#include "wled.h" /* * JSON API (De)serialization */ void deserializeSegment(JsonObject elem, byte it) { byte id = elem[F("id")] | it; if (id < strip.getMaxSegments()) { WS2812FX::Segment& seg = strip.getSegment(id); uint16_t start = elem[F("start")] | seg.start; int stop = elem["stop"] | -1; if (stop < 0) { uint16_t len = elem[F("len")]; stop = (len > 0) ? start + len : seg.stop; } uint16_t grp = elem[F("grp")] | seg.grouping; uint16_t spc = elem[F("spc")] | seg.spacing; strip.setSegment(id, start, stop, grp, spc); int segbri = elem["bri"] | -1; if (segbri == 0) { seg.setOption(SEG_OPTION_ON, 0); } else if (segbri > 0) { seg.opacity = segbri; seg.setOption(SEG_OPTION_ON, 1); } seg.setOption(SEG_OPTION_ON, elem["on"] | seg.getOption(SEG_OPTION_ON)); JsonArray colarr = elem[F("col")]; if (!colarr.isNull()) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int rgbw[] = {0,0,0,0}; bool colValid = false; JsonArray colX = colarr[i]; if (colX.isNull()) { byte brgbw[] = {0,0,0,0}; const char* hexCol = colarr[i]; if (hexCol == nullptr) { //Kelvin color temperature (or invalid), e.g 2400 int kelvin = colarr[i] | -1; if (kelvin < 0) continue; if (kelvin == 0) seg.colors[i] = 0; if (kelvin > 0) colorKtoRGB(kelvin, brgbw); colValid = true; } else { //HEX string, e.g. "FFAA00" colValid = colorFromHexString(brgbw, hexCol); } for (uint8_t c = 0; c < 4; c++) rgbw[c] = brgbw[c]; } else { //Array of ints (RGB or RGBW color), e.g. [255,160,0] byte sz = colX.size(); if (sz == 0) continue; //do nothing on empty array byte cp = copyArray(colX, rgbw, 4); if (cp == 1 && rgbw[0] == 0) seg.colors[i] = 0; colValid = true; } if (!colValid) continue; if (id == strip.getMainSegmentId() && i < 2) //temporary, to make transition work on main segment { if (i == 0) {col[0] = rgbw[0]; col[1] = rgbw[1]; col[2] = rgbw[2]; col[3] = rgbw[3];} if (i == 1) {colSec[0] = rgbw[0]; colSec[1] = rgbw[1]; colSec[2] = rgbw[2]; colSec[3] = rgbw[3];} } else { //normal case, apply directly to segment (=> no transition!) seg.colors[i] = ((rgbw[3] << 24) | ((rgbw[0]&0xFF) << 16) | ((rgbw[1]&0xFF) << 8) | ((rgbw[2]&0xFF))); } } } // lx parser #ifdef WLED_ENABLE_LOXONE int lx = elem[F("lx")] | -1; if (lx > 0) { parseLxJson(lx, id, false); } int ly = elem[F("ly")] | -1; if (ly > 0) { parseLxJson(ly, id, true); } #endif //if (pal != seg.palette && pal < strip.getPaletteCount()) strip.setPalette(pal); seg.setOption(SEG_OPTION_SELECTED, elem[F("sel")] | seg.getOption(SEG_OPTION_SELECTED)); seg.setOption(SEG_OPTION_REVERSED, elem[F("rev")] | seg.getOption(SEG_OPTION_REVERSED)); seg.setOption(SEG_OPTION_MIRROR , elem[F("mi")] | seg.getOption(SEG_OPTION_MIRROR )); //temporary, strip object gets updated via colorUpdated() if (id == strip.getMainSegmentId()) { effectCurrent = elem[F("fx")] | effectCurrent; effectSpeed = elem[F("sx")] | effectSpeed; effectIntensity = elem[F("ix")] | effectIntensity; effectPalette = elem[F("pal")] | effectPalette; } else { //permanent byte fx = elem[F("fx")] | seg.mode; if (fx != seg.mode && fx < strip.getModeCount()) strip.setMode(id, fx); seg.speed = elem[F("sx")] | seg.speed; seg.intensity = elem[F("ix")] | seg.intensity; seg.palette = elem[F("pal")] | seg.palette; } JsonArray iarr = elem[F("i")]; //set individual LEDs if (!iarr.isNull()) { strip.setPixelSegment(id); //freeze and init to black if (!seg.getOption(SEG_OPTION_FREEZE)) { seg.setOption(SEG_OPTION_FREEZE, true); strip.fill(0); } uint16_t start = 0, stop = 0; byte set = 0; //0 nothing set, 1 start set, 2 range set for (uint16_t i = 0; i < iarr.size(); i++) { if(iarr[i].is()) { if (!set) { start = iarr[i]; set = 1; } else { stop = iarr[i]; set = 2; } } else { JsonArray icol = iarr[i]; if (icol.isNull()) break; byte sz = icol.size(); if (sz == 0 && sz > 4) break; int rgbw[] = {0,0,0,0}; byte cp = copyArray(icol, rgbw); if (set < 2) stop = start + 1; for (uint16_t i = start; i < stop; i++) { strip.setPixelColor(i, rgbw[0], rgbw[1], rgbw[2], rgbw[3]); } if (!set) start++; set = 0; } } strip.setPixelSegment(255); strip.trigger(); } else { //return to regular effect seg.setOption(SEG_OPTION_FREEZE, false); } } } bool deserializeState(JsonObject root) { strip.applyToAllSelected = false; bool stateResponse = root[F("v")] | false; bri = root["bri"] | bri; bool on = root["on"] | (bri > 0); if (!on != !bri) toggleOnOff(); int tr = root[F("transition")] | -1; if (tr >= 0) { transitionDelay = tr; transitionDelay *= 100; } tr = root[F("tt")] | -1; if (tr >= 0) { transitionDelayTemp = tr; transitionDelayTemp *= 100; jsonTransitionOnce = true; } int cy = root[F("pl")] | -2; if (cy > -2) presetCyclingEnabled = (cy >= 0); JsonObject ccnf = root["ccnf"]; presetCycleMin = ccnf[F("min")] | presetCycleMin; presetCycleMax = ccnf[F("max")] | presetCycleMax; tr = ccnf[F("time")] | -1; if (tr >= 2) presetCycleTime = tr; JsonObject nl = root["nl"]; nightlightActive = nl["on"] | nightlightActive; nightlightDelayMins = nl[F("dur")] | nightlightDelayMins; nightlightMode = nl[F("fade")] | nightlightMode; //deprecated, remove for v0.12.0 nightlightMode = nl[F("mode")] | nightlightMode; nightlightTargetBri = nl[F("tbri")] | nightlightTargetBri; JsonObject udpn = root["udpn"]; notifyDirect = udpn[F("send")] | notifyDirect; receiveNotifications = udpn[F("recv")] | receiveNotifications; bool noNotification = udpn[F("nn")]; //send no notification just for this request unsigned long timein = root[F("time")] | -1; if (timein != -1) { if (millis() - ntpLastSyncTime > 50000000L) setTime(timein); if (presetsModifiedTime == 0) presetsModifiedTime = timein; } doReboot = root[F("rb")] | doReboot; realtimeOverride = root[F("lor")] | realtimeOverride; if (realtimeOverride > 2) realtimeOverride = REALTIME_OVERRIDE_ALWAYS; byte prevMain = strip.getMainSegmentId(); strip.mainSegment = root[F("mainseg")] | prevMain; if (strip.getMainSegmentId() != prevMain) setValuesFromMainSeg(); int it = 0; JsonVariant segVar = root["seg"]; if (segVar.is()) { int id = segVar[F("id")] | -1; if (id < 0) { //set all selected segments bool didSet = false; byte lowestActive = 99; for (byte s = 0; s < strip.getMaxSegments(); s++) { WS2812FX::Segment sg = strip.getSegment(s); if (sg.isActive()) { if (lowestActive == 99) lowestActive = s; if (sg.isSelected()) { deserializeSegment(segVar, s); didSet = true; } } } if (!didSet && lowestActive < strip.getMaxSegments()) deserializeSegment(segVar, lowestActive); } else { //set only the segment with the specified ID deserializeSegment(segVar, it); } } else { JsonArray segs = segVar.as(); for (JsonObject elem : segs) { deserializeSegment(elem, it); it++; } } usermods.readFromJsonState(root); int ps = root[F("psave")] | -1; if (ps > 0) { savePreset(ps, true, nullptr, root); } else { ps = root[F("pdel")] | -1; //deletion if (ps > 0) { deletePreset(ps); } ps = root["ps"] | -1; //load preset (clears state request!) if (ps >= 0) {applyPreset(ps); return stateResponse;} //HTTP API commands const char* httpwin = root["win"]; if (httpwin) { String apireq = "win&"; apireq += httpwin; handleSet(nullptr, apireq, false); } } JsonObject playlist = root[F("playlist")]; if (!playlist.isNull()) { loadPlaylist(playlist); return stateResponse; } colorUpdated(noNotification ? NOTIFIER_CALL_MODE_NO_NOTIFY : NOTIFIER_CALL_MODE_DIRECT_CHANGE); return stateResponse; } void serializeSegment(JsonObject& root, WS2812FX::Segment& seg, byte id, bool forPreset, bool segmentBounds) { root[F("id")] = id; if (segmentBounds) { root[F("start")] = seg.start; root["stop"] = seg.stop; } if (!forPreset) root[F("len")] = seg.stop - seg.start; root[F("grp")] = seg.grouping; root[F("spc")] = seg.spacing; root["on"] = seg.getOption(SEG_OPTION_ON); byte segbri = seg.opacity; root["bri"] = (segbri) ? segbri : 255; JsonArray colarr = root.createNestedArray("col"); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { JsonArray colX = colarr.createNestedArray(); if (id == strip.getMainSegmentId() && i < 2) //temporary, to make transition work on main segment { if (i == 0) { colX.add(col[0]); colX.add(col[1]); colX.add(col[2]); if (useRGBW) colX.add(col[3]); } else { colX.add(colSec[0]); colX.add(colSec[1]); colX.add(colSec[2]); if (useRGBW) colX.add(colSec[3]); } } else { colX.add((seg.colors[i] >> 16) & 0xFF); colX.add((seg.colors[i] >> 8) & 0xFF); colX.add((seg.colors[i]) & 0xFF); if (useRGBW) colX.add((seg.colors[i] >> 24) & 0xFF); } } root[F("fx")] = seg.mode; root[F("sx")] = seg.speed; root[F("ix")] = seg.intensity; root[F("pal")] = seg.palette; root[F("sel")] = seg.isSelected(); root[F("rev")] = seg.getOption(SEG_OPTION_REVERSED); root[F("mi")] = seg.getOption(SEG_OPTION_MIRROR); } void serializeState(JsonObject root, bool forPreset, bool includeBri, bool segmentBounds) { if (includeBri) { root["on"] = (bri > 0); root["bri"] = briLast; root[F("transition")] = transitionDelay/100; //in 100ms } if (!forPreset) { if (errorFlag) root[F("error")] = errorFlag; root[F("ps")] = currentPreset; root[F("pss")] = savedPresets; root[F("pl")] = (presetCyclingEnabled) ? 0: -1; usermods.addToJsonState(root); //temporary for preset cycle JsonObject ccnf = root.createNestedObject("ccnf"); ccnf[F("min")] = presetCycleMin; ccnf[F("max")] = presetCycleMax; ccnf[F("time")] = presetCycleTime; JsonObject nl = root.createNestedObject("nl"); nl["on"] = nightlightActive; nl[F("dur")] = nightlightDelayMins; nl[F("fade")] = (nightlightMode > NL_MODE_SET); //deprecated nl[F("mode")] = nightlightMode; nl[F("tbri")] = nightlightTargetBri; if (nightlightActive) { nl[F("rem")] = (nightlightDelayMs - (millis() - nightlightStartTime)) / 1000; // seconds remaining } else { nl[F("rem")] = -1; } JsonObject udpn = root.createNestedObject("udpn"); udpn[F("send")] = notifyDirect; udpn[F("recv")] = receiveNotifications; root[F("lor")] = realtimeOverride; } root[F("mainseg")] = strip.getMainSegmentId(); JsonArray seg = root.createNestedArray("seg"); for (byte s = 0; s < strip.getMaxSegments(); s++) { WS2812FX::Segment sg = strip.getSegment(s); if (sg.isActive()) { JsonObject seg0 = seg.createNestedObject(); serializeSegment(seg0, sg, s, forPreset, segmentBounds); } else if (forPreset && segmentBounds) { //disable segments not part of preset JsonObject seg0 = seg.createNestedObject(); seg0["stop"] = 0; } } } //by https://github.com/tzapu/WiFiManager/blob/master/WiFiManager.cpp int getSignalQuality(int rssi) { int quality = 0; if (rssi <= -100) { quality = 0; } else if (rssi >= -50) { quality = 100; } else { quality = 2 * (rssi + 100); } return quality; } void serializeInfo(JsonObject root) { root[F("ver")] = versionString; root[F("vid")] = VERSION; //root[F("cn")] = WLED_CODENAME; JsonObject leds = root.createNestedObject("leds"); leds[F("count")] = ledCount; leds[F("rgbw")] = useRGBW; leds[F("wv")] = useRGBW && (strip.rgbwMode == RGBW_MODE_MANUAL_ONLY || strip.rgbwMode == RGBW_MODE_DUAL); //should a white channel slider be displayed? JsonArray leds_pin = leds.createNestedArray("pin"); leds_pin.add(LEDPIN); leds[F("pwr")] = strip.currentMilliamps; leds[F("maxpwr")] = (strip.currentMilliamps)? strip.ablMilliampsMax : 0; leds[F("maxseg")] = strip.getMaxSegments(); leds[F("seglock")] = false; //will be used in the future to prevent modifications to segment config root[F("str")] = syncToggleReceive; root[F("name")] = serverDescription; root[F("udpport")] = udpPort; root[F("live")] = (bool)realtimeMode; switch (realtimeMode) { case REALTIME_MODE_INACTIVE: root["lm"] = ""; break; case REALTIME_MODE_GENERIC: root["lm"] = ""; break; case REALTIME_MODE_UDP: root["lm"] = F("UDP"); break; case REALTIME_MODE_HYPERION: root["lm"] = F("Hyperion"); break; case REALTIME_MODE_E131: root["lm"] = F("E1.31"); break; case REALTIME_MODE_ADALIGHT: root["lm"] = F("USB Adalight/TPM2"); break; case REALTIME_MODE_ARTNET: root["lm"] = F("Art-Net"); break; case REALTIME_MODE_TPM2NET: root["lm"] = F("tpm2.net"); break; case REALTIME_MODE_DDP: root["lm"] = F("DDP"); break; } if (realtimeIP[0] == 0) { root[F("lip")] = ""; } else { root[F("lip")] = realtimeIP.toString(); } #ifdef WLED_ENABLE_WEBSOCKETS root[F("ws")] = ws.count(); #else root[F("ws")] = -1; #endif root[F("fxcount")] = strip.getModeCount(); root[F("palcount")] = strip.getPaletteCount(); JsonObject wifi_info = root.createNestedObject("wifi"); wifi_info[F("bssid")] = WiFi.BSSIDstr(); int qrssi = WiFi.RSSI(); wifi_info[F("rssi")] = qrssi; wifi_info[F("signal")] = getSignalQuality(qrssi); wifi_info[F("channel")] = WiFi.channel(); JsonObject fs_info = root.createNestedObject("fs"); fs_info["u"] = fsBytesUsed / 1000; fs_info["t"] = fsBytesTotal / 1000; fs_info[F("pmt")] = presetsModifiedTime; #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 #ifdef WLED_DEBUG wifi_info[F("txPower")] = (int) WiFi.getTxPower(); wifi_info[F("sleep")] = (bool) WiFi.getSleep(); #endif root[F("arch")] = "esp32"; root[F("core")] = ESP.getSdkVersion(); //root[F("maxalloc")] = ESP.getMaxAllocHeap(); #ifdef WLED_DEBUG root[F("resetReason0")] = (int)rtc_get_reset_reason(0); root[F("resetReason1")] = (int)rtc_get_reset_reason(1); #endif root[F("lwip")] = 0; #else root[F("arch")] = "esp8266"; root[F("core")] = ESP.getCoreVersion(); //root[F("maxalloc")] = ESP.getMaxFreeBlockSize(); #ifdef WLED_DEBUG root[F("resetReason")] = (int)ESP.getResetInfoPtr()->reason; #endif root[F("lwip")] = LWIP_VERSION_MAJOR; #endif root[F("freeheap")] = ESP.getFreeHeap(); root[F("uptime")] = millis()/1000 + rolloverMillis*4294967; usermods.addToJsonInfo(root); byte os = 0; #ifdef WLED_DEBUG os = 0x80; #endif #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_ALEXA os += 0x40; #endif #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_BLYNK os += 0x20; #endif #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_CRONIXIE os += 0x10; #endif #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_FILESYSTEM os += 0x08; #endif #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_HUESYNC os += 0x04; #endif #ifdef WLED_ENABLE_ADALIGHT os += 0x02; #endif #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_OTA os += 0x01; #endif root[F("opt")] = os; root[F("brand")] = "WLED"; root[F("product")] = F("FOSS"); root["mac"] = escapedMac; } void serveJson(AsyncWebServerRequest* request) { byte subJson = 0; const String& url = request->url(); if (url.indexOf("state") > 0) subJson = 1; else if (url.indexOf("info") > 0) subJson = 2; else if (url.indexOf("si") > 0) subJson = 3; else if (url.indexOf("live") > 0) { serveLiveLeds(request); return; } else if (url.indexOf(F("eff")) > 0) { request->send_P(200, "application/json", JSON_mode_names); return; } else if (url.indexOf(F("pal")) > 0) { request->send_P(200, "application/json", JSON_palette_names); return; } else if (url.length() > 6) { //not just /json request->send( 501, "application/json", F("{\"error\":\"Not implemented\"}")); return; } AsyncJsonResponse* response = new AsyncJsonResponse(JSON_BUFFER_SIZE); JsonObject doc = response->getRoot(); switch (subJson) { case 1: //state serializeState(doc); break; case 2: //info serializeInfo(doc); break; default: //all JsonObject state = doc.createNestedObject("state"); serializeState(state); JsonObject info = doc.createNestedObject("info"); serializeInfo(info); if (subJson != 3) { doc[F("effects")] = serialized((const __FlashStringHelper*)JSON_mode_names); doc[F("palettes")] = serialized((const __FlashStringHelper*)JSON_palette_names); } } response->setLength(); request->send(response); } #define MAX_LIVE_LEDS 180 bool serveLiveLeds(AsyncWebServerRequest* request, uint32_t wsClient) { AsyncWebSocketClient * wsc; if (!request) { //not HTTP, use Websockets #ifdef WLED_ENABLE_WEBSOCKETS wsc = ws.client(wsClient); if (!wsc || wsc->queueLength() > 0) return false; //only send if queue free #endif } uint16_t used = ledCount; uint16_t n = (used -1) /MAX_LIVE_LEDS +1; //only serve every n'th LED if count over MAX_LIVE_LEDS char buffer[2000]; strcpy_P(buffer, PSTR("{\"leds\":[")); obuf = buffer; olen = 9; for (uint16_t i= 0; i < used; i += n) { olen += sprintf(obuf + olen, "\"%06X\",", strip.getPixelColor(i)); } olen -= 1; oappend((const char*)F("],\"n\":")); oappendi(n); oappend("}"); if (request) { request->send(200, "application/json", buffer); } #ifdef WLED_ENABLE_WEBSOCKETS else { wsc->text(obuf, olen); } #endif return true; }