

Word Clock Usermod V2

This usermod can be used to drive a wordclock with a 11x10 pixel matrix with WLED. There are also 4 additional dots for the minutes. The visualisation is desribed in 4 mask with LED numbers (single dots for minutes, minutes, hours and "clock/Uhr"). There are 2 parameters to chnage the behaviour:

active: enable/disable usermod diplayItIs: enable/disable display of "Es ist" on the clock.


Copy and update the example platformio_override.ini.sample from the Rotary Encoder UI usermode folder to the root directory of your particular build. This file should be placed in the same directory as platformio.ini.

Define Your Options

  • USERMOD_WORDCLOCK - define this to have this the Auto Save usermod included wled00\usermods_list.cpp

PlatformIO requirements

No special requirements.

Change Log

2022/03/30 initial commit