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2022-12-11 00:16:14 +00:00
#pragma once
#include "SHT85.h"
2022-12-11 00:16:14 +00:00
class ShtUsermod : public Usermod
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bool enabled = false; // Is usermod enabled or not
bool firstRunDone = false; // Remembers if the first config load run had been done
2022-12-16 01:22:13 +00:00
bool pinAllocDone = true; // Remembers if we have allocated pins
2022-12-15 00:38:41 +00:00
bool initDone = false; // Remembers if the mod has been completely initialised
bool haMqttDiscovery = false; // Is MQTT discovery enabled or not
bool haMqttDiscoveryDone = false; // Remembers if we already published the HA discovery topics
2022-12-11 00:16:14 +00:00
// SHT vars
2022-12-15 00:38:41 +00:00
SHT *shtTempHumidSensor; // Instance of SHT lib
byte shtType = 0; // SHT sensor type to be used. Default: SHT30
byte unitOfTemp = 0; // Temperature unit to be used. Default: Celsius (0 = Celsius, 1 = Fahrenheit)
bool shtInitDone = false; // Remembers if SHT sensor has been initialised
bool shtReadDataSuccess = false; // Did we have a successful data read and is a valid temperature and humidity available?
const byte shtI2cAddress = 0x44; // i2c address of the sensor. 0x44 is the default for all SHT sensors. Change this, if needed
unsigned long shtLastTimeUpdated = 0; // Remembers when we read data the last time
bool shtDataRequested = false; // Reading data is done async. This remembers if we asked the sensor to read data
float shtCurrentTempC = 0; // Last read temperature in Celsius
float shtCurrentTempF = 0; // Last read temperature in Fahrenheit
float shtCurrentHumidity = 0; // Last read humidity in RH%
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2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
void initShtTempHumiditySensor();
void cleanupShtTempHumiditySensor();
void cleanup();
bool isShtReady();
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2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
void publishTemperatureAndHumidityViaMqtt();
void publishHomeAssistantAutodiscovery();
void appendDeviceToMqttDiscoveryMessage(JsonDocument& root);
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2022-12-15 00:38:41 +00:00
// Strings to reduce flash memory usage (used more than twice)
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static const char _name[];
static const char _enabled[];
static const char _shtType[];
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static const char _unitOfTemp[];
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static const char _haMqttDiscovery[];
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2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
void setup();
void loop();
void onMqttConnect(bool sessionPresent);
void appendConfigData();
void addToConfig(JsonObject &root);
bool readFromConfig(JsonObject &root);
void addToJsonInfo(JsonObject& root);
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2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
float getTemperatureC();
float getTemperatureF();
float getHumidity();
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2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
uint16_t getId() { return USERMOD_ID_SHT; }
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// Strings to reduce flash memory usage (used more than twice)
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
const char ShtUsermod::_name[] PROGMEM = "SHT-Sensor";
const char ShtUsermod::_enabled[] PROGMEM = "Enabled";
const char ShtUsermod::_shtType[] PROGMEM = "SHT-Type";
const char ShtUsermod::_unitOfTemp[] PROGMEM = "Unit";
const char ShtUsermod::_haMqttDiscovery[] PROGMEM = "Add-To-HA-MQTT-Discovery";
2022-12-11 00:16:14 +00:00
2022-12-15 00:38:41 +00:00
* Initialise SHT sensor.
* Using the correct constructor according to config and initialises it using the
* global i2c pins.
* @return void
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void ShtUsermod::initShtTempHumiditySensor()
switch (shtType) {
case USERMOD_SHT_TYPE_SHT30: shtTempHumidSensor = (SHT *) new SHT30(); break;
case USERMOD_SHT_TYPE_SHT31: shtTempHumidSensor = (SHT *) new SHT31(); break;
case USERMOD_SHT_TYPE_SHT35: shtTempHumidSensor = (SHT *) new SHT35(); break;
case USERMOD_SHT_TYPE_SHT85: shtTempHumidSensor = (SHT *) new SHT85(); break;
shtTempHumidSensor->begin(shtI2cAddress, i2c_sda, i2c_scl);
if (shtTempHumidSensor->readStatus() == 0xFFFF) {
DEBUG_PRINTF("[%s] SHT init failed!\n", _name);
shtInitDone = true;
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* Cleanup the SHT sensor.
* Properly calls "reset" for the sensor then releases it from memory.
* @return void
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void ShtUsermod::cleanupShtTempHumiditySensor()
2022-12-16 01:22:13 +00:00
if (isShtReady()) {
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2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
delete shtTempHumidSensor;
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2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
shtInitDone = false;
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2022-12-15 00:38:41 +00:00
* Cleanup the mod completely.
* Calls ::cleanupShtTempHumiditySensor() to cleanup the SHT sensor and
* deallocates pins.
* @return void
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void ShtUsermod::cleanup()
if (isShtReady()) {
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2022-12-16 01:22:13 +00:00
if (pinAllocDone) {
PinManagerPinType pins[2] = { { i2c_sda, true }, { i2c_scl, true } };
pinManager.deallocateMultiplePins(pins, 2, PinOwner::HW_I2C);
pinAllocDone = false;
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
enabled = false;
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2022-12-15 00:38:41 +00:00
* Checks if the SHT sensor has been initialised.
* @return bool
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bool ShtUsermod::isShtReady()
return shtInitDone;
2022-12-15 00:38:41 +00:00
* Publish temperature and humidity to WLED device topic.
* Will add a "/temperature" and "/humidity" topic to the WLED device topic.
* Temperature will be written in configured unit.
* @return void
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
void ShtUsermod::publishTemperatureAndHumidityViaMqtt() {
char buf[128];
snprintf_P(buf, 127, PSTR("%s/temperature"), mqttDeviceTopic);
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
mqtt->publish(buf, 0, false, String((unitOfTemp ? getTemperatureF() : getTemperatureC())).c_str());
snprintf_P(buf, 127, PSTR("%s/humidity"), mqttDeviceTopic);
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
mqtt->publish(buf, 0, false, String(shtCurrentHumidity).c_str());
2022-12-15 00:38:41 +00:00
* If enabled, publishes HA MQTT device discovery topics.
* Will make Home Assistant add temperature and humidity as entities automatically.
* Note: Whenever usermods are part of the WLED integration in HA, this can be dropped.
* @return void
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
void ShtUsermod::publishHomeAssistantAutodiscovery() {
char json_str[1024], buf[128];
size_t payload_size;
StaticJsonDocument<1024> json;
snprintf_P(buf, 127, PSTR("%s Temperature"), serverDescription);
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
json[F("name")] = buf;
snprintf_P(buf, 127, PSTR("%s/temperature"), mqttDeviceTopic);
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
json[F("stat_t")] = buf;
json[F("dev_cla")] = F("temperature");
json[F("stat_cla")] = F("measurement");
snprintf_P(buf, 127, PSTR("%s-temperature"), escapedMac.c_str());
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
json[F("uniq_id")] = buf;
json[F("unit_of_meas")] = F((unitOfTemp ? "°F" : "°C"));
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
payload_size = serializeJson(json, json_str);
snprintf_P(buf, 127, PSTR("homeassistant/sensor/%s/%s-temperature/config"), escapedMac.c_str(), escapedMac.c_str());
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
mqtt->publish(buf, 0, true, json_str, payload_size);
snprintf_P(buf, 127, PSTR("%s Humidity"), serverDescription);
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
json[F("name")] = buf;
snprintf_P(buf, 127, PSTR("%s/humidity"), mqttDeviceTopic);
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
json[F("stat_t")] = buf;
json[F("dev_cla")] = F("humidity");
json[F("stat_cla")] = F("measurement");
snprintf_P(buf, 127, PSTR("%s-humidity"), escapedMac.c_str());
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
json[F("uniq_id")] = buf;
json[F("unit_of_meas")] = F("%");
payload_size = serializeJson(json, json_str);
snprintf_P(buf, 127, PSTR("homeassistant/sensor/%s/%s-humidity/config"), escapedMac.c_str(), escapedMac.c_str());
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
mqtt->publish(buf, 0, true, json_str, payload_size);
2022-12-15 00:38:41 +00:00
haMqttDiscoveryDone = true;
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
2022-12-15 00:38:41 +00:00
* Helper to add device information to MQTT discovery topic.
* @return void
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
void ShtUsermod::appendDeviceToMqttDiscoveryMessage(JsonDocument& root) {
JsonObject device = root.createNestedObject("dev");
device[F("ids")] = escapedMac.c_str();
device[F("name")] = serverDescription;
device[F("sw")] = versionString;
device[F("mdl")] = ESP.getChipModel();
device[F("mf")] = F("espressif");
2022-12-15 00:38:41 +00:00
* Setup the mod.
* Allocates i2c pins as PinOwner::HW_I2C, so they can be allocated multiple times.
* And calls ::initShtTempHumiditySensor() to initialise the sensor.
* @see Usermod::setup()
* @see UsermodManager::setup()
* @return void
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
void ShtUsermod::setup()
if (enabled) {
PinManagerPinType pins[2] = { { i2c_sda, true }, { i2c_scl, true } };
2022-12-18 20:33:25 +00:00
// GPIOs can be set to -1 and allocateMultiplePins() will return true, so check they're gt zero
if (i2c_sda < 0 || i2c_scl < 0 || !pinManager.allocateMultiplePins(pins, 2, PinOwner::HW_I2C)) {
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
DEBUG_PRINTF("[%s] SHT pin allocation failed!\n", _name);
2022-12-16 01:22:13 +00:00
pinAllocDone = true;
2022-12-11 00:16:14 +00:00
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
initDone = true;
firstRunDone = true;
2022-12-15 00:38:41 +00:00
* Actually reading data (async) from the sensor every 30 seconds.
* If last reading is at least 30 seconds, it will trigger a reading using
* SHT::requestData(). We will then continiously check SHT::dataReady() if
* data is ready to be read. If so, it's read, stored locally and published
* via MQTT.
* @see Usermod::loop()
* @see UsermodManager::loop()
* @return void
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
void ShtUsermod::loop()
if (!enabled || !initDone || strip.isUpdating()) return;
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
if (isShtReady()) {
if (millis() - shtLastTimeUpdated > 30000 && !shtDataRequested) {
shtDataRequested = true;
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2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
shtLastTimeUpdated = millis();
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2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
if (shtDataRequested) {
if (shtTempHumidSensor->dataReady()) {
if (shtTempHumidSensor->readData(false)) {
shtCurrentTempC = shtTempHumidSensor->getTemperature();
shtCurrentTempF = shtTempHumidSensor->getFahrenheit();
shtCurrentHumidity = shtTempHumidSensor->getHumidity();
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2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
shtReadDataSuccess = true;
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else {
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
shtReadDataSuccess = false;
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2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
shtDataRequested = false;
2022-12-11 00:16:14 +00:00
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
2022-12-15 00:38:41 +00:00
* Whenever MQTT is connected, publish HA autodiscovery topics.
* Is only donce once.
* @see Usermod::onMqttConnect()
* @see UsermodManager::onMqttConnect()
* @return void
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
void ShtUsermod::onMqttConnect(bool sessionPresent) {
2022-12-15 00:38:41 +00:00
if (haMqttDiscovery && !haMqttDiscoveryDone) publishHomeAssistantAutodiscovery();
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2022-12-15 00:38:41 +00:00
* Add dropdown for sensor type and unit to UM config page.
* @see Usermod::appendConfigData()
* @see UsermodManager::appendConfigData()
* @return void
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
void ShtUsermod::appendConfigData() {
2022-12-15 00:38:41 +00:00
* Add config data to be stored in cfg.json.
* @see Usermod::addToConfig()
* @see UsermodManager::addToConfig()
* @return void
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
void ShtUsermod::addToConfig(JsonObject &root)
JsonObject top = root.createNestedObject(FPSTR(_name)); // usermodname
top[FPSTR(_enabled)] = enabled;
top[FPSTR(_shtType)] = shtType;
top[FPSTR(_unitOfTemp)] = unitOfTemp;
top[FPSTR(_haMqttDiscovery)] = haMqttDiscovery;
2022-12-15 00:38:41 +00:00
* Apply config on boot or save of UM config page.
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
2022-12-15 00:38:41 +00:00
* This is called whenever WLED boots and loads cfg.json, or when the UM config
* page is saved. Will properly re-instantiate the SHT class upon type change and
* publish HA discovery after enabling.
* @see Usermod::readFromConfig()
* @see UsermodManager::readFromConfig()
* @return bool
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
bool ShtUsermod::readFromConfig(JsonObject &root)
JsonObject top = root[FPSTR(_name)];
if (top.isNull()) {
DEBUG_PRINTF("[%s] No config found. (Using defaults.)\n", _name);
return false;
bool oldEnabled = enabled;
byte oldShtType = shtType;
bool oldHaMqttDiscovery = haMqttDiscovery;
getJsonValue(top[FPSTR(_enabled)], enabled);
getJsonValue(top[FPSTR(_shtType)], shtType);
getJsonValue(top[FPSTR(_unitOfTemp)], unitOfTemp);
getJsonValue(top[FPSTR(_haMqttDiscovery)], haMqttDiscovery);
// First run: reading from cfg.json, nothing to do here, will be all done in setup()
if (!firstRunDone) {
DEBUG_PRINTF("[%s] First run, nothing to do\n", _name);
// Check if mod has been en-/disabled
else if (enabled != oldEnabled) {
enabled ? setup() : cleanup();
DEBUG_PRINTF("[%s] Usermod has been en-/disabled\n", _name);
// Config has been changed, so adopt to changes
else if (enabled) {
if (oldShtType != shtType) {
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2022-12-15 00:38:41 +00:00
if (oldHaMqttDiscovery != haMqttDiscovery && haMqttDiscovery) {
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
DEBUG_PRINTF("[%s] Config (re)loaded\n", _name);
2022-12-11 00:16:14 +00:00
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
return true;
2022-12-11 00:16:14 +00:00
2022-12-15 00:38:41 +00:00
* Adds the temperature and humidity actually to the info section and /json info.
* This is called every time the info section is opened ot /json is called.
* @see Usermod::addToJsonInfo()
* @see UsermodManager::addToJsonInfo()
* @return void
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
void ShtUsermod::addToJsonInfo(JsonObject& root)
if (!enabled && !isShtReady()) {
JsonObject user = root["u"];
if (user.isNull()) user = root.createNestedObject("u");
JsonArray jsonTemp = user.createNestedArray(F("Temperature"));
JsonArray jsonHumidity = user.createNestedArray(F("Humidity"));
if (shtLastTimeUpdated == 0 || !shtReadDataSuccess) {
if (shtLastTimeUpdated == 0) {
jsonTemp.add(F(" Not read yet"));
jsonHumidity.add(F(" Not read yet"));
2022-12-11 00:16:14 +00:00
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
else {
jsonTemp.add(F(" Error"));
jsonHumidity.add(F(" Error"));
2022-12-11 00:16:14 +00:00
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
2022-12-12 01:33:31 +00:00
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
jsonHumidity.add(F(" RH"));
2022-12-12 01:33:31 +00:00
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
unitOfTemp ? jsonTemp.add(getTemperatureF()) : jsonTemp.add(getTemperatureC());
unitOfTemp ? jsonTemp.add(F(" °F")) : jsonTemp.add(F(" °C"));
2022-12-11 00:16:14 +00:00
2022-12-15 00:38:41 +00:00
* Getter for last read temperature in Celsius.
* @return float
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
float ShtUsermod::getTemperatureC() {
return shtCurrentTempC;
2022-12-15 00:38:41 +00:00
* Getter for last read temperature in Fahrenheit.
* @return float
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
float ShtUsermod::getTemperatureF() {
return shtCurrentTempF;
2022-12-15 00:38:41 +00:00
* Getter for last read humidity in RH%.
* @return float
2022-12-14 23:42:27 +00:00
float ShtUsermod::getHumidity() {
return shtCurrentHumidity;