#ifndef WLED_CONST_H #define WLED_CONST_H /* * Readability defines and their associated numerical values + compile-time constants */ //Defaults #define DEFAULT_CLIENT_SSID "Your_Network" #define DEFAULT_AP_PASS "wled1234" #define DEFAULT_OTA_PASS "wledota" //increase if you need more #define WLED_MAX_USERMODS 4 //Usermod IDs #define USERMOD_ID_RESERVED 0 //Unused. Might indicate no usermod present #define USERMOD_ID_UNSPECIFIED 1 //Default value for a general user mod that does not specify a custom ID #define USERMOD_ID_EXAMPLE 2 //Usermod "usermod_v2_example.h" #define USERMOD_ID_TEMPERATURE 3 //Usermod "usermod_temperature.h" #define USERMOD_ID_FIXNETSERVICES 4 //Usermod "usermod_Fix_unreachable_netservices.h" #define USERMOD_ID_PIRSWITCH 5 //Usermod "usermod_PIR_sensor_switch.h" #define USERMOD_ID_IMU 6 //Usermod "usermod_mpu6050_imu.h" //Access point behavior #define AP_BEHAVIOR_BOOT_NO_CONN 0 //Open AP when no connection after boot #define AP_BEHAVIOR_NO_CONN 1 //Open when no connection (either after boot or if connection is lost) #define AP_BEHAVIOR_ALWAYS 2 //Always open #define AP_BEHAVIOR_BUTTON_ONLY 3 //Only when button pressed for 6 sec //Notifier callMode #define NOTIFIER_CALL_MODE_INIT 0 //no updates on init, can be used to disable updates #define NOTIFIER_CALL_MODE_DIRECT_CHANGE 1 #define NOTIFIER_CALL_MODE_BUTTON 2 #define NOTIFIER_CALL_MODE_NOTIFICATION 3 #define NOTIFIER_CALL_MODE_NIGHTLIGHT 4 #define NOTIFIER_CALL_MODE_NO_NOTIFY 5 #define NOTIFIER_CALL_MODE_FX_CHANGED 6 //no longer used #define NOTIFIER_CALL_MODE_HUE 7 #define NOTIFIER_CALL_MODE_PRESET_CYCLE 8 #define NOTIFIER_CALL_MODE_BLYNK 9 #define NOTIFIER_CALL_MODE_ALEXA 10 //RGB to RGBW conversion mode #define RGBW_MODE_MANUAL_ONLY 0 //No automatic white channel calculation. Manual white channel slider #define RGBW_MODE_AUTO_BRIGHTER 1 //New algorithm. Adds as much white as the darkest RGBW channel #define RGBW_MODE_AUTO_ACCURATE 2 //New algorithm. Adds as much white as the darkest RGBW channel and subtracts this amount from each RGB channel #define RGBW_MODE_DUAL 3 //Manual slider + auto calculation. Automatically calculates only if manual slider is set to off (0) #define RGBW_MODE_LEGACY 4 //Old floating algorithm. Too slow for realtime and palette support //realtime modes #define REALTIME_MODE_INACTIVE 0 #define REALTIME_MODE_GENERIC 1 #define REALTIME_MODE_UDP 2 #define REALTIME_MODE_HYPERION 3 #define REALTIME_MODE_E131 4 #define REALTIME_MODE_ADALIGHT 5 #define REALTIME_MODE_ARTNET 6 #define REALTIME_MODE_TPM2NET 7 //realtime override modes #define REALTIME_OVERRIDE_NONE 0 #define REALTIME_OVERRIDE_ONCE 1 #define REALTIME_OVERRIDE_ALWAYS 2 //E1.31 DMX modes #define DMX_MODE_DISABLED 0 //not used #define DMX_MODE_SINGLE_RGB 1 //all LEDs same RGB color (3 channels) #define DMX_MODE_SINGLE_DRGB 2 //all LEDs same RGB color and master dimmer (4 channels) #define DMX_MODE_EFFECT 3 //trigger standalone effects of WLED (11 channels) #define DMX_MODE_MULTIPLE_RGB 4 //every LED is addressed with its own RGB (ledCount * 3 channels) #define DMX_MODE_MULTIPLE_DRGB 5 //every LED is addressed with its own RGB and share a master dimmer (ledCount * 3 + 1 channels) //Light capability byte (unused) #define TYPE_NONE 0 //light is not configured #define TYPE_RESERVED 1 //unused. Might indicate a "virtual" light #define TYPE_WS2812_RGB 2 #define TYPE_SK6812_RGBW 3 #define TYPE_WS2812_WWA 4 //amber + warm + cold white #define TYPE_WS2801 5 #define TYPE_ANALOG_1CH 6 //single channel PWM. Uses value of brightest RGBW channel #define TYPE_ANALOG_2CH 7 //analog WW + CW #define TYPE_ANALOG_3CH 8 //analog RGB #define TYPE_ANALOG_4CH 9 //analog RGBW #define TYPE_ANALOG_5CH 10 //analog RGB + WW + CW #define TYPE_APA102 11 #define TYPE_LPD8806 12 //Hue error codes #define HUE_ERROR_INACTIVE 0 #define HUE_ERROR_UNAUTHORIZED 1 #define HUE_ERROR_LIGHTID 3 #define HUE_ERROR_PUSHLINK 101 #define HUE_ERROR_JSON_PARSING 250 #define HUE_ERROR_TIMEOUT 251 #define HUE_ERROR_ACTIVE 255 //Segment option byte bits #define SEG_OPTION_SELECTED 0 #define SEG_OPTION_REVERSED 1 #define SEG_OPTION_ON 2 #define SEG_OPTION_MIRROR 3 //Indicates that the effect will be mirrored within the segment #define SEG_OPTION_NONUNITY 4 //Indicates that the effect does not use FRAMETIME or needs getPixelColor #define SEG_OPTION_FREEZE 5 //Segment contents will not be refreshed #define SEG_OPTION_TRANSITIONAL 7 //Timer mode types #define NL_MODE_SET 0 //After nightlight time elapsed, set to target brightness #define NL_MODE_FADE 1 //Fade to target brightness gradually #define NL_MODE_COLORFADE 2 //Fade to target brightness and secondary color gradually #define NL_MODE_SUN 3 //Sunrise/sunset. Target brightness is set immediately, then Sunrise effect is started. Max 60 min. //EEPROM size #define EEPSIZE 2560 //Maximum is 4096 #define NTP_PACKET_SIZE 48 // maximum number of LEDs - MAX_LEDS is coming from the JSON response getting too big, MAX_LEDS_DMA will become a timing issue #define MAX_LEDS 1500 #define MAX_LEDS_DMA 500 // string temp buffer (now stored in stack locally) #define OMAX 2048 #define E131_MAX_UNIVERSE_COUNT 9 #define ABL_MILLIAMPS_DEFAULT 850; // auto lower brightness to stay close to milliampere limit #define TOUCH_THRESHOLD 32 // limit to recognize a touch, higher value means more sensitive // Size of buffer for API JSON object (increase for more segments) #ifdef ESP8266 #define JSON_BUFFER_SIZE 9216 #else #define JSON_BUFFER_SIZE 16384 #endif #endif