### Usermods This folder serves as a repository for usermods (custom `usermod.cpp` files)! If you have created an usermod that you believe is useful (for example to support a particular sensor, display, feature...), feel free to contribute by opening a pull request! In order for other people to be able to have fun with your usermod, please keep these points in mind: - Create a folder in this folder with a descriptive name (for example `usermod_ds18b20_temp_sensor_mqtt`) - Include your custom `usermod.cpp` file - If your usermod requires changes to other WLED files, please write a `readme.md` outlining the steps one has to take to use the usermod - Create a pull request! - If your feature is useful for the majority of WLED users, I will consider adding it to the base code! While I do my best to not break too much, keep in mind that as WLED is being updated, usermods might break. I am not actively maintaining any usermod in this directory, that is your responsibility as the creator of the usermod. Thank you for your help :)