue = emitter->source.hue;
//part->sat = emitter->source.sat; //flame does not use saturation
// fountain style emitter
void Emitter_Fountain_emit(PSpointsource *emitter, PSparticle *part)
part->x = emitter->source.x; // + random8(emitter->var) - (emitter->var >> 1); //randomness uses cpu cycles and is almost invisible, removed for now.
part->y = emitter->source.y; // + random8(emitter->var) - (emitter->var >> 1);
part->vx = emitter->vx + random8(emitter->var) - (emitter->var >> 1);
part->vy = emitter->vy + random8(emitter->var) - (emitter->var >> 1);
part->ttl = random16(emitter->maxLife - emitter->minLife) + emitter->minLife;
part->hue = emitter->source.hue;
part->sat = emitter->source.sat;
part->collide = emitter->source.collide;
// Emits a particle at given angle and speed, angle is from 0-255 (=0-360deg), speed is also affected by emitter->var
void Emitter_Angle_emit(PSpointsource *emitter, PSparticle *part, uint8_t angle, uint8_t speed)
emitter->vx = (((int16_t)cos8(angle)-127) * speed) >> 7; //cos is signed 8bit, so 1 is 127, -1 is -127, shift by 7
emitter->vy = (((int16_t)sin8(angle)-127) * speed) >> 7;
Emitter_Fountain_emit(emitter, part);
// attracts a particle to an attractor particle using the inverse square-law
void Particle_attractor(PSparticle *particle, PSparticle *attractor, uint8_t *counter, uint8_t strength, bool swallow)
// Calculate the distance between the particle and the attractor
int dx = attractor->x - particle->x;
int dy = attractor->y - particle->y;
// Calculate the force based on inverse square law
int32_t distanceSquared = dx * dx + dy * dy + 1;
if (distanceSquared < 4096)
if (swallow) // particle is close, kill it
particle->ttl = 0;
distanceSquared = 4 * PS_P_RADIUS * PS_P_RADIUS; // limit the distance of particle size to avoid very high forces
int32_t shiftedstrength = (int32_t)strength << 16;
int32_t force;
int32_t xforce;
int32_t yforce;
int32_t xforce_abs; // absolute value
int32_t yforce_abs;
force = shiftedstrength / distanceSquared;
xforce = (force * dx) >> 10; // scale to a lower value, found by experimenting
yforce = (force * dy) >> 10;
xforce_abs = abs(xforce); // absolute value
yforce_abs = abs(yforce);
uint8_t xcounter = (*counter) & 0x0F; // lower four bits
uint8_t ycounter = (*counter) >> 4; // upper four bits
*counter = 0; // reset counter, is set back to correct values below
// for small forces, need to use a delay timer (counter)
if (xforce_abs < 16)
xcounter += xforce_abs;
if (xcounter > 15)
xcounter -= 15;
*counter |= xcounter & 0x0F; // write lower four bits, make sure not to write more than 4 bits
// apply force in x direction
if (dx < 0)
particle->vx -= 1;
particle->vx += 1;
else //save counter value
*counter |= xcounter & 0x0F; // write lower four bits, make sure not to write more than 4 bits
particle->vx += xforce >> 4; // divide by 16
if (yforce_abs < 16)
ycounter += yforce_abs;
if (ycounter > 15)
ycounter -= 15;
*counter |= (ycounter << 4) & 0xF0; // write upper four bits
if (dy < 0)
particle->vy -= 1;
particle->vy += 1;
else // save counter value
*counter |= (ycounter << 4) & 0xF0; // write upper four bits
particle->vy += yforce >> 4; // divide by 16
// TODO: need to limit the max speed?
// particle moves, decays and dies, if killoutofbounds is set, out of bounds particles are set to ttl=0
void Particle_Move_update(PSparticle *part, bool killoutofbounds, bool wrapX, bool wrapY)
// Matrix dimension
const uint16_t cols = strip.isMatrix ? SEGMENT.virtualWidth() : 1;
const uint16_t rows = strip.isMatrix ? SEGMENT.virtualHeight() : SEGMENT.virtualLength();
// particle box dimensions
const uint16_t PS_MAX_X(cols * PS_P_RADIUS - 1);
const uint16_t PS_MAX_Y(rows * PS_P_RADIUS - 1);
if (part->ttl > 0)
// age
// apply velocity
int32_t newX, newY;
newX = part->x + (int16_t)part->vx;
newY = part->y + (int16_t)part->vy;
part->outofbounds = 0; // reset out of bounds (in case particle was created outside the matrix and is now moving into view)
// x direction, handle wraparound
if (wrapX)
newX = newX % (PS_MAX_X + 1);
if (newX < 0)
newX = PS_MAX_X - newX;
else if ((part->x <= 0) || (part->x >= PS_MAX_X)) // check if particle is out of bounds
if (killoutofbounds)
part->ttl = 0;
part->outofbounds = 1;
part->x = newX; // set new position
if (wrapY)
newY = newY % (PS_MAX_Y + 1);
if (newY < 0)
newY = PS_MAX_Y - newY;
else if ((part->y <= 0) || (part->y >= PS_MAX_Y)) // check if particle is out of bounds
if (killoutofbounds)
part->ttl = 0;
part->outofbounds = 1;
part->y = newY; // set new position
// bounces a particle on the matrix edges, if surface 'hardness' is <255 some energy will be lost in collision (127 means 50% lost)
void Particle_Bounce_update(PSparticle *part, const uint8_t hardness)
// Matrix dimension
const uint16_t cols = strip.isMatrix ? SEGMENT.virtualWidth() : 1;
const uint16_t rows = strip.isMatrix ? SEGMENT.virtualHeight() : SEGMENT.virtualLength();
// particle box dimensions
const uint16_t PS_MAX_X(cols * PS_P_RADIUS - 1);
const uint16_t PS_MAX_Y(rows * PS_P_RADIUS - 1);
if (part->ttl > 0)
// age
part->outofbounds = 0; // reset out of bounds (particles are never out of bounds)
// apply velocity
int16_t newX, newY;
// apply velocity
newX = part->x + (int16_t)part->vx;
newY = part->y + (int16_t)part->vy;
if ((newX <= 0) || (newX >= PS_MAX_X))
{ // reached an edge
part->vx = -part->vx; // invert speed
part->vx = (((int16_t)part->vx) * ((int16_t)hardness+1)) >> 8; // reduce speed as energy is lost on non-hard surface
if ((newY <= 0) || (newY >= PS_MAX_Y))
{ // reached an edge
part->vy = -part->vy; // invert speed
part->vy = (((int16_t)part->vy) * ((int16_t)hardness+1)) >> 8; // reduce speed as energy is lost on non-hard surface
newX = max(newX, (int16_t)0); // limit to positive
newY = max(newY, (int16_t)0);
part->x = min(newX, (int16_t)PS_MAX_X); // limit to matrix boundaries
part->y = min(newY, (int16_t)PS_MAX_Y);
// particle moves, gravity force is applied and ages, if wrapX is set, pixels leaving in x direction reappear on other side, hardness is surface hardness for bouncing (127 means 50% speed lost each bounce)
void Particle_Gravity_update(PSparticle *part, bool wrapX, bool bounceX, bool bounceY, const uint8_t hardness)
// Matrix dimension
const uint16_t cols = strip.isMatrix ? SEGMENT.virtualWidth() : 1;
const uint16_t rows = strip.isMatrix ? SEGMENT.virtualHeight() : SEGMENT.virtualLength();
// particle box dimensions
const uint16_t PS_MAX_X(cols * PS_P_RADIUS - 1);
const uint16_t PS_MAX_Y(rows * PS_P_RADIUS - 1);
if (part->ttl > 0)
// age
// check if particle is out of bounds or died
if ((part->y < -PS_P_RADIUS) || (part->y >= PS_MAX_Y << 2))
{ // if it moves more than 1 pixel below y=0, it will not come back. also remove particles that too far above
part->ttl = 0;
return; // particle died, we are done
if (wrapX == false)
if ((part->x < -PS_MAX_X) || (part->x >= PS_MAX_X << 2))
{ // left and right: keep it alive as long as its not too far out (if adding more effects like wind, it may come back)
part->ttl = 0;
return; // particle died, we are done
// apply acceleration (gravity) every other frame, doing it every frame is too strong
if (SEGMENT.call % 2 == 0)
if (part->vy > -MAXGRAVITYSPEED)
part->vy = part->vy - 1;
// apply velocity
int16_t newX, newY;
newX = part->x + (int16_t)part->vx;
newY = part->y + (int16_t)part->vy;
part->outofbounds = 0;
// check if particle is outside of displayable matrix
// x direction, handle wraparound (will overrule bounce x) and bounceX
if (wrapX)
newX = newX % (PS_MAX_X + 1);
if (newX < 0)
newX = PS_MAX_X - newX;
if (newX < 0 || newX > PS_MAX_X)
{ // reached an edge
if (bounceX)
part->vx = -part->vx; // invert speed
part->vx = (((int16_t)part->vx) * (int16_t)hardness) >> 8; // reduce speed as energy is lost on non-hard surface
newX = max(newX, (int16_t)0); // limit to positive
newX = min(newX, (int16_t)PS_MAX_X); // limit to matrix boundaries
else // not bouncing and out of matrix
part->outofbounds = 1;
part->x = newX; // set new position
// y direction, handle bounceY (bounces at ground only)
if (newY < 0)
{ // || newY > PS_MAX_Y) { //reached an edge
if (bounceY)
part->vy = -part->vy; // invert speed
part->vy = (((int16_t)part->vy) * (int16_t)hardness) >> 8; // reduce speed as energy is lost on non-hard surface
newY = max(newY, (int16_t)0); // limit to positive (helps with piling as that can push particles out of frame)
// newY = min(newY, (int16_t)PS_MAX_Y); //limit to matrix boundaries
else // not bouncing and out of matrix
part->outofbounds = 1;
part->y = newY; // set new position
// render particles to the LED buffer (uses palette to render the 8bit particle color value)
// if wrap is set, particles half out of bounds are rendered to the other side of the matrix
void ParticleSys_render(PSparticle *particles, uint32_t numParticles, bool wrapX, bool wrapY)
#ifdef ESP8266
bool fastcoloradd = true; // on ESP8266, we need every bit of performance we can get
bool fastcoloradd = false; // on ESP32, there is little benefit from using fast add
const uint16_t cols = strip.isMatrix ? SEGMENT.virtualWidth() : 1;
const uint16_t rows = strip.isMatrix ? SEGMENT.virtualHeight() : SEGMENT.virtualLength();
// particle box dimensions
const uint16_t PS_MAX_X(cols * PS_P_RADIUS - 1);
const uint16_t PS_MAX_Y(rows * PS_P_RADIUS - 1);
int16_t x, y;
uint8_t dx, dy;
uint32_t intensity;
uint32_t i;
uint8_t brightess; // particle brightness, fades if dying
// go over particles and update matrix cells on the way
for (i = 0; i < numParticles; i++)
if (particles[i].ttl == 0 || particles[i].outofbounds)
// generate RGB values for particle
brightess = min(particles[i].ttl, (uint16_t)255);
if (particles[i].sat < 255)
CHSV baseHSV = rgb2hsv_approximate(ColorFromPalette(SEGPALETTE, particles[i].hue, 255, LINEARBLEND));
baseHSV.s = particles[i].sat;
baseRGB = (CRGB)baseHSV;
baseRGB = ColorFromPalette(SEGPALETTE, particles[i].hue, 255, LINEARBLEND);
dx = (uint8_t)((uint16_t)particles[i].x % (uint16_t)PS_P_RADIUS);
dy = (uint8_t)((uint16_t)particles[i].y % (uint16_t)PS_P_RADIUS);
x = (uint8_t)((uint16_t)particles[i].x / (uint16_t)PS_P_RADIUS);
y = (uint8_t)((uint16_t)particles[i].y / (uint16_t)PS_P_RADIUS);
// for vx=1, vy=1: starts out with all four pixels at the same color (32/32)
// moves to upper right pixel (64/64)
// then moves one physical pixel up and right(+1/+1), starts out now with
// lower left pixel fully bright (0/0) and moves to all four pixel at same
// color (32/32)
if (dx < (PS_P_RADIUS >> 1)) // jump to next physical pixel if half of virtual pixel size is reached
x--; // shift x to next pixel left, will overflow to 255 if 0
dx = dx + (PS_P_RADIUS >> 1);
else // if jump has ocurred
dx = dx - (PS_P_RADIUS >> 1); // adjust dx so pixel fades
if (dy < (PS_P_RADIUS >> 1)) // jump to next physical pixel if half of virtual pixel size is reached
y--; // shift y to next pixel down, will overflow to 255 if 0
dy = dy + (PS_P_RADIUS >> 1);
dy = dy - (PS_P_RADIUS >> 1);
if (wrapX)
{ // wrap it to the other side if required
if (x < 0)
{ // left half of particle render is out of frame, wrap it
x = cols - 1;
if (wrapY)
{ // wrap it to the other side if required
if (y < 0)
{ // left half of particle render is out of frame, wrap it
y = rows - 1;
// calculate brightness values for all four pixels representing a particle using linear interpolation,
// add color to the LEDs.
// intensity is a scaling value from 0-255 (0-100%)
// bottom left
if (x < cols && y < rows)
// calculate the intensity with linear interpolation
intensity = ((uint32_t)((PS_P_RADIUS)-dx) * ((PS_P_RADIUS)-dy) * (uint32_t)brightess) >> PS_P_SURFACE; // divide by PS_P_SURFACE to distribute the energy
// scale the particle base color by the intensity and add it to the pixel
SEGMENT.addPixelColorXY(x, rows - y - 1, baseRGB.scale8(intensity), fastcoloradd);
// bottom right;
if (wrapX)
{ // wrap it to the other side if required
if (x >= cols)
x = x % cols; // in case the right half of particle render is out of frame, wrap it (note: on microcontrollers with hardware division, the if statement is not really needed)
if (x < cols && y < rows)
intensity = ((uint32_t)dx * ((PS_P_RADIUS)-dy) * (uint32_t)brightess) >> PS_P_SURFACE; // divide by PS_P_SURFACE to distribute the energy
SEGMENT.addPixelColorXY(x, rows - y - 1, baseRGB.scale8(intensity), fastcoloradd);
// top right
if (wrapY)
{ // wrap it to the other side if required
if (y >= rows)
y = y % rows; // in case the right half of particle render is out of frame, wrap it (note: on microcontrollers with hardware division, the if statement is not really needed)
if (x < cols && y < rows)
intensity = ((uint32_t)dx * dy * (uint32_t)brightess) >> PS_P_SURFACE; // divide by PS_P_SURFACE to distribute the energy
SEGMENT.addPixelColorXY(x, rows - y - 1, baseRGB.scale8(intensity), fastcoloradd);
// top left
if (wrapX)
{ // wrap it to the other side if required
if (x < 0)
{ // left half of particle render is out of frame, wrap it
x = cols - 1;
if (x < cols && y < rows)
intensity = ((uint32_t)((PS_P_RADIUS)-dx) * dy * (uint32_t)brightess) >> PS_P_SURFACE; // divide by PS_P_SURFACE to distribute the energy
SEGMENT.addPixelColorXY(x, rows - y - 1, baseRGB.scale8(intensity), fastcoloradd);
// update & move particle, wraps around left/right if wrapX is true, wrap around up/down if wrapY is true
// particles move upwards faster if ttl is high (i.e. they are hotter)
void FireParticle_update(PSparticle *part, bool wrapX)
// Matrix dimension
const uint16_t cols = strip.isMatrix ? SEGMENT.virtualWidth() : 1;
const uint16_t rows = strip.isMatrix ? SEGMENT.virtualHeight() : SEGMENT.virtualLength();
// particle box dimensions
const uint16_t PS_MAX_X(cols * PS_P_RADIUS - 1);
const uint16_t PS_MAX_Y(rows * PS_P_RADIUS - 1);
if (part->ttl > 0)
// age
// apply velocity
part->x = part->x + (int16_t)part->vx;
part->y = part->y + (int16_t)part->vy + (part->ttl >> 4); // younger particles move faster upward as they are hotter, used for fire
part->outofbounds = 0;
// check if particle is out of bounds, wrap around to other side if wrapping is enabled
// x-direction
if ((part->x < 0) || (part->x > PS_MAX_X))
if (wrapX)
part->x = part->x % (PS_MAX_X + 1);
if (part->x < 0)
part->x = PS_MAX_X - part->x;
part->ttl = 0;
// y-direction
if ((part->y < -(PS_P_RADIUS << 4)) || (part->y > PS_MAX_Y))
{ // position up to 8 pixels below the matrix is allowed, used for wider flames at the bottom
part->ttl = 0;
else if (part->y < 0)
part->outofbounds = 1;
// render fire particles to the LED buffer using heat to color
// each particle adds heat according to its 'age' (ttl) which is then rendered to a fire color in the 'add heat' function
void ParticleSys_renderParticleFire(PSparticle *particles, uint32_t numParticles, bool wrapX)
const uint16_t cols = strip.isMatrix ? SEGMENT.virtualWidth() : 1;
const uint16_t rows = strip.isMatrix ? SEGMENT.virtualHeight() : SEGMENT.virtualLength();
int32_t x, y;
uint8_t dx, dy;
uint32_t tempVal;
uint32_t i;
// go over particles and update matrix cells on the way
// note: some pixels (the x+1 ones) can be out of bounds, it is probably faster than to check that for every pixel as this only happens on the right border (and nothing bad happens as this is checked down the road)
for (i = 0; i < numParticles; i++)
if (particles[i].ttl == 0 || particles[i].outofbounds)
dx = (uint8_t)((uint16_t)particles[i].x % (uint16_t)PS_P_RADIUS);
dy = (uint8_t)((uint16_t)particles[i].y % (uint16_t)PS_P_RADIUS);
x = (uint8_t)((uint16_t)particles[i].x / (uint16_t)PS_P_RADIUS); // compiler should optimize to bit shift
y = (uint8_t)((uint16_t)particles[i].y / (uint16_t)PS_P_RADIUS);
if (dx < (PS_P_RADIUS >> 1)) // jump to next physical pixel if half of virtual pixel size is reached
x--; // shift left
dx = dx + (PS_P_RADIUS >> 1); // add half a radius
else // if jump has ocurred, fade pixel
// adjust dx so pixel fades
dx = dx - (PS_P_RADIUS >> 1);
if (dy < (PS_P_RADIUS >> 1)) // jump to next physical pixel if half of virtual pixel size is reached
y--; // shift row
dy = dy + (PS_P_RADIUS >> 1);
// adjust dy so pixel fades
dy = dy - (PS_P_RADIUS >> 1);
if (wrapX)
if (x < 0)
{ // left half of particle render is out of frame, wrap it
x = cols - 1;
// calculate brightness values for all six pixels representing a particle using linear interpolation
// bottom left
if (x < cols && x >=0 && y < rows && y >=0)
tempVal = (((uint32_t)((PS_P_RADIUS)-dx) * ((PS_P_RADIUS)-dy) * (uint32_t)particles[i].ttl) >> PS_P_SURFACE);
PartMatrix_addHeat(x, y, tempVal);
PartMatrix_addHeat(x + 1, y, tempVal); // shift particle by 1 pixel to the right and add heat again (makes flame wider without using more particles)
// bottom right;
if (wrapX)
{ // wrap it to the other side if required
if (x >= cols)
x = x % cols; // in case the right half of particle render is out of frame, wrap it (note: on microcontrollers with hardware division, the if statement is not really needed)
if (x < cols && y < rows && y >= 0)
tempVal = (((uint32_t)dx * ((PS_P_RADIUS)-dy) * (uint32_t)particles[i].ttl) >> PS_P_SURFACE);
PartMatrix_addHeat(x, y, tempVal);
PartMatrix_addHeat(x + 1, y, tempVal); // shift particle by 1 pixel to the right and add heat again (makes flame wider without using more particles)
// top right
if (x < cols && y < rows)
tempVal = (((uint32_t)dx * dy * (uint32_t)particles[i].ttl) >> PS_P_SURFACE); //
PartMatrix_addHeat(x, y, tempVal);
PartMatrix_addHeat(x + 1, y, tempVal); // shift particle by 1 pixel to the right and add heat again (makes flame wider without using more particles)
// top left
if (wrapX)
{ // wrap it to the other side if required
if (x < 0)
{ // left half of particle render is out of frame, wrap it
x = cols - 1;
if (x < cols && x >= 0 && y < rows)
tempVal = (((uint32_t)((PS_P_RADIUS)-dx) * dy * (uint32_t)particles[i].ttl) >> PS_P_SURFACE);
PartMatrix_addHeat(x, y, tempVal);
PartMatrix_addHeat(x + 1, y, tempVal); // shift particle by 1 pixel to the right and add heat again (makes flame wider without using more particles)
// adds 'heat' to red color channel, if it overflows, add it to next color channel
void PartMatrix_addHeat(uint8_t col, uint8_t row, uint16_t heat)
const uint32_t rows = strip.isMatrix ? SEGMENT.virtualHeight() : SEGMENT.virtualLength();
CRGB currentcolor = SEGMENT.getPixelColorXY(col, rows - row - 1); // read current matrix color (flip y axis)
uint32_t newcolorvalue;
uint8_t colormode = map(SEGMENT.custom3, 0, 31, 0, 5); // get color mode from slider (3bit value)
// define how the particle TTL value (which is the heat given to the function) maps to heat, if lower, fire is more red, if higher, fire is brighter as bright flames travel higher and decay faster
heat = heat << 3; // need to take a larger value to scale ttl value of particle to a good heat value that decays fast enough
// i=0 is normal red fire, i=1 is green fire, i=2 is blue fire
uint8_t i = (colormode & 0x07) >> 1;
i = i % 3;
int8_t increment = (colormode & 0x01) + 1; // 0 (or 3) means only one single color for the flame, 1 is normal, 2 is alternate color modes
if (currentcolor[i] < 255)
newcolorvalue = (uint16_t)currentcolor[i] + heat; // add heat, check if it overflows
newcolorvalue = min(newcolorvalue, (uint32_t)255); // limit to 8bit value again
// check if there is heat left over
if (newcolorvalue == 255)
{ // there cannot be a leftover if it is not full
heat = heat - (255 - currentcolor[i]); // heat added is difference from current value to full value, subtract it from the inital heat value so heat is the remaining heat not added yet
// this cannot produce an underflow since we never add more than the initial heat value
heat = 0; // no heat left
currentcolor[i] = (uint8_t)newcolorvalue;
if (heat > 0) // there is still heat left to be added
i += increment;
i = i % 3;
if (currentcolor[i] < 255)
newcolorvalue = (uint16_t)currentcolor[i] + heat; // add heat, check if it overflows
newcolorvalue = min(newcolorvalue, (uint32_t)255); // limit to 8bit value again
// check if there is heat left over
if (newcolorvalue == 255) // there cannot be a leftover if red is not full
heat = heat - (255 - currentcolor[i]); // heat added is difference from current red value to full red value, subtract it from the inital heat value so heat is the remaining heat not added yet
// this cannot produce an underflow since we never add more than the initial heat value
heat = 0; // no heat left
currentcolor[i] = (uint8_t)newcolorvalue;
if (heat > 0) // there is still heat left to be added
i += increment;
i = i % 3;
if (currentcolor[i] < 255)
newcolorvalue = currentcolor[i] + heat; // add heat, check if it overflows
newcolorvalue = min(newcolorvalue, (uint32_t)50); // limit so it does not go full white
currentcolor[i] = (uint8_t)newcolorvalue;
SEGMENT.setPixelColorXY(col, rows - row - 1, currentcolor);
// detect collisions in an array of particles and handle them
void detectCollisions(PSparticle* particles, uint32_t numparticles, uint8_t hardness)
// detect and handle collisions
uint32_t i,j;
int32_t startparticle = 0;
int32_t endparticle = numparticles >> 1; // do half the particles, significantly speeds things up
if (SEGMENT.call % 2 == 0)
{ // every second frame, do other half of particles (helps to speed things up as not all collisions are handled each frame, less accurate but good enough)
startparticle = endparticle;
endparticle = numparticles;
for (i = startparticle; i < endparticle; i++)
// go though all 'higher number' particles and see if any of those are in close proximity and if they are, make them collide
if (particles[i].ttl > 0 && particles[i].collide && particles[i].outofbounds==0) // if particle is alive and does collide and is not out of view
int32_t dx, dy; // distance to other particles
for (j = i + 1; j < numparticles; j++)
{ // check against higher number particles
if (particles[j].ttl > 0) // if target particle is alive
dx = particles[i].x - particles[j].x;
if ((dx < (PS_P_HARDRADIUS)) && (dx > (-PS_P_HARDRADIUS))) //check x direction, if close, check y direction
dy = particles[i].y - particles[j].y;
if ((dx < (PS_P_HARDRADIUS)) && (dx > (-PS_P_HARDRADIUS)) && (dy < (PS_P_HARDRADIUS)) && (dy > (-PS_P_HARDRADIUS)))
{ // particles are close
handleCollision(&particles[i], &particles[j], hardness);
// handle a collision if close proximity is detected, i.e. dx and/or dy smaller than 2*PS_P_RADIUS
// takes two pointers to the particles to collide and the particle hardness (softer means more energy lost in collision)
void handleCollision(PSparticle *particle1, PSparticle *particle2, const uint8_t hardness)
int32_t dx = particle2->x - particle1->x;
int32_t dy = particle2->y - particle1->y;
int32_t distanceSquared = dx * dx + dy * dy;
// Calculate relative velocity
int32_t relativeVx = (int16_t)particle2->vx - (int16_t)particle1->vx;
int32_t relativeVy = (int16_t)particle2->vy - (int16_t)particle1->vy;
if (distanceSquared == 0) // add distance in case particles exactly meet at center, prevents dotProduct=0 (this can only happen if they move towards each other)
// Adjust positions based on relative velocity direction
if (relativeVx < 0) { //if true, particle2 is on the right side
} else{
if (relativeVy < 0) {
} else{
// Calculate dot product of relative velocity and relative distance
int32_t dotProduct = (dx * relativeVx + dy * relativeVy);
// If particles are moving towards each other
if (dotProduct < 0)
const uint8_t bitshift = 14; // bitshift used to avoid floats
// Calculate new velocities after collision
int32_t impulse = (((dotProduct << (bitshift)) / (distanceSquared)) * hardness) >> 8;
int32_t ximpulse = (impulse * dx) >> bitshift;
int32_t yimpulse = (impulse * dy) >> bitshift;
particle1->vx += ximpulse;
particle1->vy += yimpulse;
particle2->vx -= ximpulse;
particle2->vy -= yimpulse;
if (hardness < 50) // if particles are soft, they become 'sticky' i.e. slow movements are stopped
particle1->vx = (particle1->vx < 2 && particle1->vx > -2) ? 0 : particle1->vx;
particle1->vy = (particle1->vy < 2 && particle1->vy > -2) ? 0 : particle1->vy;
particle2->vx = (particle2->vx < 2 && particle2->vx > -2) ? 0 : particle2->vx;
particle2->vy = (particle2->vy < 2 && particle2->vy > -2) ? 0 : particle2->vy;
// particles have volume, push particles apart if they are too close by moving each particle by a fixed amount away from the other particle
// if pushing is made dependent on hardness, things start to oscillate much more, better to just add a fixed, small increment (tried lots of configurations, this one works best)
// one problem remaining is, particles get squished if (external) force applied is higher than the pushback but this may also be desirable if particles are soft. also some oscillations cannot be avoided without addigng a counter
if (distanceSquared < (int32_t)2 * PS_P_HARDRADIUS * PS_P_HARDRADIUS)
uint8_t choice = random8(2);//randomly choose one particle to push, avoids oscillations
const int32_t HARDDIAMETER = (int32_t)2*PS_P_HARDRADIUS;
{ // distance is too small, push them apart
int32_t push;
if (dx <= 0)
push = -1;//-(PS_P_HARDRADIUS + dx); // inverted push direction
push = 1;//PS_P_HARDRADIUS - dx;
if (choice) // chose one of the particles to push, avoids oscillations
particle1->x -= push;
particle2->x += push;
int32_t push;
if (dy <= 0)
push = -1; //-(PS_P_HARDRADIUS + dy); // inverted push direction
push = 1; // PS_P_HARDRADIUS - dy;
if (choice) // chose one of the particles to push, avoids oscillations
particle1->y -= push;
particle2->y += push;
//note: pushing may push particles out of frame, if bounce is active, it will move it back as position will be limited to within frame, if bounce is disabled: bye bye
// slow down particle by friction, the higher the speed, the higher the friction
void applyFriction(PSparticle *particle, uint8_t coefficient)
particle->vx = ((int16_t)particle->vx * (255 - coefficient)) >> 8;
particle->vy = ((int16_t)particle->vy * (255 - coefficient)) >> 8;