#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * @title WLED project sketch * @version 0.3pd * @author Christian Schwinne */ //Default CONFIG String clientssid = "Your_Network_Here"; String clientpass = "Dummy_Pass"; String cmdns = "led"; String apssid = "WLED-AP"; String appass = "wled1234"; int apchannel = 1; int aphide = 0; boolean useap = true; IPAddress staticip(0, 0, 0, 0); IPAddress staticgateway(0, 0, 0, 0); IPAddress staticsubnet(255, 255, 255, 0); byte col[]{255, 127, 0}; boolean fadeTransition = true; boolean seqTransition = false; uint16_t transitionDelay = 1500; boolean ota_lock = false; boolean only_ap = false; int led_amount = 16; int buttonPin = 3; //needs pull-up boolean buttonEnabled = true; String notifier_ips[]{"",""}; boolean notifyDirect = true, notifyButton = true, notifyForward = true; boolean receiveNotifications = true; uint8_t bri_n = 100; //Internal vars byte col_old[]{0, 0, 0}; byte col_t[]{0, 0, 0}; long transitionStartTime; byte bri = 127; byte bri_old = 0; byte bri_t = 0; byte bri_last = 127; boolean transitionActive = false; boolean buttonPressedBefore = false; int notifier_ips_count = 2; NeoPixelBus strip(led_amount, 1); ESP8266WebServer server(80); ESP8266HTTPUpdateServer httpUpdater; File fsUploadFile; void down() { bri_t = 0; setAllLeds(); Serial.println("MODULE TERMINATED"); while (1) {delay(1000);} } void reset() { bri_t = 0; setAllLeds(); Serial.println("MODULE RESET"); ESP.reset(); } void clearEEPROM() { for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { EEPROM.write(i, 0); } EEPROM.commit(); } void saveSettingsToEEPROM() { if (EEPROM.read(233) != 233) //set no first boot flag { clearEEPROM(); EEPROM.write(233, 233); } for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) { EEPROM.write(i, clientssid.charAt(i)); } for (int i = 32; i < 96; ++i) { EEPROM.write(i, clientpass.charAt(i-32)); } for (int i = 96; i < 128; ++i) { EEPROM.write(i, cmdns.charAt(i-96)); } for (int i = 128; i < 160; ++i) { EEPROM.write(i, apssid.charAt(i-128)); } for (int i = 160; i < 224; ++i) { EEPROM.write(i, appass.charAt(i-160)); } EEPROM.write(228, aphide); EEPROM.write(227, apchannel); EEPROM.write(229, led_amount); EEPROM.write(232, buttonEnabled); EEPROM.write(234, staticip[0]); EEPROM.write(235, staticip[1]); EEPROM.write(236, staticip[2]); EEPROM.write(237, staticip[3]); EEPROM.write(238, staticgateway[0]); EEPROM.write(239, staticgateway[1]); EEPROM.write(240, staticgateway[2]); EEPROM.write(241, staticgateway[3]); EEPROM.write(242, staticsubnet[0]); EEPROM.write(243, staticsubnet[1]); EEPROM.write(244, staticsubnet[2]); EEPROM.write(245, staticsubnet[3]); EEPROM.write(246, col[0]); EEPROM.write(247, col[1]); EEPROM.write(248, col[2]); EEPROM.write(249, bri); EEPROM.write(251, fadeTransition); EEPROM.write(253, (transitionDelay >> 0) & 0xFF); EEPROM.write(254, (transitionDelay >> 8) & 0xFF); EEPROM.commit(); } void loadSettingsFromEEPROM() { if (EEPROM.read(233) != 233) //first boot/reset to default { saveSettingsToEEPROM(); return; } clientssid = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) { if (EEPROM.read(i) == 0) break; clientssid += char(EEPROM.read(i)); } clientpass = ""; for (int i = 32; i < 96; ++i) { if (EEPROM.read(i) == 0) break; clientpass += char(EEPROM.read(i)); } cmdns = ""; for (int i = 96; i < 128; ++i) { if (EEPROM.read(i) == 0) break; cmdns += char(EEPROM.read(i)); } apssid = ""; for (int i = 128; i < 160; ++i) { if (EEPROM.read(i) == 0) break; apssid += char(EEPROM.read(i)); } appass = ""; for (int i = 160; i < 224; ++i) { if (EEPROM.read(i) == 0) break; appass += char(EEPROM.read(i)); } aphide = EEPROM.read(228); if (aphide > 1) aphide = 1; apchannel = EEPROM.read(227); if (apchannel > 13 || apchannel < 1) apchannel = 1; led_amount = EEPROM.read(229); buttonEnabled = EEPROM.read(232); staticip[0] = EEPROM.read(234); staticip[1] = EEPROM.read(235); staticip[2] = EEPROM.read(236); staticip[3] = EEPROM.read(237); staticgateway[0] = EEPROM.read(238); staticgateway[1] = EEPROM.read(239); staticgateway[2] = EEPROM.read(240); staticgateway[3] = EEPROM.read(241); staticsubnet[0] = EEPROM.read(242); staticsubnet[1] = EEPROM.read(243); staticsubnet[2] = EEPROM.read(244); staticsubnet[3] = EEPROM.read(245); col[0] = EEPROM.read(246); col[1] = EEPROM.read(247); col[2] = EEPROM.read(248); bri = EEPROM.read(249); fadeTransition = EEPROM.read(251); transitionDelay = ((EEPROM.read(253) << 0) & 0xFF) + ((EEPROM.read(254) << 8) & 0xFF00); } uint8_t bool2int(boolean value) { if (value) return 1; return 0; } void XML_response() { String resp; resp = resp + ""; resp = resp + ""; resp = resp + ""; resp = resp + bri; resp = resp + ""; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { resp = resp + ""; resp = resp + col[i]; resp = resp + ""; } //enable toolbar here resp = resp + ""; server.send(200, "text/xml", resp); } void XML_response_settings() { Serial.println("XML settings response"); String resp; resp = resp + ""; resp = resp + ""; resp = resp + ""; resp = resp + clientssid; resp = resp + ""; resp = resp + ""; for (int i = 0; i < clientpass.length(); i++) { resp = resp + "*"; } resp = resp + ""; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { resp = resp + ""; resp = resp + staticip[i]; resp = resp + ""; } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { resp = resp + ""; resp = resp + staticgateway[i]; resp = resp + ""; } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { resp = resp + ""; resp = resp + staticsubnet[i]; resp = resp + ""; } resp = resp + ""; resp = resp + cmdns; resp = resp + ""; resp = resp + ""; resp = resp + apssid; resp = resp + ""; resp = resp + ""; resp = resp + aphide; resp = resp + ""; resp = resp + ""; for (int i = 0; i < appass.length(); i++) { resp = resp + "*"; } resp = resp + ""; resp = resp + ""; resp = resp + apchannel; resp = resp + ""; resp = resp + ""; resp = resp + led_amount; resp = resp + ""; resp = resp + ""; resp = resp + bool2int(buttonEnabled); resp = resp + ""; resp = resp + bool2int(fadeTransition); resp = resp + ""; resp = resp + transitionDelay; resp = resp + ""; resp = resp + ""; resp = resp + bool2int(receiveNotifications); resp = resp + ""; resp = resp + bri_n; resp = resp + ""; resp = resp + bool2int(notifyDirect); resp = resp + ""; resp = resp + bool2int(notifyButton); resp = resp + ""; resp = resp + bool2int(notifyForward); resp = resp + ""; for (int i = 0; i < notifier_ips_count; i++) { resp = resp + notifier_ips[i]; resp = resp + "\n"; } resp = resp + ""; resp = resp + "0"; //NI resp = resp + "0"; //NI resp = resp + ""; if (!WiFi.localIP()[0] == 0) { resp = resp + WiFi.localIP()[0]; resp = resp + "."; resp = resp + WiFi.localIP()[1]; resp = resp + "."; resp = resp + WiFi.localIP()[2]; resp = resp + "."; resp = resp + WiFi.localIP()[3]; } else { resp = resp + "Not connected"; } resp = resp + ""; if (!WiFi.softAPIP()[0] == 0) { resp = resp + WiFi.softAPIP()[0]; resp = resp + "."; resp = resp + WiFi.softAPIP()[1]; resp = resp + "."; resp = resp + WiFi.softAPIP()[2]; resp = resp + "."; resp = resp + WiFi.softAPIP()[3]; } else { resp = resp + "Not active"; } resp = resp + "Not implemented"; resp = resp + "WLED 0.3pd OK"; resp = resp + ""; Serial.println(resp); server.send(200, "text/xml", resp); } void handleSettingsSet() { if (server.hasArg("CSSID")) clientssid = server.arg("CSSID"); if (server.hasArg("CPASS")) { if (!server.arg("CPASS").indexOf('*') == 0) { Serial.println("Setting pass"); clientpass = server.arg("CPASS"); } } if (server.hasArg("CMDNS")) cmdns = server.arg("CMDNS"); if (server.hasArg("APSSID")) apssid = server.arg("APSSID"); if (server.hasArg("APHSSID")) { aphide = 1; } else { aphide = 0; } if (server.hasArg("APPASS")) { if (!server.arg("APPASS").indexOf('*') == 0) appass = server.arg("APPASS"); } if (server.hasArg("APCHAN")) { int chan = server.arg("APCHAN").toInt(); if (chan > 0 && chan < 14) apchannel = chan; } if (server.hasArg("RESET")) //might be dangerous in case arg is always sent { clearEEPROM(); server.send(200, "text/plain", "Settings erased. Please wait for light to turn back on, then go to main page..."); reset(); } if (server.hasArg("CSIP0")) { int i = server.arg("CSIP0").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) staticip[0] = i; } if (server.hasArg("CSIP1")) { int i = server.arg("CSIP1").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) staticip[1] = i; } if (server.hasArg("CSIP2")) { int i = server.arg("CSIP2").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) staticip[2] = i; } if (server.hasArg("CSIP3")) { int i = server.arg("CSIP3").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) staticip[3] = i; } if (server.hasArg("CSGW0")) { int i = server.arg("CSGW0").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) staticgateway[0] = i; } if (server.hasArg("CSGW1")) { int i = server.arg("CSGW1").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) staticgateway[1] = i; } if (server.hasArg("CSGW2")) { int i = server.arg("CSGW2").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) staticgateway[2] = i; } if (server.hasArg("CSGW3")) { int i = server.arg("CSGW3").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) staticgateway[3] = i; } if (server.hasArg("CSSN0")) { int i = server.arg("CSSN0").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) staticsubnet[0] = i; } if (server.hasArg("CSSN1")) { int i = server.arg("CSSN1").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) staticsubnet[1] = i; } if (server.hasArg("CSSN2")) { int i = server.arg("CSSN2").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) staticsubnet[2] = i; } if (server.hasArg("CSSN3")) { int i = server.arg("CSSN3").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) staticsubnet[3] = i; } if (server.hasArg("LEDS")) { int i = server.arg("LEDS").toInt(); if (i > 0) led_amount = i; } buttonEnabled = server.hasArg("BTNON"); fadeTransition = server.hasArg("TFADE"); if (server.hasArg("TDLAY")) { int i = server.arg("TDLAY").toInt(); if (i > 0) transitionDelay = i; } saveSettingsToEEPROM(); } boolean handleSet(String req) { if (!(req.indexOf("ajax_in") >= 0)) { if (req.indexOf("get-settings") >= 0) { XML_response_settings(); return true; } return false; } int pos = 0; boolean isNotification = false; if (req.indexOf("N=") > 0) isNotification = true; pos = req.indexOf("A="); if (pos > 0) { bri = req.substring(pos + 2).toInt(); } pos = req.indexOf("R="); if (pos > 0) { col[0] = req.substring(pos + 2).toInt(); } pos = req.indexOf("G="); if (pos > 0) { col[1] = req.substring(pos + 2).toInt(); } pos = req.indexOf("B="); if (pos > 0) { col[2] = req.substring(pos + 2).toInt(); } if (isNotification) { if (receiveNotifications) { colorUpdated(3); server.send(200, "text/plain", ""); return true; } server.send(202, "text/plain", ""); return true; } XML_response(); colorUpdated(1); return true; } String formatBytes(size_t bytes){ if (bytes < 1024){ return String(bytes)+"B"; } else if(bytes < (1024 * 1024)){ return String(bytes/1024.0)+"KB"; } else if(bytes < (1024 * 1024 * 1024)){ return String(bytes/1024.0/1024.0)+"MB"; } else { return String(bytes/1024.0/1024.0/1024.0)+"GB"; } } String getContentType(String filename){ if(server.hasArg("download")) return "application/octet-stream"; else if(filename.endsWith(".htm")) return "text/html"; else if(filename.endsWith(".html")) return "text/html"; else if(filename.endsWith(".css")) return "text/css"; else if(filename.endsWith(".js")) return "application/javascript"; else if(filename.endsWith(".png")) return "image/png"; else if(filename.endsWith(".gif")) return "image/gif"; else if(filename.endsWith(".jpg")) return "image/jpeg"; else if(filename.endsWith(".ico")) return "image/x-icon"; else if(filename.endsWith(".xml")) return "text/xml"; else if(filename.endsWith(".pdf")) return "application/x-pdf"; else if(filename.endsWith(".zip")) return "application/x-zip"; else if(filename.endsWith(".gz")) return "application/x-gzip"; return "text/plain"; } bool handleFileRead(String path){ Serial.println("handleFileRead: " + path); if(path.endsWith("/")) path += "index.htm"; String contentType = getContentType(path); String pathWithGz = path + ".gz"; if(SPIFFS.exists(pathWithGz) || SPIFFS.exists(path)){ if(SPIFFS.exists(pathWithGz)) path += ".gz"; File file = SPIFFS.open(path, "r"); size_t sent = server.streamFile(file, contentType); file.close(); return true; } return false; } void handleFileUpload(){ if(server.uri() != "/edit") return; HTTPUpload& upload = server.upload(); if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_START){ String filename = upload.filename; if(!filename.startsWith("/")) filename = "/"+filename; Serial.print("handleFileUpload Name: "); Serial.println(filename); fsUploadFile = SPIFFS.open(filename, "w"); filename = String(); } else if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_WRITE){ //Serial.print("handleFileUpload Data: "); Serial.println(upload.currentSize); if(fsUploadFile) fsUploadFile.write(upload.buf, upload.currentSize); } else if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_END){ if(fsUploadFile) fsUploadFile.close(); Serial.print("handleFileUpload Size: "); Serial.println(upload.totalSize); } } void handleFileDelete(){ if(server.args() == 0) return server.send(500, "text/plain", "BAD ARGS"); String path = server.arg(0); Serial.println("handleFileDelete: " + path); if(path == "/") return server.send(500, "text/plain", "BAD PATH"); if(!SPIFFS.exists(path)) return server.send(404, "text/plain", "FileNotFound"); SPIFFS.remove(path); server.send(200, "text/plain", ""); path = String(); } void handleFileCreate(){ if(server.args() == 0) return server.send(500, "text/plain", "BAD ARGS"); String path = server.arg(0); Serial.println("handleFileCreate: " + path); if(path == "/") return server.send(500, "text/plain", "BAD PATH"); if(SPIFFS.exists(path)) return server.send(500, "text/plain", "FILE EXISTS"); File file = SPIFFS.open(path, "w"); if(file) file.close(); else return server.send(500, "text/plain", "CREATE FAILED"); server.send(200, "text/plain", ""); path = String(); } void handleFileList() { if(!server.hasArg("dir")) {server.send(500, "text/plain", "BAD ARGS"); return;} String path = server.arg("dir"); Serial.println("handleFileList: " + path); Dir dir = SPIFFS.openDir(path); path = String(); String output = "["; while(dir.next()){ File entry = dir.openFile("r"); if (output != "[") output += ','; bool isDir = false; output += "{\"type\":\""; output += (isDir)?"dir":"file"; output += "\",\"name\":\""; output += String(entry.name()).substring(1); output += "\"}"; entry.close(); } output += "]"; server.send(200, "text/json", output); } void notify(int callMode) { switch (callMode) { case 1: if (!notifyDirect) return; break; case 2: if (!notifyButton) return; break; case 3: if (!notifyForward) return; break; default: return; } String snd = "/ajax_in&N=1&A="; snd = snd + bri; snd = snd + "&R="; snd = snd + col[0]; snd = snd + "&G="; snd = snd + col[1]; snd = snd + "&B="; snd = snd + col[2]; HTTPClient hclient; for (int i = 0; i < notifier_ips_count; i++) { String url = "http://"; url = url + notifier_ips[i]; url = url + snd; hclient.begin(url); hclient.GET(); hclient.end(); } } void setAllLeds() { double d = bri_t; double val = d /256; int r = col_t[0]*val; int g = col_t[1]*val; int b = col_t[2]*val; for (int i=0; i < led_amount; i++) { strip.SetPixelColor(i, RgbColor(r, g, b)); } strip.Show(); } void setLedsStandard() { col_old[0] = col[0]; col_old[1] = col[1]; col_old[2] = col[2]; bri_old = bri; col_t[0] = col[0]; col_t[1] = col[1]; col_t[2] = col[2]; bri_t = bri; setAllLeds(); } void colorUpdated(int callMode) { //call for notifier -> 0: init 1: direct change 2: button 3: notification if (col[0] == col_old[0] && col[1] == col_old[1] && col[2] == col_old[2] && bri == bri_old) { return; //no change } if (bri > 0) bri_last = bri; notify(callMode); if (fadeTransition || seqTransition) { if (transitionActive) { col_old[0] = col_t[0]; col_old[1] = col_t[1]; col_old[2] = col_t[2]; bri_old = bri_t; } transitionActive = true; transitionStartTime = millis(); } else { setLedsStandard(); } } void handleTransitions() { if (transitionActive && transitionDelay > 0) { float tper = (millis() - transitionStartTime)/(float)transitionDelay; if (tper >= 1.0) { transitionActive = false; setLedsStandard(); return; } if (fadeTransition) { col_t[0] = col_old[0]+((col[0] - col_old[0])*tper); col_t[1] = col_old[1]+((col[1] - col_old[1])*tper); col_t[2] = col_old[2]+((col[2] - col_old[2])*tper); bri_t = bri_old+((bri - bri_old)*tper); } if (seqTransition) { } else setAllLeds(); } } void handleAnimations(){}; void handleButton() { if (buttonEnabled) { if (digitalRead(buttonPin) == LOW && !buttonPressedBefore) { buttonPressedBefore = true; if (bri == 0) { bri = bri_last; } else { bri_last = bri; bri = 0; } colorUpdated(2); } else if (digitalRead(buttonPin) == HIGH && buttonPressedBefore) { delay(15); if (digitalRead(buttonPin) == HIGH) { buttonPressedBefore = false; } } } } void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println(); for(uint8_t t = 4; t > 0; t--) { Serial.printf("[SETUP] BOOT WAIT %d...\n", t); Serial.flush(); delay(1000); } SPIFFS.begin(); { Dir dir = SPIFFS.openDir("/"); while (dir.next()) { String fileName = dir.fileName(); size_t fileSize = dir.fileSize(); Serial.printf("FS File: %s, size: %s\n", fileName.c_str(), formatBytes(fileSize).c_str()); } Serial.printf("\n"); } Serial.println("Init EEPROM"); EEPROM.begin(256); loadSettingsFromEEPROM(); Serial.print("CC: SSID: "); Serial.print(clientssid); WiFi.disconnect(); //close old connections if (staticip[0] != 0) { WiFi.config(staticip, staticgateway, staticsubnet); } else { WiFi.config(0U, 0U, 0U); } if (apssid.length()>0) { Serial.print("USING AP"); Serial.println(apssid.length()); initAP(); } else { Serial.println("NO AP"); WiFi.softAPdisconnect(true); } initCon(); Serial.println(""); Serial.print("Connected! IP address: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); // Set up mDNS responder: if (cmdns != NULL && !only_ap && !MDNS.begin(cmdns.c_str())) { Serial.println("Error setting up MDNS responder!"); down(); } Serial.println("mDNS responder started"); //SERVER INIT //settings page server.on("/settings", HTTP_GET, [](){ if(!handleFileRead("/settings.htm")) server.send(404, "text/plain", "FileNotFound"); }); server.on("/button.png", HTTP_GET, [](){ if(!handleFileRead("/button.png")) server.send(404, "text/plain", "FileNotFound"); }); server.on("/favicon.ico", HTTP_GET, [](){ if(!handleFileRead("/favicon.ico")) server.send(404, "text/plain", "FileNotFound"); }); server.on("/", HTTP_GET, [](){ if(!handleFileRead("/index.htm")) server.send(404, "text/plain", "FileNotFound"); }); server.on("/reset", HTTP_GET, reset); server.on("/set-settings", HTTP_POST, [](){ handleSettingsSet(); server.send(200, "text/plain", "Settings saved. Please wait for light to turn back on, then go to main page..."); reset(); }); if (!ota_lock){ server.on("/edit", HTTP_GET, [](){ if(!handleFileRead("/edit.htm")) server.send(404, "text/plain", "FileNotFound"); }); server.on("/edit", HTTP_PUT, handleFileCreate); server.on("/edit", HTTP_DELETE, handleFileDelete); server.on("/edit", HTTP_POST, [](){ server.send(200, "text/plain", ""); }, handleFileUpload); server.on("/list", HTTP_GET, handleFileList); server.on("/down", HTTP_GET, down); server.on("/cleareeprom", HTTP_GET, clearEEPROM); //init ota page httpUpdater.setup(&server); } //called when the url is not defined here, ajax-in; get-settings server.onNotFound([](){ if(!handleSet(server.uri())){ server.send(404, "text/plain", "FileNotFound"); } }); server.begin(); Serial.println("HTTP server started"); // Add service to MDNS MDNS.addService("http", "tcp", 80); // Initialize NeoPixel Strip strip.Begin(); colorUpdated(0); pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP); } void loop() { server.handleClient(); handleTransitions(); handleAnimations(); handleButton(); } void initAP(){ WiFi.softAP(apssid.c_str(), appass.c_str(), apchannel, aphide); } void initCon() { int fail_count = 0; if (clientssid.length() <1) fail_count = 33; WiFi.begin(clientssid.c_str(), clientpass.c_str()); while(WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(500); Serial.println("C_NC"); fail_count++; if (fail_count > 32) { WiFi.disconnect(); Serial.println("Can't connect to network. Opening AP..."); String save = apssid; only_ap = true; if (apssid.length() <1) apssid = "WLED-AP"; initAP(); apssid = save; return; } } }