
349 wiersze
11 KiB

#include "wled.h"
* UDP sync notifier / Realtime / Hyperion / TPM2.NET
#define UDP_IN_MAXSIZE 1472
void notify(byte callMode, bool followUp)
if (!udpConnected) return;
switch (callMode)
case NOTIFIER_CALL_MODE_DIRECT_CHANGE: if (!notifyDirect) return; break;
case NOTIFIER_CALL_MODE_BUTTON: if (!notifyButton) return; break;
case NOTIFIER_CALL_MODE_NIGHTLIGHT: if (!notifyDirect) return; break;
case NOTIFIER_CALL_MODE_HUE: if (!notifyHue) return; break;
case NOTIFIER_CALL_MODE_PRESET_CYCLE: if (!notifyDirect) return; break;
case NOTIFIER_CALL_MODE_BLYNK: if (!notifyDirect) return; break;
case NOTIFIER_CALL_MODE_ALEXA: if (!notifyAlexa) return; break;
default: return;
udpOut[0] = 0; //0: wled notifier protocol 1: WARLS protocol
udpOut[1] = callMode;
udpOut[2] = bri;
udpOut[3] = col[0];
udpOut[4] = col[1];
udpOut[5] = col[2];
udpOut[6] = nightlightActive;
udpOut[7] = nightlightDelayMins;
udpOut[8] = effectCurrent;
udpOut[9] = effectSpeed;
udpOut[10] = col[3];
//0: old 1: supports white 2: supports secondary color
//3: supports FX intensity, 24 byte packet 4: supports transitionDelay 5: sup palette
//6: supports timebase syncing, 29 byte packet 7: supports tertiary color
udpOut[11] = 7;
udpOut[12] = colSec[0];
udpOut[13] = colSec[1];
udpOut[14] = colSec[2];
udpOut[15] = colSec[3];
udpOut[16] = effectIntensity;
udpOut[17] = (transitionDelay >> 0) & 0xFF;
udpOut[18] = (transitionDelay >> 8) & 0xFF;
udpOut[19] = effectPalette;
uint32_t colTer = strip.getSegment(strip.getMainSegmentId()).colors[2];
udpOut[20] = (colTer >> 16) & 0xFF;
udpOut[21] = (colTer >> 8) & 0xFF;
udpOut[22] = (colTer >> 0) & 0xFF;
udpOut[23] = (colTer >> 24) & 0xFF;
udpOut[24] = followUp;
uint32_t t = millis() + strip.timebase;
udpOut[25] = (t >> 24) & 0xFF;
udpOut[26] = (t >> 16) & 0xFF;
udpOut[27] = (t >> 8) & 0xFF;
udpOut[28] = (t >> 0) & 0xFF;
IPAddress broadcastIp;
broadcastIp = ~uint32_t(Network.subnetMask()) | uint32_t(Network.gatewayIP());
notifierUdp.beginPacket(broadcastIp, udpPort);
notifierUdp.write(udpOut, WLEDPACKETSIZE);
notificationSentCallMode = callMode;
notificationSentTime = millis();
notificationTwoRequired = (followUp)? false:notifyTwice;
void realtimeLock(uint32_t timeoutMs, byte md)
if (!realtimeMode && !realtimeOverride){
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < ledCount; i++)
realtimeTimeout = millis() + timeoutMs;
if (timeoutMs == 255001 || timeoutMs == 65000) realtimeTimeout = UINT32_MAX;
realtimeMode = md;
if (arlsForceMaxBri && !realtimeOverride) strip.setBrightness(scaledBri(255));
if (md == REALTIME_MODE_GENERIC) strip.show();
#define TMP2NET_OUT_PORT 65442
void sendTPM2Ack() {
notifierUdp.beginPacket(notifierUdp.remoteIP(), TMP2NET_OUT_PORT);
uint8_t response_ack = 0xac;
notifierUdp.write(&response_ack, 1);
void handleNotifications()
//send second notification if enabled
if(udpConnected && notificationTwoRequired && millis()-notificationSentTime > 250){
if (e131NewData && millis() - strip.getLastShow() > 15)
e131NewData = false;
//unlock strip when realtime UDP times out
if (realtimeMode && millis() > realtimeTimeout)
if (realtimeOverride == REALTIME_OVERRIDE_ONCE) realtimeOverride = REALTIME_OVERRIDE_NONE;
realtimeIP[0] = 0;
//receive UDP notifications
if (!udpConnected || !(receiveNotifications || receiveDirect)) return;
bool isSupp = false;
uint16_t packetSize = notifierUdp.parsePacket();
if (!packetSize && udp2Connected) {
packetSize = notifier2Udp.parsePacket();
isSupp = true;
//hyperion / raw RGB
if (!packetSize && udpRgbConnected) {
packetSize = rgbUdp.parsePacket();
if (packetSize) {
if (!receiveDirect) return;
if (packetSize > UDP_IN_MAXSIZE || packetSize < 3) return;
realtimeIP = rgbUdp.remoteIP();
uint8_t lbuf[packetSize];
rgbUdp.read(lbuf, packetSize);
realtimeLock(realtimeTimeoutMs, REALTIME_MODE_HYPERION);
if (realtimeOverride) return;
uint16_t id = 0;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < packetSize -2; i += 3)
setRealtimePixel(id, lbuf[i], lbuf[i+1], lbuf[i+2], 0);
id++; if (id >= ledCount) break;
//notifier and UDP realtime
if (!packetSize || packetSize > UDP_IN_MAXSIZE) return;
if (!isSupp && notifierUdp.remoteIP() == Network.localIP()) return; //don't process broadcasts we send ourselves
uint8_t udpIn[packetSize +1];
if (isSupp) notifier2Udp.read(udpIn, packetSize);
else notifierUdp.read(udpIn, packetSize);
//wled notifier, block if realtime packets active
if (udpIn[0] == 0 && !realtimeMode && receiveNotifications)
//ignore notification if received within a second after sending a notification ourselves
if (millis() - notificationSentTime < 1000) return;
if (udpIn[1] > 199) return; //do not receive custom versions
bool someSel = (receiveNotificationBrightness || receiveNotificationColor || receiveNotificationEffects);
//apply colors from notification
if (receiveNotificationColor || !someSel)
col[0] = udpIn[3];
col[1] = udpIn[4];
col[2] = udpIn[5];
if (udpIn[11] > 0) //sending module's white val is intended
col[3] = udpIn[10];
if (udpIn[11] > 1)
colSec[0] = udpIn[12];
colSec[1] = udpIn[13];
colSec[2] = udpIn[14];
colSec[3] = udpIn[15];
if (udpIn[11] > 5)
uint32_t t = (udpIn[25] << 24) | (udpIn[26] << 16) | (udpIn[27] << 8) | (udpIn[28]);
t += 2;
t -= millis();
strip.timebase = t;
if (udpIn[11] > 6)
strip.setColor(2, udpIn[20], udpIn[21], udpIn[22], udpIn[23]); //tertiary color
//apply effects from notification
if (udpIn[11] < 200 && (receiveNotificationEffects || !someSel))
if (udpIn[8] < strip.getModeCount()) effectCurrent = udpIn[8];
effectSpeed = udpIn[9];
if (udpIn[11] > 2) effectIntensity = udpIn[16];
if (udpIn[11] > 4 && udpIn[19] < strip.getPaletteCount()) effectPalette = udpIn[19];
if (udpIn[11] > 3)
transitionDelayTemp = ((udpIn[17] << 0) & 0xFF) + ((udpIn[18] << 8) & 0xFF00);
nightlightActive = udpIn[6];
if (nightlightActive) nightlightDelayMins = udpIn[7];
if (receiveNotificationBrightness || !someSel) bri = udpIn[2];
if (!receiveDirect) return;
if (udpIn[0] == 0x9c)
//WARNING: this code assumes that the final TMP2.NET payload is evenly distributed if using multiple packets (ie. frame size is constant)
//if the number of LEDs in your installation doesn't allow that, please include padding bytes at the end of the last packet
byte tpmType = udpIn[1];
if (tpmType == 0xaa) { //TPM2.NET polling, expect answer
sendTPM2Ack(); return;
if (tpmType != 0xda) return; //return if notTPM2.NET data
realtimeIP = (isSupp) ? notifier2Udp.remoteIP() : notifierUdp.remoteIP();
realtimeLock(realtimeTimeoutMs, REALTIME_MODE_TPM2NET);
if (realtimeOverride) return;
tpmPacketCount++; //increment the packet count
if (tpmPacketCount == 1) tpmPayloadFrameSize = (udpIn[2] << 8) + udpIn[3]; //save frame size for the whole payload if this is the first packet
byte packetNum = udpIn[4]; //starts with 1!
byte numPackets = udpIn[5];
uint16_t id = (tpmPayloadFrameSize/3)*(packetNum-1); //start LED
for (uint16_t i = 6; i < tpmPayloadFrameSize + 4; i += 3)
if (id < ledCount)
setRealtimePixel(id, udpIn[i], udpIn[i+1], udpIn[i+2], 0);
else break;
if (tpmPacketCount == numPackets) //reset packet count and show if all packets were received
tpmPacketCount = 0;
//UDP realtime: 1 warls 2 drgb 3 drgbw
if (udpIn[0] > 0 && udpIn[0] < 5)
realtimeIP = (isSupp) ? notifier2Udp.remoteIP() : notifierUdp.remoteIP();
if (packetSize < 2) return;
if (udpIn[1] == 0)
realtimeTimeout = 0;
} else {
realtimeLock(udpIn[1]*1000 +1, REALTIME_MODE_UDP);
if (realtimeOverride) return;
if (udpIn[0] == 1) //warls
for (uint16_t i = 2; i < packetSize -3; i += 4)
setRealtimePixel(udpIn[i], udpIn[i+1], udpIn[i+2], udpIn[i+3], 0);
} else if (udpIn[0] == 2) //drgb
uint16_t id = 0;
for (uint16_t i = 2; i < packetSize -2; i += 3)
setRealtimePixel(id, udpIn[i], udpIn[i+1], udpIn[i+2], 0);
id++; if (id >= ledCount) break;
} else if (udpIn[0] == 3) //drgbw
uint16_t id = 0;
for (uint16_t i = 2; i < packetSize -3; i += 4)
setRealtimePixel(id, udpIn[i], udpIn[i+1], udpIn[i+2], udpIn[i+3]);
id++; if (id >= ledCount) break;
} else if (udpIn[0] == 4) //dnrgb
uint16_t id = ((udpIn[3] << 0) & 0xFF) + ((udpIn[2] << 8) & 0xFF00);
for (uint16_t i = 4; i < packetSize -2; i += 3)
if (id >= ledCount) break;
setRealtimePixel(id, udpIn[i], udpIn[i+1], udpIn[i+2], 0);
// API over UDP
udpIn[packetSize] = '\0';
if (udpIn[0] >= 'A' && udpIn[0] <= 'Z') { //HTTP API
String apireq = "win&";
apireq += (char*)udpIn;
handleSet(nullptr, apireq);
} else if (udpIn[0] == '{') { //JSON API
DynamicJsonDocument jsonBuffer(2048);
DeserializationError error = deserializeJson(jsonBuffer, udpIn);
JsonObject root = jsonBuffer.as<JsonObject>();
if (!error && !root.isNull()) deserializeState(root);
void setRealtimePixel(uint16_t i, byte r, byte g, byte b, byte w)
uint16_t pix = i + arlsOffset;
if (pix < ledCount)
if (!arlsDisableGammaCorrection && strip.gammaCorrectCol)
strip.setPixelColor(pix, strip.gamma8(r), strip.gamma8(g), strip.gamma8(b), strip.gamma8(w));
} else {
strip.setPixelColor(pix, r, g, b, w);