#ifndef WLED_FCN_DECLARE_H #define WLED_FCN_DECLARE_H #include #include "src/dependencies/espalexa/EspalexaDevice.h" #include "src/dependencies/e131/ESPAsyncE131.h" /* * All globally accessible functions are declared here */ //alexa.cpp void onAlexaChange(EspalexaDevice* dev); void alexaInit(); void handleAlexa(); void onAlexaChange(EspalexaDevice* dev); //blynk.cpp #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_BLYNK void initBlynk(const char* auth, const char* host, uint16_t port); void handleBlynk(); void updateBlynk(); #endif //button.cpp void shortPressAction(uint8_t b=0); void longPressAction(uint8_t b=0); void doublePressAction(uint8_t b=0); bool isButtonPressed(uint8_t b=0); void handleButton(); void handleIO(); //cfg.cpp bool deserializeConfig(JsonObject doc, bool fromFS = false); void deserializeConfigFromFS(); bool deserializeConfigSec(); void serializeConfig(); void serializeConfigSec(); template bool getJsonValue(const JsonVariant& element, DestType& destination) { if (element.isNull()) { return false; } destination = element.as(); return true; } template bool getJsonValue(const JsonVariant& element, DestType& destination, const DefaultType defaultValue) { if(!getJsonValue(element, destination)) { destination = defaultValue; return false; } return true; } //colors.cpp uint32_t color_blend(uint32_t,uint32_t,uint16_t,bool b16=false); uint32_t color_add(uint32_t,uint32_t); inline uint32_t colorFromRgbw(byte* rgbw) { return uint32_t((byte(rgbw[3]) << 24) | (byte(rgbw[0]) << 16) | (byte(rgbw[1]) << 8) | (byte(rgbw[2]))); } void colorHStoRGB(uint16_t hue, byte sat, byte* rgb); //hue, sat to rgb void colorKtoRGB(uint16_t kelvin, byte* rgb); void colorCTtoRGB(uint16_t mired, byte* rgb); //white spectrum to rgb void colorXYtoRGB(float x, float y, byte* rgb); // only defined if huesync disabled TODO void colorRGBtoXY(byte* rgb, float* xy); // only defined if huesync disabled TODO void colorFromDecOrHexString(byte* rgb, char* in); bool colorFromHexString(byte* rgb, const char* in); uint32_t colorBalanceFromKelvin(uint16_t kelvin, uint32_t rgb); uint16_t approximateKelvinFromRGB(uint32_t rgb); void setRandomColor(byte* rgb); uint8_t gamma8_cal(uint8_t b, float gamma); void calcGammaTable(float gamma); uint8_t gamma8(uint8_t b); uint32_t gamma32(uint32_t); //dmx.cpp void initDMX(); void handleDMX(); //e131.cpp void handleE131Packet(e131_packet_t* p, IPAddress clientIP, byte protocol); void handleArtnetPollReply(IPAddress ipAddress); void prepareArtnetPollReply(ArtPollReply* reply); void sendArtnetPollReply(ArtPollReply* reply, IPAddress ipAddress, uint16_t portAddress); //file.cpp bool handleFileRead(AsyncWebServerRequest*, String path); bool writeObjectToFileUsingId(const char* file, uint16_t id, JsonDocument* content); bool writeObjectToFile(const char* file, const char* key, JsonDocument* content); bool readObjectFromFileUsingId(const char* file, uint16_t id, JsonDocument* dest); bool readObjectFromFile(const char* file, const char* key, JsonDocument* dest); void updateFSInfo(); void closeFile(); //hue.cpp void handleHue(); void reconnectHue(); void onHueError(void* arg, AsyncClient* client, int8_t error); void onHueConnect(void* arg, AsyncClient* client); void sendHuePoll(); void onHueData(void* arg, AsyncClient* client, void *data, size_t len); //improv.cpp void handleImprovPacket(); void sendImprovStateResponse(uint8_t state, bool error = false); void sendImprovInfoResponse(); void sendImprovRPCResponse(uint8_t commandId); //ir.cpp void applyRepeatActions(); byte relativeChange(byte property, int8_t amount, byte lowerBoundary = 0, byte higherBoundary = 0xFF); void decodeIR(uint32_t code); void decodeIR24(uint32_t code); void decodeIR24OLD(uint32_t code); void decodeIR24CT(uint32_t code); void decodeIR40(uint32_t code); void decodeIR44(uint32_t code); void decodeIR21(uint32_t code); void decodeIR6(uint32_t code); void decodeIR9(uint32_t code); void decodeIRJson(uint32_t code); void initIR(); void handleIR(); //json.cpp #include "ESPAsyncWebServer.h" #include "src/dependencies/json/ArduinoJson-v6.h" #include "src/dependencies/json/AsyncJson-v6.h" #include "FX.h" void deserializeSegment(JsonObject elem, byte it, byte presetId = 0); bool deserializeState(JsonObject root, byte callMode = CALL_MODE_DIRECT_CHANGE, byte presetId = 0); void serializeSegment(JsonObject& root, Segment& seg, byte id, bool forPreset = false, bool segmentBounds = true); void serializeState(JsonObject root, bool forPreset = false, bool includeBri = true, bool segmentBounds = true); void serializeInfo(JsonObject root); void serializeModeNames(JsonArray arr, const char *qstring); void serializeModeData(JsonObject root); void serveJson(AsyncWebServerRequest* request); #ifdef WLED_ENABLE_JSONLIVE bool serveLiveLeds(AsyncWebServerRequest* request, uint32_t wsClient = 0); #endif //led.cpp void setValuesFromSegment(uint8_t s); void setValuesFromMainSeg(); void setValuesFromFirstSelectedSeg(); void resetTimebase(); void toggleOnOff(); void applyBri(); void applyFinalBri(); void applyValuesToSelectedSegs(); void colorUpdated(byte callMode); void stateUpdated(byte callMode); void updateInterfaces(uint8_t callMode); void handleTransitions(); void handleNightlight(); byte scaledBri(byte in); //lx_parser.cpp bool parseLx(int lxValue, byte* rgbw); void parseLxJson(int lxValue, byte segId, bool secondary); //mqtt.cpp bool initMqtt(); void publishMqtt(); //ntp.cpp void handleTime(); void handleNetworkTime(); void sendNTPPacket(); bool checkNTPResponse(); void updateLocalTime(); void getTimeString(char* out); bool checkCountdown(); void setCountdown(); byte weekdayMondayFirst(); void checkTimers(); void calculateSunriseAndSunset(); void setTimeFromAPI(uint32_t timein); //overlay.cpp void handleOverlayDraw(); void _overlayAnalogCountdown(); void _overlayAnalogClock(); //playlist.cpp void shufflePlaylist(); void unloadPlaylist(); int16_t loadPlaylist(JsonObject playlistObject, byte presetId = 0); void handlePlaylist(); //presets.cpp void handlePresets(); bool applyPreset(byte index, byte callMode = CALL_MODE_DIRECT_CHANGE); inline bool applyTemporaryPreset() {return applyPreset(255);}; void savePreset(byte index, const char* pname = nullptr, JsonObject saveobj = JsonObject()); inline void saveTemporaryPreset() {savePreset(255);}; void deletePreset(byte index); //set.cpp bool isAsterisksOnly(const char* str, byte maxLen); void handleSettingsSet(AsyncWebServerRequest *request, byte subPage); bool handleSet(AsyncWebServerRequest *request, const String& req, bool apply=true); //udp.cpp void notify(byte callMode, bool followUp=false); uint8_t realtimeBroadcast(uint8_t type, IPAddress client, uint16_t length, byte *buffer, uint8_t bri=255, bool isRGBW=false); void realtimeLock(uint32_t timeoutMs, byte md = REALTIME_MODE_GENERIC); void exitRealtime(); void handleNotifications(); void setRealtimePixel(uint16_t i, byte r, byte g, byte b, byte w); void refreshNodeList(); void sendSysInfoUDP(); //network.cpp int getSignalQuality(int rssi); void WiFiEvent(WiFiEvent_t event); //um_manager.cpp typedef enum UM_Data_Types { UMT_BYTE = 0, UMT_UINT16, UMT_INT16, UMT_UINT32, UMT_INT32, UMT_FLOAT, UMT_DOUBLE, UMT_BYTE_ARR, UMT_UINT16_ARR, UMT_INT16_ARR, UMT_UINT32_ARR, UMT_INT32_ARR, UMT_FLOAT_ARR, UMT_DOUBLE_ARR } um_types_t; typedef struct UM_Exchange_Data { // should just use: size_t arr_size, void **arr_ptr, byte *ptr_type size_t u_size; // size of u_data array um_types_t *u_type; // array of data types void **u_data; // array of pointers to data UM_Exchange_Data() { u_size = 0; u_type = nullptr; u_data = nullptr; } ~UM_Exchange_Data() { if (u_type) delete[] u_type; if (u_data) delete[] u_data; } } um_data_t; const unsigned int um_data_size = sizeof(um_data_t); // 12 bytes class Usermod { protected: um_data_t *um_data; // um_data should be allocated using new in (derived) Usermod's setup() or constructor public: Usermod() { um_data = nullptr; } virtual ~Usermod() { if (um_data) delete um_data; } virtual void setup() = 0; // pure virtual, has to be overriden virtual void loop() = 0; // pure virtual, has to be overriden virtual void handleOverlayDraw() {} virtual bool handleButton(uint8_t b) { return false; } virtual bool getUMData(um_data_t **data) { if (data) *data = nullptr; return false; }; virtual void connected() {} virtual void appendConfigData() {} virtual void addToJsonState(JsonObject& obj) {} virtual void addToJsonInfo(JsonObject& obj) {} virtual void readFromJsonState(JsonObject& obj) {} virtual void addToConfig(JsonObject& obj) {} virtual bool readFromConfig(JsonObject& obj) { return true; } // Note as of 2021-06 readFromConfig() now needs to return a bool, see usermod_v2_example.h virtual void onMqttConnect(bool sessionPresent) {} virtual bool onMqttMessage(char* topic, char* payload) { return false; } virtual void onUpdateBegin(bool) {} virtual uint16_t getId() {return USERMOD_ID_UNSPECIFIED;} }; class UsermodManager { private: Usermod* ums[WLED_MAX_USERMODS]; byte numMods = 0; public: void loop(); void handleOverlayDraw(); bool handleButton(uint8_t b); bool getUMData(um_data_t **um_data, uint8_t mod_id = USERMOD_ID_RESERVED); // USERMOD_ID_RESERVED will poll all usermods void setup(); void connected(); void appendConfigData(); void addToJsonState(JsonObject& obj); void addToJsonInfo(JsonObject& obj); void readFromJsonState(JsonObject& obj); void addToConfig(JsonObject& obj); bool readFromConfig(JsonObject& obj); void onMqttConnect(bool sessionPresent); bool onMqttMessage(char* topic, char* payload); void onUpdateBegin(bool); bool add(Usermod* um); Usermod* lookup(uint16_t mod_id); byte getModCount() {return numMods;}; }; //usermods_list.cpp void registerUsermods(); //usermod.cpp void userSetup(); void userConnected(); void userLoop(); //util.cpp int getNumVal(const String* req, uint16_t pos); void parseNumber(const char* str, byte* val, byte minv=0, byte maxv=255); bool getVal(JsonVariant elem, byte* val, byte minv=0, byte maxv=255); bool updateVal(const char* req, const char* key, byte* val, byte minv=0, byte maxv=255); bool oappend(const char* txt); // append new c string to temp buffer efficiently bool oappendi(int i); // append new number to temp buffer efficiently void sappend(char stype, const char* key, int val); void sappends(char stype, const char* key, char* val); void prepareHostname(char* hostname); bool isAsterisksOnly(const char* str, byte maxLen); bool requestJSONBufferLock(uint8_t module=255); void releaseJSONBufferLock(); uint8_t extractModeName(uint8_t mode, const char *src, char *dest, uint8_t maxLen); uint8_t extractModeSlider(uint8_t mode, uint8_t slider, char *dest, uint8_t maxLen, uint8_t *var = nullptr); int16_t extractModeDefaults(uint8_t mode, const char *segVar); uint16_t crc16(const unsigned char* data_p, size_t length); um_data_t* simulateSound(uint8_t simulationId); void enumerateLedmaps(); #ifdef WLED_ADD_EEPROM_SUPPORT //wled_eeprom.cpp void applyMacro(byte index); void deEEP(); void deEEPSettings(); void clearEEPROM(); #endif //wled_math.cpp #ifndef WLED_USE_REAL_MATH template T atan_t(T x); float cos_t(float phi); float sin_t(float x); float tan_t(float x); float acos_t(float x); float asin_t(float x); float floor_t(float x); float fmod_t(float num, float denom); #else #include #define sin_t sin #define cos_t cos #define tan_t tan #define asin_t asin #define acos_t acos #define atan_t atan #define fmod_t fmod #define floor_t floor #endif //wled_serial.cpp void handleSerial(); void updateBaudRate(uint32_t rate); //wled_server.cpp bool isIp(String str); void createEditHandler(bool enable); bool captivePortal(AsyncWebServerRequest *request); void initServer(); void serveIndexOrWelcome(AsyncWebServerRequest *request); void serveIndex(AsyncWebServerRequest* request); String msgProcessor(const String& var); void serveMessage(AsyncWebServerRequest* request, uint16_t code, const String& headl, const String& subl="", byte optionT=255); String settingsProcessor(const String& var); String dmxProcessor(const String& var); void serveSettings(AsyncWebServerRequest* request, bool post = false); void serveSettingsJS(AsyncWebServerRequest* request); //ws.cpp void handleWs(); void wsEvent(AsyncWebSocket * server, AsyncWebSocketClient * client, AwsEventType type, void * arg, uint8_t *data, size_t len); void sendDataWs(AsyncWebSocketClient * client = nullptr); //xml.cpp void XML_response(AsyncWebServerRequest *request, char* dest = nullptr); void URL_response(AsyncWebServerRequest *request); void getSettingsJS(byte subPage, char* dest); #endif