#!/bin/bash #Arguments: # -v version eg 6.0.3 # -m 6.0.3 set -e while getopts v:m: OPTION; do case $OPTION in v) VERSION=$OPTARG;; m) MESSAGE=$OPTARG;; esac done # Show error message if no version was provided if [ -z ${VERSION} ]; then echo "UsbSerial: Error!! No version was provided" exit 0 fi # Show error message if no message was provided if [ -z ${MESSAGE} ]; then echo "UsbSerial: Error!! No message was provided" exit 0 fi echo "UsbSerial: Starting Release $VERSION with commit message $MESSAGE" VERSION_NAME="VERSION_NAME=$VERSION" # Updating gradle.properties with version ex -sc '1d|x' gradle.properties ex -sc "1i|$VERSION_NAME" -cx gradle.properties # Updating README file GRADLE_LINE="implementation 'com.github.felHR85:UsbSerial:${VERSION}'" LINE=$(cat README.md | grep -nr implementation\ \'com.github.felHR85:UsbSerial: | awk -F ":" '{print $2}') ex -sc "${LINE}d|x" README.md ex -sc "${LINE}i|$GRADLE_LINE" -cx README.md # Gradle clean and build ./gradlew clean build # Git stuff git commit -m $MESSAGE git tag $VERSION git push origin master git push --tags echo "UsbSerial: Release Finished!!!"