
519 wiersze
15 KiB
Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

#include "wled.h"
#include "fcn_declare.h"
#include "const.h"
//helper to get int value at a position in string
int getNumVal(const String* req, uint16_t pos)
return req->substring(pos+3).toInt();
//helper to get int value with in/decrementing support via ~ syntax
void parseNumber(const char* str, byte* val, byte minv, byte maxv)
if (str == nullptr || str[0] == '\0') return;
if (str[0] == 'r') {*val = random8(minv,maxv?maxv:255); return;} // maxv for random cannot be 0
bool wrap = false;
if (str[0] == 'w' && strlen(str) > 1) {str++; wrap = true;}
if (str[0] == '~') {
int out = atoi(str +1);
if (out == 0) {
if (str[1] == '0') return;
if (str[1] == '-') {
*val = (int)(*val -1) < (int)minv ? maxv : min((int)maxv,(*val -1)); //-1, wrap around
} else {
*val = (int)(*val +1) > (int)maxv ? minv : max((int)minv,(*val +1)); //+1, wrap around
} else {
if (wrap && *val == maxv && out > 0) out = minv;
else if (wrap && *val == minv && out < 0) out = maxv;
else {
out += *val;
if (out > maxv) out = maxv;
if (out < minv) out = minv;
*val = out;
} else if (minv == maxv && minv == 0) { // limits "unset" i.e. both 0
byte p1 = atoi(str);
const char* str2 = strchr(str,'~'); // min/max range (for preset cycle, e.g. "1~5~")
if (str2) {
byte p2 = atoi(++str2); // skip ~
if (p2 > 0) {
while (isdigit(*(++str2))); // skip digits
parseNumber(str2, val, p1, p2);
*val = atoi(str);
bool getVal(JsonVariant elem, byte* val, byte vmin, byte vmax) {
if (elem.is<int>()) {
2021-12-03 20:09:53 +00:00
if (elem < 0) return false; //ignore e.g. {"ps":-1}
*val = elem;
return true;
} else if (elem.is<const char*>()) {
const char* str = elem;
size_t len = strnlen(str, 12);
if (len == 0 || len > 10) return false;
parseNumber(str, val, vmin, vmax);
return true;
return false; //key does not exist
bool updateVal(const char* req, const char* key, byte* val, byte minv, byte maxv)
const char *v = strstr(req, key);
if (v) v += strlen(key);
else return false;
parseNumber(v, val, minv, maxv);
return true;
//append a numeric setting to string buffer
void sappend(char stype, const char* key, int val)
char ds[] = "d.Sf.";
case 'c': //checkbox
case 'v': //numeric
case 'i': //selectedIndex
//append a string setting to buffer
void sappends(char stype, const char* key, char* val)
case 's': {//string (we can interpret val as char*)
String buf = val;
//convert "%" to "%%" to make EspAsyncWebServer happy
2021-12-08 09:00:31 +00:00
case 'm': //message
bool oappendi(int i)
char s[11];
sprintf(s, "%d", i);
return oappend(s);
bool oappend(const char* txt)
uint16_t len = strlen(txt);
2021-11-09 16:49:05 +00:00
if (olen + len >= SETTINGS_STACK_BUF_SIZE)
return false; // buffer full
strcpy(obuf + olen, txt);
olen += len;
return true;
void prepareHostname(char* hostname)
const char *pC = serverDescription;
uint8_t pos = 5;
while (*pC && pos < 24) { // while !null and not over length
if (isalnum(*pC)) { // if the current char is alpha-numeric append it to the hostname
hostname[pos] = *pC;
} else if (*pC == ' ' || *pC == '_' || *pC == '-' || *pC == '+' || *pC == '!' || *pC == '?' || *pC == '*') {
hostname[pos] = '-';
// else do nothing - no leading hyphens and do not include hyphens for all other characters.
// if the hostname is left blank, use the mac address/default mdns name
if (pos < 6) {
sprintf(hostname + 5, "%*s", 6, escapedMac.c_str() + 6);
} else { //last character must not be hyphen
while (pos > 0 && hostname[pos -1] == '-') {
hostname[pos -1] = 0;
bool isAsterisksOnly(const char* str, byte maxLen)
for (byte i = 0; i < maxLen; i++) {
if (str[i] == 0) break;
if (str[i] != '*') return false;
//at this point the password contains asterisks only
return (str[0] != 0); //false on empty string
//threading/network callback details: https://github.com/Aircoookie/WLED/pull/2336#discussion_r762276994
2021-11-14 15:56:34 +00:00
bool requestJSONBufferLock(uint8_t module)
unsigned long now = millis();
while (jsonBufferLock && millis()-now < 1000) delay(1); // wait for a second for buffer lock
2021-11-14 15:56:34 +00:00
if (millis()-now >= 1000) {
DEBUG_PRINT(F("ERROR: Locking JSON buffer failed! ("));
return false; // waiting time-outed
2021-11-14 15:56:34 +00:00
jsonBufferLock = module ? module : 255;
DEBUG_PRINT(F("JSON buffer locked. ("));
fileDoc = &doc; // used for applying presets (presets.cpp)
return true;
void releaseJSONBufferLock()
2021-11-14 15:56:34 +00:00
DEBUG_PRINT(F("JSON buffer released. ("));
fileDoc = nullptr;
2021-11-14 15:56:34 +00:00
jsonBufferLock = 0;
// extracts effect mode (or palette) name from names serialized string
// caller must provide large enough buffer for name (incluing SR extensions)!
uint8_t extractModeName(uint8_t mode, const char *src, char *dest, uint8_t maxLen)
if (src == JSON_mode_names || src == nullptr) {
if (mode < strip.getModeCount()) {
char lineBuffer[256];
2022-05-21 22:41:45 +00:00
//strcpy_P(lineBuffer, (const char*)pgm_read_dword(&(WS2812FX::_modeData[mode])));
strcpy_P(lineBuffer, strip.getModeData(mode));
size_t len = strlen(lineBuffer);
size_t j = 0;
for (; j < maxLen && j < len; j++) {
if (lineBuffer[j] == '\0' || lineBuffer[j] == '@') break;
dest[j] = lineBuffer[j];
dest[j] = 0; // terminate string
return strlen(dest);
} else return 0;
uint8_t qComma = 0;
bool insideQuotes = false;
uint8_t printedChars = 0;
char singleJsonSymbol;
size_t len = strlen_P(src);
// Find the mode name in JSON
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
singleJsonSymbol = pgm_read_byte_near(src + i);
if (singleJsonSymbol == '\0') break;
if (singleJsonSymbol == '@' && insideQuotes && qComma == mode) break; //stop when SR extension encountered
switch (singleJsonSymbol) {
case '"':
insideQuotes = !insideQuotes;
case '[':
case ']':
case ',':
if (!insideQuotes) qComma++;
if (!insideQuotes || (qComma != mode)) break;
dest[printedChars++] = singleJsonSymbol;
if ((qComma > mode) || (printedChars >= maxLen)) break;
dest[printedChars] = '\0';
return strlen(dest);
// extracts effect slider data (1st group after @)
2022-07-23 20:00:19 +00:00
uint8_t extractModeSlider(uint8_t mode, uint8_t slider, char *dest, uint8_t maxLen, uint8_t *var)
dest[0] = '\0'; // start by clearing buffer
if (mode < strip.getModeCount()) {
2022-08-03 19:36:47 +00:00
String lineBuffer = FPSTR(strip.getModeData(mode));
if (lineBuffer.length() > 0) {
int16_t start = lineBuffer.indexOf('@');
int16_t stop = lineBuffer.indexOf(';', start);
if (start>0 && stop>0) {
2022-07-23 20:00:19 +00:00
String names = lineBuffer.substring(start, stop); // include @
int16_t nameBegin = 1, nameEnd, nameDefault;
if (slider < 10) {
for (size_t i=0; i<=slider; i++) {
const char *tmpstr;
dest[0] = '\0'; //clear dest buffer
if (nameBegin == 0) break; // there are no more names
nameEnd = names.indexOf(',', nameBegin);
if (i == slider) {
nameDefault = names.indexOf('=', nameBegin); // find default value
if (nameDefault > 0 && var && ((nameEnd>0 && nameDefault<nameEnd) || nameEnd<0)) {
*var = (uint8_t)atoi(names.substring(nameDefault+1).c_str());
if (names.charAt(nameBegin) == '!') {
switch (slider) {
case 0: tmpstr = PSTR("FX Speed"); break;
case 1: tmpstr = PSTR("FX Intensity"); break;
case 2: tmpstr = PSTR("FX Custom 1"); break;
case 3: tmpstr = PSTR("FX Custom 2"); break;
case 4: tmpstr = PSTR("FX Custom 3"); break;
default: tmpstr = PSTR("FX Custom"); break;
strncpy_P(dest, tmpstr, maxLen); // copy the name into buffer (replacing previous)
dest[maxLen-1] = '\0';
2022-07-23 20:00:19 +00:00
} else {
if (nameEnd<0) tmpstr = names.substring(nameBegin).c_str(); // did not find ",", last name?
else tmpstr = names.substring(nameBegin, nameEnd).c_str();
strlcpy(dest, tmpstr, maxLen); // copy the name into buffer (replacing previous)
2022-07-23 20:00:19 +00:00
nameBegin = nameEnd+1; // next name (if "," is not found it will be 0)
} // next slider
} else if (slider == 255) {
// palette
strlcpy(dest, "pal", maxLen);
names = lineBuffer.substring(stop+1); // stop has index of color slot names
nameBegin = names.indexOf(';'); // look for palette
if (nameBegin >= 0) {
2022-07-23 20:38:35 +00:00
nameEnd = names.indexOf(';', nameBegin+1);
2022-07-23 20:00:19 +00:00
if (!isdigit(names[nameBegin+1])) nameBegin = names.indexOf('=', nameBegin+1); // look for default value
2022-07-23 20:38:35 +00:00
if (nameEnd >= 0 && nameBegin > nameEnd) nameBegin = -1;
2022-07-23 20:00:19 +00:00
if (nameBegin >= 0 && var) {
*var = (uint8_t)atoi(names.substring(nameBegin+1).c_str());
2022-07-23 20:00:19 +00:00
// we have slider name (including default value) in the dest buffer
for (size_t i=0; i<strlen(dest); i++) if (dest[i]=='=') { dest[i]='\0'; break; } // truncate default value
} else {
// defaults to just speed and intensity since there is no slider data
switch (slider) {
case 0: strncpy_P(dest, PSTR("FX Speed"), maxLen); break;
case 1: strncpy_P(dest, PSTR("FX Intensity"), maxLen); break;
2022-07-23 20:00:19 +00:00
dest[maxLen] = '\0'; // strncpy does not necessarily null terminate string
return strlen(dest);
return 0;
// extracts mode parameter defaults from last section of mode data (e.g. "Juggle@!,Trail;!,!,;!;sx=16,ix=240,1d")
2022-07-23 20:00:19 +00:00
int16_t extractModeDefaults(uint8_t mode, const char *segVar)
if (mode < strip.getModeCount()) {
char lineBuffer[128] = "";
strncpy_P(lineBuffer, PSTR(strip.getModeData(mode)), 127);
if (strlen(lineBuffer) > 0) {
char* startPtr = strrchr(lineBuffer, ';'); // last ";" in FX data
if (!startPtr) return -1;
char* stopPtr = strstr(startPtr, segVar);
if (!stopPtr) return -1;
2022-07-23 20:00:19 +00:00
return atoi(stopPtr);
2022-07-23 20:00:19 +00:00
return -1;
uint16_t crc16(const unsigned char* data_p, size_t length) {
uint8_t x;
uint16_t crc = 0xFFFF;
if (!length) return 0x1D0F;
while (length--) {
x = crc >> 8 ^ *data_p++;
x ^= x>>4;
crc = (crc << 8) ^ ((uint16_t)(x << 12)) ^ ((uint16_t)(x <<5)) ^ ((uint16_t)x);
return crc;
2022-08-05 13:54:48 +00:00
// Begin simulateSound (to enable audio enhanced effects to display something)
// Currently 4 types defined, to be fine tuned and new types added
typedef enum UM_SoundSimulations {
UMS_BeatSin = 0,
} um_soundSimulations_t;
// this is still work in progress
um_data_t* simulateSound(uint8_t simulationId)
static uint8_t samplePeak;
static float FFT_MajorPeak;
static uint8_t maxVol;
static uint8_t binNum;
static float volumeSmth;
static uint16_t volumeRaw;
static float my_magnitude;
uint8_t *fftResult;
static um_data_t* um_data = nullptr;
if (!um_data) {
//claim storage for arrays
fftResult = (uint8_t *)malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * 16);
// initialize um_data pointer structure
// NOTE!!!
// This may change as AudioReactive usermod may change
um_data = new um_data_t;
2022-07-29 13:50:09 +00:00
um_data->u_size = 8;
um_data->u_type = new um_types_t[um_data->u_size];
um_data->u_data = new void*[um_data->u_size];
um_data->u_data[0] = &volumeSmth;
um_data->u_data[1] = &volumeRaw;
um_data->u_data[2] = fftResult;
um_data->u_data[3] = &samplePeak;
um_data->u_data[4] = &FFT_MajorPeak;
um_data->u_data[5] = &my_magnitude;
um_data->u_data[6] = &maxVol;
um_data->u_data[7] = &binNum;
} else {
// get arrays from um_data
fftResult = (uint8_t*)um_data->u_data[2];
uint32_t ms = millis();
switch (simulationId) {
case UMS_BeatSin:
for (int i = 0; i<16; i++)
fftResult[i] = beatsin8(120 / (i+1), 0, 255);
// fftResult[i] = (beatsin8(120, 0, 255) + (256/16 * i)) % 256;
volumeSmth = fftResult[8];
case UMS_WeWillRockYou:
if (ms%2000 < 200) {
volumeSmth = random8(255);
for (int i = 0; i<5; i++)
fftResult[i] = random8(255);
else if (ms%2000 < 400) {
volumeSmth = 0;
for (int i = 0; i<16; i++)
fftResult[i] = 0;
else if (ms%2000 < 600) {
volumeSmth = random8(255);
for (int i = 5; i<11; i++)
fftResult[i] = random8(255);
else if (ms%2000 < 800) {
volumeSmth = 0;
for (int i = 0; i<16; i++)
fftResult[i] = 0;
else if (ms%2000 < 1000) {
volumeSmth = random8(255);
for (int i = 11; i<16; i++)
fftResult[i] = random8(255);
else {
volumeSmth = 0;
for (int i = 0; i<16; i++)
fftResult[i] = 0;
case UMS_10_3:
for (int i = 0; i<16; i++)
fftResult[i] = inoise8(beatsin8(90 / (i+1), 0, 200)*15 + (ms>>10), ms>>3);
volumeSmth = fftResult[8];
case UMS_14_3:
for (int i = 0; i<16; i++)
fftResult[i] = inoise8(beatsin8(120 / (i+1), 10, 30)*10 + (ms>>14), ms>>3);
volumeSmth = fftResult[8];
samplePeak = random8() > 250;
FFT_MajorPeak = volumeSmth;
maxVol = 10; // this gets feedback fro UI
binNum = 8; // this gets feedback fro UI
volumeRaw = volumeSmth;
my_magnitude = 10000.0 / 8.0f; //no idea if 10000 is a good value for FFT_Magnitude ???
if (volumeSmth < 1 ) my_magnitude = 0.001f; // noise gate closed - mute
return um_data;
void enumerateLedmaps() {
ledMaps = 1;
for (size_t i=1; i<10; i++) {
char fileName[16];
sprintf_P(fileName, PSTR("/ledmap%d.json"), i);
bool isFile = WLED_FS.exists(fileName);
if (isFile) ledMaps |= 1 << i;