LED & Hardware setup

Total LEDs: ?
Recommended power supply for brightest white:

Enable automatic brightness limiter:
Maximum Current: mA
Automatically limits brightness to stay close to the limit.
Keep at <1A if powering LEDs directly from the ESP 5V pin!
If you are using an external power supply, enter its rating.
(Current estimated usage: unknown)

LED voltage (Max. current for a single LED):

Keep at default if you are unsure about your type of LEDs.

Hardware setup

LED outputs:

LED Memory Usage: 0 / ? B

Make a segment for each output:
Custom bus start indices:
Use global LED buffer:

Color Order Override:

Disable internal pull-up/down:
Touch threshold:
Apply IR change to main segment only:
IR info
Relay GPIO: Invert  ✕


Turn LEDs on after power up/reset:
Default brightness: (0-255)

Apply preset at boot (0 uses defaults)

Use Gamma correction for color: (strongly recommended)
Use Gamma correction for brightness: (not recommended)
Use Gamma value:

Brightness factor: %


Transition Time: ms
Enable Palette transitions:
Random Cycle Palette Time: s

Timed light

Default Duration: min
Default Target brightness:

White management

White Balance correction:
Global override for Auto-calculate white:

Calculate CCT from RGB:
CCT additive blending: %


Palette blending:
Target refresh rate: FPS
Config template: