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* @file : ai.h
* @brief : contains the heuristic
* @attention
* Copyright (c) muebau 2023
* All rights reserved.</center></h2>
#ifndef __AI_H__
#define __AI_H__
#include "gridbw.h"
#include "rating.h"
using namespace std;
class TetrisAI
double aHeight;
double fullLines;
double holes;
double bumpiness;
bool findWorstMove = false;
uint8_t countOnes(uint32_t vector)
uint8_t count = 0;
while (vector)
vector &= (vector - 1);
return count;
void updateRating(GridBW grid, Rating* rating)
rating->minHeight = 0;
rating->maxHeight = 0;
rating->holes = 0;
rating->fullLines = 0;
rating->bumpiness = 0;
rating->aggregatedHeight = 0;
fill(rating->lineHights.begin(), rating->lineHights.end(), 0);
uint32_t columnvector = 0x0;
uint32_t lastcolumnvector = 0x0;
for (uint8_t row = 0; row < grid.height; row++)
columnvector |= grid.pixels[row];
//first (highest) column makes it
if (rating->maxHeight == 0 && columnvector)
rating->maxHeight = grid.height - row;
//if column vector is full we found the minimal height (or it stays zero)
if (rating->minHeight == 0 && (columnvector == (uint32_t)((1 << grid.width) - 1)))
rating->minHeight = grid.height - row;
//line full if all ones in mask :-)
if (grid.isLineFull(row))
//holes are basically a XOR with the "full" columns
rating->holes += countOnes(columnvector ^ grid.pixels[row]);
//calculate the difference (XOR) between the current column vector and the last one
uint32_t columnDelta = columnvector ^ lastcolumnvector;
//process every new column
uint8_t index = 0;
while (columnDelta)
//if this is a new column
if (columnDelta & 0x1)
//update hight of this column
rating->lineHights[(grid.width - 1) - index] = grid.height - row;
// update aggregatedHeight
rating->aggregatedHeight += grid.height - row;
columnDelta >>= 1;
lastcolumnvector = columnvector;
//compare every two columns to get the difference and add them up
for (uint8_t column = 1; column < grid.width; column++)
rating->bumpiness += abs(rating->lineHights[column - 1] - rating->lineHights[column]);
rating->score = (aHeight * (rating->aggregatedHeight)) + (fullLines * (rating->fullLines)) + (holes * (rating->holes)) + (bumpiness * (rating->bumpiness));
TetrisAI(): TetrisAI(-0.510066, 0.760666, -0.35663, -0.184483)
TetrisAI(double aHeight, double fullLines, double holes, double bumpiness):
void findBestMove(GridBW grid, Piece *piece)
vector<Piece> pieces = {*piece};
findBestMove(grid, &pieces);
*piece = pieces[0];
void findBestMove(GridBW grid, std::vector<Piece> *pieces)
findBestMove(grid, pieces->begin(), pieces->end());
void findBestMove(GridBW grid, std::vector<Piece>::iterator start, std::vector<Piece>::iterator end)
Rating bestRating(grid.width);
findBestMove(grid, start, end, &bestRating);
void findBestMove(GridBW grid, std::vector<Piece>::iterator start, std::vector<Piece>::iterator end, Rating* bestRating)
Rating curRating(grid.width);
Rating deeperRating(grid.width);
Piece piece = *start;
// for every rotation of the piece
for (piece.rotation = 0; piece.rotation < piece.pieceData->rotCount; piece.rotation++)
// put piece to top left corner
piece.x = 0;
piece.y = 0;
//test for every column
for (piece.x = 0; piece.x <= grid.width - piece.getRotation().width; piece.x++)
//todo optimise by the use of the previous grids height
piece.landingY = 0;
//will set landingY to final position
// draw piece
grid.placePiece(&piece, piece.x, piece.landingY);
if(start == end - 1)
//at the deepest level
updateRating(grid, &curRating);
//go deeper to take another piece into account
findBestMove(grid, start + 1, end, &deeperRating);
curRating = deeperRating;
// eraese piece
grid.erasePiece(&piece, piece.x, piece.landingY);
//init rating for worst
if(bestRating->score == -DBL_MAX)
bestRating->score = DBL_MAX;
// update if we found a worse one
if (bestRating->score > curRating.score)
*bestRating = curRating;
(*start) = piece;
// update if we found a better one
if (bestRating->score < curRating.score)
*bestRating = curRating;
(*start) = piece;
#endif /* __AI_H__ */