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#pragma once
#include "wled.h"
// compatible with QuinLED-Dig-Uno
#define PIR_SENSOR_PIN 23 // Q4
#else //ESP8266 boards
#define PIR_SENSOR_PIN 13 // Q4 (D7 on D1 mini)
* This usermod handles PIR sensor states.
* The strip will be switched on and the off timer will be resetted when the sensor goes HIGH.
* When the sensor state goes LOW, the off timer is started and when it expires, the strip is switched off.
* Usermods allow you to add own functionality to WLED more easily
* See: https://github.com/Aircoookie/WLED/wiki/Add-own-functionality
* v2 usermods are class inheritance based and can (but don't have to) implement more functions, each of them is shown in this example.
* Multiple v2 usermods can be added to one compilation easily.
* Creating a usermod:
* This file serves as an example. If you want to create a usermod, it is recommended to use usermod_v2_empty.h from the usermods folder as a template.
* Please remember to rename the class and file to a descriptive name.
* You may also use multiple .h and .cpp files.
* Using a usermod:
* 1. Copy the usermod into the sketch folder (same folder as wled00.ino)
* 2. Register the usermod by adding #include "usermod_filename.h" in the top and registerUsermod(new MyUsermodClass()) in the bottom of usermods_list.cpp
class PIRsensorSwitch : public Usermod
* constructor
PIRsensorSwitch() {}
* desctructor
~PIRsensorSwitch() {}
* Enable/Disable the PIR sensor
void EnablePIRsensor(bool en) { enabled = en; }
* Get PIR sensor enabled/disabled state
bool PIRsensorEnabled() { return enabled; }
// PIR sensor pin
int8_t PIRsensorPin = PIR_SENSOR_PIN;
// notification mode for colorUpdated()
// delay before switch off after the sensor state goes LOW
uint32_t m_switchOffDelay = 600000; // 10min
// off timer start time
uint32_t m_offTimerStart = 0;
// current PIR sensor pin state
byte sensorPinState = LOW;
// PIR sensor enabled
bool enabled = true;
// status of initialisation
bool initDone = false;
// on and off presets
uint8_t m_onPreset = 0;
uint8_t m_offPreset = 0;
// flag to indicate that PIR sensor should activate WLED during nighttime only
bool m_nightTimeOnly = false;
// flag to send MQTT message only (assuming it is enabled)
bool m_mqttOnly = false;
unsigned long lastLoop = 0;
// strings to reduce flash memory usage (used more than twice)
static const char _name[];
static const char _switchOffDelay[];
static const char _enabled[];
static const char _onPreset[];
static const char _offPreset[];
static const char _nightTime[];
static const char _mqttOnly[];
* check if it is daytime
* if sunrise/sunset is not defined (no NTP or lat/lon) default to nighttime
bool isDayTime() {
bool isDayTime = false;
uint8_t hr = hour(localTime);
uint8_t mi = minute(localTime);
if (sunrise && sunset) {
if (hour(sunrise)<hr && hour(sunset)>hr) {
isDayTime = true;
} else {
if (hour(sunrise)==hr && minute(sunrise)<mi) {
isDayTime = true;
if (hour(sunset)==hr && minute(sunset)>mi) {
isDayTime = true;
return isDayTime;
* switch strip on/off
void switchStrip(bool switchOn)
if (switchOn && m_onPreset) {
} else if (!switchOn && m_offPreset) {
} else if (switchOn && bri == 0) {
bri = briLast;
} else if (!switchOn && bri != 0) {
briLast = bri;
bri = 0;
void publishMqtt(const char* state)
//Check if MQTT Connected, otherwise it will crash the 8266
char subuf[64];
strcpy(subuf, mqttDeviceTopic);
strcat_P(subuf, PSTR("/motion"));
mqtt->publish(subuf, 0, false, state);
* Read and update PIR sensor state.
* Initilize/reset switch off timer
bool updatePIRsensorState()
bool pinState = digitalRead(PIRsensorPin);
if (pinState != sensorPinState) {
sensorPinState = pinState; // change previous state
if (sensorPinState == HIGH) {
m_offTimerStart = 0;
if (!m_mqttOnly && (!m_nightTimeOnly || (m_nightTimeOnly && !isDayTime()))) switchStrip(true);
} else /*if (bri != 0)*/ {
// start switch off timer
m_offTimerStart = millis();
return true;
return false;
* switch off the strip if the delay has elapsed
bool handleOffTimer()
if (m_offTimerStart > 0 && millis() - m_offTimerStart > m_switchOffDelay)
if (enabled == true)
if (!m_mqttOnly && (!m_nightTimeOnly || (m_nightTimeOnly && !isDayTime()))) switchStrip(false);
m_offTimerStart = 0;
return true;
return false;
//Functions called by WLED
* setup() is called once at boot. WiFi is not yet connected at this point.
* You can use it to initialize variables, sensors or similar.
void setup()
// pin retrieved from cfg.json (readFromConfig()) prior to running setup()
if (!pinManager.allocatePin(PIRsensorPin,false)) {
PIRsensorPin = -1; // allocation failed
enabled = false;
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("PIRSensorSwitch pin allocation failed."));
} else {
// PIR Sensor mode INPUT_PULLUP
pinMode(PIRsensorPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
if (enabled) {
sensorPinState = digitalRead(PIRsensorPin);
initDone = true;
* connected() is called every time the WiFi is (re)connected
* Use it to initialize network interfaces
void connected()
* loop() is called continuously. Here you can check for events, read sensors, etc.
void loop()
// only check sensors 10x/s
unsigned long now = millis();
if (now - lastLoop < 100) return;
lastLoop = now;
if (!updatePIRsensorState()) {
* addToJsonInfo() can be used to add custom entries to the /json/info part of the JSON API.
* Add PIR sensor state and switch off timer duration to jsoninfo
void addToJsonInfo(JsonObject &root)
JsonObject user = root["u"];
if (user.isNull()) user = root.createNestedObject("u");
if (enabled)
// off timer
String uiDomString = F("PIR <i class=\"icons\">&#xe325;</i>");
JsonArray infoArr = user.createNestedArray(uiDomString); // timer value
if (m_offTimerStart > 0)
uiDomString = "";
unsigned int offSeconds = (m_switchOffDelay - (millis() - m_offTimerStart)) / 1000;
if (offSeconds >= 3600)
uiDomString += (offSeconds / 3600);
uiDomString += F("h ");
offSeconds %= 3600;
if (offSeconds >= 60)
uiDomString += (offSeconds / 60);
offSeconds %= 60;
else if (uiDomString.length() > 0)
uiDomString += 0;
if (uiDomString.length() > 0)
uiDomString += F("min ");
uiDomString += (offSeconds);
infoArr.add(uiDomString + F("s"));
} else {
infoArr.add(sensorPinState ? F("sensor on") : F("inactive"));
} else {
String uiDomString = F("PIR sensor");
JsonArray infoArr = user.createNestedArray(uiDomString);
* addToJsonState() can be used to add custom entries to the /json/state part of the JSON API (state object).
* Values in the state object may be modified by connected clients
void addToJsonState(JsonObject &root)
* readFromJsonState() can be used to receive data clients send to the /json/state part of the JSON API (state object).
* Values in the state object may be modified by connected clients
void readFromJsonState(JsonObject &root)
* provide the changeable values
void addToConfig(JsonObject &root)
JsonObject top = root.createNestedObject(FPSTR(_name));
top[FPSTR(_enabled)] = enabled;
top[FPSTR(_switchOffDelay)] = m_switchOffDelay / 1000;
top["pin"] = PIRsensorPin;
top[FPSTR(_onPreset)] = m_onPreset;
top[FPSTR(_offPreset)] = m_offPreset;
top[FPSTR(_nightTime)] = m_nightTimeOnly;
top[FPSTR(_mqttOnly)] = m_mqttOnly;
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("PIR config saved."));
* restore the changeable values
* readFromConfig() is called before setup() to populate properties from values stored in cfg.json
bool readFromConfig(JsonObject &root)
bool oldEnabled = enabled;
int8_t oldPin = PIRsensorPin;
JsonObject top = root[FPSTR(_name)];
if (top.isNull()) return false;
if (top["pin"] != nullptr) {
PIRsensorPin = min(39,max(-1,top["pin"].as<int>())); // check bounds
if (top[FPSTR(_enabled)] != nullptr) {
if (top[FPSTR(_enabled)].is<bool>()) {
enabled = top[FPSTR(_enabled)].as<bool>(); // reading from cfg.json
} else {
// change from settings page
String str = top[FPSTR(_enabled)]; // checkbox -> off or on
enabled = (bool)(str!="off"); // off is guaranteed to be present
if (top[FPSTR(_switchOffDelay)] != nullptr) {
m_switchOffDelay = (top[FPSTR(_switchOffDelay)].as<int>() * 1000);
if (top[FPSTR(_onPreset)] != nullptr) {
m_onPreset = max(0,min(250,top[FPSTR(_onPreset)].as<int>()));
if (top[FPSTR(_offPreset)] != nullptr) {
m_offPreset = max(0,min(250,top[FPSTR(_offPreset)].as<int>()));
if (top[FPSTR(_nightTime)] != nullptr) {
if (top[FPSTR(_nightTime)].is<bool>()) {
m_nightTimeOnly = top[FPSTR(_nightTime)].as<bool>(); // reading from cfg.json
} else {
// change from settings page
String str = top[FPSTR(_nightTime)]; // checkbox -> off or on
m_nightTimeOnly = (bool)(str!="off"); // off is guaranteed to be present
if (top[FPSTR(_mqttOnly)] != nullptr) {
if (top[FPSTR(_mqttOnly)].is<bool>()) {
m_mqttOnly = top[FPSTR(_mqttOnly)].as<bool>(); // reading from cfg.json
} else {
// change from settings page
String str = top[FPSTR(_mqttOnly)]; // checkbox -> off or on
m_mqttOnly = (bool)(str!="off"); // off is guaranteed to be present
if (!initDone) {
// reading config prior to setup()
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("PIR config loaded."));
} else {
if (oldPin != PIRsensorPin || oldEnabled != enabled) {
// check if pin is OK
if (oldPin != PIRsensorPin && oldPin >= 0) {
// if we are changing pin in settings page
// deallocate old pin
if (pinManager.allocatePin(PIRsensorPin,false)) {
pinMode(PIRsensorPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
} else {
// allocation failed
PIRsensorPin = -1;
enabled = false;
if (enabled) {
sensorPinState = digitalRead(PIRsensorPin);
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("PIR config (re)loaded."));
return true;
* getId() allows you to optionally give your V2 usermod an unique ID (please define it in const.h!).
* This could be used in the future for the system to determine whether your usermod is installed.
uint16_t getId()
// strings to reduce flash memory usage (used more than twice)
const char PIRsensorSwitch::_name[] PROGMEM = "PIRsensorSwitch";
const char PIRsensorSwitch::_enabled[] PROGMEM = "PIRenabled";
const char PIRsensorSwitch::_switchOffDelay[] PROGMEM = "PIRoffSec";
const char PIRsensorSwitch::_onPreset[] PROGMEM = "on-preset";
const char PIRsensorSwitch::_offPreset[] PROGMEM = "off-preset";
const char PIRsensorSwitch::_nightTime[] PROGMEM = "nighttime-only";
const char PIRsensorSwitch::_mqttOnly[] PROGMEM = "mqtt-only";