#include "wled.h" /* * WebSockets server for bidirectional communication */ #ifdef WLED_ENABLE_WEBSOCKETS uint16_t wsLiveClientId = 0; unsigned long wsLastLiveTime = 0; //uint8_t* wsFrameBuffer = nullptr; #define WS_LIVE_INTERVAL 40 void wsEvent(AsyncWebSocket * server, AsyncWebSocketClient * client, AwsEventType type, void * arg, uint8_t *data, size_t len) { if(type == WS_EVT_CONNECT){ //client connected DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("WS client connected.")); sendDataWs(client); } else if(type == WS_EVT_DISCONNECT){ //client disconnected if (client->id() == wsLiveClientId) wsLiveClientId = 0; DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("WS client disconnected.")); } else if(type == WS_EVT_DATA){ // data packet AwsFrameInfo * info = (AwsFrameInfo*)arg; if(info->final && info->index == 0 && info->len == len){ // the whole message is in a single frame and we got all of its data (max. 1450 bytes) if(info->opcode == WS_TEXT) { if (len > 0 && len < 10 && data[0] == 'p') { // application layer ping/pong heartbeat. // client-side socket layer ping packets are unresponded (investigate) client->text(F("pong")); return; } bool verboseResponse = false; if (!requestJSONBufferLock(11)) return; DeserializationError error = deserializeJson(doc, data, len); JsonObject root = doc.as(); if (error || root.isNull()) { releaseJSONBufferLock(); return; } if (root["v"] && root.size() == 1) { //if the received value is just "{"v":true}", send only to this client verboseResponse = true; } else if (root.containsKey("lv")) { wsLiveClientId = root["lv"] ? client->id() : 0; } else { verboseResponse = deserializeState(root); } releaseJSONBufferLock(); // will clean fileDoc if (!interfaceUpdateCallMode) { // individual client response only needed if no WS broadcast soon if (verboseResponse) { sendDataWs(client); } else { // we have to send something back otherwise WS connection closes client->text(F("{\"success\":true}")); } // force broadcast in 500ms after updating client //lastInterfaceUpdate = millis() - (INTERFACE_UPDATE_COOLDOWN -500); // ESP8266 does not like this } } } else { //message is comprised of multiple frames or the frame is split into multiple packets //if(info->index == 0){ //if (!wsFrameBuffer && len < 4096) wsFrameBuffer = new uint8_t[4096]; //} //if (wsFrameBuffer && len < 4096 && info->index + info->) //{ //} if((info->index + len) == info->len){ if(info->final){ if(info->message_opcode == WS_TEXT) { client->text(F("{\"error\":9}")); // ERR_JSON we do not handle split packets right now } } } DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("WS multipart message.")); } } else if(type == WS_EVT_ERROR){ //error was received from the other end DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("WS error.")); } else if(type == WS_EVT_PONG){ //pong message was received (in response to a ping request maybe) DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("WS pong.")); } } void sendDataWs(AsyncWebSocketClient * client) { if (!ws.count()) return; AsyncWebSocketMessageBuffer * buffer; if (!requestJSONBufferLock(12)) return; JsonObject state = doc.createNestedObject("state"); serializeState(state); JsonObject info = doc.createNestedObject("info"); serializeInfo(info); size_t len = measureJson(doc); DEBUG_PRINTF("JSON buffer size: %u for WS request (%u).\n", doc.memoryUsage(), len); size_t heap1 = ESP.getFreeHeap(); DEBUG_PRINT(F("heap ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(ESP.getFreeHeap()); #ifdef ESP8266 if (len>heap1) { DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Out of memory (WS)!")); return; } #endif buffer = ws.makeBuffer(len); // will not allocate correct memory sometimes on ESP8266 #ifdef ESP8266 size_t heap2 = ESP.getFreeHeap(); DEBUG_PRINT(F("heap ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(ESP.getFreeHeap()); #else size_t heap2 = 0; // ESP32 variants do not have the same issue and will work without checking heap allocation #endif if (!buffer || heap1-heap2lock(); serializeJson(doc, (char *)buffer->get(), len); DEBUG_PRINT(F("Sending WS data ")); if (client) { client->text(buffer); DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("to a single client.")); } else { ws.textAll(buffer); DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("to multiple clients.")); } buffer->unlock(); ws._cleanBuffers(); releaseJSONBufferLock(); } bool sendLiveLedsWs(uint32_t wsClient) { AsyncWebSocketClient * wsc = ws.client(wsClient); if (!wsc || wsc->queueLength() > 0) return false; //only send if queue free size_t used = strip.getLengthTotal(); #ifdef ESP8266 const size_t MAX_LIVE_LEDS_WS = 256U; #else const size_t MAX_LIVE_LEDS_WS = 1024U; #endif size_t n = ((used -1)/MAX_LIVE_LEDS_WS) +1; //only serve every n'th LED if count over MAX_LIVE_LEDS_WS size_t pos = (strip.isMatrix ? 4 : 2); // start of data size_t bufSize = pos + (used/n)*3; AsyncWebSocketMessageBuffer * wsBuf = ws.makeBuffer(bufSize); if (!wsBuf) return false; //out of memory uint8_t* buffer = wsBuf->get(); buffer[0] = 'L'; buffer[1] = 1; //version #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_2D size_t skipLines = 0; if (strip.isMatrix) { buffer[1] = 2; //version buffer[2] = Segment::maxWidth; buffer[3] = Segment::maxHeight; if (used > MAX_LIVE_LEDS_WS*4) { buffer[2] = Segment::maxWidth/4; buffer[3] = Segment::maxHeight/4; skipLines = 3; } else if (used > MAX_LIVE_LEDS_WS) { buffer[2] = Segment::maxWidth/2; buffer[3] = Segment::maxHeight/2; skipLines = 1; } } #endif for (size_t i = 0; pos < bufSize -2; i += n) { #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_2D if (strip.isMatrix && skipLines) { if ((i/Segment::maxWidth)%(skipLines+1)) i += Segment::maxWidth * skipLines; } #endif uint32_t c = strip.getPixelColor(i); uint8_t r = R(c); uint8_t g = G(c); uint8_t b = B(c); uint8_t w = W(c); buffer[pos++] = scale8(qadd8(w, r), strip.getBrightness()); //R, add white channel to RGB channels as a simple RGBW -> RGB map buffer[pos++] = scale8(qadd8(w, g), strip.getBrightness()); //G buffer[pos++] = scale8(qadd8(w, b), strip.getBrightness()); //B } wsc->binary(wsBuf); return true; } void handleWs() { if (millis() - wsLastLiveTime > WS_LIVE_INTERVAL) { #ifdef ESP8266 ws.cleanupClients(3); #else ws.cleanupClients(); #endif bool success = true; if (wsLiveClientId) success = sendLiveLedsWs(wsLiveClientId); wsLastLiveTime = millis(); if (!success) wsLastLiveTime -= 20; //try again in 20ms if failed due to non-empty WS queue } } #else void handleWs() {} void sendDataWs(AsyncWebSocketClient * client) {} #endif