
680 wiersze
19 KiB

#include "wled.h"
* Receives client input
void _setRandomColor(bool _sec,bool fromButton)
lastRandomIndex = strip.get_random_wheel_index(lastRandomIndex);
if (_sec){
} else {
if (fromButton) colorUpdated(2);
bool isAsterisksOnly(const char* str, byte maxLen)
for (byte i = 0; i < maxLen; i++) {
if (str[i] == 0) break;
if (str[i] != '*') return false;
return true;
//called upon POST settings form submit
void handleSettingsSet(AsyncWebServerRequest *request, byte subPage)
//0: menu 1: wifi 2: leds 3: ui 4: sync 5: time 6: sec 7: DMX
if (subPage <1 || subPage >7) return;
if (subPage == 1)
strlcpy(clientSSID,request->arg("CS").c_str(), 33);
if (!isAsterisksOnly(request->arg("CP").c_str(), 65)) strlcpy(clientPass, request->arg("CP").c_str(), 65);
strlcpy(cmDNS, request->arg("CM").c_str(), 33);
apBehavior = request->arg("AB").toInt();
strlcpy(apSSID, request->arg("AS").c_str(), 33);
apHide = request->hasArg("AH");
int passlen = request->arg("AP").length();
if (passlen == 0 || (passlen > 7 && !isAsterisksOnly(request->arg("AP").c_str(), 65))) strlcpy(apPass, request->arg("AP").c_str(), 65);
int t = request->arg("AC").toInt(); if (t > 0 && t < 14) apChannel = t;
noWifiSleep = request->hasArg("WS");
char k[3]; k[2] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i<4; i++)
k[1] = i+48;//ascii 0,1,2,3
k[0] = 'I'; //static IP
staticIP[i] = request->arg(k).toInt();
k[0] = 'G'; //gateway
staticGateway[i] = request->arg(k).toInt();
k[0] = 'S'; //subnet
staticSubnet[i] = request->arg(k).toInt();
if (subPage == 2)
int t = request->arg("LC").toInt();
if (t > 0 && t <= MAX_LEDS) ledCount = t;
#ifdef ESP8266
#if LEDPIN == 3
if (ledCount > MAX_LEDS_DMA) ledCount = MAX_LEDS_DMA; //DMA method uses too much ram
strip.ablMilliampsMax = request->arg("MA").toInt();
strip.milliampsPerLed = request->arg("LA").toInt();
useRGBW = request->hasArg("EW");
strip.colorOrder = request->arg("CO").toInt();
strip.rgbwMode = request->arg("AW").toInt();
briS = request->arg("CA").toInt();
saveCurrPresetCycConf = request->hasArg("PC");
turnOnAtBoot = request->hasArg("BO");
t = request->arg("BP").toInt();
if (t <= 25) bootPreset = t;
strip.gammaCorrectBri = request->hasArg("GB");
strip.gammaCorrectCol = request->hasArg("GC");
fadeTransition = request->hasArg("TF");
t = request->arg("TD").toInt();
if (t > 0) transitionDelay = t;
transitionDelayDefault = t;
strip.paletteFade = request->hasArg("PF");
nightlightTargetBri = request->arg("TB").toInt();
t = request->arg("TL").toInt();
if (t > 0) nightlightDelayMinsDefault = t;
nightlightDelayMins = nightlightDelayMinsDefault;
nightlightFade = request->hasArg("TW");
t = request->arg("PB").toInt();
if (t >= 0 && t < 4) strip.paletteBlend = t;
strip.reverseMode = request->hasArg("RV");
skipFirstLed = request->hasArg("SL");
t = request->arg("BF").toInt();
if (t > 0) briMultiplier = t;
if (subPage == 3)
strlcpy(serverDescription, request->arg("DS").c_str(), 33);
syncToggleReceive = request->hasArg("ST");
if (subPage == 4)
buttonEnabled = request->hasArg("BT");
irEnabled = request->arg("IR").toInt();
int t = request->arg("UP").toInt();
if (t > 0) udpPort = t;
receiveNotificationBrightness = request->hasArg("RB");
receiveNotificationColor = request->hasArg("RC");
receiveNotificationEffects = request->hasArg("RX");
receiveNotifications = (receiveNotificationBrightness || receiveNotificationColor || receiveNotificationEffects);
notifyDirectDefault = request->hasArg("SD");
notifyDirect = notifyDirectDefault;
notifyButton = request->hasArg("SB");
notifyAlexa = request->hasArg("SA");
notifyHue = request->hasArg("SH");
notifyMacro = request->hasArg("SM");
notifyTwice = request->hasArg("S2");
receiveDirect = request->hasArg("RD");
e131SkipOutOfSequence = request->hasArg("ES");
e131Multicast = request->hasArg("EM");
t = request->arg("EU").toInt();
if (t > 0 && t <= 63999) e131Universe = t;
t = request->arg("DA").toInt();
if (t > 0 && t <= 510) DMXAddress = t;
t = request->arg("DM").toInt();
t = request->arg("ET").toInt();
if (t > 99 && t <= 65000) realtimeTimeoutMs = t;
arlsForceMaxBri = request->hasArg("FB");
arlsDisableGammaCorrection = request->hasArg("RG");
t = request->arg("WO").toInt();
if (t >= -255 && t <= 255) arlsOffset = t;
alexaEnabled = request->hasArg("AL");
strlcpy(alexaInvocationName, request->arg("AI").c_str(), 33);
if (request->hasArg("BK") && !request->arg("BK").equals("Hidden")) {
strlcpy(blynkApiKey, request->arg("BK").c_str(), 36); initBlynk(blynkApiKey);
mqttEnabled = request->hasArg("MQ");
strlcpy(mqttServer, request->arg("MS").c_str(), 33);
t = request->arg("MQPORT").toInt();
if (t > 0) mqttPort = t;
strlcpy(mqttUser, request->arg("MQUSER").c_str(), 41);
if (!isAsterisksOnly(request->arg("MQPASS").c_str(), 41)) strlcpy(mqttPass, request->arg("MQPASS").c_str(), 41);
strlcpy(mqttClientID, request->arg("MQCID").c_str(), 41);
strlcpy(mqttDeviceTopic, request->arg("MD").c_str(), 33);
strlcpy(mqttGroupTopic, request->arg("MG").c_str(), 33);
for (int i=0;i<4;i++){
String a = "H"+String(i);
hueIP[i] = request->arg(a).toInt();
t = request->arg("HL").toInt();
if (t > 0) huePollLightId = t;
t = request->arg("HI").toInt();
if (t > 50) huePollIntervalMs = t;
hueApplyOnOff = request->hasArg("HO");
hueApplyBri = request->hasArg("HB");
hueApplyColor = request->hasArg("HC");
huePollingEnabled = request->hasArg("HP");
hueStoreAllowed = true;
if (subPage == 5)
ntpEnabled = request->hasArg("NT");
strlcpy(ntpServerName, request->arg("NS").c_str(), 33);
useAMPM = !request->hasArg("CF");
currentTimezone = request->arg("TZ").toInt();
utcOffsetSecs = request->arg("UO").toInt();
//start ntp if not already connected
if (ntpEnabled && WLED_CONNECTED && !ntpConnected) ntpConnected = ntpUdp.begin(ntpLocalPort);
if (request->hasArg("OL")){
overlayDefault = request->arg("OL").toInt();
overlayCurrent = overlayDefault;
overlayMin = request->arg("O1").toInt();
overlayMax = request->arg("O2").toInt();
analogClock12pixel = request->arg("OM").toInt();
analogClock5MinuteMarks = request->hasArg("O5");
analogClockSecondsTrail = request->hasArg("OS");
cronixieBacklight = request->hasArg("CB");
countdownMode = request->hasArg("CE");
countdownYear = request->arg("CY").toInt();
countdownMonth = request->arg("CI").toInt();
countdownDay = request->arg("CD").toInt();
countdownHour = request->arg("CH").toInt();
countdownMin = request->arg("CM").toInt();
countdownSec = request->arg("CS").toInt();
for (int i=1;i<17;i++)
String a = "M"+String(i);
if (request->hasArg(a.c_str())) saveMacro(i,request->arg(a),false);
macroBoot = request->arg("MB").toInt();
macroAlexaOn = request->arg("A0").toInt();
macroAlexaOff = request->arg("A1").toInt();
macroButton = request->arg("MP").toInt();
macroLongPress = request->arg("ML").toInt();
macroCountdown = request->arg("MC").toInt();
macroNl = request->arg("MN").toInt();
macroDoublePress = request->arg("MD").toInt();
char k[3]; k[2] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i<8; i++)
k[1] = i+48;//ascii 0,1,2,3
k[0] = 'H'; //timer hours
timerHours[i] = request->arg(k).toInt();
k[0] = 'N'; //minutes
timerMinutes[i] = request->arg(k).toInt();
k[0] = 'T'; //macros
timerMacro[i] = request->arg(k).toInt();
k[0] = 'W'; //weekdays
timerWeekday[i] = request->arg(k).toInt();
if (subPage == 6)
if (request->hasArg("RS")) //complete factory reset
serveMessage(request, 200, "All Settings erased.", "Connect to WLED-AP to setup again",255);
doReboot = true;
bool pwdCorrect = !otaLock; //always allow access if ota not locked
if (request->hasArg("OP"))
if (otaLock && strcmp(otaPass,request->arg("OP").c_str()) == 0)
pwdCorrect = true;
if (!otaLock && request->arg("OP").length() > 0)
strlcpy(otaPass,request->arg("OP").c_str(), 33);
if (pwdCorrect) //allow changes if correct pwd or no ota active
otaLock = request->hasArg("NO");
wifiLock = request->hasArg("OW");
aOtaEnabled = request->hasArg("AO");
#ifdef WLED_ENABLE_DMX // include only if DMX is enabled
if (subPage == 7)
int t = request->arg("CN").toInt();
if (t>0 && t<16) {
DMXChannels = t;
t = request->arg("CS").toInt();
if (t>0 && t<513) {
DMXStart = t;
t = request->arg("CG").toInt();
if (t>0 && t<513) {
DMXGap = t;
for (int i=0; i<15; i++) {
String argname = "CH" + String((i+1));
t = request->arg(argname).toInt();
DMXFixtureMap[i] = t;
if (subPage != 6 || !doReboot) saveSettingsToEEPROM(); //do not save if factory reset
if (subPage == 2) {
if (subPage == 4) alexaInit();
//helper to get int value at a position in string
int getNumVal(const String* req, uint16_t pos)
return req->substring(pos+3).toInt();
//helper to get int value at a position in string
bool updateVal(const String* req, const char* key, byte* val, byte minv, byte maxv)
int pos = req->indexOf(key);
if (pos < 1) return false;
if (req->charAt(pos+3) == '~') {
int out = getNumVal(req, pos+1);
if (out == 0)
if (req->charAt(pos+4) == '-')
*val = (*val <= minv)? maxv : *val -1;
} else {
*val = (*val >= maxv)? minv : *val +1;
} else {
out += *val;
if (out > maxv) out = maxv;
if (out < minv) out = minv;
*val = out;
} else
*val = getNumVal(req, pos);
return true;
//HTTP API request parser
bool handleSet(AsyncWebServerRequest *request, const String& req)
if (!(req.indexOf("win") >= 0)) return false;
int pos = 0;
//write presets and macros saved to flash directly?
bool persistSaves = true;
pos = req.indexOf("NP");
if (pos > 0) {
persistSaves = false;
//save macro, requires &MS=<slot>(<macro>) format
pos = req.indexOf("&MS=");
if (pos > 0) {
int i = req.substring(pos + 4).toInt();
pos = req.indexOf('(') +1;
if (pos > 0) {
int en = req.indexOf(')');
String mc = req.substring(pos);
if (en > 0) mc = req.substring(pos, en);
saveMacro(i, mc, persistSaves);
pos = req.indexOf("IN");
if (pos < 1) XML_response(request);
return true;
//if you save a macro in one request, other commands in that request are ignored due to unwanted behavior otherwise
strip.applyToAllSelected = true;
//segment select (sets main segment)
byte prevMain = strip.getMainSegmentId();
pos = req.indexOf("SM=");
if (pos > 0) {
strip.mainSegment = getNumVal(&req, pos);
byte main = strip.getMainSegmentId();
if (main != prevMain) setValuesFromMainSeg();
pos = req.indexOf("SS=");
if (pos > 0) {
byte t = getNumVal(&req, pos);
if (t < strip.getMaxSegments()) main = t;
WS2812FX::Segment& mainseg = strip.getSegment(main);
pos = req.indexOf("SV="); //segment selected
if (pos > 0) mainseg.setOption(0, (req.charAt(pos+3) != '0'));
uint16_t startI = mainseg.start;
uint16_t stopI = mainseg.stop;
uint8_t grpI = mainseg.grouping;
uint16_t spcI = mainseg.spacing;
pos = req.indexOf("&S="); //segment start
if (pos > 0) {
startI = getNumVal(&req, pos);
pos = req.indexOf("S2="); //segment stop
if (pos > 0) {
stopI = getNumVal(&req, pos);
pos = req.indexOf("GP="); //segment grouping
if (pos > 0) {
grpI = getNumVal(&req, pos);
if (grpI == 0) grpI = 1;
pos = req.indexOf("SP="); //segment spacing
if (pos > 0) {
spcI = getNumVal(&req, pos);
strip.setSegment(main, startI, stopI, grpI, spcI);
main = strip.getMainSegmentId();
//set presets
pos = req.indexOf("P1="); //sets first preset for cycle
if (pos > 0) presetCycleMin = getNumVal(&req, pos);
pos = req.indexOf("P2="); //sets last preset for cycle
if (pos > 0) presetCycleMax = getNumVal(&req, pos);
//preset cycle
pos = req.indexOf("CY=");
if (pos > 0)
presetCyclingEnabled = (req.charAt(pos+3) != '0');
presetCycCurr = presetCycleMin;
pos = req.indexOf("PT="); //sets cycle time in ms
if (pos > 0) {
int v = getNumVal(&req, pos);
if (v > 49) presetCycleTime = v;
pos = req.indexOf("PA="); //apply brightness from preset
if (pos > 0) presetApplyBri = (req.charAt(pos+3) != '0');
pos = req.indexOf("PS="); //saves current in preset
if (pos > 0) savePreset(getNumVal(&req, pos), persistSaves);
//apply preset
if (updateVal(&req, "PL=", &presetCycCurr, presetCycleMin, presetCycleMax)) {
applyPreset(presetCycCurr, presetApplyBri);
//set brightness
updateVal(&req, "&A=", &bri);
//set colors
updateVal(&req, "&R=", &col[0]);
updateVal(&req, "&G=", &col[1]);
updateVal(&req, "&B=", &col[2]);
updateVal(&req, "&W=", &col[3]);
updateVal(&req, "R2=", &colSec[0]);
updateVal(&req, "G2=", &colSec[1]);
updateVal(&req, "B2=", &colSec[2]);
updateVal(&req, "W2=", &colSec[3]);
//set hue
pos = req.indexOf("HU=");
if (pos > 0) {
uint16_t temphue = getNumVal(&req, pos);
byte tempsat = 255;
pos = req.indexOf("SA=");
if (pos > 0) {
tempsat = getNumVal(&req, pos);
colorHStoRGB(temphue,tempsat,(req.indexOf("H2")>0)? colSec:col);
//set color from HEX or 32bit DEC
pos = req.indexOf("CL=");
if (pos > 0) {
colorFromDecOrHexString(col, (char*)req.substring(pos + 3).c_str());
pos = req.indexOf("C2=");
if (pos > 0) {
colorFromDecOrHexString(colSec, (char*)req.substring(pos + 3).c_str());
//set to random hue SR=0->1st SR=1->2nd
pos = req.indexOf("SR");
if (pos > 0) {
_setRandomColor(getNumVal(&req, pos));
//swap 2nd & 1st
pos = req.indexOf("SC");
if (pos > 0) {
byte temp;
for (uint8_t i=0; i<4; i++)
temp = col[i];
col[i] = colSec[i];
colSec[i] = temp;
//set effect parameters
if (updateVal(&req, "FX=", &effectCurrent, 0, strip.getModeCount()-1)) presetCyclingEnabled = false;
updateVal(&req, "SX=", &effectSpeed);
updateVal(&req, "IX=", &effectIntensity);
updateVal(&req, "FP=", &effectPalette, 0, strip.getPaletteCount()-1);
//set advanced overlay
pos = req.indexOf("OL=");
if (pos > 0) {
overlayCurrent = getNumVal(&req, pos);
//apply macro
pos = req.indexOf("&M=");
if (pos > 0) {
applyMacro(getNumVal(&req, pos));
//toggle send UDP direct notifications
pos = req.indexOf("SN=");
if (pos > 0) notifyDirect = (req.charAt(pos+3) != '0');
//toggle receive UDP direct notifications
pos = req.indexOf("RN=");
if (pos > 0) receiveNotifications = (req.charAt(pos+3) != '0');
//receive live data via UDP/Hyperion
pos = req.indexOf("RD=");
if (pos > 0) receiveDirect = (req.charAt(pos+3) != '0');
//toggle nightlight mode
bool aNlDef = false;
if (req.indexOf("&ND") > 0) aNlDef = true;
pos = req.indexOf("NL=");
if (pos > 0)
if (req.charAt(pos+3) == '0')
nightlightActive = false;
bri = briT;
} else {
nightlightActive = true;
if (!aNlDef) nightlightDelayMins = getNumVal(&req, pos);
nightlightStartTime = millis();
} else if (aNlDef)
nightlightActive = true;
nightlightStartTime = millis();
//set nightlight target brightness
pos = req.indexOf("NT=");
if (pos > 0) {
nightlightTargetBri = getNumVal(&req, pos);
nightlightActiveOld = false; //re-init
//toggle nightlight fade
pos = req.indexOf("NF=");
if (pos > 0)
nightlightFade = (req.charAt(pos+3) != '0');
nightlightColorFade = (req.charAt(pos+3) == '2'); //NighLightColorFade can only be enabled via API or Macro with "NF=2"
nightlightActiveOld = false; //re-init
#if AUXPIN >= 0
//toggle general purpose output
pos = req.indexOf("AX=");
if (pos > 0) {
auxTime = getNumVal(&req, pos);
auxActive = true;
if (auxTime == 0) auxActive = false;
pos = req.indexOf("TT=");
if (pos > 0) transitionDelay = getNumVal(&req, pos);
//main toggle on/off
pos = req.indexOf("&T=");
if (pos > 0) {
nightlightActive = false; //always disable nightlight when toggling
switch (getNumVal(&req, pos))
case 0: if (bri != 0){briLast = bri; bri = 0;} break; //off
case 1: bri = briLast; break; //on
default: toggleOnOff(); //toggle
//Segment reverse
pos = req.indexOf("RV=");
if (pos > 0) strip.getSegment(main).setOption(1, req.charAt(pos+3) != '0');
//deactivate nightlight if target brightness is reached
if (bri == nightlightTargetBri) nightlightActive = false;
//set time (unix timestamp)
pos = req.indexOf("ST=");
if (pos > 0) {
setTime(getNumVal(&req, pos));
//set countdown goal (unix timestamp)
pos = req.indexOf("CT=");
if (pos > 0) {
countdownTime = getNumVal(&req, pos);
if (countdownTime - now() > 0) countdownOverTriggered = false;
//mode, 1 countdown
pos = req.indexOf("NM=");
if (pos > 0) countdownMode = (req.charAt(pos+3) != '0');
pos = req.indexOf("NX="); //sets digits to code
if (pos > 0) {
strlcpy(cronixieDisplay, req.substring(pos + 3, pos + 9).c_str(), 6);
pos = req.indexOf("NB=");
if (pos > 0) //sets backlight
cronixieBacklight = (req.charAt(pos+3) != '0');
overlayRefreshedTime = 0;
pos = req.indexOf("U0="); //user var 0
if (pos > 0) {
userVar0 = getNumVal(&req, pos);
pos = req.indexOf("U1="); //user var 1
if (pos > 0) {
userVar1 = getNumVal(&req, pos);
//you can add more if you need
//internal call, does not send XML response
pos = req.indexOf("IN");
if (pos < 1) XML_response(request);
pos = req.indexOf("&NN"); //do not send UDP notifications this time
return true;