Added uploading IR.json from settings page.

Blaz Kristan 2021-06-04 18:25:33 +02:00
rodzic b0bfe341df
commit 517e9f92ba
4 zmienionych plików z 513 dodań i 475 usunięć

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,432 +1,447 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=500">
<title>LED Settings</title>
var d=document,laprev=55,maxB=1,maxM=5000,maxPB=4096,bquot=0; //maximum bytes for LED allocation: 5kB for 8266, 32kB for 32
function H()
function B()
function gId(n){return d.getElementById(n);}
function off(n){
d.getElementsByName(n)[0].value = -1;
function bLimits(b,p,m) {
maxB = b; maxM = m; maxPB = p;
function pinsOK() {
var LCs = d.getElementsByTagName("input");
for (i=0; i<LCs.length; i++) {
var nm = LCs[i].name.substring(0,2);
//check for pin conflicts
if (nm=="L0" || nm=="L1" || nm=="L2" || nm=="L3" || nm=="L4" || nm=="RL" || nm=="BT" || nm=="IR")
if (LCs[i].value!="" && LCs[i].value!="-1") {
if (d.um_p && d.um_p.some((e)=>e==parseInt(LCs[i].value,10))) {alert(`Sorry, pins ${JSON.stringify(d.um_p)} can't be used.`);LCs[i].value="";LCs[i].focus();return false;}
else if (LCs[i].value > 5 && LCs[i].value < 12) {alert("Sorry, pins 6-11 can not be used.");LCs[i].value="";LCs[i].focus();return false;}
for (j=i+1; j<LCs.length; j++)
var n2 = LCs[j].name.substring(0,2);
if (n2=="L0" || n2=="L1" || n2=="L2" || n2=="L3" || n2=="L4" || n2=="RL" || n2=="BT" || n2=="IR")
if (LCs[j].value!="" && LCs[i].value==LCs[j].value) {alert(`Pin conflict between ${nm}/${n2}!`);LCs[j].value="";LCs[j].focus();return false;}
return true;
function trySubmit(e) {
if (!pinsOK()) {e.stopPropagation();return false;} // Prevent form submission and contact with server
if (bquot > 100) {var msg = "Too many LEDs for me to handle!"; if (maxM < 10000) msg += "\n\rConsider using an ESP32."; alert(msg);}
if (d.Sf.checkValidity()) d.Sf.submit(); //
function S(){GetV();setABL();}
function enABL()
var en = gId('able').checked;
d.Sf.LA.value = (en) ? laprev:0;
gId('abl').style.display = (en) ? 'inline':'none';
gId('psu2').style.display = (en) ? 'inline':'none';
if (d.Sf.LA.value > 0) setABL();
function enLA()
var val = d.Sf.LAsel.value;
d.Sf.LA.value = val;
gId('LAdis').style.display = (val == 50) ? 'inline':'none';
function setABL()
gId('able').checked = true;
d.Sf.LAsel.value = 50;
switch (parseInt(d.Sf.LA.value)) {
case 0: gId('able').checked = false; enABL(); break;
case 30: d.Sf.LAsel.value = 30; break;
case 35: d.Sf.LAsel.value = 35; break;
case 55: d.Sf.LAsel.value = 55; break;
case 255: d.Sf.LAsel.value = 255; break;
default: gId('LAdis').style.display = 'inline';
gId('m1').innerHTML = maxM;
d.getElementsByName("Sf")[0].addEventListener("submit", trySubmit);
//returns mem usage
function getMem(type, len, p0) {
//len = parseInt(len);
if (type < 32) {
if (maxM < 10000 && p0==3) { //8266 DMA uses 5x the mem
if (type > 29) return len*20; //RGBW
return len*15;
} else if (maxM >= 10000) //ESP32 RMT uses double buffer?
if (type > 29) return len*8; //RGBW
return len*6;
if (type > 29) return len*4; //RGBW
return len*3;
if (type > 31 && type < 48) return 5;
if (type == 44 || type == 45) return len*4; //RGBW
return len*3;
function UI(change=false)
var isRGBW = false, memu = 0;
gId('ampwarning').style.display = (d.Sf.MA.value > 7200) ? 'inline':'none';
if (d.Sf.LA.value == 255) laprev = 12;
else if (d.Sf.LA.value > 0) laprev = d.Sf.LA.value;
// enable/disable LED fields
var s = d.getElementsByTagName("select");
for (i=0; i<s.length; i++) {
// is the field a LED type?
if (s[i].name.substring(0,2)=="LT") {
var type = parseInt(s[i].value,10);
gId("p0d"+n).innerHTML = (type > 49) ? "Data:" : (type >41) ? "Pins:" : "Pin:";
gId("p1d"+n).innerHTML = (type > 49) ? "Clk:" : "";
var LK = d.getElementsByName("L1"+n)[0]; // clock pin
memu += getMem(type, d.getElementsByName("LC"+n)[0].value, d.getElementsByName("L0"+n)[0].value); // calc memory
// enumerate pins
for (p=1; p<5; p++) {
var LK = d.getElementsByName("L"+p+n)[0]; // secondary pins
if (!LK) continue;
if ((type>49 && p==1) || (type>41 && type < 50 && (p+40 < type))) // TYPE_xxxx values from const.h
// display pin field = "inline";
LK.required = true;
} else {
// hide pin field = "none";
LK.required = false;
// gId("ls"+n).readOnly = !(type > 31 && type < 48); // if analog, allow editing LED start
// gId("LC").readOnly = !(type > 31 && type < 48); // if analog, allow editing total LED count
if (change) {
// gId("ew"+n).checked = (type == 30 || type == 31 || type == 44 || type == 45); // RGBW checkbox, TYPE_xxxx values from const.h
gId("ls"+n).value = n+1; // set LED start
if (type > 31 && type < 48) d.getElementsByName("LC"+n)[0].value = 1; // for sanity change analog count just to 1 LED
// gId("ew"+n).onclick = (type > 31 && type < 48) ? (function(){return false}) : (function(){}); // prevent change for analog
// isRGBW |= gId("ew"+n).checked;
isRGBW |= (type == 30 || type == 31 || type == 44 || type == 45); // RGBW checkbox, TYPE_xxxx values from const.h
gId("dig"+n).style.display = (type > 31 && type < 48) ? "none":"inline"; // hide reverse, skip 1st & count for analog
gId("psd"+n).innerHTML = (type > 31 && type < 48) ? "Index:":"Start:"; // change analog start description
// display white channel calculation method
var myC = d.querySelectorAll('.wc'),
l = myC.length;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
myC[i].style.display = (isRGBW) ? 'inline':'none';
// check for pin conflicts
var LCs = d.getElementsByTagName("input");
var sLC = 0, maxLC = 0;
for (i=0; i<LCs.length; i++) {
var nm = LCs[i].name.substring(0,2);
// do we have a led count field but not total led count
if (nm=="LC" && LCs[i].name !== "LC") {
var n=LCs[i].name.substring(2);
var c=parseInt(LCs[i].value,10);
/*if(gId("ls"+n).readOnly)*/ gId("ls"+n).value=sLC; // update led start field
if(c){sLC+=c;if(c>maxLC)maxLC=c;} // increase led count
// do we have led pins for digital leds
if (nm=="L0" || nm=="L1") {
var lc=d.getElementsByName("LC"+LCs[i].name.substring(2))[0];
lc.max=maxPB; // update max led count value
// for pins check conflicts
if (nm=="L0" || nm=="L1" || nm=="L2" || nm=="L3" || nm=="L4" || nm=="RL" || nm=="BT" || nm=="IR")
if (LCs[i].value!="" && LCs[i].value!="-1") {
var p = []; // used pin array
if (d.um_p && Array.isArray(d.um_p)) for (k=0;k<d.um_p.length;k++) p.push(d.um_p[k]); // fill with reservations
for (j=0; j<LCs.length; j++) {
if (i==j) continue;
var n2 = LCs[j].name.substring(0,2);
if (n2=="L0" || n2=="L1" || n2=="L2" || n2=="L3" || n2=="L4" || n2=="RL" || n2=="BT" || n2=="IR")
if (LCs[j].value!="" && LCs[j].value!="-1") p.push(parseInt(LCs[j].value,10)); // add current pin
// now check for conflicts
if (p.some((e)=>e==parseInt(LCs[i].value,10))) LCs[i].style.color="red"; else LCs[i].style.color="#fff";
// update total led count
if (gId("LC").readOnly) d.getElementsByName("LC")[0].value = sLC;
// if we are changing total led count update led count for 1st strip
if (d.activeElement == d.getElementsByName("LC")[0]) {
var o = d.getElementsByClassName("iST");
var i = o.length;
if (i == 1) d.getElementsByName("LC0")[0].value = d.getElementsByName("LC")[0].value;
// memory usage and warnings
gId('m0').innerHTML = memu;
bquot = memu / maxM * 100;
gId('dbar').style.background = `linear-gradient(90deg, ${bquot > 60 ? (bquot > 90 ? "red":"orange"):"#ccc"} 0 ${bquot}%%, #444 ${bquot}%% 100%%)`;
gId('ledwarning').style.display = (sLC > maxPB || maxLC > 800 || bquot > 80) ? 'inline':'none';
gId('ledwarning').style.color = (sLC > maxPB || maxLC > maxPB || bquot > 100) ? 'red':'orange';
gId('wreason').innerHTML = (bquot > 80) ? "80% of max. LED memory" +(bquot>100 ? ` (<b>WARNING: Using over ${maxM}B!</b>)` : "") : "800 LEDs per pin";
// calculate power
var val = Math.ceil((100 + sLC * laprev)/500)/2;
val = (val > 5) ? Math.ceil(val) : val;
var s = "";
var is12V = (d.Sf.LAsel.value == 30);
var isWS2815 = (d.Sf.LAsel.value == 255);
if (val < 1.02 && !is12V && !isWS2815)
s = "ESP 5V pin with 1A USB supply";
} else
s += is12V ? "12V ": isWS2815 ? "WS2815 12V " : "5V ";
s += val;
s += "A supply connected to LEDs";
var val2 = Math.ceil((100 + sLC * laprev)/1500)/2;
val2 = (val2 > 5) ? Math.ceil(val2) : val2;
var s2 = "(for most effects, ~";
s2 += val2;
s2 += "A is enough)<br>";
gId('psu').innerHTML = s;
gId('psu2').innerHTML = isWS2815 ? "" : s2;
function lastEnd(i) {
if (i<1) return 0;
v = parseInt(d.getElementsByName("LS"+(i-1))[0].value) + parseInt(d.getElementsByName("LC"+(i-1))[0].value);
if (isNaN(v)) return 0;
return v;
function addLEDs(n)
if (n>1) {maxB=n; gId("+").style.display="inline"; return;}
var o = d.getElementsByClassName("iST");
var i = o.length;
if ((n==1 && i>=maxB) || (n==-1 && i==0)) return;
var f = gId("mLC");
if (n==1) {
// npm run build has trouble minimizing spaces inside string
var cn = `<div class="iST">
${i>0?'<hr style="width:260px">':''}
<select name="LT${i}" onchange="UI(true)">
<option value="22">WS281x</option>
<option value="30">SK6812 RGBW</option>
<option value="31">TM1814</option>
<option value="24">400kHz</option>
<option value="50">WS2801</option>
<option value="51">APA102</option>
<option value="52">LPD8806</option>
<option value="53">P9813</option>
<option value="41">PWM White</option>
<option value="42">PWM WWCW</option>
<option value="43">PWM RGB</option>
<option value="44">PWM RGBW</option>
<option value="45">PWM RGBWC</option>
Color Order:
<select name="CO${i}">
<option value="0">GRB</option>
<option value="1">RGB</option>
<option value="2">BRG</option>
<option value="3">RBG</option>
<option value="4">BGR</option>
<option value="5">GBR</option>
<span id="p0d${i}">Pin:</span> <input type="number" name="L0${i}" min="0" max="40" required style="width:35px" onchange="UI()"/>
<span id="p1d${i}">Clock:</span> <input type="number" name="L1${i}" min="0" max="40" style="width:35px" onchange="UI()"/>
<span id="p2d${i}"></span><input type="number" name="L2${i}" min="0" max="40" style="width:35px" onchange="UI()"/>
<span id="p3d${i}"></span><input type="number" name="L3${i}" min="0" max="40" style="width:35px" onchange="UI()"/>
<span id="p4d${i}"></span><input type="number" name="L4${i}" min="0" max="40" style="width:35px" onchange="UI()"/>
<span id="psd${i}">Start:</span> <input type="number" name="LS${i}" id="ls${i}" min="0" max="8191" value="${lastEnd(i)}" readonly required />&nbsp;
<div id="dig${i}" style="display:inline">
Count: <input type="number" name="LC${i}" min="0" max="${maxPB}" value="1" required oninput="UI()" /><br>
Reverse (rotated 180°): <input type="checkbox" name="CV${i}">
&nbsp;Skip 1<sup>st</sup> LED: <input id="sl${i}" type="checkbox" name="SL${i}"><br>
f.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", cn);
if (n==-1) {
gId("+").style.display = (i<maxB-1) ? "inline":"none";
gId("-").style.display = (i>0) ? "inline":"none";
function addBtn(i,p,t) {
var c = gId("btns").innerHTML;
var bt = "BT" + i;
var be = "BE" + i;
c += `Button ${i} pin: <input type="number" min="-1" max="40" name="${bt}" onchange="UI()" style="width:35px" value="${p}">`;
c += `<select name="${be}">`
c += `<option value="0" ${t==0?"selected":""}>Disabled</option>`;
c += `<option value="2" ${t==2?"selected":""}>Pushbutton</option>`;
c += `<option value="3" ${t==3?"selected":""}>Push inverted</option>`;
c += `<option value="4" ${t==4?"selected":""}>Switch</option>`;
c += `<option value="5" ${t==5?"selected":""}>PIR sensor</option>`;
c += `<option value="6" ${t==6?"selected":""}>Touch</option>`;
c += `<option value="7" ${t==7?"selected":""}>Analog</option>`;
c += `<option value="8" ${t==8?"selected":""}>Analog inverted</option>`;
c += `</select>`;
c += `<span style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="off('${bt}')">&nbsp;&#215;</span><br>`;
gId("btns").innerHTML = c;
function GetV()
//values injected by server while sending HTML
@import url("style.css");
<body onload="S()">
<form id="form_s" name="Sf" method="post">
<div class="toprow">
<div class="helpB"><button type="button" onclick="H()">?</button></div>
<button type="button" onclick="B()">Back</button><button type="submit">Save</button><hr>
<h2>LED &amp; Hardware setup</h2>
Total LED count: <input name="LC" id="LC" type="number" min="1" max="8192" oninput="UI()" required readonly><br>
<i>Recommended power supply for brightest white:</i><br>
<b><span id="psu">?</span></b><br>
<span id="psu2"><br></span>
Enable automatic brightness limiter: <input type="checkbox" name="ABen" onchange="enABL()" id="able"><br>
<div id="abl">
Maximum Current: <input name="MA" type="number" min="250" max="65000" oninput="UI()" required> mA<br>
<div id="ampwarning" style="color: orange; display: none;">
&#9888; Your power supply provides high current.<br>
To improve the safety of your setup,<br>
please use thick cables,<br>
multiple power injection points and a fuse!<br>
<i>Automatically limits brightness to stay close to the limit.<br>
Keep at &lt;1A if powering LEDs directly from the ESP 5V pin!<br>
If you are using an external power supply, enter its rating.<br>
(Current estimated usage: <span class="pow">unknown</span>)</i><br><br>
LED voltage (Max. current for a single LED):<br>
<select name="LAsel" onchange="enLA()">
<option value="55" selected>5V default (55mA)</option>
<option value="35">5V efficient (35mA)</option>
<option value="30">12V (30mA)</option>
<option value="255">WS2815 (12mA)</option>
<option value="50">Custom</option>
<span id="LAdis" style="display: none;">Custom max. current per LED: <input name="LA" type="number" min="0" max="255" id="la" oninput="UI()" required> mA<br></span>
<i>Keep at default if you are unsure about your type of LEDs.</i><br>
<h3>Hardware setup</h3>
<div id="mLC">LED outputs:</div>
<button type="button" id="+" onclick="addLEDs(1)">+</button>
<button type="button" id="-" onclick="addLEDs(-1)">-</button><br>
LED Memory Usage: <span id="m0">0</span> / <span id="m1">?</span> B<br>
<div id="dbar" style="display:inline-block; width: 100px; height: 10px; border-radius: 20px;"></div><br>
<div id="ledwarning" style="color: orange; display: none;">
&#9888; You might run into stability or lag issues.<br>
Use less than <span id="wreason">800 LEDs per pin</span> for the best experience!<br>
</div><hr style="width:260px">
<div id="btns"></div>
Touch threshold: <input type="number" min="0" max="100" name="TT" required><br>
IR pin: <input type="number" min="-1" max="40" name="IR" onchange="UI()" style="width:35px"><select name="IT">
<option value="0">Remote disabled</option>
<option value="1">24-key RGB</option>
<option value="2">24-key with CT</option>
<option value="3">40-key blue</option>
<option value="4">44-key RGB</option>
<option value="5">21-key RGB</option>
<option value="6">6-key black</option>
<option value="7">9-key red</option>
<option value="8">JSON remote</option>
</select><span style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="off('IR')">&nbsp;&#215;</span><br>
<a href="" target="_blank">IR info</a><br>
Relay pin: <input type="number" min="-1" max="40" name="RL" onchange="UI()" style="width:35px"> invert <input type="checkbox" name="RM"><span style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="off('RL')">&nbsp;&#215;</span><br>
<hr style="width:260px">
Turn LEDs on after power up/reset: <input type="checkbox" name="BO"><br>
Default brightness: <input name="CA" type="number" min="0" max="255" required> (0-255)<br><br>
Apply preset <input name="BP" type="number" min="0" max="250" required> at boot (0 uses defaults)
<br>- <i>or</i> -<br>
Set current preset cycle setting as boot default: <input type="checkbox" name="PC"><br><br>
Use Gamma correction for color: <input type="checkbox" name="GC"> (strongly recommended)<br>
Use Gamma correction for brightness: <input type="checkbox" name="GB"> (not recommended)<br><br>
Brightness factor: <input name="BF" type="number" min="1" max="255" required> %
Crossfade: <input type="checkbox" name="TF"><br>
Transition Time: <input name="TD" maxlength="5" size="2"> ms<br>
Enable Palette transitions: <input type="checkbox" name="PF">
<h3>Timed light</h3>
Default Duration: <input name="TL" type="number" min="1" max="255" required> min<br>
Default Target brightness: <input name="TB" type="number" min="0" max="255" required><br>
<select name="TW">
<option value="0">Wait and set</option>
<option value="1">Fade</option>
<option value="2">Fade Color</option>
<option value="3">Sunrise</option>
Palette blending:
<select name="PB">
<option value="0">Linear (wrap if moving)</option>
<option value="1">Linear (always wrap)</option>
<option value="2">Linear (never wrap)</option>
<option value="3">None (not recommended)</option>
<span class="wc">
Auto-calculate white channel from RGB:<br>
<select name="AW">
<option value=0>None</option>
<option value=1>Brighter</option>
<option value=2>Accurate</option>
<option value=3>Dual</option>
<option value=4>Legacy</option>
<button type="button" onclick="B()">Back</button><button type="submit">Save</button>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=500">
<title>LED Settings</title>
var d=document,laprev=55,maxB=1,maxM=5000,maxPB=4096,bquot=0; //maximum bytes for LED allocation: 5kB for 8266, 32kB for 32
function H()
function B()
function gId(n){return d.getElementById(n);}
function off(n){
d.getElementsByName(n)[0].value = -1;
function bLimits(b,p,m) {
maxB = b; maxM = m; maxPB = p;
function pinsOK() {
var LCs = d.getElementsByTagName("input");
for (i=0; i<LCs.length; i++) {
var nm = LCs[i].name.substring(0,2);
//check for pin conflicts
if (nm=="L0" || nm=="L1" || nm=="L2" || nm=="L3" || nm=="L4" || nm=="RL" || nm=="BT" || nm=="IR")
if (LCs[i].value!="" && LCs[i].value!="-1") {
if (d.um_p && d.um_p.some((e)=>e==parseInt(LCs[i].value,10))) {alert(`Sorry, pins ${JSON.stringify(d.um_p)} can't be used.`);LCs[i].value="";LCs[i].focus();return false;}
else if (LCs[i].value > 5 && LCs[i].value < 12) {alert("Sorry, pins 6-11 can not be used.");LCs[i].value="";LCs[i].focus();return false;}
for (j=i+1; j<LCs.length; j++)
var n2 = LCs[j].name.substring(0,2);
if (n2=="L0" || n2=="L1" || n2=="L2" || n2=="L3" || n2=="L4" || n2=="RL" || n2=="BT" || n2=="IR")
if (LCs[j].value!="" && LCs[i].value==LCs[j].value) {alert(`Pin conflict between ${nm}/${n2}!`);LCs[j].value="";LCs[j].focus();return false;}
return true;
function trySubmit(e) { = '';
if (!pinsOK()) {e.stopPropagation();return false;} // Prevent form submission and contact with server
if (bquot > 100) {var msg = "Too many LEDs for me to handle!"; if (maxM < 10000) msg += "\n\rConsider using an ESP32."; alert(msg);}
if (d.Sf.checkValidity()) d.Sf.submit(); //
function S(){GetV();setABL();}
function enABL()
var en = gId('able').checked;
d.Sf.LA.value = (en) ? laprev:0;
gId('abl').style.display = (en) ? 'inline':'none';
gId('psu2').style.display = (en) ? 'inline':'none';
if (d.Sf.LA.value > 0) setABL();
function enLA()
var val = d.Sf.LAsel.value;
d.Sf.LA.value = val;
gId('LAdis').style.display = (val == 50) ? 'inline':'none';
function setABL()
gId('able').checked = true;
d.Sf.LAsel.value = 50;
switch (parseInt(d.Sf.LA.value)) {
case 0: gId('able').checked = false; enABL(); break;
case 30: d.Sf.LAsel.value = 30; break;
case 35: d.Sf.LAsel.value = 35; break;
case 55: d.Sf.LAsel.value = 55; break;
case 255: d.Sf.LAsel.value = 255; break;
default: gId('LAdis').style.display = 'inline';
gId('m1').innerHTML = maxM;
d.getElementsByName("Sf")[0].addEventListener("submit", trySubmit);
//returns mem usage
function getMem(type, len, p0) {
//len = parseInt(len);
if (type < 32) {
if (maxM < 10000 && p0==3) { //8266 DMA uses 5x the mem
if (type > 29) return len*20; //RGBW
return len*15;
} else if (maxM >= 10000) //ESP32 RMT uses double buffer?
if (type > 29) return len*8; //RGBW
return len*6;
if (type > 29) return len*4; //RGBW
return len*3;
if (type > 31 && type < 48) return 5;
if (type == 44 || type == 45) return len*4; //RGBW
return len*3;
function UI(change=false)
var isRGBW = false, memu = 0;
gId('ampwarning').style.display = (d.Sf.MA.value > 7200) ? 'inline':'none';
if (d.Sf.LA.value == 255) laprev = 12;
else if (d.Sf.LA.value > 0) laprev = d.Sf.LA.value;
// enable/disable LED fields
var s = d.getElementsByTagName("select");
for (i=0; i<s.length; i++) {
// is the field a LED type?
if (s[i].name.substring(0,2)=="LT") {
var type = parseInt(s[i].value,10);
gId("p0d"+n).innerHTML = (type > 49) ? "Data:" : (type >41) ? "Pins:" : "Pin:";
gId("p1d"+n).innerHTML = (type > 49) ? "Clk:" : "";
var LK = d.getElementsByName("L1"+n)[0]; // clock pin
memu += getMem(type, d.getElementsByName("LC"+n)[0].value, d.getElementsByName("L0"+n)[0].value); // calc memory
// enumerate pins
for (p=1; p<5; p++) {
var LK = d.getElementsByName("L"+p+n)[0]; // secondary pins
if (!LK) continue;
if ((type>49 && p==1) || (type>41 && type < 50 && (p+40 < type))) // TYPE_xxxx values from const.h
// display pin field = "inline";
LK.required = true;
} else {
// hide pin field = "none";
LK.required = false;
// gId("ls"+n).readOnly = !(type > 31 && type < 48); // if analog, allow editing LED start
// gId("LC").readOnly = !(type > 31 && type < 48); // if analog, allow editing total LED count
if (change) {
// gId("ew"+n).checked = (type == 30 || type == 31 || type == 44 || type == 45); // RGBW checkbox, TYPE_xxxx values from const.h
gId("ls"+n).value = n+1; // set LED start
if (type > 31 && type < 48) d.getElementsByName("LC"+n)[0].value = 1; // for sanity change analog count just to 1 LED
// gId("ew"+n).onclick = (type > 31 && type < 48) ? (function(){return false}) : (function(){}); // prevent change for analog
// isRGBW |= gId("ew"+n).checked;
isRGBW |= (type == 30 || type == 31 || type == 44 || type == 45); // RGBW checkbox, TYPE_xxxx values from const.h
gId("dig"+n).style.display = (type > 31 && type < 48) ? "none":"inline"; // hide reverse, skip 1st & count for analog
gId("psd"+n).innerHTML = (type > 31 && type < 48) ? "Index:":"Start:"; // change analog start description
// display white channel calculation method
var myC = d.querySelectorAll('.wc'),
l = myC.length;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
myC[i].style.display = (isRGBW) ? 'inline':'none';
// check for pin conflicts
var LCs = d.getElementsByTagName("input");
var sLC = 0, maxLC = 0;
for (i=0; i<LCs.length; i++) {
var nm = LCs[i].name.substring(0,2);
// do we have a led count field but not total led count
if (nm=="LC" && LCs[i].name !== "LC") {
var n=LCs[i].name.substring(2);
var c=parseInt(LCs[i].value,10);
/*if(gId("ls"+n).readOnly)*/ gId("ls"+n).value=sLC; // update led start field
if(c){sLC+=c;if(c>maxLC)maxLC=c;} // increase led count
// do we have led pins for digital leds
if (nm=="L0" || nm=="L1") {
var lc=d.getElementsByName("LC"+LCs[i].name.substring(2))[0];
lc.max=maxPB; // update max led count value
// for pins check conflicts
if (nm=="L0" || nm=="L1" || nm=="L2" || nm=="L3" || nm=="L4" || nm=="RL" || nm=="BT" || nm=="IR")
if (LCs[i].value!="" && LCs[i].value!="-1") {
var p = []; // used pin array
if (d.um_p && Array.isArray(d.um_p)) for (k=0;k<d.um_p.length;k++) p.push(d.um_p[k]); // fill with reservations
for (j=0; j<LCs.length; j++) {
if (i==j) continue;
var n2 = LCs[j].name.substring(0,2);
if (n2=="L0" || n2=="L1" || n2=="L2" || n2=="L3" || n2=="L4" || n2=="RL" || n2=="BT" || n2=="IR")
if (LCs[j].value!="" && LCs[j].value!="-1") p.push(parseInt(LCs[j].value,10)); // add current pin
// now check for conflicts
if (p.some((e)=>e==parseInt(LCs[i].value,10))) LCs[i].style.color="red"; else LCs[i].style.color="#fff";
// update total led count
if (gId("LC").readOnly) d.getElementsByName("LC")[0].value = sLC;
// if we are changing total led count update led count for 1st strip
if (d.activeElement == d.getElementsByName("LC")[0]) {
var o = d.getElementsByClassName("iST");
var i = o.length;
if (i == 1) d.getElementsByName("LC0")[0].value = d.getElementsByName("LC")[0].value;
// memory usage and warnings
gId('m0').innerHTML = memu;
bquot = memu / maxM * 100;
gId('dbar').style.background = `linear-gradient(90deg, ${bquot > 60 ? (bquot > 90 ? "red":"orange"):"#ccc"} 0 ${bquot}%%, #444 ${bquot}%% 100%%)`;
gId('ledwarning').style.display = (sLC > maxPB || maxLC > 800 || bquot > 80) ? 'inline':'none';
gId('ledwarning').style.color = (sLC > maxPB || maxLC > maxPB || bquot > 100) ? 'red':'orange';
gId('wreason').innerHTML = (bquot > 80) ? "80% of max. LED memory" +(bquot>100 ? ` (<b>WARNING: Using over ${maxM}B!</b>)` : "") : "800 LEDs per pin";
// calculate power
var val = Math.ceil((100 + sLC * laprev)/500)/2;
val = (val > 5) ? Math.ceil(val) : val;
var s = "";
var is12V = (d.Sf.LAsel.value == 30);
var isWS2815 = (d.Sf.LAsel.value == 255);
if (val < 1.02 && !is12V && !isWS2815)
s = "ESP 5V pin with 1A USB supply";
} else
s += is12V ? "12V ": isWS2815 ? "WS2815 12V " : "5V ";
s += val;
s += "A supply connected to LEDs";
var val2 = Math.ceil((100 + sLC * laprev)/1500)/2;
val2 = (val2 > 5) ? Math.ceil(val2) : val2;
var s2 = "(for most effects, ~";
s2 += val2;
s2 += "A is enough)<br>";
gId('psu').innerHTML = s;
gId('psu2').innerHTML = isWS2815 ? "" : s2;
gId("json").style.display = d.Sf.IT.value==8 ? "" : "none";
function lastEnd(i) {
if (i<1) return 0;
v = parseInt(d.getElementsByName("LS"+(i-1))[0].value) + parseInt(d.getElementsByName("LC"+(i-1))[0].value);
if (isNaN(v)) return 0;
return v;
function addLEDs(n)
if (n>1) {maxB=n; gId("+").style.display="inline"; return;}
var o = d.getElementsByClassName("iST");
var i = o.length;
if ((n==1 && i>=maxB) || (n==-1 && i==0)) return;
var f = gId("mLC");
if (n==1) {
// npm run build has trouble minimizing spaces inside string
var cn = `<div class="iST">
${i>0?'<hr style="width:260px">':''}
<select name="LT${i}" onchange="UI(true)">
<option value="22">WS281x</option>
<option value="30">SK6812 RGBW</option>
<option value="31">TM1814</option>
<option value="24">400kHz</option>
<option value="50">WS2801</option>
<option value="51">APA102</option>
<option value="52">LPD8806</option>
<option value="53">P9813</option>
<option value="41">PWM White</option>
<option value="42">PWM WWCW</option>
<option value="43">PWM RGB</option>
<option value="44">PWM RGBW</option>
<option value="45">PWM RGBWC</option>
Color Order:
<select name="CO${i}">
<option value="0">GRB</option>
<option value="1">RGB</option>
<option value="2">BRG</option>
<option value="3">RBG</option>
<option value="4">BGR</option>
<option value="5">GBR</option>
<span id="p0d${i}">Pin:</span> <input type="number" name="L0${i}" min="0" max="40" required style="width:35px" onchange="UI()"/>
<span id="p1d${i}">Clock:</span> <input type="number" name="L1${i}" min="0" max="40" style="width:35px" onchange="UI()"/>
<span id="p2d${i}"></span><input type="number" name="L2${i}" min="0" max="40" style="width:35px" onchange="UI()"/>
<span id="p3d${i}"></span><input type="number" name="L3${i}" min="0" max="40" style="width:35px" onchange="UI()"/>
<span id="p4d${i}"></span><input type="number" name="L4${i}" min="0" max="40" style="width:35px" onchange="UI()"/>
<span id="psd${i}">Start:</span> <input type="number" name="LS${i}" id="ls${i}" min="0" max="8191" value="${lastEnd(i)}" readonly required />&nbsp;
<div id="dig${i}" style="display:inline">
Count: <input type="number" name="LC${i}" min="0" max="${maxPB}" value="1" required oninput="UI()" /><br>
Reverse (rotated 180°): <input type="checkbox" name="CV${i}">
&nbsp;Skip 1<sup>st</sup> LED: <input id="sl${i}" type="checkbox" name="SL${i}"><br>
f.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", cn);
if (n==-1) {
gId("+").style.display = (i<maxB-1) ? "inline":"none";
gId("-").style.display = (i>0) ? "inline":"none";
function addBtn(i,p,t) {
var c = gId("btns").innerHTML;
var bt = "BT" + i;
var be = "BE" + i;
c += `Button ${i} pin: <input type="number" min="-1" max="40" name="${bt}" onchange="UI()" style="width:35px" value="${p}">`;
c += `<select name="${be}">`
c += `<option value="0" ${t==0?"selected":""}>Disabled</option>`;
c += `<option value="2" ${t==2?"selected":""}>Pushbutton</option>`;
c += `<option value="3" ${t==3?"selected":""}>Push inverted</option>`;
c += `<option value="4" ${t==4?"selected":""}>Switch</option>`;
c += `<option value="5" ${t==5?"selected":""}>PIR sensor</option>`;
c += `<option value="6" ${t==6?"selected":""}>Touch</option>`;
c += `<option value="7" ${t==7?"selected":""}>Analog</option>`;
c += `<option value="8" ${t==8?"selected":""}>Analog inverted</option>`;
c += `</select>`;
c += `<span style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="off('${bt}')">&nbsp;&#215;</span><br>`;
gId("btns").innerHTML = c;
function uploadFile() {
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
//req.addEventListener('load', function(){console.log(this.responseText);});
req.addEventListener('error', function(e){console.error(e.stack);});"POST", "/upload");
var formData = new FormData();
formData.append("data",[0], "/ir.json");
req.send(formData); = '';
return false;
function GetV()
//values injected by server while sending HTML
@import url("style.css");
<body onload="S()">
<div style="display:hidden;"><form id="fileUL" name="fUL" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="/upload" target="asFr"><iframe id="asFr" name="asFr" height="0" width="0" frameborder="0"></iframe></form></div>
<form id="form_s" name="Sf" method="post">
<div class="toprow">
<div class="helpB"><button type="button" onclick="H()">?</button></div>
<button type="button" onclick="B()">Back</button><button type="submit">Save</button><hr>
<h2>LED &amp; Hardware setup</h2>
Total LED count: <input name="LC" id="LC" type="number" min="1" max="8192" oninput="UI()" required readonly><br>
<i>Recommended power supply for brightest white:</i><br>
<b><span id="psu">?</span></b><br>
<span id="psu2"><br></span>
Enable automatic brightness limiter: <input type="checkbox" name="ABen" onchange="enABL()" id="able"><br>
<div id="abl">
Maximum Current: <input name="MA" type="number" min="250" max="65000" oninput="UI()" required> mA<br>
<div id="ampwarning" style="color: orange; display: none;">
&#9888; Your power supply provides high current.<br>
To improve the safety of your setup,<br>
please use thick cables,<br>
multiple power injection points and a fuse!<br>
<i>Automatically limits brightness to stay close to the limit.<br>
Keep at &lt;1A if powering LEDs directly from the ESP 5V pin!<br>
If you are using an external power supply, enter its rating.<br>
(Current estimated usage: <span class="pow">unknown</span>)</i><br><br>
LED voltage (Max. current for a single LED):<br>
<select name="LAsel" onchange="enLA()">
<option value="55" selected>5V default (55mA)</option>
<option value="35">5V efficient (35mA)</option>
<option value="30">12V (30mA)</option>
<option value="255">WS2815 (12mA)</option>
<option value="50">Custom</option>
<span id="LAdis" style="display: none;">Custom max. current per LED: <input name="LA" type="number" min="0" max="255" id="la" oninput="UI()" required> mA<br></span>
<i>Keep at default if you are unsure about your type of LEDs.</i><br>
<h3>Hardware setup</h3>
<div id="mLC">LED outputs:</div>
<button type="button" id="+" onclick="addLEDs(1)">+</button>
<button type="button" id="-" onclick="addLEDs(-1)">-</button><br>
LED Memory Usage: <span id="m0">0</span> / <span id="m1">?</span> B<br>
<div id="dbar" style="display:inline-block; width: 100px; height: 10px; border-radius: 20px;"></div><br>
<div id="ledwarning" style="color: orange; display: none;">
&#9888; You might run into stability or lag issues.<br>
Use less than <span id="wreason">800 LEDs per pin</span> for the best experience!<br>
</div><hr style="width:260px">
<div id="btns"></div>
Touch threshold: <input type="number" min="0" max="100" name="TT" required><br>
IR pin: <input type="number" min="-1" max="40" name="IR" onchange="UI()" style="width:35px"><select name="IT" onchange="UI()">
<option value="0">Remote disabled</option>
<option value="1">24-key RGB</option>
<option value="2">24-key with CT</option>
<option value="3">40-key blue</option>
<option value="4">44-key RGB</option>
<option value="5">21-key RGB</option>
<option value="6">6-key black</option>
<option value="7">9-key red</option>
<option value="8">JSON remote</option>
</select><span style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="off('IR')">&nbsp;&#215;</span><br>
<div id="json" style="display:none;">JSON file: <input type="file" name="data" accept=".json"> <input type="button" value="Upload" onclick="uploadFile();"><br></div>
<a href="" target="_blank">IR info</a><br>
Relay pin: <input type="number" min="-1" max="40" name="RL" onchange="UI()" style="width:35px"> invert <input type="checkbox" name="RM"><span style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="off('RL')">&nbsp;&#215;</span><br>
<hr style="width:260px">
Turn LEDs on after power up/reset: <input type="checkbox" name="BO"><br>
Default brightness: <input name="CA" type="number" min="0" max="255" required> (0-255)<br><br>
Apply preset <input name="BP" type="number" min="0" max="250" required> at boot (0 uses defaults)
<br>- <i>or</i> -<br>
Set current preset cycle setting as boot default: <input type="checkbox" name="PC"><br><br>
Use Gamma correction for color: <input type="checkbox" name="GC"> (strongly recommended)<br>
Use Gamma correction for brightness: <input type="checkbox" name="GB"> (not recommended)<br><br>
Brightness factor: <input name="BF" type="number" min="1" max="255" required> %
Crossfade: <input type="checkbox" name="TF"><br>
Transition Time: <input name="TD" maxlength="5" size="2"> ms<br>
Enable Palette transitions: <input type="checkbox" name="PF">
<h3>Timed light</h3>
Default Duration: <input name="TL" type="number" min="1" max="255" required> min<br>
Default Target brightness: <input name="TB" type="number" min="0" max="255" required><br>
<select name="TW">
<option value="0">Wait and set</option>
<option value="1">Fade</option>
<option value="2">Fade Color</option>
<option value="3">Sunrise</option>
Palette blending:
<select name="PB">
<option value="0">Linear (wrap if moving)</option>
<option value="1">Linear (always wrap)</option>
<option value="2">Linear (never wrap)</option>
<option value="3">None (not recommended)</option>
<span class="wc">
Auto-calculate white channel from RGB:<br>
<select name="AW">
<option value=0>None</option>
<option value=1>Brighter</option>
<option value=2>Accurate</option>
<option value=3>Dual</option>
<option value=4>Legacy</option>
<button type="button" onclick="B()">Back</button><button type="submit">Save</button>

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

Wyświetl plik

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
// version code in format yymmddb (b = daily build)
#define VERSION 2106031
#define VERSION 2106041
//uncomment this if you have a "my_config.h" file you'd like to use

Wyświetl plik

@ -15,6 +15,19 @@ bool isIp(String str) {
return true;
void handleUpload(AsyncWebServerRequest *request, String filename, size_t index, uint8_t *data, size_t len, bool final){
request->_tempFile =, "w");
if (len) {
request->send(200, "text/plain", F("File Uploaded!"));
bool captivePortal(AsyncWebServerRequest *request)
if (ON_STA_FILTER(request)) return false; //only serve captive in AP mode
@ -141,7 +154,12 @@ void initServer()
server.on("/teapot", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request){
serveMessage(request, 418, F("418. I'm a teapot."), F("(Tangible Embedded Advanced Project Of Twinkling)"), 254);
server.on("/upload", HTTP_POST, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request) {},
[](AsyncWebServerRequest *request, const String& filename, size_t index, uint8_t *data,
size_t len, bool final) {handleUpload(request, filename, index, data, len, final);}
//if OTA is allowed
if (!otaLock){