Lots of new effects!

cschwinne 2020-06-06 00:57:34 +02:00
rodzic 7e01d113d8
commit 70c73d2e0e
7 zmienionych plików z 268 dodań i 27 usunięć

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@ -2,6 +2,13 @@
### Development versions after 0.10.0 release
#### Build 2006060
- Added five effects by Andrew Tuline (Phased, Phased Noise, Sine, Noise Pal and Twinkleup)
- Added two new effects by Aircoookie (Sunrise and Flow)
- Added US-style sequence to traffic light effect
- Merged pull request #964 adding 9 key IR remote
#### Build 2005280
- Added v2 usermod API

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@ -869,6 +869,7 @@ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_traffic_light(void) {
if (now - SEGENV.step > mdelay)
if (SEGENV.aux0 == 1 && SEGMENT.intensity > 140) SEGENV.aux0 = 2; //skip Red + Amber, to get US-style sequence
if (SEGENV.aux0 > 3) SEGENV.aux0 = 0;
SEGENV.step = now;
@ -3334,3 +3335,208 @@ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_solid_glitter()
* Mode simulates a gradual sunrise
uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_sunrise() {
//speed 0 - static sun
//speed 1 - 120: sunrise time in minutes
//speed 121 - 240 : sunset time in minutes - 120;
//speed above: "breathing" rise and set
if (SEGENV.call == 0 || SEGMENT.speed != SEGENV.aux0) {
SEGENV.step = millis(); //save starting time, millis() because now can change from sync
SEGENV.aux0 = SEGMENT.speed;
uint16_t stage = 0xFFFF;
uint32_t s10SinceStart = (millis() - SEGENV.step) /100; //tenths of seconds
if (SEGMENT.speed > 120) { //quick sunrise and sunset
uint16_t counter = (now >> 1) * (((SEGMENT.speed -120) >> 1) +1);
stage = triwave16(counter);
} else if (SEGMENT.speed) { //sunrise
uint8_t durMins = SEGMENT.speed;
if (durMins > 60) durMins -= 60;
uint32_t s10Target = durMins * 600;
if (s10SinceStart > s10Target) s10SinceStart = s10Target;
stage = map(s10SinceStart, 0, s10Target, 0, 0xFFFF);
if (SEGMENT.speed > 60) stage = 0xFFFF - stage; //sunset
for (uint16_t i = 0; i <= SEGLEN/2; i++)
//default palette is Fire
uint32_t c = color_from_palette(0, false, true, 255); //background
uint16_t wave = triwave16((i * stage) / SEGLEN);
wave = (wave >> 8) + ((wave * SEGMENT.intensity) >> 15);
if (wave > 240) { //clipped, full white sun
c = color_from_palette( 240, false, true, 255);
} else { //transition
c = color_from_palette(wave, false, true, 255);
setPixelColor(i, c);
setPixelColor(SEGLEN - i - 1, c);
* Effects by Andrew Tuline
uint16_t WS2812FX::phased_base(uint8_t moder) { // We're making sine waves here. By Andrew Tuline.
uint8_t allfreq = 16; // Base frequency.
//float* phasePtr = reinterpret_cast<float*>(SEGENV.step); // Phase change value gets calculated.
static float phase = 0;//phasePtr[0];
uint8_t cutOff = (255-SEGMENT.intensity); // You can change the number of pixels. AKA INTENSITY (was 192).
uint8_t modVal = 5;//SEGMENT.fft1/8+1; // You can change the modulus. AKA FFT1 (was 5).
uint8_t index = now/64; // Set color rotation speed
phase += SEGMENT.speed/32.0; // You can change the speed of the wave. AKA SPEED (was .4)
//phasePtr[0] = phase;
for (int i = 0; i < SEGLEN; i++) {
if (moder == 1) modVal = (inoise8(i*10 + i*10) /16); // Let's randomize our mod length with some Perlin noise.
uint16_t val = (i+1) * allfreq; // This sets the frequency of the waves. The +1 makes sure that leds[0] is used.
if (modVal == 0) modVal = 1;
val += phase * (i % modVal +1) /2; // This sets the varying phase change of the waves. By Andrew Tuline.
uint8_t b = cubicwave8(val); // Now we make an 8 bit sinewave.
b = (b > cutOff) ? (b - cutOff) : 0; // A ternary operator to cutoff the light.
setPixelColor(i, color_blend(SEGCOLOR(1), color_from_palette(index, false, false, 0), b));
index += 256 / SEGLEN;
uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_phased(void) {
return phased_base(0);
uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_phased_noise(void) {
return phased_base(1);
uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_twinkleup(void) { // A very short twinkle routine with fade-in and dual controls. By Andrew Tuline.
random16_set_seed(535); // The randomizer needs to be re-set each time through the loop in order for the same 'random' numbers to be the same each time through.
for (int i = 0; i<SEGLEN; i++) {
uint8_t ranstart = random8(); // The starting value (aka brightness) for each pixel. Must be consistent each time through the loop for this to work.
uint8_t pixBri = sin8(ranstart + 16 * now/(256-SEGMENT.speed));
if (random8() > SEGMENT.intensity) pixBri = 0;
setPixelColor(i, color_blend(SEGCOLOR(1), color_from_palette(i*20, false, PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP, 0), pixBri));
// Peaceful noise that's slow and with gradually changing palettes. Does not support WLED palettes or default colours or controls.
uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_noisepal(void) { // Slow noise palette by Andrew Tuline.
uint16_t scale = 15 + (SEGMENT.intensity >> 2); //default was 30
//#define scale 30
uint16_t dataSize = sizeof(CRGBPalette16) * 2; //allocate space for 2 Palettes
if (!SEGENV.allocateData(dataSize)) return mode_static(); //allocation failed
CRGBPalette16* palettes = reinterpret_cast<CRGBPalette16*>(SEGENV.data);
uint16_t changePaletteMs = 4000 + SEGMENT.speed *10; //between 4 - 6.5sec
if (millis() - SEGENV.step > changePaletteMs)
SEGENV.step = millis();
uint8_t baseI = random8();
palettes[1] = CRGBPalette16(CHSV(baseI+random8(64), 255, random8(128,255)), CHSV(baseI+128, 255, random8(128,255)), CHSV(baseI+random8(92), 192, random8(128,255)), CHSV(baseI+random8(92), 255, random8(128,255)));
CRGB color;
//EVERY_N_MILLIS(10) { //(don't have to time this, effect function is only called every 24ms)
nblendPaletteTowardPalette(palettes[0], palettes[1], 48); // Blend towards the target palette over 48 iterations.
if (SEGMENT.palette > 0) palettes[0] = currentPalette;
for(int i = 0; i < SEGLEN; i++) {
uint8_t index = inoise8(i*scale, SEGENV.aux0+i*scale); // Get a value from the noise function. I'm using both x and y axis.
color = ColorFromPalette(palettes[0], index, 255, LINEARBLEND); // Use the my own palette.
setPixelColor(i, color.red, color.green, color.blue);
SEGENV.aux0 += beatsin8(10,1,4); // Moving along the distance. Vary it a bit with a sine wave.
// Sine waves that have controllable phase change speed, frequency and cutoff. By Andrew Tuline.
// SEGMENT.speed ->Speed, SEGMENT.intensity -> Frequency (SEGMENT.fft1 -> Color change, SEGMENT.fft2 -> PWM cutoff)
uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_sinewave(void) { // Adjustable sinewave. By Andrew Tuline
//#define qsuba(x, b) ((x>b)?x-b:0) // Analog Unsigned subtraction macro. if result <0, then => 0
uint16_t colorIndex = now /32;//(256 - SEGMENT.fft1); // Amount of colour change.
SEGENV.step += SEGMENT.speed/16; // Speed of animation.
uint16_t freq = SEGMENT.intensity/4;//SEGMENT.fft2/8; // Frequency of the signal.
for (int i=0; i<SEGLEN; i++) { // For each of the LED's in the strand, set a brightness based on a wave as follows:
int pixBri = cubicwave8((i*freq)+SEGENV.step);//qsuba(cubicwave8((i*freq)+SEGENV.step), (255-SEGMENT.intensity)); // qsub sets a minimum value called thiscutoff. If < thiscutoff, then bright = 0. Otherwise, bright = 128 (as defined in qsub)..
//setPixCol(i, i*colorIndex/255, pixBri);
setPixelColor(i, color_blend(SEGCOLOR(1), color_from_palette(i*colorIndex/255, false, PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP, 0), pixBri));
* Best of both worlds from Palette and Spot effects. By Aircoookie
uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_flow(void)
uint16_t counter = 0;
if (SEGMENT.speed != 0)
counter = now * ((SEGMENT.speed >> 2) +1);
counter = counter >> 8;
uint16_t maxZones = SEGLEN / 6; //only looks good if each zone has at least 6 LEDs
uint16_t zones = (SEGMENT.intensity * maxZones) >> 8;
if (zones & 0x01) zones++; //zones must be even
if (zones < 2) zones = 2;
uint16_t zoneLen = SEGLEN / zones;
uint16_t offset = (SEGLEN - zones * zoneLen) >> 1;
fill(color_from_palette(-counter, false, true, 255));
for (uint16_t z = 0; z < zones; z++)
uint16_t pos = offset + z * zoneLen;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < zoneLen; i++)
uint8_t colorIndex = (i * 255 / zoneLen) - counter;
uint16_t led = (z & 0x01) ? i : (zoneLen -1) -i;
if (IS_REVERSE) led = (zoneLen -1) -led;
setPixelColor(pos + led, color_from_palette(colorIndex, false, true, 255));

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@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
#define IS_REVERSE ((SEGMENT.options & REVERSE ) == REVERSE )
#define MODE_COUNT 104
#define MODE_COUNT 111
#define FX_MODE_STATIC 0
#define FX_MODE_BLINK 1
@ -204,6 +204,13 @@
#define FX_MODE_PACIFICA 101
#define FX_MODE_SUNRISE 104
#define FX_MODE_PHASED 105
#define FX_MODE_NOISEPAL 107
#define FX_MODE_SINEWAVE 108
#define FX_MODE_FLOW 110
class WS2812FX {
typedef uint16_t (WS2812FX::*mode_ptr)(void);
@ -396,6 +403,13 @@ class WS2812FX {
_mode[FX_MODE_PACIFICA] = &WS2812FX::mode_pacifica;
_mode[FX_MODE_CANDLE_MULTI] = &WS2812FX::mode_candle_multi;
_mode[FX_MODE_SOLID_GLITTER] = &WS2812FX::mode_solid_glitter;
_mode[FX_MODE_SUNRISE] = &WS2812FX::mode_sunrise;
_mode[FX_MODE_PHASED] = &WS2812FX::mode_phased;
_mode[FX_MODE_TWINKLEUP] = &WS2812FX::mode_twinkleup;
_mode[FX_MODE_NOISEPAL] = &WS2812FX::mode_noisepal;
_mode[FX_MODE_SINEWAVE] = &WS2812FX::mode_sinewave;
_mode[FX_MODE_PHASEDNOISE] = &WS2812FX::mode_phased_noise;
_mode[FX_MODE_FLOW] = &WS2812FX::mode_flow;
currentPalette = CRGBPalette16(CRGB::Black);
@ -461,7 +475,7 @@ class WS2812FX {
color_from_palette(uint16_t, bool, bool, uint8_t, uint8_t pbri = 255),
color_from_palette(uint16_t, bool mapping, bool wrap, uint8_t mcol, uint8_t pbri = 255),
@ -583,7 +597,14 @@ class WS2812FX {
NeoPixelWrapper *bus;
@ -630,7 +651,8 @@ class WS2812FX {
running(uint32_t, uint32_t),
tricolor_chase(uint32_t, uint32_t),
CRGB twinklefox_one_twinkle(uint32_t ms, uint8_t salt, bool cat);
CRGB pacifica_one_layer(uint16_t i, CRGBPalette16& p, uint16_t cistart, uint16_t wavescale, uint8_t bri, uint16_t ioff);
@ -669,7 +691,7 @@ const char JSON_mode_names[] PROGMEM = R"=====([
"Noise 1","Noise 2","Noise 3","Noise 4","Colortwinkles","Lake","Meteor","Meteor Smooth","Railway","Ripple",
"Twinklefox","Twinklecat","Halloween Eyes","Solid Pattern","Solid Pattern Tri","Spots","Spots Fade","Glitter","Candle","Fireworks Starburst",
"Fireworks 1D","Bouncing Balls","Sinelon","Sinelon Dual","Sinelon Rainbow","Popcorn","Drip","Plasma","Percent","Ripple Rainbow",
"Heartbeat","Pacifica","Candle Multi", "Solid Glitter"
"Heartbeat","Pacifica","Candle Multi", "Solid Glitter","Sunrise","Phased","Twinkleup","Noise Pal", "Sine","Phased Noise","Flow"

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@ -707,26 +707,28 @@ void WS2812FX::handle_palette(void)
_segment_index_palette_last = _segment_index;
byte paletteIndex = SEGMENT.palette;
if (SEGMENT.mode == FX_MODE_GLITTER && paletteIndex == 0) paletteIndex = 11;
if (paletteIndex == 0) //default palette. Differs depending on effect
switch (SEGMENT.mode)
case FX_MODE_FIRE_2012 : paletteIndex = 35; break; //heat palette
case FX_MODE_COLORWAVES : paletteIndex = 26; break; //landscape 33
case FX_MODE_FILLNOISE8 : paletteIndex = 9; break; //ocean colors
case FX_MODE_NOISE16_1 : paletteIndex = 20; break; //Drywet
case FX_MODE_NOISE16_2 : paletteIndex = 43; break; //Blue cyan yellow
case FX_MODE_NOISE16_3 : paletteIndex = 35; break; //heat palette
case FX_MODE_NOISE16_4 : paletteIndex = 26; break; //landscape 33
case FX_MODE_GLITTER : paletteIndex = 11; break; //rainbow colors
case FX_MODE_SUNRISE : paletteIndex = 35; break; //heat palette
case FX_MODE_FLOW : paletteIndex = 6; break; //party
if (SEGMENT.mode >= FX_MODE_METEOR && paletteIndex == 0) paletteIndex = 4;
switch (paletteIndex)
case 0: {//default palette. Differs depending on effect
switch (SEGMENT.mode)
case FX_MODE_FIRE_2012 : load_gradient_palette(22); break;//heat palette
case FX_MODE_COLORWAVES : load_gradient_palette(13); break;//landscape 33
case FX_MODE_FILLNOISE8 : targetPalette = OceanColors_p; break;
case FX_MODE_NOISE16_1 : load_gradient_palette(17); break;//Drywet
case FX_MODE_NOISE16_2 : load_gradient_palette(30); break;//Blue cyan yellow
case FX_MODE_NOISE16_3 : load_gradient_palette(22); break;//heat palette
case FX_MODE_NOISE16_4 : load_gradient_palette(13); break;//landscape 33
//case FX_MODE_GLITTER : targetPalette = RainbowColors_p; break;
default: targetPalette = PartyColors_p; break;//palette, bpm
case 0: //default palette. Exceptions for specific effects above
targetPalette = PartyColors_p; break;
case 1: {//periodically replace palette with a random one. Doesn't work with multiple FastLED segments
if (!singleSegmentMode)
@ -778,7 +780,7 @@ void WS2812FX::handle_palette(void)
case 12: //Rainbow stripe colors
targetPalette = RainbowStripeColors_p; break;
default: //progmem palettes
load_gradient_palette(SEGMENT.palette -13);
load_gradient_palette(paletteIndex -13);
if (singleSegmentMode && paletteFade) //only blend if just one segment uses FastLED mode

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@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
#include "wled.h"
* This file allows you to add own functionality to WLED more easily
* This v1 usermod file allows you to add own functionality to WLED more easily
* See: https://github.com/Aircoookie/WLED/wiki/Add-own-functionality
* EEPROM bytes 2750+ are reserved for your custom use case. (if you extend #define EEPSIZE in const.h)
* bytes 2400+ are currently ununsed, but might be used for future wled features
* If you just need 8 bytes, use 2551-2559 (you do not need to increase EEPSIZE)
* Consider the v2 usermod API if you need a more advanced feature set!
//Use userVar0 and userVar1 (API calls &U0=,&U1=, uint16_t)

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
// version code in format yymmddb (b = daily build)
#define VERSION 2005280
#define VERSION 2006060
// ESP8266-01 (blue) got too little storage space to work with all features of WLED. To use it, you must use ESP8266 Arduino Core v2.4.2 and the setting 512K(No SPIFFS).

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@ -583,8 +583,10 @@ void loadSettingsFromEEPROM(bool first)
EEPROM.write(2550, DMXStartLED);
//user MOD memory
//2944 - 3071 reserved
//Usermod memory
//2551 - 2559 reserved for Usermods, usable by default
//2560 - 2943 usable, NOT reserved (need to increase EEPSIZE accordingly, new WLED core features may override this section)
//2944 - 3071 reserved for Usermods (need to increase EEPSIZE to 3072 in const.h)
overlayCurrent = overlayDefault;