
324 wiersze
11 KiB

#include "wled.h"
* Physical IO
#define WLED_DEBOUNCE_THRESHOLD 50 //only consider button input of at least 50ms as valid (debouncing)
#define WLED_LONG_PRESS 600 //long press if button is released after held for at least 600ms
#define WLED_DOUBLE_PRESS 350 //double press if another press within 350ms after a short press
#define WLED_LONG_REPEATED_ACTION 333 //how often a repeated action (e.g. dimming) is fired on long press on button IDs >0
#define WLED_LONG_AP 6000 //how long the button needs to be held to activate WLED-AP
static const char _mqtt_topic_button[] PROGMEM = "%s/button/%d"; // optimize flash usage
void shortPressAction(uint8_t b)
if (!macroButton[b]) {
switch (b) {
case 0: toggleOnOff(); colorUpdated(CALL_MODE_BUTTON); break;
case 1: ++effectCurrent %= strip.getModeCount(); effectChanged = true; colorUpdated(CALL_MODE_BUTTON); break;
} else {
applyPreset(macroButton[b], CALL_MODE_BUTTON_PRESET);
// publish MQTT message
if (buttonPublishMqtt && WLED_MQTT_CONNECTED) {
char subuf[64];
sprintf_P(subuf, _mqtt_topic_button, mqttDeviceTopic, (int)b);
mqtt->publish(subuf, 0, false, "short");
void longPressAction(uint8_t b)
if (!macroLongPress[b]) {
switch (b) {
case 0: _setRandomColor(false,true); break;
case 1: bri += 8; colorUpdated(CALL_MODE_BUTTON); buttonPressedTime[b] = millis(); break; // repeatable action
} else {
applyPreset(macroLongPress[b], CALL_MODE_BUTTON_PRESET);
// publish MQTT message
if (buttonPublishMqtt && WLED_MQTT_CONNECTED) {
char subuf[64];
sprintf_P(subuf, _mqtt_topic_button, mqttDeviceTopic, (int)b);
mqtt->publish(subuf, 0, false, "long");
void doublePressAction(uint8_t b)
if (!macroDoublePress[b]) {
switch (b) {
//case 0: toggleOnOff(); colorUpdated(CALL_MODE_BUTTON); break; //instant short press on button 0 if no macro set
case 1: ++effectPalette %= strip.getPaletteCount(); effectChanged = true; colorUpdated(CALL_MODE_BUTTON); break;
} else {
applyPreset(macroDoublePress[b], CALL_MODE_BUTTON_PRESET);
// publish MQTT message
if (buttonPublishMqtt && WLED_MQTT_CONNECTED) {
char subuf[64];
sprintf_P(subuf, _mqtt_topic_button, mqttDeviceTopic, (int)b);
mqtt->publish(subuf, 0, false, "double");
bool isButtonPressed(uint8_t i)
if (btnPin[i]<0) return false;
switch (buttonType[i]) {
if (digitalRead(btnPin[i]) == LOW) return true;
if (digitalRead(btnPin[i]) == HIGH) return true;
#if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32) && !defined(CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32C3)
if (touchRead(btnPin[i]) <= touchThreshold) return true;
return false;
void handleSwitch(uint8_t b)
// isButtonPressed() handles inverted/noninverted logic
if (buttonPressedBefore[b] != isButtonPressed(b)) {
buttonPressedTime[b] = millis();
buttonPressedBefore[b] = !buttonPressedBefore[b];
if (buttonLongPressed[b] == buttonPressedBefore[b]) return;
if (millis() - buttonPressedTime[b] > WLED_DEBOUNCE_THRESHOLD) { //fire edge event only after 50ms without change (debounce)
if (!buttonPressedBefore[b]) { // on -> off
if (macroButton[b]) applyPreset(macroButton[b], CALL_MODE_BUTTON_PRESET);
else { //turn on
if (!bri) {toggleOnOff(); colorUpdated(CALL_MODE_BUTTON);}
} else { // off -> on
if (macroLongPress[b]) applyPreset(macroLongPress[b], CALL_MODE_BUTTON_PRESET);
else { //turn off
if (bri) {toggleOnOff(); colorUpdated(CALL_MODE_BUTTON);}
// publish MQTT message
if (buttonPublishMqtt && WLED_MQTT_CONNECTED) {
char subuf[64];
if (buttonType[b] == BTN_TYPE_PIR_SENSOR) sprintf_P(subuf, PSTR("%s/motion/%d"), mqttDeviceTopic, (int)b);
else sprintf_P(subuf, _mqtt_topic_button, mqttDeviceTopic, (int)b);
mqtt->publish(subuf, 0, false, !buttonPressedBefore[b] ? "off" : "on");
buttonLongPressed[b] = buttonPressedBefore[b]; //save the last "long term" switch state
void handleAnalog(uint8_t b)
static uint8_t oldRead[WLED_MAX_BUTTONS];
#ifdef ESP8266
uint16_t aRead = analogRead(A0) >> 2; // convert 10bit read to 8bit
uint16_t aRead = analogRead(btnPin[b]) >> 4; // convert 12bit read to 8bit
if (buttonType[b] == BTN_TYPE_ANALOG_INVERTED) aRead = 255 - aRead;
// remove noise & reduce frequency of UI updates
aRead &= 0xFC;
if (oldRead[b] == aRead) return; // no change in reading
oldRead[b] = aRead;
// if no macro for "short press" and "long press" is defined use brightness control
if (!macroButton[b] && !macroLongPress[b]) {
// if "double press" macro defines which option to change
if (macroDoublePress[b] >= 250) {
// global brightness
if (aRead == 0) {
briLast = bri;
bri = 0;
} else{
bri = aRead;
} else if (macroDoublePress[b] == 249) {
// effect speed
effectSpeed = aRead;
effectChanged = true;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < strip.getMaxSegments(); i++) {
WS2812FX::Segment& seg = strip.getSegment(i);
if (!seg.isSelected()) continue;
seg.speed = effectSpeed;
} else if (macroDoublePress[b] == 248) {
// effect intensity
effectIntensity = aRead;
effectChanged = true;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < strip.getMaxSegments(); i++) {
WS2812FX::Segment& seg = strip.getSegment(i);
if (!seg.isSelected()) continue;
seg.intensity = effectIntensity;
} else if (macroDoublePress[b] == 247) {
// selected palette
effectPalette = map(aRead, 0, 252, 0, strip.getPaletteCount()-1);
effectChanged = true;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < strip.getMaxSegments(); i++) {
WS2812FX::Segment& seg = strip.getSegment(i);
if (!seg.isSelected()) continue;
seg.palette = effectPalette;
} else if (macroDoublePress[b] == 200) {
// primary color, hue, full saturation
} else {
// otherwise use "double press" for segment selection
//uint8_t mainSeg = strip.getMainSegmentId();
WS2812FX::Segment& seg = strip.getSegment(macroDoublePress[b]);
if (aRead == 0) {
seg.setOption(SEG_OPTION_ON, 0); // off
} else {
seg.setOpacity(aRead, macroDoublePress[b]);
seg.setOption(SEG_OPTION_ON, 1);
// this will notify clients of update (websockets,mqtt,etc)
} else {
// we can either trigger a preset depending on the level (between short and long entries)
// or use it for RGBW direct control
void handleButton()
static unsigned long lastRead = 0UL;
bool analog = false;
unsigned long now = millis();
for (uint8_t b=0; b<WLED_MAX_BUTTONS; b++) {
#ifdef ESP8266
if ((btnPin[b]<0 && !(buttonType[b] == BTN_TYPE_ANALOG || buttonType[b] == BTN_TYPE_ANALOG_INVERTED)) || buttonType[b] == BTN_TYPE_NONE) continue;
if (btnPin[b]<0 || buttonType[b] == BTN_TYPE_NONE) continue;
if (usermods.handleButton(b)) continue; // did usermod handle buttons
if ((buttonType[b] == BTN_TYPE_ANALOG || buttonType[b] == BTN_TYPE_ANALOG_INVERTED) && now - lastRead > 250) { // button is not a button but a potentiometer
analog = true;
handleAnalog(b); continue;
//button is not momentary, but switch. This is only suitable on pins whose on-boot state does not matter (NOT gpio0)
if (buttonType[b] == BTN_TYPE_SWITCH || buttonType[b] == BTN_TYPE_PIR_SENSOR) {
handleSwitch(b); continue;
//momentary button logic
if (isButtonPressed(b)) { //pressed
if (!buttonPressedBefore[b]) buttonPressedTime[b] = now;
buttonPressedBefore[b] = true;
if (now - buttonPressedTime[b] > WLED_LONG_PRESS) { //long press
if (!buttonLongPressed[b]) longPressAction(b);
else if (b) { //repeatable action (~3 times per s) on button > 0
buttonPressedTime[b] = now - WLED_LONG_REPEATED_ACTION; //333ms
buttonLongPressed[b] = true;
} else if (!isButtonPressed(b) && buttonPressedBefore[b]) { //released
long dur = now - buttonPressedTime[b];
if (dur < WLED_DEBOUNCE_THRESHOLD) {buttonPressedBefore[b] = false; continue;} //too short "press", debounce
bool doublePress = buttonWaitTime[b]; //did we have a short press before?
buttonWaitTime[b] = 0;
if (b == 0 && dur > 2*WLED_LONG_AP) { //very long press on button 0 (when released)
doReboot = true;
} else if (b == 0 && dur > WLED_LONG_AP) { //long press on button 0 (when released)
} else if (!buttonLongPressed[b]) { //short press
//NOTE: this interferes with double click handling in usermods so it is commented out
if (b == 0 && !macroDoublePress[b]) { //don't wait for double press on button 0 if no double press macro set
} else { //double press if less than 350 ms between current press and previous short press release (buttonWaitTime!=0)
if (doublePress) {
} else {
buttonWaitTime[b] = now;
buttonPressedBefore[b] = false;
buttonLongPressed[b] = false;
//if 350ms elapsed since last short press release it is a short press
if (buttonWaitTime[b] && now - buttonWaitTime[b] > WLED_DOUBLE_PRESS && !buttonPressedBefore[b]) {
buttonWaitTime[b] = 0;
if (analog) lastRead = now;
void handleIO()
//set relay when LEDs turn on
if (strip.getBrightness())
lastOnTime = millis();
if (offMode)
if (rlyPin>=0) {
pinMode(rlyPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(rlyPin, rlyMde);
offMode = false;
} else if (millis() - lastOnTime > 600)
if (!offMode) {
#ifdef ESP8266
// turn off built-in LED if strip is turned off
// this will break digital bus so will need to be reinitialised on On
PinOwner ledPinOwner = pinManager.getPinOwner(LED_BUILTIN);
if (!strip.isOffRefreshRequred && (ledPinOwner == PinOwner::None || ledPinOwner == PinOwner::BusDigital)) {
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
if (rlyPin>=0) {
pinMode(rlyPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(rlyPin, !rlyMde);
offMode = true;