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package com.felhr.usbserial;
import com.felhr.deviceids.CH34xIds;
import com.felhr.deviceids.CP210xIds;
import com.felhr.deviceids.FTDISioIds;
import com.felhr.deviceids.PL2303Ids;
import android.hardware.usb.UsbConstants;
import android.hardware.usb.UsbDevice;
import android.hardware.usb.UsbDeviceConnection;
import android.hardware.usb.UsbEndpoint;
import android.hardware.usb.UsbInterface;
import android.hardware.usb.UsbRequest;
public abstract class UsbSerialDevice implements UsbSerialInterface
public static final String CDC = "cdc";
public static final String CH34x = "ch34x";
public static final String CP210x = "cp210x";
public static final String FTDI = "ftdi";
public static final String PL2303 = "pl2303";
protected static final String COM_PORT = "COM ";
// Android version < 4.3 It is not going to be asynchronous read operations
static final boolean mr1Version =
android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR1;
protected final UsbDevice device;
protected final UsbDeviceConnection connection;
protected static final int USB_TIMEOUT = 0;
protected SerialBuffer serialBuffer;
protected WorkerThread workerThread;
protected WriteThread writeThread;
protected ReadThread readThread;
// Endpoints for synchronous read and write operations
private UsbEndpoint inEndpoint;
private UsbEndpoint outEndpoint;
// InputStream and OutputStream (only for sync api)
protected SerialInputStream inputStream;
protected SerialOutputStream outputStream;
protected boolean asyncMode;
private String portName = "";
protected boolean isOpen;
public UsbSerialDevice(UsbDevice device, UsbDeviceConnection connection)
this.device = device;
this.connection = connection;
this.asyncMode = true;
serialBuffer = new SerialBuffer(mr1Version);
public static UsbSerialDevice createUsbSerialDevice(UsbDevice device, UsbDeviceConnection connection)
return createUsbSerialDevice(device, connection, -1);
public static UsbSerialDevice createUsbSerialDevice(UsbDevice device, UsbDeviceConnection connection, int iface)
* It checks given vid and pid and will return a custom driver or a CDC serial driver.
* When CDC is returned open() method is even more important, its response will inform about if it can be really
* opened as a serial device with a generic CDC serial driver
int vid = device.getVendorId();
int pid = device.getProductId();
if(FTDISioIds.isDeviceSupported(vid, pid))
return new FTDISerialDevice(device, connection, iface);
else if(CP210xIds.isDeviceSupported(vid, pid))
return new CP2102SerialDevice(device, connection, iface);
else if(PL2303Ids.isDeviceSupported(vid, pid))
return new PL2303SerialDevice(device, connection, iface);
else if(CH34xIds.isDeviceSupported(vid, pid))
return new CH34xSerialDevice(device, connection, iface);
else if(isCdcDevice(device))
return new CDCSerialDevice(device, connection, iface);
return null;
public static UsbSerialDevice createUsbSerialDevice(String type, UsbDevice device, UsbDeviceConnection connection, int iface){
return new FTDISerialDevice(device, connection, iface);
}else if(type.equals(CP210x)){
return new CP2102SerialDevice(device, connection, iface);
}else if(type.equals(PL2303)){
return new PL2303SerialDevice(device, connection, iface);
}else if(type.equals(CH34x)){
return new CH34xSerialDevice(device, connection, iface);
}else if(type.equals(CDC)){
return new CDCSerialDevice(device, connection, iface);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid type argument. Must be:cdc, ch34x, cp210x, ftdi or pl2303");
public static boolean isSupported(UsbDevice device)
int vid = device.getVendorId();
int pid = device.getProductId();
if(FTDISioIds.isDeviceSupported(vid, pid))
return true;
else if(CP210xIds.isDeviceSupported(vid, pid))
return true;
else if(PL2303Ids.isDeviceSupported(vid, pid))
return true;
else if(CH34xIds.isDeviceSupported(vid, pid))
return true;
else if(isCdcDevice(device))
return true;
return false;
// Common Usb Serial Operations (I/O Asynchronous)
public abstract boolean open();
public void write(byte[] buffer)
* <p>
* Use this setter <strong>before</strong> calling {@link #open()} to override the default baud rate defined in this particular class.
* </p>
* <p>
* This is a workaround for devices where calling {@link #setBaudRate(int)} has no effect once {@link #open()} has been called.
* </p>
* @param initialBaudRate baud rate to be used when initializing the serial connection
public void setInitialBaudRate(int initialBaudRate) {
// this class does not implement initialBaudRate
* Classes that do not implement {@link #setInitialBaudRate(int)} should always return -1
* @return initial baud rate used when initializing the serial connection
public int getInitialBaudRate() {
return -1;
public int read(UsbReadCallback mCallback)
return -1;
if (workerThread != null) {
workerThread.getUsbRequest().queue(serialBuffer.getReadBuffer(), SerialBuffer.DEFAULT_READ_BUFFER_SIZE);
return 0;
public abstract void close();
// Common Usb Serial Operations (I/O Synchronous)
public abstract boolean syncOpen();
public abstract void syncClose();
public int syncWrite(byte[] buffer, int timeout)
if(buffer == null)
return 0;
return connection.bulkTransfer(outEndpoint, buffer, buffer.length, timeout);
return -1;
public int syncRead(byte[] buffer, int timeout)
return -1;
if (buffer == null)
return 0;
return connection.bulkTransfer(inEndpoint, buffer, buffer.length, timeout);
// Serial port configuration
public abstract void setBaudRate(int baudRate);
public abstract void setDataBits(int dataBits);
public abstract void setStopBits(int stopBits);
public abstract void setParity(int parity);
public abstract void setFlowControl(int flowControl);
public abstract void setBreak(boolean state);
public SerialInputStream getInputStream() {
throw new IllegalStateException("InputStream only available in Sync mode. \n" +
"Open the port with syncOpen()");
return inputStream;
public SerialOutputStream getOutputStream() {
throw new IllegalStateException("OutputStream only available in Sync mode. \n" +
"Open the port with syncOpen()");
return outputStream;
public int getVid(){
return device.getVendorId();
public int getPid(){
return device.getProductId();
public int getDeviceId(){
return device.getDeviceId();
//Debug options
public void debug(boolean value)
if(serialBuffer != null)
public void setPortName(String portName) {
this.portName = portName;
public String getPortName(){
return this.portName;
public boolean isOpen(){
return isOpen;
private boolean isFTDIDevice()
return (this instanceof FTDISerialDevice);
public static boolean isCdcDevice(UsbDevice device)
int iIndex = device.getInterfaceCount();
for(int i=0;i<=iIndex-1;i++)
UsbInterface iface = device.getInterface(i);
if(iface.getInterfaceClass() == UsbConstants.USB_CLASS_CDC_DATA)
return true;
return false;
* WorkerThread waits for request notifications from IN endpoint
protected class WorkerThread extends AbstractWorkerThread
private final UsbSerialDevice usbSerialDevice;
private UsbReadCallback callback;
private UsbRequest requestIN;
public WorkerThread(UsbSerialDevice usbSerialDevice)
this.usbSerialDevice = usbSerialDevice;
public void doRun()
UsbRequest request = connection.requestWait();
if(request != null && request.getEndpoint().getType() == UsbConstants.USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_BULK
&& request.getEndpoint().getDirection() == UsbConstants.USB_DIR_IN)
byte[] data = serialBuffer.getDataReceived();
// FTDI devices reserves two first bytes of an IN endpoint with info about
// modem and Line.
((FTDISerialDevice) usbSerialDevice).ftdiUtilities.checkModemStatus(data); //Check the Modem status
if(data.length > 2)
data = FTDISerialDevice.adaptArray(data);
// Clear buffer, execute the callback
// Queue a new request
requestIN.queue(serialBuffer.getReadBuffer(), SerialBuffer.DEFAULT_READ_BUFFER_SIZE);
public void setCallback(UsbReadCallback callback)
this.callback = callback;
public void setUsbRequest(UsbRequest request)
this.requestIN = request;
public UsbRequest getUsbRequest()
return requestIN;
private void onReceivedData(byte[] data)
if(callback != null)
private class WriteThread extends AbstractWorkerThread
private UsbEndpoint outEndpoint;
public void doRun()
byte[] data = serialBuffer.getWriteBuffer();
if(data.length > 0)
connection.bulkTransfer(outEndpoint, data, data.length, USB_TIMEOUT);
public void setUsbEndpoint(UsbEndpoint outEndpoint)
this.outEndpoint = outEndpoint;
protected class ReadThread extends AbstractWorkerThread
private final UsbSerialDevice usbSerialDevice;
private UsbReadCallback callback;
private UsbEndpoint inEndpoint;
public ReadThread(UsbSerialDevice usbSerialDevice)
this.usbSerialDevice = usbSerialDevice;
public void setCallback(UsbReadCallback callback)
this.callback = callback;
public void doRun()
byte[] dataReceived = null;
int numberBytes;
if(inEndpoint != null)
numberBytes = connection.bulkTransfer(inEndpoint, serialBuffer.getBufferCompatible(),
numberBytes = 0;
if(numberBytes > 0)
dataReceived = serialBuffer.getDataReceivedCompatible(numberBytes);
// FTDI devices reserve two first bytes of an IN endpoint with info about
// modem and Line.
((FTDISerialDevice) usbSerialDevice).ftdiUtilities.checkModemStatus(dataReceived);
if(dataReceived.length > 2)
dataReceived = FTDISerialDevice.adaptArray(dataReceived);
public void setUsbEndpoint(UsbEndpoint inEndpoint)
this.inEndpoint = inEndpoint;
private void onReceivedData(byte[] data)
if(callback != null)
protected void setSyncParams(UsbEndpoint inEndpoint, UsbEndpoint outEndpoint)
this.inEndpoint = inEndpoint;
this.outEndpoint = outEndpoint;
protected void setThreadsParams(UsbRequest request, UsbEndpoint endpoint)
* Kill workingThread; This must be called when closing a device
protected void killWorkingThread()
if(mr1Version && workerThread != null)
workerThread = null;
}else if(!mr1Version && readThread != null)
readThread = null;
* Restart workingThread if it has been killed before
protected void restartWorkingThread()
if(mr1Version && workerThread == null)
workerThread = new WorkerThread(this);
while(!workerThread.isAlive()){} // Busy waiting
}else if(!mr1Version && readThread == null)
readThread = new ReadThread(this);
while(!readThread.isAlive()){} // Busy waiting
protected void killWriteThread()
if(writeThread != null)
writeThread = null;
protected void restartWriteThread()
if(writeThread == null)
writeThread = new WriteThread();
while(!writeThread.isAlive()){} // Busy waiting