Merge pull request #2942 from ezcGman/um-sht

New Usermod: SHT temperature & humidity sensors
Blaž Kristan 2022-12-19 07:11:10 +01:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
commit b241872a00
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4 zmienionych plików z 558 dodań i 1 usunięć

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
Usermod to support various SHT i2c sensors like the SHT30, SHT31, SHT35 and SHT85
## Requirements
* "SHT85" by Rob Tillaart, v0.2 or higher:
## Usermod installation
Simply copy the below block (build task) to your `platformio_override.ini` and compile WLED using this new build task. Or use an existing one, add the buildflag `-D USERMOD_SHT` and the below library dependencies.
extends = env:esp32dev
build_flags = ${common.build_flags_esp32}
lib_deps = ${esp32.lib_deps}
extends = env:d1_mini
build_flags = ${common.build_flags_esp8266}
lib_deps = ${esp8266.lib_deps}
## MQTT Discovery for Home Assistant
If you're using Home Assistant and want to have the temperature and humidity available as entities in HA, you can tick the "Add-To-Home-Assistant-MQTT-Discovery" option in the usermod settings. If you have an MQTT broker configured under "Sync Settings" and it is connected, the mod will publish the auto discovery message to your broker and HA will instantly find it and create an entity each for the temperature and humidity.
### Publishing readings via MQTT
Regardless of having MQTT discovery ticked or not, the mod will always report temperature and humidity to the WLED MQTT topic of that instance, if you have a broker configured and it's connected.
## Configuration
Navigate to the "Config" and then to the "Usermods" section. If you compiled WLED with `-D USERMOD_SHT`, you will see the config for it there:
* SHT-Type:
* What it does: Select the SHT sensor type you want to use
* Possible values: SHT30, SHT31, SHT35, SHT85
* Default: SHT30
* Unit:
* What it does: Select which unit should be used to display the temperature in the info section. Also used when sending via MQTT discovery, see below.
* Possible values: Celsius, Fahrenheit
* Default: Celsius
* Add-To-HA-MQTT-Discovery:
* What it does: Makes the temperature and humidity available via MQTT discovery, so they're automatically added to Home Assistant, because that way it's typesafe.
* Possible values: Enabled/Disabled
* Default: Disabled
## Change log
* First implementation.
## Credits
ezcGman | Andy: Find me on the Intermit.Tech (QuinLED) Discord server:

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@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
#pragma once
#include "SHT85.h"
class ShtUsermod : public Usermod
bool enabled = false; // Is usermod enabled or not
bool firstRunDone = false; // Remembers if the first config load run had been done
bool pinAllocDone = true; // Remembers if we have allocated pins
bool initDone = false; // Remembers if the mod has been completely initialised
bool haMqttDiscovery = false; // Is MQTT discovery enabled or not
bool haMqttDiscoveryDone = false; // Remembers if we already published the HA discovery topics
// SHT vars
SHT *shtTempHumidSensor; // Instance of SHT lib
byte shtType = 0; // SHT sensor type to be used. Default: SHT30
byte unitOfTemp = 0; // Temperature unit to be used. Default: Celsius (0 = Celsius, 1 = Fahrenheit)
bool shtInitDone = false; // Remembers if SHT sensor has been initialised
bool shtReadDataSuccess = false; // Did we have a successful data read and is a valid temperature and humidity available?
const byte shtI2cAddress = 0x44; // i2c address of the sensor. 0x44 is the default for all SHT sensors. Change this, if needed
unsigned long shtLastTimeUpdated = 0; // Remembers when we read data the last time
bool shtDataRequested = false; // Reading data is done async. This remembers if we asked the sensor to read data
float shtCurrentTempC = 0; // Last read temperature in Celsius
float shtCurrentTempF = 0; // Last read temperature in Fahrenheit
float shtCurrentHumidity = 0; // Last read humidity in RH%
void initShtTempHumiditySensor();
void cleanupShtTempHumiditySensor();
void cleanup();
bool isShtReady();
void publishTemperatureAndHumidityViaMqtt();
void publishHomeAssistantAutodiscovery();
void appendDeviceToMqttDiscoveryMessage(JsonDocument& root);
// Strings to reduce flash memory usage (used more than twice)
static const char _name[];
static const char _enabled[];
static const char _shtType[];
static const char _unitOfTemp[];
static const char _haMqttDiscovery[];
void setup();
void loop();
void onMqttConnect(bool sessionPresent);
void appendConfigData();
void addToConfig(JsonObject &root);
bool readFromConfig(JsonObject &root);
void addToJsonInfo(JsonObject& root);
float getTemperatureC();
float getTemperatureF();
float getHumidity();
uint16_t getId() { return USERMOD_ID_SHT; }
// Strings to reduce flash memory usage (used more than twice)
const char ShtUsermod::_name[] PROGMEM = "SHT-Sensor";
const char ShtUsermod::_enabled[] PROGMEM = "Enabled";
const char ShtUsermod::_shtType[] PROGMEM = "SHT-Type";
const char ShtUsermod::_unitOfTemp[] PROGMEM = "Unit";
const char ShtUsermod::_haMqttDiscovery[] PROGMEM = "Add-To-HA-MQTT-Discovery";
* Initialise SHT sensor.
* Using the correct constructor according to config and initialises it using the
* global i2c pins.
* @return void
void ShtUsermod::initShtTempHumiditySensor()
switch (shtType) {
case USERMOD_SHT_TYPE_SHT30: shtTempHumidSensor = (SHT *) new SHT30(); break;
case USERMOD_SHT_TYPE_SHT31: shtTempHumidSensor = (SHT *) new SHT31(); break;
case USERMOD_SHT_TYPE_SHT35: shtTempHumidSensor = (SHT *) new SHT35(); break;
case USERMOD_SHT_TYPE_SHT85: shtTempHumidSensor = (SHT *) new SHT85(); break;
shtTempHumidSensor->begin(shtI2cAddress, i2c_sda, i2c_scl);
if (shtTempHumidSensor->readStatus() == 0xFFFF) {
DEBUG_PRINTF("[%s] SHT init failed!\n", _name);
shtInitDone = true;
* Cleanup the SHT sensor.
* Properly calls "reset" for the sensor then releases it from memory.
* @return void
void ShtUsermod::cleanupShtTempHumiditySensor()
if (isShtReady()) {
delete shtTempHumidSensor;
shtInitDone = false;
* Cleanup the mod completely.
* Calls ::cleanupShtTempHumiditySensor() to cleanup the SHT sensor and
* deallocates pins.
* @return void
void ShtUsermod::cleanup()
if (isShtReady()) {
if (pinAllocDone) {
PinManagerPinType pins[2] = { { i2c_sda, true }, { i2c_scl, true } };
pinManager.deallocateMultiplePins(pins, 2, PinOwner::HW_I2C);
pinAllocDone = false;
enabled = false;
* Checks if the SHT sensor has been initialised.
* @return bool
bool ShtUsermod::isShtReady()
return shtInitDone;
* Publish temperature and humidity to WLED device topic.
* Will add a "/temperature" and "/humidity" topic to the WLED device topic.
* Temperature will be written in configured unit.
* @return void
void ShtUsermod::publishTemperatureAndHumidityViaMqtt() {
char buf[128];
snprintf_P(buf, 127, PSTR("%s/temperature"), mqttDeviceTopic);
mqtt->publish(buf, 0, false, String((unitOfTemp ? getTemperatureF() : getTemperatureC())).c_str());
snprintf_P(buf, 127, PSTR("%s/humidity"), mqttDeviceTopic);
mqtt->publish(buf, 0, false, String(shtCurrentHumidity).c_str());
* If enabled, publishes HA MQTT device discovery topics.
* Will make Home Assistant add temperature and humidity as entities automatically.
* Note: Whenever usermods are part of the WLED integration in HA, this can be dropped.
* @return void
void ShtUsermod::publishHomeAssistantAutodiscovery() {
char json_str[1024], buf[128];
size_t payload_size;
StaticJsonDocument<1024> json;
snprintf_P(buf, 127, PSTR("%s Temperature"), serverDescription);
json[F("name")] = buf;
snprintf_P(buf, 127, PSTR("%s/temperature"), mqttDeviceTopic);
json[F("stat_t")] = buf;
json[F("dev_cla")] = F("temperature");
json[F("stat_cla")] = F("measurement");
snprintf_P(buf, 127, PSTR("%s-temperature"), escapedMac.c_str());
json[F("uniq_id")] = buf;
json[F("unit_of_meas")] = F("°C");
payload_size = serializeJson(json, json_str);
snprintf_P(buf, 127, PSTR("homeassistant/sensor/%s/%s-temperature/config"), escapedMac.c_str(), escapedMac.c_str());
mqtt->publish(buf, 0, true, json_str, payload_size);
snprintf_P(buf, 127, PSTR("%s Humidity"), serverDescription);
json[F("name")] = buf;
snprintf_P(buf, 127, PSTR("%s/humidity"), mqttDeviceTopic);
json[F("stat_t")] = buf;
json[F("dev_cla")] = F("humidity");
json[F("stat_cla")] = F("measurement");
snprintf_P(buf, 127, PSTR("%s-humidity"), escapedMac.c_str());
json[F("uniq_id")] = buf;
json[F("unit_of_meas")] = F("%");
payload_size = serializeJson(json, json_str);
snprintf_P(buf, 127, PSTR("homeassistant/sensor/%s/%s-humidity/config"), escapedMac.c_str(), escapedMac.c_str());
mqtt->publish(buf, 0, true, json_str, payload_size);
haMqttDiscoveryDone = true;
* Helper to add device information to MQTT discovery topic.
* @return void
void ShtUsermod::appendDeviceToMqttDiscoveryMessage(JsonDocument& root) {
JsonObject device = root.createNestedObject("dev");
device[F("ids")] = escapedMac.c_str();
device[F("name")] = serverDescription;
device[F("sw")] = versionString;
device[F("mdl")] = ESP.getChipModel();
device[F("mf")] = F("espressif");
* Setup the mod.
* Allocates i2c pins as PinOwner::HW_I2C, so they can be allocated multiple times.
* And calls ::initShtTempHumiditySensor() to initialise the sensor.
* @see Usermod::setup()
* @see UsermodManager::setup()
* @return void
void ShtUsermod::setup()
if (enabled) {
PinManagerPinType pins[2] = { { i2c_sda, true }, { i2c_scl, true } };
// GPIOs can be set to -1 and allocateMultiplePins() will return true, so check they're gt zero
if (i2c_sda < 0 || i2c_scl < 0 || !pinManager.allocateMultiplePins(pins, 2, PinOwner::HW_I2C)) {
DEBUG_PRINTF("[%s] SHT pin allocation failed!\n", _name);
pinAllocDone = true;
initDone = true;
firstRunDone = true;
* Actually reading data (async) from the sensor every 30 seconds.
* If last reading is at least 30 seconds, it will trigger a reading using
* SHT::requestData(). We will then continiously check SHT::dataReady() if
* data is ready to be read. If so, it's read, stored locally and published
* via MQTT.
* @see Usermod::loop()
* @see UsermodManager::loop()
* @return void
void ShtUsermod::loop()
if (!enabled || !initDone || strip.isUpdating()) return;
if (isShtReady()) {
if (millis() - shtLastTimeUpdated > 30000 && !shtDataRequested) {
shtDataRequested = true;
shtLastTimeUpdated = millis();
if (shtDataRequested) {
if (shtTempHumidSensor->dataReady()) {
if (shtTempHumidSensor->readData(false)) {
shtCurrentTempC = shtTempHumidSensor->getTemperature();
shtCurrentTempF = shtTempHumidSensor->getFahrenheit();
shtCurrentHumidity = shtTempHumidSensor->getHumidity();
shtReadDataSuccess = true;
else {
shtReadDataSuccess = false;
shtDataRequested = false;
* Whenever MQTT is connected, publish HA autodiscovery topics.
* Is only donce once.
* @see Usermod::onMqttConnect()
* @see UsermodManager::onMqttConnect()
* @return void
void ShtUsermod::onMqttConnect(bool sessionPresent) {
if (haMqttDiscovery && !haMqttDiscoveryDone) publishHomeAssistantAutodiscovery();
* Add dropdown for sensor type and unit to UM config page.
* @see Usermod::appendConfigData()
* @see UsermodManager::appendConfigData()
* @return void
void ShtUsermod::appendConfigData() {
* Add config data to be stored in cfg.json.
* @see Usermod::addToConfig()
* @see UsermodManager::addToConfig()
* @return void
void ShtUsermod::addToConfig(JsonObject &root)
JsonObject top = root.createNestedObject(FPSTR(_name)); // usermodname
top[FPSTR(_enabled)] = enabled;
top[FPSTR(_shtType)] = shtType;
top[FPSTR(_unitOfTemp)] = unitOfTemp;
top[FPSTR(_haMqttDiscovery)] = haMqttDiscovery;
* Apply config on boot or save of UM config page.
* This is called whenever WLED boots and loads cfg.json, or when the UM config
* page is saved. Will properly re-instantiate the SHT class upon type change and
* publish HA discovery after enabling.
* @see Usermod::readFromConfig()
* @see UsermodManager::readFromConfig()
* @return bool
bool ShtUsermod::readFromConfig(JsonObject &root)
JsonObject top = root[FPSTR(_name)];
if (top.isNull()) {
DEBUG_PRINTF("[%s] No config found. (Using defaults.)\n", _name);
return false;
bool oldEnabled = enabled;
byte oldShtType = shtType;
bool oldHaMqttDiscovery = haMqttDiscovery;
getJsonValue(top[FPSTR(_enabled)], enabled);
getJsonValue(top[FPSTR(_shtType)], shtType);
getJsonValue(top[FPSTR(_unitOfTemp)], unitOfTemp);
getJsonValue(top[FPSTR(_haMqttDiscovery)], haMqttDiscovery);
// First run: reading from cfg.json, nothing to do here, will be all done in setup()
if (!firstRunDone) {
DEBUG_PRINTF("[%s] First run, nothing to do\n", _name);
// Check if mod has been en-/disabled
else if (enabled != oldEnabled) {
enabled ? setup() : cleanup();
DEBUG_PRINTF("[%s] Usermod has been en-/disabled\n", _name);
// Config has been changed, so adopt to changes
else if (enabled) {
if (oldShtType != shtType) {
if (oldHaMqttDiscovery != haMqttDiscovery && haMqttDiscovery) {
DEBUG_PRINTF("[%s] Config (re)loaded\n", _name);
return true;
* Adds the temperature and humidity actually to the info section and /json info.
* This is called every time the info section is opened ot /json is called.
* @see Usermod::addToJsonInfo()
* @see UsermodManager::addToJsonInfo()
* @return void
void ShtUsermod::addToJsonInfo(JsonObject& root)
if (!enabled && !isShtReady()) {
JsonObject user = root["u"];
if (user.isNull()) user = root.createNestedObject("u");
JsonArray jsonTemp = user.createNestedArray(F("Temperature"));
JsonArray jsonHumidity = user.createNestedArray(F("Humidity"));
if (shtLastTimeUpdated == 0 || !shtReadDataSuccess) {
if (shtLastTimeUpdated == 0) {
jsonTemp.add(F(" Not read yet"));
jsonHumidity.add(F(" Not read yet"));
else {
jsonTemp.add(F(" Error"));
jsonHumidity.add(F(" Error"));
jsonHumidity.add(F(" RH"));
unitOfTemp ? jsonTemp.add(getTemperatureF()) : jsonTemp.add(getTemperatureC());
unitOfTemp ? jsonTemp.add(F(" °F")) : jsonTemp.add(F(" °C"));
* Getter for last read temperature in Celsius.
* @return float
float ShtUsermod::getTemperatureC() {
return shtCurrentTempC;
* Getter for last read temperature in Fahrenheit.
* @return float
float ShtUsermod::getTemperatureF() {
return shtCurrentTempF;
* Getter for last read humidity in RH%.
* @return float
float ShtUsermod::getHumidity() {
return shtCurrentHumidity;

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@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
#define USERMOD_ID_BOBLIGHT 36 //Usermod "boblight.h"
#define USERMOD_ID_SD_CARD 37 //Usermod "usermod_sd_card.h"
#define USERMOD_ID_PWM_OUTPUTS 38 //Usermod "usermod_pwm_outputs.h
#define USERMOD_ID_SHT 39 //Usermod "usermod_sht.h
//Access point behavior
#define AP_BEHAVIOR_BOOT_NO_CONN 0 //Open AP when no connection after boot

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@ -180,6 +180,10 @@
#include "../usermods/pwm_outputs/usermod_pwm_outputs.h"
#include "../usermods/sht/usermod_sht.h"
void registerUsermods()
@ -292,7 +296,7 @@ void registerUsermods()
usermods.add(new QuinLEDAnPentaUsermod());
usermods.add(new WizLightsUsermod());
@ -340,4 +344,8 @@ void registerUsermods()
usermods.add(new PwmOutputsUsermod());
usermods.add(new ShtUsermod());