
196 wiersze
5.9 KiB
Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

* This file allows you to add own functionality to WLED more easily
* See: https://github.com/Aircoookie/WLED/wiki/Add-own-functionality
* EEPROM bytes 2750+ are reserved for your custom use case. (if you extend #define EEPSIZE in const.h)
* bytes 2400+ are currently ununsed, but might be used for future wled features
* Pin 2 of the TTGO T-Display serves as the data line for the LED string.
* Pin 35 is set up as the button pin in the platformio_overrides.ini file.
* The button can be set up via the macros section in the web interface.
* I use the button to cycle between presets.
* The Pin 35 button is the one on the RIGHT side of the USB-C port on the board,
* when the port is oriented downwards. See readme.md file for photo.
* The display is set up to turn off after 5 minutes, and turns on automatically
* when a change in the dipslayed info is detected (within a 5 second interval).
//Use userVar0 and userVar1 (API calls &U0=,&U1=, uint16_t)
#include "wled.h"
#include <TFT_eSPI.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include "WiFi.h"
#include <Wire.h>
#define TFT_DISPOFF 0x28
#ifndef TFT_SLPIN
#define TFT_SLPIN 0x10
#define TFT_MOSI 19
#define TFT_SCLK 18
#define TFT_CS 5
#define TFT_DC 16
#define TFT_RST 23
#define TFT_BL 4 // Display backlight control pin
#define ADC_EN 14 // Used for enabling battery voltage measurements - not used in this program
TFT_eSPI tft = TFT_eSPI(135, 240); // Invoke custom library
//gets called once at boot. Do all initialization that doesn't depend on network here
void userSetup() {
tft.setRotation(3); //Rotation here is set up for the text to be readable with the port on the left. Use 1 to flip.
tft.setCursor(1, 10);
if (TFT_BL > 0) { // TFT_BL has been set in the TFT_eSPI library in the User Setup file TTGO_T_Display.h
pinMode(TFT_BL, OUTPUT); // Set backlight pin to output mode
digitalWrite(TFT_BL, HIGH); // Turn backlight on.
// tft.setRotation(3);
// gets called every time WiFi is (re-)connected. Initialize own network
// interfaces here
void userConnected() {}
// needRedraw marks if redraw is required to prevent often redrawing.
bool needRedraw = true;
// Next variables hold the previous known values to determine if redraw is
// required.
String knownSsid = "";
IPAddress knownIp;
uint8_t knownBrightness = 0;
uint8_t knownMode = 0;
uint8_t knownPalette = 0;
uint8_t tftcharwidth = 19; // Number of chars that fit on screen with text size set to 2
long lastUpdate = 0;
long lastRedraw = 0;
bool displayTurnedOff = false;
// How often we are redrawing screen
void userLoop() {
// Check if we time interval for redrawing passes.
if (millis() - lastUpdate < USER_LOOP_REFRESH_RATE_MS) {
lastUpdate = millis();
// Turn off display after 5 minutes with no change.
if(!displayTurnedOff && millis() - lastRedraw > 5*60*1000) {
digitalWrite(TFT_BL, LOW); // Turn backlight off.
displayTurnedOff = true;
// Check if values which are shown on display changed from the last time.
if (((apActive) ? String(apSSID) : WiFi.SSID()) != knownSsid) {
needRedraw = true;
} else if (knownIp != (apActive ? IPAddress(4, 3, 2, 1) : WiFi.localIP())) {
needRedraw = true;
} else if (knownBrightness != bri) {
needRedraw = true;
} else if (knownMode != strip.getMainSegment().mode) {
needRedraw = true;
} else if (knownPalette != strip.getMainSegment().palette) {
needRedraw = true;
if (!needRedraw) {
needRedraw = false;
if (displayTurnedOff)
digitalWrite(TFT_BL, TFT_BACKLIGHT_ON); // Turn backlight on.
displayTurnedOff = false;
lastRedraw = millis();
// Update last known values.
#if defined(ESP8266)
knownSsid = apActive ? WiFi.softAPSSID() : WiFi.SSID();
knownSsid = WiFi.SSID();
knownIp = apActive ? IPAddress(4, 3, 2, 1) : WiFi.localIP();
knownBrightness = bri;
knownMode = strip.getMainSegment().mode;
knownPalette = strip.getMainSegment().palette;
// First row with Wifi name
tft.setCursor(1, 1);
tft.print(knownSsid.substring(0, tftcharwidth > 1 ? tftcharwidth - 1 : 0));
// Print `~` char to indicate that SSID is longer, than our dicplay
if (knownSsid.length() > tftcharwidth)
// Second row with AP IP and Password or IP
tft.setCursor(1, 24);
// Print AP IP and password in AP mode or knownIP if AP not active.
// if (apActive && bri == 0)
// tft.print(apPass);
// else
// tft.print(knownIp);
if (apActive) {
tft.print("AP IP: ");
tft.print("AP Pass:");
else {
tft.print("IP: ");
//tft.print("Signal Strength: ");
tft.print("Brightness: ");
// Third row with mode name
tft.setCursor(1, 68);
char lineBuffer[tftcharwidth+1];
extractModeName(knownMode, JSON_mode_names, lineBuffer, tftcharwidth);
// Fourth row with palette name
tft.setCursor(1, 90);
extractModeName(knownPalette, JSON_palette_names, lineBuffer, tftcharwidth);
// Fifth row with estimated mA usage
tft.setCursor(1, 112);
// Print estimated milliamp usage (must specify the LED type in LED prefs for this to be a reasonable estimate).
tft.print("mA (estimated)");