# SSD1306 128x32 OLED via I2C with u8g2 This usermod allows to connect 128x32 Oled display to WLED controlled and show the next information: - Current SSID - IP address if obtained * in AP mode and turned off lightning AP password is shown - Current effect - Current palette - On/Off icon (sun/moon) ## Hardware ![Hardware connection](assets/hw_connection.png) ## Requirements Functionality checked with: - commit 095429a7df4f9e2b34dd464f7bbfd068df6558eb - Wemos d1 mini - PlatformIO - Generic SSD1306 128x32 I2C OLED display from aliexpress ### Platformio Add `U8g2@~2.27.2` dependency to `lib_deps_external` under `[common]` section in `platformio.ini`: ```ini # platformio.ini ... [common] ... lib_deps_external = ... U8g2@~2.27.2 ... ``` ### Arduino IDE Install library `U8g2 by oliver` in `Tools | Include Library | Manage libraries` menu.