#define WLED_DEFINE_GLOBAL_VARS //only in one source file, wled.cpp! #include "wled.h" #include #if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32) && defined(WLED_DISABLE_BROWNOUT_DET) #include "soc/soc.h" #include "soc/rtc_cntl_reg.h" #endif /* * Main WLED class implementation. Mostly initialization and connection logic */ WLED::WLED() { } #ifdef WLED_USE_ETHERNET // settings for various ethernet boards typedef struct EthernetSettings { uint8_t eth_address; int eth_power; int eth_mdc; int eth_mdio; eth_phy_type_t eth_type; eth_clock_mode_t eth_clk_mode; } ethernet_settings; ethernet_settings ethernetBoards[] = { // None { }, // WT32-EHT01 // Please note, from my testing only these pins work for LED outputs: // IO2, IO4, IO12, IO14, IO15 // These pins do not appear to work from my testing: // IO35, IO36, IO39 { 1, // eth_address, 16, // eth_power, 23, // eth_mdc, 18, // eth_mdio, ETH_PHY_LAN8720, // eth_type, ETH_CLOCK_GPIO0_IN // eth_clk_mode }, // ESP32-POE { 0, // eth_address, 12, // eth_power, 23, // eth_mdc, 18, // eth_mdio, ETH_PHY_LAN8720, // eth_type, ETH_CLOCK_GPIO17_OUT // eth_clk_mode }, // WESP32 { 0, // eth_address, -1, // eth_power, 16, // eth_mdc, 17, // eth_mdio, ETH_PHY_LAN8720, // eth_type, ETH_CLOCK_GPIO0_IN // eth_clk_mode }, // QuinLed-ESP32-Ethernet { 0, // eth_address, 5, // eth_power, 23, // eth_mdc, 18, // eth_mdio, ETH_PHY_LAN8720, // eth_type, ETH_CLOCK_GPIO17_OUT // eth_clk_mode } }; #endif // turns all LEDs off and restarts ESP void WLED::reset() { briT = 0; #ifdef WLED_ENABLE_WEBSOCKETS ws.closeAll(1012); #endif long dly = millis(); while (millis() - dly < 450) { yield(); // enough time to send response to client } setAllLeds(); DEBUG_PRINTLN("MODULE RESET"); ESP.restart(); } bool oappendi(int i) { char s[11]; sprintf(s, "%d", i); return oappend(s); } bool oappend(const char* txt) { uint16_t len = strlen(txt); if (olen + len >= OMAX) return false; // buffer full strcpy(obuf + olen, txt); olen += len; return true; } void prepareHostname(char* hostname) { const char *pC = serverDescription; uint8_t pos = 5; while (*pC && pos < 24) { // while !null and not over length if (isalnum(*pC)) { // if the current char is alpha-numeric append it to the hostname hostname[pos] = *pC; pos++; } else if (*pC == ' ' || *pC == '_' || *pC == '-' || *pC == '+' || *pC == '!' || *pC == '?' || *pC == '*') { hostname[pos] = '-'; pos++; } // else do nothing - no leading hyphens and do not include hyphens for all other characters. pC++; } // if the hostname is left blank, use the mac address/default mdns name if (pos < 6) { sprintf(hostname + 5, "%*s", 6, escapedMac.c_str() + 6); } else { //last character must not be hyphen while (pos > 0 && hostname[pos -1] == '-') { hostname[pos -1] = 0; pos--; } } } //handle Ethernet connection event void WiFiEvent(WiFiEvent_t event) { #ifdef WLED_USE_ETHERNET char hostname[25] = "wled-"; #endif switch (event) { #if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32) && defined(WLED_USE_ETHERNET) case SYSTEM_EVENT_ETH_START: DEBUG_PRINT("ETH Started"); break; case SYSTEM_EVENT_ETH_CONNECTED: DEBUG_PRINT("ETH Connected"); if (!apActive) { WiFi.disconnect(true); } if (staticIP != (uint32_t)0x00000000 && staticGateway != (uint32_t)0x00000000) { ETH.config(staticIP, staticGateway, staticSubnet, IPAddress(8, 8, 8, 8)); } else { ETH.config(INADDR_NONE, INADDR_NONE, INADDR_NONE); } // convert the "serverDescription" into a valid DNS hostname (alphanumeric) prepareHostname(hostname); ETH.setHostname(hostname); showWelcomePage = false; break; case SYSTEM_EVENT_ETH_DISCONNECTED: DEBUG_PRINT("ETH Disconnected"); forceReconnect = true; break; #endif default: break; } } void WLED::loop() { handleIR(); // 2nd call to function needed for ESP32 to return valid results -- should be good for ESP8266, too handleConnection(); handleSerial(); handleNotifications(); handleTransitions(); #ifdef WLED_ENABLE_DMX handleDMX(); #endif userLoop(); usermods.loop(); yield(); handleIO(); handleIR(); handleNetworkTime(); handleAlexa(); handleOverlays(); yield(); if (doReboot) reset(); if (doCloseFile) { closeFile(); yield(); } if (!realtimeMode || realtimeOverride) // block stuff if WARLS/Adalight is enabled { if (apActive) dnsServer.processNextRequest(); #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_OTA if (WLED_CONNECTED && aOtaEnabled) ArduinoOTA.handle(); #endif handleNightlight(); handlePlaylist(); yield(); handleHue(); handleBlynk(); yield(); if (!offMode) strip.service(); #ifdef ESP8266 else if (!noWifiSleep) delay(1); //required to make sure ESP enters modem sleep (see #1184) #endif } yield(); #ifdef ESP8266 MDNS.update(); #endif if (millis() - lastMqttReconnectAttempt > 30000) { if (lastMqttReconnectAttempt > millis()) rolloverMillis++; //millis() rolls over every 50 days lastMqttReconnectAttempt = millis(); initMqtt(); refreshNodeList(); if (nodeBroadcastEnabled) sendSysInfoUDP(); yield(); } //LED settings have been saved, re-init busses //This code block causes severe FPS drop on ESP32 with the original "if (busConfigs[0] != nullptr)" conditional. Investigate! if (doInitBusses) { doInitBusses = false; busses.removeAll(); uint32_t mem = 0; strip.isRgbw = false; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < WLED_MAX_BUSSES; i++) { if (busConfigs[i] == nullptr) break; mem += busses.memUsage(*busConfigs[i]); if (mem <= MAX_LED_MEMORY) busses.add(*busConfigs[i]); //if (BusManager::isRgbw(busConfigs[i]->type)) strip.isRgbw = true; strip.isRgbw = (strip.isRgbw || BusManager::isRgbw(busConfigs[i]->type)); delete busConfigs[i]; busConfigs[i] = nullptr; } strip.finalizeInit(ledCount, skipFirstLed); yield(); serializeConfig(); } yield(); handleWs(); handleStatusLED(); // DEBUG serial logging #ifdef WLED_DEBUG if (millis() - debugTime > 9999) { DEBUG_PRINTLN("---DEBUG INFO---"); DEBUG_PRINT("Runtime: "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(millis()); DEBUG_PRINT("Unix time: "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(now()); DEBUG_PRINT("Free heap: "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(ESP.getFreeHeap()); DEBUG_PRINT("Wifi state: "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(WiFi.status()); if (WiFi.status() != lastWifiState) { wifiStateChangedTime = millis(); } lastWifiState = WiFi.status(); DEBUG_PRINT("State time: "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(wifiStateChangedTime); DEBUG_PRINT("NTP last sync: "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(ntpLastSyncTime); DEBUG_PRINT("Client IP: "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(Network.localIP()); DEBUG_PRINT("Loops/sec: "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(loops / 10); loops = 0; debugTime = millis(); } loops++; #endif // WLED_DEBUG } void WLED::setup() { #if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32) && defined(WLED_DISABLE_BROWNOUT_DET) WRITE_PERI_REG(RTC_CNTL_BROWN_OUT_REG, 0); //disable brownout detection #endif Serial.begin(115200); Serial.setTimeout(50); DEBUG_PRINTLN(); DEBUG_PRINT("---WLED "); DEBUG_PRINT(versionString); DEBUG_PRINT(" "); DEBUG_PRINT(VERSION); DEBUG_PRINTLN(" INIT---"); #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 DEBUG_PRINT("esp32 "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(ESP.getSdkVersion()); #else DEBUG_PRINT("esp8266 "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(ESP.getCoreVersion()); #endif DEBUG_PRINT("heap "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(ESP.getFreeHeap()); registerUsermods(); //DEBUG_PRINT(F("LEDs inited. heap usage ~")); //DEBUG_PRINTLN(heapPreAlloc - ESP.getFreeHeap()); #ifdef WLED_USE_DMX //reserve GPIO2 as hardcoded DMX pin pinManager.allocatePin(2); #endif bool fsinit = false; DEBUGFS_PRINTLN(F("Mount FS")); #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 fsinit = WLED_FS.begin(true); #else fsinit = WLED_FS.begin(); #endif if (!fsinit) { DEBUGFS_PRINTLN(F("FS failed!")); errorFlag = ERR_FS_BEGIN; } else deEEP(); updateFSInfo(); deserializeConfig(); #if STATUSLED bool lStatusLed = false; for (uint8_t i=0; i 0) ArduinoOTA.setHostname(cmDNS); } #endif #ifdef WLED_ENABLE_DMX initDMX(); #endif // HTTP server page init initServer(); } void WLED::beginStrip() { // Initialize NeoPixel Strip and button if (ledCount > MAX_LEDS || ledCount == 0) ledCount = 30; strip.finalizeInit(ledCount, skipFirstLed); strip.setBrightness(0); strip.setShowCallback(handleOverlayDraw); if (bootPreset > 0) applyPreset(bootPreset); if (turnOnAtBoot) { if (briS > 0) bri = briS; else if (bri == 0) bri = 128; } else { briLast = briS; bri = 0; } colorUpdated(NOTIFIER_CALL_MODE_INIT); // init relay pin if (rlyPin>=0) digitalWrite(rlyPin, (rlyMde ? bri : !bri)); // disable button if it is "pressed" unintentionally if (btnPin>=0 && buttonType == BTN_TYPE_PUSH && isButtonPressed()) buttonType = BTN_TYPE_NONE; } void WLED::initAP(bool resetAP) { if (apBehavior == AP_BEHAVIOR_BUTTON_ONLY && !resetAP) return; if (!apSSID[0] || resetAP) strcpy_P(apSSID, PSTR("WLED-AP")); if (resetAP) strcpy_P(apPass, PSTR(DEFAULT_AP_PASS)); DEBUG_PRINT(F("Opening access point ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(apSSID); WiFi.softAPConfig(IPAddress(4, 3, 2, 1), IPAddress(4, 3, 2, 1), IPAddress(255, 255, 255, 0)); WiFi.softAP(apSSID, apPass, apChannel, apHide); if (!apActive) // start captive portal if AP active { DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Init AP interfaces")); server.begin(); if (udpPort > 0 && udpPort != ntpLocalPort) { udpConnected = notifierUdp.begin(udpPort); } if (udpRgbPort > 0 && udpRgbPort != ntpLocalPort && udpRgbPort != udpPort) { udpRgbConnected = rgbUdp.begin(udpRgbPort); } if (udpPort2 > 0 && udpPort2 != ntpLocalPort && udpPort2 != udpPort && udpPort2 != udpRgbPort) { udp2Connected = notifier2Udp.begin(udpPort2); } e131.begin(false, e131Port, e131Universe, E131_MAX_UNIVERSE_COUNT); dnsServer.setErrorReplyCode(DNSReplyCode::NoError); dnsServer.start(53, "*", WiFi.softAPIP()); } apActive = true; } void WLED::initConnection() { #ifdef WLED_ENABLE_WEBSOCKETS ws.onEvent(wsEvent); #endif #if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32) && defined(WLED_USE_ETHERNET) // Only initialize ethernet board if not NONE if (ethernetType != WLED_ETH_NONE && ethernetType < WLED_NUM_ETH_TYPES) { ethernet_settings es = ethernetBoards[ethernetType]; ETH.begin( (uint8_t) es.eth_address, (int) es.eth_power, (int) es.eth_mdc, (int) es.eth_mdio, (eth_phy_type_t) es.eth_type, (eth_clock_mode_t) es.eth_clk_mode ); } #endif WiFi.disconnect(true); // close old connections #ifdef ESP8266 WiFi.setPhyMode(WIFI_PHY_MODE_11N); #endif if (staticIP[0] != 0 && staticGateway[0] != 0) { WiFi.config(staticIP, staticGateway, staticSubnet, IPAddress(8, 8, 8, 8)); } else { WiFi.config(0U, 0U, 0U); } lastReconnectAttempt = millis(); if (!WLED_WIFI_CONFIGURED) { DEBUG_PRINT(F("No connection configured. ")); if (!apActive) initAP(); // instantly go to ap mode return; } else if (!apActive) { if (apBehavior == AP_BEHAVIOR_ALWAYS) { initAP(); } else { DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Access point disabled.")); WiFi.softAPdisconnect(true); WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); } } showWelcomePage = false; DEBUG_PRINT(F("Connecting to ")); DEBUG_PRINT(clientSSID); DEBUG_PRINTLN("..."); // convert the "serverDescription" into a valid DNS hostname (alphanumeric) char hostname[25] = "wled-"; prepareHostname(hostname); #ifdef ESP8266 WiFi.hostname(hostname); #endif WiFi.begin(clientSSID, clientPass); #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 WiFi.setSleep(!noWifiSleep); WiFi.setHostname(hostname); #else wifi_set_sleep_type((noWifiSleep) ? NONE_SLEEP_T : MODEM_SLEEP_T); #endif } void WLED::initInterfaces() { DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Init STA interfaces")); if (hueIP[0] == 0) { hueIP[0] = Network.localIP()[0]; hueIP[1] = Network.localIP()[1]; hueIP[2] = Network.localIP()[2]; } // init Alexa hue emulation if (alexaEnabled) alexaInit(); #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_OTA if (aOtaEnabled) ArduinoOTA.begin(); #endif strip.service(); // Set up mDNS responder: if (strlen(cmDNS) > 0) { #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_OTA if (!aOtaEnabled) //ArduinoOTA begins mDNS for us if enabled MDNS.begin(cmDNS); #else MDNS.begin(cmDNS); #endif DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("mDNS started")); MDNS.addService("http", "tcp", 80); MDNS.addService("wled", "tcp", 80); MDNS.addServiceTxt("wled", "tcp", "mac", escapedMac.c_str()); } server.begin(); if (udpPort > 0 && udpPort != ntpLocalPort) { udpConnected = notifierUdp.begin(udpPort); if (udpConnected && udpRgbPort != udpPort) udpRgbConnected = rgbUdp.begin(udpRgbPort); if (udpConnected && udpPort2 != udpPort && udpPort2 != udpRgbPort) udp2Connected = notifier2Udp.begin(udpPort2); } if (ntpEnabled) ntpConnected = ntpUdp.begin(ntpLocalPort); initBlynk(blynkApiKey, blynkHost, blynkPort); e131.begin(e131Multicast, e131Port, e131Universe, E131_MAX_UNIVERSE_COUNT); reconnectHue(); initMqtt(); interfacesInited = true; wasConnected = true; } byte stacO = 0; uint32_t lastHeap; unsigned long heapTime = 0; void WLED::handleConnection() { if (millis() < 2000 && (!WLED_WIFI_CONFIGURED || apBehavior == AP_BEHAVIOR_ALWAYS)) return; if (lastReconnectAttempt == 0) initConnection(); // reconnect WiFi to clear stale allocations if heap gets too low if (millis() - heapTime > 5000) { uint32_t heap = ESP.getFreeHeap(); if (heap < 9000 && lastHeap < 9000) { DEBUG_PRINT(F("Heap too low! ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(heap); forceReconnect = true; } lastHeap = heap; heapTime = millis(); } byte stac = 0; if (apActive) { #ifdef ESP8266 stac = wifi_softap_get_station_num(); #else wifi_sta_list_t stationList; esp_wifi_ap_get_sta_list(&stationList); stac = stationList.num; #endif if (stac != stacO) { stacO = stac; DEBUG_PRINT(F("Connected AP clients: ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(stac); if (!WLED_CONNECTED && WLED_WIFI_CONFIGURED) { // trying to connect, but not connected if (stac) WiFi.disconnect(); // disable search so that AP can work else initConnection(); // restart search } } } if (forceReconnect) { DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Forcing reconnect.")); initConnection(); interfacesInited = false; forceReconnect = false; wasConnected = false; return; } if (!Network.isConnected()) { if (interfacesInited) { DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Disconnected!")); interfacesInited = false; initConnection(); } if (millis() - lastReconnectAttempt > ((stac) ? 300000 : 20000) && WLED_WIFI_CONFIGURED) initConnection(); if (!apActive && millis() - lastReconnectAttempt > 12000 && (!wasConnected || apBehavior == AP_BEHAVIOR_NO_CONN)) initAP(); } else if (!interfacesInited) { // newly connected DEBUG_PRINTLN(""); DEBUG_PRINT(F("Connected! IP address: ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(Network.localIP()); initInterfaces(); userConnected(); usermods.connected(); // shut down AP if (apBehavior != AP_BEHAVIOR_ALWAYS && apActive) { dnsServer.stop(); WiFi.softAPdisconnect(true); apActive = false; DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Access point disabled.")); } } } void WLED::handleStatusLED() { #if STATUSLED for (uint8_t s=0; s= (1000/ledStatusType)) { ledStatusLastMillis = millis(); ledStatusState = ledStatusState ? 0 : 1; digitalWrite(STATUSLED, ledStatusState); } } else { #ifdef STATUSLEDINVERTED digitalWrite(STATUSLED, HIGH); #else digitalWrite(STATUSLED, LOW); #endif } #endif }