# Example PlatformIO Project Configuration Override # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Copy to platformio_override.ini to activate overrides # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Please visit documentation: https://docs.platformio.org/page/projectconf.html [platformio] default_envs = esp8266_1m_custom [env:esp8266_1m_custom] board = esp01_1m platform = ${common.arduino_core_2_4_2} board_build.ldscript = ${common.ldscript_1m0m} build_flags = ${common.build_flags_esp8266} -D WLED_DISABLE_OTA -D WLED_DISABLE_ALEXA -D WLED_DISABLE_BLYNK -D WLED_DISABLE_CRONIXIE -D WLED_DISABLE_HUESYNC -D WLED_DISABLE_INFRARED ; PIN defines - uncomment and change, if needed: ; -D LEDPIN=2 ; -D BTNPIN=0 ; -D TOUCHPIN=T0 ; -D IR_PIN=4 ; -D RLYPIN=12 ; -D RLYMDE=1 ; digital LED strip types - uncomment only one ! - this will disable WS281x / SK681x support ; -D USE_APA102 ; -D USE_WS2801 ; -D USE_LPD8806 ; PIN defines for 2 wire LEDs ; -D CLKPIN=0 ; -D DATAPIN=2 ; to drive analog LED strips (aka 5050), uncomment the following ; PWM pins 5,12,13,15 are used with Magic Home LED Controller (default) ; -D WLED_USE_ANALOG_LEDS ; for the H801 controller (PINs 15,13,12,14 (W2 = 04)) uncomment this ; -D WLED_USE_H801 ; for the BW-LT11 controller (PINs 12,4,14,5 ) uncomment this ; -D WLED_USE_BWLT11 ; and to enable channel 5 for RGBW-CT led strips this ; -D WLED_USE_5CH_LEDS