#define WLED_DEFINE_GLOBAL_VARS //only in one source file, wled.cpp! #include "wled.h" #include "wled_ethernet.h" #include #if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32) && defined(WLED_DISABLE_BROWNOUT_DET) #include "soc/soc.h" #include "soc/rtc_cntl_reg.h" #endif /* * Main WLED class implementation. Mostly initialization and connection logic */ WLED::WLED() { } // turns all LEDs off and restarts ESP void WLED::reset() { briT = 0; #ifdef WLED_ENABLE_WEBSOCKETS ws.closeAll(1012); #endif unsigned long dly = millis(); while (millis() - dly < 450) { yield(); // enough time to send response to client } applyBri(); DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("WLED RESET")); ESP.restart(); } void WLED::loop() { #ifdef WLED_DEBUG static unsigned long lastRun = 0; unsigned long loopMillis = millis(); size_t loopDelay = loopMillis - lastRun; if (lastRun == 0) loopDelay=0; // startup - don't have valid data from last run. if (loopDelay > 2) DEBUG_PRINTF("Loop delayed more than %ums.\n", loopDelay); static unsigned long maxLoopMillis = 0; static size_t avgLoopMillis = 0; static unsigned long maxUsermodMillis = 0; static size_t avgUsermodMillis = 0; static unsigned long maxStripMillis = 0; static size_t avgStripMillis = 0; unsigned long stripMillis; #endif handleTime(); #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_INFRARED handleIR(); // 2nd call to function needed for ESP32 to return valid results -- should be good for ESP8266, too #endif handleConnection(); #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_ESPNOW handleRemote(); #endif handleSerial(); handleImprovWifiScan(); handleNotifications(); handleTransitions(); #ifdef WLED_ENABLE_DMX handleDMX(); #endif userLoop(); #ifdef WLED_DEBUG unsigned long usermodMillis = millis(); #endif usermods.loop(); #ifdef WLED_DEBUG usermodMillis = millis() - usermodMillis; avgUsermodMillis += usermodMillis; if (usermodMillis > maxUsermodMillis) maxUsermodMillis = usermodMillis; #endif yield(); handleIO(); #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_INFRARED handleIR(); #endif #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_ALEXA handleAlexa(); #endif if (doCloseFile) { closeFile(); yield(); } #ifdef WLED_DEBUG stripMillis = millis(); #endif if (!realtimeMode || realtimeOverride || (realtimeMode && useMainSegmentOnly)) // block stuff if WARLS/Adalight is enabled { if (apActive) dnsServer.processNextRequest(); #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_OTA if (WLED_CONNECTED && aOtaEnabled && !otaLock && correctPIN) ArduinoOTA.handle(); #endif handleNightlight(); handlePlaylist(); yield(); #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_HUESYNC handleHue(); yield(); #endif handlePresets(); yield(); if (!offMode || strip.isOffRefreshRequired()) strip.service(); #ifdef ESP8266 else if (!noWifiSleep) delay(1); //required to make sure ESP enters modem sleep (see #1184) #endif } #ifdef WLED_DEBUG stripMillis = millis() - stripMillis; avgStripMillis += stripMillis; if (stripMillis > maxStripMillis) maxStripMillis = stripMillis; #endif yield(); #ifdef ESP8266 MDNS.update(); #endif //millis() rolls over every 50 days if (lastMqttReconnectAttempt > millis()) { rolloverMillis++; lastMqttReconnectAttempt = 0; ntpLastSyncTime = NTP_NEVER; // force new NTP query strip.restartRuntime(); } if (millis() - lastMqttReconnectAttempt > 30000 || lastMqttReconnectAttempt == 0) { // lastMqttReconnectAttempt==0 forces immediate broadcast lastMqttReconnectAttempt = millis(); #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_MQTT initMqtt(); #endif yield(); // refresh WLED nodes list refreshNodeList(); if (nodeBroadcastEnabled) sendSysInfoUDP(); yield(); } // 15min PIN time-out if (strlen(settingsPIN)>0 && correctPIN && millis() - lastEditTime > PIN_TIMEOUT) { correctPIN = false; createEditHandler(false); } //LED settings have been saved, re-init busses //This code block causes severe FPS drop on ESP32 with the original "if (busConfigs[0] != nullptr)" conditional. Investigate! if (doInitBusses) { doInitBusses = false; DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Re-init busses.")); bool aligned = strip.checkSegmentAlignment(); //see if old segments match old bus(ses) busses.removeAll(); uint32_t mem = 0, globalBufMem = 0; uint16_t maxlen = 0; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < WLED_MAX_BUSSES+WLED_MIN_VIRTUAL_BUSSES; i++) { if (busConfigs[i] == nullptr) break; mem += BusManager::memUsage(*busConfigs[i]); if (useGlobalLedBuffer && busConfigs[i]->start + busConfigs[i]->count > maxlen) { maxlen = busConfigs[i]->start + busConfigs[i]->count; globalBufMem = maxlen * 4; } if (mem + globalBufMem <= MAX_LED_MEMORY) { busses.add(*busConfigs[i]); } delete busConfigs[i]; busConfigs[i] = nullptr; } strip.finalizeInit(); // also loads default ledmap if present if (aligned) strip.makeAutoSegments(); else strip.fixInvalidSegments(); doSerializeConfig = true; } if (loadLedmap >= 0) { if (!strip.deserializeMap(loadLedmap) && strip.isMatrix && loadLedmap == 0) strip.setUpMatrix(); loadLedmap = -1; } yield(); if (doSerializeConfig) serializeConfig(); yield(); handleWs(); handleStatusLED(); toki.resetTick(); #if WLED_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT > 0 // we finished our mainloop, reset the watchdog timer static unsigned long lastWDTFeed = 0; if (!strip.isUpdating() || millis() - lastWDTFeed > (WLED_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT*500)) { #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 esp_task_wdt_reset(); #else ESP.wdtFeed(); #endif lastWDTFeed = millis(); } #endif if (doReboot && (!doInitBusses || !doSerializeConfig)) // if busses have to be inited & saved, wait until next iteration reset(); // DEBUG serial logging (every 30s) #ifdef WLED_DEBUG loopMillis = millis() - loopMillis; if (loopMillis > 30) { DEBUG_PRINTF("Loop took %lums.\n", loopMillis); DEBUG_PRINTF("Usermods took %lums.\n", usermodMillis); DEBUG_PRINTF("Strip took %lums.\n", stripMillis); } avgLoopMillis += loopMillis; if (loopMillis > maxLoopMillis) maxLoopMillis = loopMillis; if (millis() - debugTime > 29999) { DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("---DEBUG INFO---")); DEBUG_PRINT(F("Runtime: ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(millis()); DEBUG_PRINT(F("Unix time: ")); toki.printTime(toki.getTime()); DEBUG_PRINT(F("Free heap: ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(ESP.getFreeHeap()); #if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32) && defined(BOARD_HAS_PSRAM) if (psramFound()) { DEBUG_PRINT(F("Total PSRAM: ")); DEBUG_PRINT(ESP.getPsramSize()/1024); DEBUG_PRINTLN("kB"); DEBUG_PRINT(F("Free PSRAM: ")); DEBUG_PRINT(ESP.getFreePsram()/1024); DEBUG_PRINTLN("kB"); } #endif DEBUG_PRINT(F("Wifi state: ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(WiFi.status()); if (WiFi.status() != lastWifiState) { wifiStateChangedTime = millis(); } lastWifiState = WiFi.status(); DEBUG_PRINT(F("State time: ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(wifiStateChangedTime); DEBUG_PRINT(F("NTP last sync: ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(ntpLastSyncTime); DEBUG_PRINT(F("Client IP: ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(Network.localIP()); if (loops > 0) { // avoid division by zero DEBUG_PRINT(F("Loops/sec: ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(loops / 30); DEBUG_PRINT(F("Loop time[ms]: ")); DEBUG_PRINT(avgLoopMillis/loops); DEBUG_PRINT("/");DEBUG_PRINTLN(maxLoopMillis); DEBUG_PRINT(F("UM time[ms]: ")); DEBUG_PRINT(avgUsermodMillis/loops); DEBUG_PRINT("/");DEBUG_PRINTLN(maxUsermodMillis); DEBUG_PRINT(F("Strip time[ms]: ")); DEBUG_PRINT(avgStripMillis/loops); DEBUG_PRINT("/"); DEBUG_PRINTLN(maxStripMillis); } strip.printSize(); loops = 0; maxLoopMillis = 0; maxUsermodMillis = 0; maxStripMillis = 0; avgUsermodMillis = 0; avgStripMillis = 0; debugTime = millis(); } loops++; lastRun = millis(); #endif // WLED_DEBUG } void WLED::enableWatchdog() { #if WLED_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT > 0 #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 esp_err_t watchdog = esp_task_wdt_init(WLED_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT, true); DEBUG_PRINT(F("Watchdog enabled: ")); if (watchdog == ESP_OK) { DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("OK")); } else { DEBUG_PRINTLN(watchdog); return; } esp_task_wdt_add(NULL); #else ESP.wdtEnable(WLED_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT * 1000); #endif #endif } void WLED::disableWatchdog() { #if WLED_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT > 0 DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Watchdog: disabled")); #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 esp_task_wdt_delete(NULL); #else ESP.wdtDisable(); #endif #endif } void WLED::setup() { #if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32) && defined(WLED_DISABLE_BROWNOUT_DET) WRITE_PERI_REG(RTC_CNTL_BROWN_OUT_REG, 0); //disable brownout detection #endif #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 pinMode(hardwareRX, INPUT_PULLDOWN); delay(1); // suppress noise in case RX pin is floating (at low noise energy) - see issue #3128 #endif Serial.begin(115200); #if !ARDUINO_USB_CDC_ON_BOOT Serial.setTimeout(50); // this causes troubles on new MCUs that have a "virtual" USB Serial (HWCDC) #else #endif #if defined(WLED_DEBUG) && defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32) && (defined(CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32S2) || defined(CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32C3) || ARDUINO_USB_CDC_ON_BOOT) delay(2500); // allow CDC USB serial to initialise #endif #if !defined(WLED_DEBUG) && defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32) && !defined(WLED_DEBUG_HOST) && ARDUINO_USB_CDC_ON_BOOT Serial.setDebugOutput(false); // switch off kernel messages when using USBCDC #endif DEBUG_PRINTLN(); DEBUG_PRINT(F("---WLED ")); DEBUG_PRINT(versionString); DEBUG_PRINT(" "); DEBUG_PRINT(VERSION); DEBUG_PRINTLN(F(" INIT---")); #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 DEBUG_PRINT(F("esp32 ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(ESP.getSdkVersion()); #if defined(ESP_ARDUINO_VERSION) //DEBUG_PRINTF(F("arduino-esp32 0x%06x\n"), ESP_ARDUINO_VERSION); DEBUG_PRINTF("arduino-esp32 v%d.%d.%d\n", int(ESP_ARDUINO_VERSION_MAJOR), int(ESP_ARDUINO_VERSION_MINOR), int(ESP_ARDUINO_VERSION_PATCH)); // availeable since v2.0.0 #else DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("arduino-esp32 v1.0.x\n")); // we can't say in more detail. #endif DEBUG_PRINT(F("CPU: ")); DEBUG_PRINT(ESP.getChipModel()); DEBUG_PRINT(F(" rev.")); DEBUG_PRINT(ESP.getChipRevision()); DEBUG_PRINT(F(", ")); DEBUG_PRINT(ESP.getChipCores()); DEBUG_PRINT(F(" core(s)")); DEBUG_PRINT(F(", ")); DEBUG_PRINT(ESP.getCpuFreqMHz()); DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("MHz.")); DEBUG_PRINT(F("FLASH: ")); DEBUG_PRINT((ESP.getFlashChipSize()/1024)/1024); DEBUG_PRINT(F("MB, Mode ")); DEBUG_PRINT(ESP.getFlashChipMode()); #ifdef WLED_DEBUG switch (ESP.getFlashChipMode()) { // missing: Octal modes case FM_QIO: DEBUG_PRINT(F(" (QIO)")); break; case FM_QOUT: DEBUG_PRINT(F(" (QOUT)"));break; case FM_DIO: DEBUG_PRINT(F(" (DIO)")); break; case FM_DOUT: DEBUG_PRINT(F(" (DOUT)"));break; default: break; } #endif DEBUG_PRINT(F(", speed ")); DEBUG_PRINT(ESP.getFlashChipSpeed()/1000000);DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("MHz.")); #else DEBUG_PRINT(F("esp8266 ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(ESP.getCoreVersion()); #endif DEBUG_PRINT(F("heap ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(ESP.getFreeHeap()); #if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32) && defined(BOARD_HAS_PSRAM) #if defined(CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32S3) // S3: reserve GPIO 33-37 for "octal" PSRAM managed_pin_type pins[] = { {33, true}, {34, true}, {35, true}, {36, true}, {37, true} }; pinManager.allocateMultiplePins(pins, sizeof(pins)/sizeof(managed_pin_type), PinOwner::SPI_RAM); #elif defined(CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32S2) // S2: reserve GPIO 26-32 for PSRAM (may fail due to isPinOk() but that will also prevent other allocation) managed_pin_type pins[] = { {26, true}, {27, true}, {28, true}, {29, true}, {30, true}, {31, true}, {32, true} }; pinManager.allocateMultiplePins(pins, sizeof(pins)/sizeof(managed_pin_type), PinOwner::SPI_RAM); #elif defined(CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32C3) // C3: reserve GPIO 12-17 for PSRAM (may fail due to isPinOk() but that will also prevent other allocation) managed_pin_type pins[] = { {12, true}, {13, true}, {14, true}, {15, true}, {16, true}, {17, true} }; pinManager.allocateMultiplePins(pins, sizeof(pins)/sizeof(managed_pin_type), PinOwner::SPI_RAM); #else // GPIO16/GPIO17 reserved for SPI RAM managed_pin_type pins[] = { {16, true}, {17, true} }; pinManager.allocateMultiplePins(pins, sizeof(pins)/sizeof(managed_pin_type), PinOwner::SPI_RAM); #endif #if defined(WLED_USE_PSRAM) if (psramFound()) { DEBUG_PRINT(F("Total PSRAM: ")); DEBUG_PRINT(ESP.getPsramSize()/1024); DEBUG_PRINTLN("kB"); DEBUG_PRINT(F("Free PSRAM : ")); DEBUG_PRINT(ESP.getFreePsram()/1024); DEBUG_PRINTLN("kB"); } #else DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("PSRAM not used.")); #endif #endif //DEBUG_PRINT(F("LEDs inited. heap usage ~")); //DEBUG_PRINTLN(heapPreAlloc - ESP.getFreeHeap()); #ifdef WLED_DEBUG pinManager.allocatePin(hardwareTX, true, PinOwner::DebugOut); // TX (GPIO1 on ESP32) reserved for debug output #endif #ifdef WLED_ENABLE_DMX //reserve GPIO2 as hardcoded DMX pin pinManager.allocatePin(2, true, PinOwner::DMX); #endif DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Registering usermods ...")); registerUsermods(); DEBUG_PRINT(F("heap ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(ESP.getFreeHeap()); for (uint8_t i=1; i=0 if (!pinManager.isPinAllocated(STATUSLED)) { // NOTE: Special case: The status LED should *NOT* be allocated. // See comments in handleStatusLed(). pinMode(STATUSLED, OUTPUT); } #endif DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Initializing strip")); beginStrip(); DEBUG_PRINT(F("heap ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(ESP.getFreeHeap()); DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Usermods setup")); userSetup(); usermods.setup(); DEBUG_PRINT(F("heap ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(ESP.getFreeHeap()); if (strcmp(clientSSID, DEFAULT_CLIENT_SSID) == 0) showWelcomePage = true; WiFi.persistent(false); #ifdef WLED_USE_ETHERNET WiFi.onEvent(WiFiEvent); #endif #ifdef WLED_ENABLE_ADALIGHT //Serial RX (Adalight, Improv, Serial JSON) only possible if GPIO3 unused //Serial TX (Debug, Improv, Serial JSON) only possible if GPIO1 unused if (!pinManager.isPinAllocated(hardwareRX) && !pinManager.isPinAllocated(hardwareTX)) { Serial.println(F("Ada")); } #endif // fill in unique mdns default if (strcmp(cmDNS, "x") == 0) sprintf_P(cmDNS, PSTR("wled-%*s"), 6, escapedMac.c_str() + 6); #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_MQTT if (mqttDeviceTopic[0] == 0) sprintf_P(mqttDeviceTopic, PSTR("wled/%*s"), 6, escapedMac.c_str() + 6); if (mqttClientID[0] == 0) sprintf_P(mqttClientID, PSTR("WLED-%*s"), 6, escapedMac.c_str() + 6); #endif #ifdef WLED_ENABLE_ADALIGHT if (Serial.available() > 0 && Serial.peek() == 'I') handleImprovPacket(); #endif #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_OTA if (aOtaEnabled) { ArduinoOTA.onStart([]() { #ifdef ESP8266 wifi_set_sleep_type(NONE_SLEEP_T); #endif WLED::instance().disableWatchdog(); DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Start ArduinoOTA")); }); ArduinoOTA.onError([](ota_error_t error) { // reenable watchdog on failed update WLED::instance().enableWatchdog(); }); if (strlen(cmDNS) > 0) ArduinoOTA.setHostname(cmDNS); } #endif #ifdef WLED_ENABLE_DMX initDMX(); #endif #ifdef WLED_ENABLE_ADALIGHT if (Serial.available() > 0 && Serial.peek() == 'I') handleImprovPacket(); #endif // HTTP server page init DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("initServer")); initServer(); DEBUG_PRINT(F("heap ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(ESP.getFreeHeap()); enableWatchdog(); #if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32) && defined(WLED_DISABLE_BROWNOUT_DET) WRITE_PERI_REG(RTC_CNTL_BROWN_OUT_REG, 1); //enable brownout detector #endif } void WLED::beginStrip() { // Initialize NeoPixel Strip and button strip.finalizeInit(); // busses created during deserializeConfig() strip.makeAutoSegments(); strip.setBrightness(0); strip.setShowCallback(handleOverlayDraw); if (turnOnAtBoot) { if (briS > 0) bri = briS; else if (bri == 0) bri = 128; } else { // fix for #3196 briLast = briS; bri = 0; strip.fill(BLACK); strip.show(); } if (bootPreset > 0) { applyPreset(bootPreset, CALL_MODE_INIT); } colorUpdated(CALL_MODE_INIT); // init relay pin if (rlyPin>=0) digitalWrite(rlyPin, (rlyMde ? bri : !bri)); } void WLED::initAP(bool resetAP) { if (apBehavior == AP_BEHAVIOR_BUTTON_ONLY && !resetAP) return; if (resetAP) { WLED_SET_AP_SSID(); strcpy_P(apPass, PSTR(WLED_AP_PASS)); } DEBUG_PRINT(F("Opening access point ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(apSSID); WiFi.softAPConfig(IPAddress(4, 3, 2, 1), IPAddress(4, 3, 2, 1), IPAddress(255, 255, 255, 0)); WiFi.softAP(apSSID, apPass, apChannel, apHide); #if defined(LOLIN_WIFI_FIX) && (defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32C3) || defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32S2) || defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32S3)) WiFi.setTxPower(WIFI_POWER_8_5dBm); #endif if (!apActive) // start captive portal if AP active { DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Init AP interfaces")); server.begin(); if (udpPort > 0 && udpPort != ntpLocalPort) { udpConnected = notifierUdp.begin(udpPort); } if (udpRgbPort > 0 && udpRgbPort != ntpLocalPort && udpRgbPort != udpPort) { udpRgbConnected = rgbUdp.begin(udpRgbPort); } if (udpPort2 > 0 && udpPort2 != ntpLocalPort && udpPort2 != udpPort && udpPort2 != udpRgbPort) { udp2Connected = notifier2Udp.begin(udpPort2); } e131.begin(false, e131Port, e131Universe, E131_MAX_UNIVERSE_COUNT); ddp.begin(false, DDP_DEFAULT_PORT); dnsServer.setErrorReplyCode(DNSReplyCode::NoError); dnsServer.start(53, "*", WiFi.softAPIP()); } apActive = true; } bool WLED::initEthernet() { #if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32) && defined(WLED_USE_ETHERNET) static bool successfullyConfiguredEthernet = false; if (successfullyConfiguredEthernet) { // DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("initE: ETH already successfully configured, ignoring")); return false; } if (ethernetType == WLED_ETH_NONE) { return false; } if (ethernetType >= WLED_NUM_ETH_TYPES) { DEBUG_PRINT(F("initE: Ignoring attempt for invalid ethernetType ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(ethernetType); return false; } DEBUG_PRINT(F("initE: Attempting ETH config: ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(ethernetType); // Ethernet initialization should only succeed once -- else reboot required ethernet_settings es = ethernetBoards[ethernetType]; managed_pin_type pinsToAllocate[10] = { // first six pins are non-configurable esp32_nonconfigurable_ethernet_pins[0], esp32_nonconfigurable_ethernet_pins[1], esp32_nonconfigurable_ethernet_pins[2], esp32_nonconfigurable_ethernet_pins[3], esp32_nonconfigurable_ethernet_pins[4], esp32_nonconfigurable_ethernet_pins[5], { (int8_t)es.eth_mdc, true }, // [6] = MDC is output and mandatory { (int8_t)es.eth_mdio, true }, // [7] = MDIO is bidirectional and mandatory { (int8_t)es.eth_power, true }, // [8] = optional pin, not all boards use { ((int8_t)0xFE), false }, // [9] = replaced with eth_clk_mode, mandatory }; // update the clock pin.... if (es.eth_clk_mode == ETH_CLOCK_GPIO0_IN) { pinsToAllocate[9].pin = 0; pinsToAllocate[9].isOutput = false; } else if (es.eth_clk_mode == ETH_CLOCK_GPIO0_OUT) { pinsToAllocate[9].pin = 0; pinsToAllocate[9].isOutput = true; } else if (es.eth_clk_mode == ETH_CLOCK_GPIO16_OUT) { pinsToAllocate[9].pin = 16; pinsToAllocate[9].isOutput = true; } else if (es.eth_clk_mode == ETH_CLOCK_GPIO17_OUT) { pinsToAllocate[9].pin = 17; pinsToAllocate[9].isOutput = true; } else { DEBUG_PRINT(F("initE: Failing due to invalid eth_clk_mode (")); DEBUG_PRINT(es.eth_clk_mode); DEBUG_PRINTLN(")"); return false; } if (!pinManager.allocateMultiplePins(pinsToAllocate, 10, PinOwner::Ethernet)) { DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("initE: Failed to allocate ethernet pins")); return false; } /* For LAN8720 the most correct way is to perform clean reset each time before init applying LOW to power or nRST pin for at least 100 us (please refer to datasheet, page 59) ESP_IDF > V4 implements it (150 us, lan87xx_reset_hw(esp_eth_phy_t *phy) function in /components/esp_eth/src/esp_eth_phy_lan87xx.c, line 280) but ESP_IDF < V4 does not. Lets do it: [not always needed, might be relevant in some EMI situations at startup and for hot resets] */ #if ESP_IDF_VERSION_MAJOR==3 if(es.eth_power>0 && es.eth_type==ETH_PHY_LAN8720) { pinMode(es.eth_power, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(es.eth_power, 0); delayMicroseconds(150); digitalWrite(es.eth_power, 1); delayMicroseconds(10); } #endif if (!ETH.begin( (uint8_t) es.eth_address, (int) es.eth_power, (int) es.eth_mdc, (int) es.eth_mdio, (eth_phy_type_t) es.eth_type, (eth_clock_mode_t) es.eth_clk_mode )) { DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("initC: ETH.begin() failed")); // de-allocate the allocated pins for (managed_pin_type mpt : pinsToAllocate) { pinManager.deallocatePin(mpt.pin, PinOwner::Ethernet); } return false; } successfullyConfiguredEthernet = true; DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("initC: *** Ethernet successfully configured! ***")); return true; #else return false; // Ethernet not enabled for build #endif } void WLED::initConnection() { #ifdef WLED_ENABLE_WEBSOCKETS ws.onEvent(wsEvent); #endif WiFi.disconnect(true); // close old connections #ifdef ESP8266 WiFi.setPhyMode(WIFI_PHY_MODE_11N); #endif if (staticIP[0] != 0 && staticGateway[0] != 0) { WiFi.config(staticIP, staticGateway, staticSubnet, IPAddress(1, 1, 1, 1)); } else { WiFi.config(IPAddress((uint32_t)0), IPAddress((uint32_t)0), IPAddress((uint32_t)0)); } lastReconnectAttempt = millis(); if (!WLED_WIFI_CONFIGURED) { DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("No connection configured.")); if (!apActive) initAP(); // instantly go to ap mode return; } else if (!apActive) { if (apBehavior == AP_BEHAVIOR_ALWAYS) { DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Access point ALWAYS enabled.")); initAP(); } else { DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Access point disabled (init).")); WiFi.softAPdisconnect(true); WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); } } showWelcomePage = false; DEBUG_PRINT(F("Connecting to ")); DEBUG_PRINT(clientSSID); DEBUG_PRINTLN("..."); // convert the "serverDescription" into a valid DNS hostname (alphanumeric) char hostname[25]; prepareHostname(hostname); #ifdef ESP8266 WiFi.hostname(hostname); #endif WiFi.begin(clientSSID, clientPass); #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 #if defined(LOLIN_WIFI_FIX) && (defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32C3) || defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32S2) || defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32S3)) WiFi.setTxPower(WIFI_POWER_8_5dBm); #endif WiFi.setSleep(!noWifiSleep); WiFi.setHostname(hostname); #else wifi_set_sleep_type((noWifiSleep) ? NONE_SLEEP_T : MODEM_SLEEP_T); #endif } void WLED::initInterfaces() { DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Init STA interfaces")); #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_HUESYNC IPAddress ipAddress = Network.localIP(); if (hueIP[0] == 0) { hueIP[0] = ipAddress[0]; hueIP[1] = ipAddress[1]; hueIP[2] = ipAddress[2]; } #endif #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_ALEXA // init Alexa hue emulation if (alexaEnabled) alexaInit(); #endif #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_OTA if (aOtaEnabled) ArduinoOTA.begin(); #endif // Set up mDNS responder: if (strlen(cmDNS) > 0) { // "end" must be called before "begin" is called a 2nd time // see https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/issues/7213 MDNS.end(); MDNS.begin(cmDNS); DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("mDNS started")); MDNS.addService("http", "tcp", 80); MDNS.addService("wled", "tcp", 80); MDNS.addServiceTxt("wled", "tcp", "mac", escapedMac.c_str()); } server.begin(); if (udpPort > 0 && udpPort != ntpLocalPort) { udpConnected = notifierUdp.begin(udpPort); if (udpConnected && udpRgbPort != udpPort) udpRgbConnected = rgbUdp.begin(udpRgbPort); if (udpConnected && udpPort2 != udpPort && udpPort2 != udpRgbPort) udp2Connected = notifier2Udp.begin(udpPort2); } if (ntpEnabled) ntpConnected = ntpUdp.begin(ntpLocalPort); e131.begin(e131Multicast, e131Port, e131Universe, E131_MAX_UNIVERSE_COUNT); ddp.begin(false, DDP_DEFAULT_PORT); reconnectHue(); #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_MQTT initMqtt(); #endif interfacesInited = true; wasConnected = true; } void WLED::handleConnection() { static byte stacO = 0; static uint32_t lastHeap = UINT32_MAX; static unsigned long heapTime = 0; unsigned long now = millis(); if (now < 2000 && (!WLED_WIFI_CONFIGURED || apBehavior == AP_BEHAVIOR_ALWAYS)) return; if (lastReconnectAttempt == 0) { DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("lastReconnectAttempt == 0")); initConnection(); return; } // reconnect WiFi to clear stale allocations if heap gets too low if (now - heapTime > 5000) { uint32_t heap = ESP.getFreeHeap(); if (heap < MIN_HEAP_SIZE && lastHeap < MIN_HEAP_SIZE) { DEBUG_PRINT(F("Heap too low! ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(heap); forceReconnect = true; strip.purgeSegments(true); // remove all but one segments from memory } else if (heap < MIN_HEAP_SIZE) { strip.purgeSegments(); } lastHeap = heap; heapTime = now; } byte stac = 0; if (apActive) { #ifdef ESP8266 stac = wifi_softap_get_station_num(); #else wifi_sta_list_t stationList; esp_wifi_ap_get_sta_list(&stationList); stac = stationList.num; #endif if (stac != stacO) { stacO = stac; DEBUG_PRINT(F("Connected AP clients: ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(stac); if (!WLED_CONNECTED && WLED_WIFI_CONFIGURED) { // trying to connect, but not connected if (stac) WiFi.disconnect(); // disable search so that AP can work else initConnection(); // restart search } } } if (forceReconnect) { DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Forcing reconnect.")); initConnection(); interfacesInited = false; forceReconnect = false; wasConnected = false; return; } if (!Network.isConnected()) { if (interfacesInited) { DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Disconnected!")); interfacesInited = false; initConnection(); } //send improv failed 6 seconds after second init attempt (24 sec. after provisioning) if (improvActive > 2 && now - lastReconnectAttempt > 6000) { sendImprovStateResponse(0x03, true); improvActive = 2; } if (now - lastReconnectAttempt > ((stac) ? 300000 : 18000) && WLED_WIFI_CONFIGURED) { if (improvActive == 2) improvActive = 3; DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Last reconnect too old.")); initConnection(); } if (!apActive && now - lastReconnectAttempt > 12000 && (!wasConnected || apBehavior == AP_BEHAVIOR_NO_CONN)) { DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Not connected AP.")); initAP(); } } else if (!interfacesInited) { //newly connected DEBUG_PRINTLN(""); DEBUG_PRINT(F("Connected! IP address: ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(Network.localIP()); if (improvActive) { if (improvError == 3) sendImprovStateResponse(0x00, true); sendImprovStateResponse(0x04); if (improvActive > 1) sendImprovIPRPCResult(ImprovRPCType::Command_Wifi); } initInterfaces(); userConnected(); usermods.connected(); lastMqttReconnectAttempt = 0; // force immediate update // shut down AP if (apBehavior != AP_BEHAVIOR_ALWAYS && apActive) { dnsServer.stop(); WiFi.softAPdisconnect(true); apActive = false; DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Access point disabled (handle).")); } } } // If status LED pin is allocated for other uses, does nothing // else blink at 1Hz when WLED_CONNECTED is false (no WiFi, ?? no Ethernet ??) // else blink at 2Hz when MQTT is enabled but not connected // else turn the status LED off void WLED::handleStatusLED() { #if defined(STATUSLED) uint32_t c = 0; #if STATUSLED>=0 if (pinManager.isPinAllocated(STATUSLED)) { return; //lower priority if something else uses the same pin } #endif if (WLED_CONNECTED) { c = RGBW32(0,255,0,0); ledStatusType = 2; } else if (WLED_MQTT_CONNECTED) { c = RGBW32(0,128,0,0); ledStatusType = 4; } else if (apActive) { c = RGBW32(0,0,255,0); ledStatusType = 1; } if (ledStatusType) { if (millis() - ledStatusLastMillis >= (1000/ledStatusType)) { ledStatusLastMillis = millis(); ledStatusState = !ledStatusState; #if STATUSLED>=0 digitalWrite(STATUSLED, ledStatusState); #else busses.setStatusPixel(ledStatusState ? c : 0); #endif } } else { #if STATUSLED>=0 #ifdef STATUSLEDINVERTED digitalWrite(STATUSLED, HIGH); #else digitalWrite(STATUSLED, LOW); #endif #else busses.setStatusPixel(0); #endif } #endif }