
478 wiersze
14 KiB

#include <EEPROM.h>
#include "wled.h"
* DEPRECATED, do not use for new settings
* Only used to restore config from pre-0.11 installations using the deEEP() methods
* Methods to handle saving and loading to non-volatile memory
* EEPROM Map: https://github.com/Aircoookie/WLED/wiki/EEPROM-Map
//eeprom Version code, enables default settings instead of 0 init on update
#define EEPVER 22
#define EEPSIZE 2560 //Maximum is 4096
//0 -> old version, default
//1 -> 0.4p 1711272 and up
//2 -> 0.4p 1711302 and up
//3 -> 0.4 1712121 and up
//4 -> 0.5.0 and up
//5 -> 0.5.1 and up
//6 -> 0.6.0 and up
//7 -> 0.7.1 and up
//8 -> 0.8.0-a and up
//9 -> 0.8.0
//10-> 0.8.2
//11-> 0.8.5-dev #mqttauth @TimothyBrown
//12-> 0.8.7-dev
//13-> 0.9.0-dev
//14-> 0.9.0-b1
//15-> 0.9.0-b3
//16-> 0.9.1
//17-> 0.9.1-dmx
//18-> 0.9.1-e131
//19-> 0.9.1n
//20-> 0.9.1p
//21-> 0.10.1p
//22-> 2009260
* Erase all (pre 0.11) configuration data on factory reset
void clearEEPROM()
for (int i = 0; i < EEPSIZE; i++)
EEPROM.write(i, 0);
void readStringFromEEPROM(uint16_t pos, char* str, uint16_t len)
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
str[i] = EEPROM.read(pos + i);
if (str[i] == 0) return;
str[len] = 0; //make sure every string is properly terminated. str must be at least len +1 big.
* Read all configuration from flash
void loadSettingsFromEEPROM()
if (EEPROM.read(233) != 233) //first boot/reset to default
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("EEPROM settings invalid, using defaults..."));
int lastEEPROMversion = EEPROM.read(377); //last EEPROM version before update
readStringFromEEPROM( 0, clientSSID, 32);
readStringFromEEPROM( 32, clientPass, 64);
readStringFromEEPROM( 96, cmDNS, 32);
readStringFromEEPROM(128, apSSID, 32);
readStringFromEEPROM(160, apPass, 64);
nightlightDelayMinsDefault = EEPROM.read(224);
nightlightDelayMins = nightlightDelayMinsDefault;
nightlightMode = EEPROM.read(225);
notifyDirectDefault = EEPROM.read(226);
notifyDirect = notifyDirectDefault;
apChannel = EEPROM.read(227);
if (apChannel > 13 || apChannel < 1) apChannel = 1;
apHide = EEPROM.read(228);
if (apHide > 1) apHide = 1;
ledCount = EEPROM.read(229) + ((EEPROM.read(398) << 8) & 0xFF00); if (ledCount > MAX_LEDS || ledCount == 0) ledCount = 30;
notifyButton = EEPROM.read(230);
notifyTwice = EEPROM.read(231);
buttonEnabled = EEPROM.read(232);
staticIP[0] = EEPROM.read(234);
staticIP[1] = EEPROM.read(235);
staticIP[2] = EEPROM.read(236);
staticIP[3] = EEPROM.read(237);
staticGateway[0] = EEPROM.read(238);
staticGateway[1] = EEPROM.read(239);
staticGateway[2] = EEPROM.read(240);
staticGateway[3] = EEPROM.read(241);
staticSubnet[0] = EEPROM.read(242);
staticSubnet[1] = EEPROM.read(243);
staticSubnet[2] = EEPROM.read(244);
staticSubnet[3] = EEPROM.read(245);
briS = EEPROM.read(249); bri = briS;
if (!EEPROM.read(369))
bri = 0; briLast = briS;
receiveNotificationBrightness = EEPROM.read(250);
fadeTransition = EEPROM.read(251);
strip.reverseMode = EEPROM.read(252);
transitionDelayDefault = EEPROM.read(253) + ((EEPROM.read(254) << 8) & 0xFF00);
transitionDelay = transitionDelayDefault;
briMultiplier = EEPROM.read(255);
readStringFromEEPROM(256, otaPass, 32);
nightlightTargetBri = EEPROM.read(288);
otaLock = EEPROM.read(289);
udpPort = EEPROM.read(290) + ((EEPROM.read(291) << 8) & 0xFF00);
readStringFromEEPROM(292, serverDescription, 32);
ntpEnabled = EEPROM.read(327);
currentTimezone = EEPROM.read(328);
useAMPM = EEPROM.read(329);
strip.gammaCorrectBri = EEPROM.read(330);
strip.gammaCorrectCol = EEPROM.read(331);
overlayDefault = EEPROM.read(332);
if (lastEEPROMversion < 8 && overlayDefault > 0) overlayDefault--; //overlay mode 1 (solid) was removed
alexaEnabled = EEPROM.read(333);
readStringFromEEPROM(334, alexaInvocationName, 32);
notifyAlexa = EEPROM.read(366);
arlsOffset = EEPROM.read(368);
if (!EEPROM.read(367)) arlsOffset = -arlsOffset;
turnOnAtBoot = EEPROM.read(369);
useRGBW = EEPROM.read(372);
//374 - strip.paletteFade
apBehavior = EEPROM.read(376);
//377 = lastEEPROMversion
if (lastEEPROMversion > 3) {
aOtaEnabled = EEPROM.read(390);
receiveNotificationColor = EEPROM.read(391);
receiveNotificationEffects = EEPROM.read(392);
receiveNotifications = (receiveNotificationBrightness || receiveNotificationColor || receiveNotificationEffects);
if (lastEEPROMversion > 4) {
huePollingEnabled = EEPROM.read(2048);
//hueUpdatingEnabled = EEPROM.read(2049);
for (int i = 2050; i < 2054; ++i)
hueIP[i-2050] = EEPROM.read(i);
readStringFromEEPROM(2054, hueApiKey, 46);
huePollIntervalMs = EEPROM.read(2100) + ((EEPROM.read(2101) << 8) & 0xFF00);
notifyHue = EEPROM.read(2102);
hueApplyOnOff = EEPROM.read(2103);
hueApplyBri = EEPROM.read(2104);
hueApplyColor = EEPROM.read(2105);
huePollLightId = EEPROM.read(2106);
if (lastEEPROMversion > 5) {
overlayMin = EEPROM.read(2150);
overlayMax = EEPROM.read(2151);
analogClock12pixel = EEPROM.read(2152);
analogClock5MinuteMarks = EEPROM.read(2153);
analogClockSecondsTrail = EEPROM.read(2154);
countdownMode = EEPROM.read(2155);
countdownYear = EEPROM.read(2156);
countdownMonth = EEPROM.read(2157);
countdownDay = EEPROM.read(2158);
countdownHour = EEPROM.read(2159);
countdownMin = EEPROM.read(2160);
countdownSec = EEPROM.read(2161);
readStringFromEEPROM(2165, cronixieDisplay, 6);
cronixieBacklight = EEPROM.read(2171);
//macroBoot = EEPROM.read(2175);
macroAlexaOn = EEPROM.read(2176);
macroAlexaOff = EEPROM.read(2177);
macroButton = EEPROM.read(2178);
macroLongPress = EEPROM.read(2179);
macroCountdown = EEPROM.read(2180);
macroNl = EEPROM.read(2181);
macroDoublePress = EEPROM.read(2182);
if (macroDoublePress > 16) macroDoublePress = 0;
if (lastEEPROMversion > 6)
e131Universe = EEPROM.read(2190) + ((EEPROM.read(2191) << 8) & 0xFF00);
e131Multicast = EEPROM.read(2192);
realtimeTimeoutMs = EEPROM.read(2193) + ((EEPROM.read(2194) << 8) & 0xFF00);
arlsForceMaxBri = EEPROM.read(2195);
arlsDisableGammaCorrection = EEPROM.read(2196);
if (lastEEPROMversion > 7)
strip.paletteFade = EEPROM.read(374);
strip.paletteBlend = EEPROM.read(382);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
timerHours[i] = EEPROM.read(2260 + i);
timerMinutes[i] = EEPROM.read(2270 + i);
timerWeekday[i] = EEPROM.read(2280 + i);
timerMacro[i] = EEPROM.read(2290 + i);
if (timerMacro[i] > 0) timerMacro[i] += 16; //add 16 to work with macro --> preset mapping
if (timerWeekday[i] == 0) timerWeekday[i] = 255;
if (timerMacro[i] == 0) timerWeekday[i] = timerWeekday[i] & 0b11111110;
if (lastEEPROMversion > 8)
readStringFromEEPROM(2300, mqttServer, 32);
readStringFromEEPROM(2333, mqttDeviceTopic, 32);
readStringFromEEPROM(2366, mqttGroupTopic, 32);
if (lastEEPROMversion > 9)
irEnabled = EEPROM.read(385);
strip.ablMilliampsMax = EEPROM.read(387) + ((EEPROM.read(388) << 8) & 0xFF00);
} else if (lastEEPROMversion > 1) //ABL is off by default when updating from version older than 0.8.2
strip.ablMilliampsMax = 65000;
} else {
strip.ablMilliampsMax = ABL_MILLIAMPS_DEFAULT;
if (lastEEPROMversion > 10)
readStringFromEEPROM(2399, mqttUser, 40);
readStringFromEEPROM(2440, mqttPass, 40);
readStringFromEEPROM(2481, mqttClientID, 40);
mqttPort = EEPROM.read(2522) + ((EEPROM.read(2523) << 8) & 0xFF00);
if (lastEEPROMversion > 11)
strip.milliampsPerLed = EEPROM.read(375);
} else if (strip.ablMilliampsMax == 65000) //65000 indicates disabled ABL in <0.8.7
strip.ablMilliampsMax = ABL_MILLIAMPS_DEFAULT;
strip.milliampsPerLed = 0; //disable ABL
if (lastEEPROMversion > 12)
readStringFromEEPROM(990, ntpServerName, 32);
if (lastEEPROMversion > 13)
mqttEnabled = EEPROM.read(2299);
syncToggleReceive = EEPROM.read(397);
} else {
mqttEnabled = true;
syncToggleReceive = false;
if (lastEEPROMversion > 14)
DMXAddress = EEPROM.read(2197) + ((EEPROM.read(2198) << 8) & 0xFF00);
DMXMode = EEPROM.read(2199);
} else {
DMXAddress = 1;
//if (lastEEPROMversion > 15)
noWifiSleep = EEPROM.read(370);
if (lastEEPROMversion > 17)
e131SkipOutOfSequence = EEPROM.read(2189);
} else {
e131SkipOutOfSequence = true;
if (lastEEPROMversion > 18)
e131Port = EEPROM.read(2187) + ((EEPROM.read(2188) << 8) & 0xFF00);
if (lastEEPROMversion > 19)
e131ProxyUniverse = EEPROM.read(2185) + ((EEPROM.read(2186) << 8) & 0xFF00);
if (lastEEPROMversion > 21) {
udpPort2 = EEPROM.read(378) + ((EEPROM.read(379) << 8) & 0xFF00);
receiveDirect = !EEPROM.read(2200);
notifyMacro = EEPROM.read(2201);
strip.rgbwMode = EEPROM.read(2203);
skipFirstLed = EEPROM.read(2204);
if (EEPROM.read(2210) || EEPROM.read(2211) || EEPROM.read(2212))
presetCyclingEnabled = EEPROM.read(2205);
presetCycleTime = EEPROM.read(2206) + ((EEPROM.read(2207) << 8) & 0xFF00);
if (lastEEPROMversion < 21) presetCycleTime /= 100; //was stored in ms, now is in tenths of a second
presetCycleMin = EEPROM.read(2208);
presetCycleMax = EEPROM.read(2209);
//was presetApplyBri = EEPROM.read(2210);
//was presetApplyCol = EEPROM.read(2211);
//was presetApplyFx = EEPROM.read(2212);
bootPreset = EEPROM.read(389);
wifiLock = EEPROM.read(393);
utcOffsetSecs = EEPROM.read(394) + ((EEPROM.read(395) << 8) & 0xFF00);
if (EEPROM.read(396)) utcOffsetSecs = -utcOffsetSecs; //negative
//!EEPROM.read(399); was enableSecTransition
//favorite setting (preset) memory (25 slots/ each 20byte)
//400 - 899 reserved
//custom macro memory (16 slots/ each 64byte)
//1024-2047 reserved
readStringFromEEPROM(2220, blynkApiKey, 35);
if (strlen(blynkApiKey) < 25) blynkApiKey[0] = 0;
// DMX (2530 - 2549)2535
DMXChannels = EEPROM.read(2530);
DMXGap = EEPROM.read(2531) + ((EEPROM.read(2532) << 8) & 0xFF00);
DMXStart = EEPROM.read(2533) + ((EEPROM.read(2534) << 8) & 0xFF00);
for (int i=0;i<15;i++) {
DMXFixtureMap[i] = EEPROM.read(2535+i);
} //last used: 2549
DMXStartLED = EEPROM.read(2550);
//Usermod memory
//2551 - 2559 reserved for Usermods, usable by default
//2560 - 2943 usable, NOT reserved (need to increase EEPSIZE accordingly, new WLED core features may override this section)
//2944 - 3071 reserved for Usermods (need to increase EEPSIZE to 3072 in const.h)
overlayCurrent = overlayDefault;
//provided for increased compatibility with usermods written for v0.10
void applyMacro(byte index) {
// De-EEPROM routine, upgrade from previous versions to v0.11
void deEEP() {
if (WLED_FS.exists("/presets.json")) return;
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Preset file not found, attempting to load from EEPROM"));
DEBUGFS_PRINTLN(F("Allocating saving buffer for dEEP"));
DynamicJsonDocument dDoc(JSON_BUFFER_SIZE *2);
JsonObject sObj = dDoc.to<JsonObject>();
if (EEPROM.read(233) == 233) { //valid EEPROM save
for (uint16_t index = 1; index <= 16; index++) { //copy presets to presets.json
uint16_t i = 380 + index*20;
byte ver = EEPROM.read(i);
if ((index < 16 && ver != 1) || (index == 16 && (ver < 2 || ver > 3))) continue;
char nbuf[16];
sprintf(nbuf, "%d", index);
JsonObject pObj = sObj.createNestedObject(nbuf);
sprintf_P(nbuf, (char*)F("Preset %d"), index);
pObj["n"] = nbuf;
pObj["bri"] = EEPROM.read(i+1);
if (index < 16) {
JsonObject segObj = pObj.createNestedObject("seg");
JsonArray colarr = segObj.createNestedArray("col");
byte numChannels = (useRGBW)? 4:3;
for (uint8_t k = 0; k < 3; k++) //k=0 primary (i+2) k=1 secondary (i+6) k=2 tertiary color (i+12)
JsonArray colX = colarr.createNestedArray();
uint16_t memloc = i + 6*k;
if (k == 0) memloc += 2;
for (byte j = 0; j < numChannels; j++) colX.add(EEPROM.read(memloc + j));
segObj[F("fx")] = EEPROM.read(i+10);
segObj[F("sx")] = EEPROM.read(i+11);
segObj[F("ix")] = EEPROM.read(i+16);
segObj[F("pal")] = EEPROM.read(i+17);
} else {
WS2812FX::Segment* seg = strip.getSegments();
memcpy(seg, EEPROM.getDataPtr() +i+2, 240);
if (ver == 2) { //versions before 2004230 did not have opacity
for (byte j = 0; j < strip.getMaxSegments(); j++)
strip.getSegment(j).opacity = 255;
strip.getSegment(j).setOption(SEG_OPTION_ON, 1);
serializeState(pObj, true, false, true);
for (uint16_t index = 1; index <= 16; index++) { //copy macros to presets.json
char m[65];
readStringFromEEPROM(1024+64*(index-1), m, 64);
if (m[0]) { //macro exists
char nbuf[16];
sprintf(nbuf, "%d", index + 16);
JsonObject pObj = sObj.createNestedObject(nbuf);
sprintf_P(nbuf, "Z Macro %d", index);
pObj["n"] = nbuf;
pObj["win"] = m;
File f = WLED_FS.open("/presets.json", "w");
if (!f) {
errorFlag = ERR_FS_GENERAL;
serializeJson(dDoc, f);
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("deEEP complete!"));
void deEEPSettings() {
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Restore settings from EEPROM"));