UV_K5_playground quan sheng AFSK messenger with T9 typing support spectrum analyser
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Piotr Lewandowski dbe5d084df update 2023-06-30 12:54:03 +02:00
openocd_scripts update 2023-06-30 12:54:03 +02:00
src update 2023-06-30 12:54:03 +02:00
tools update 2023-06-30 12:54:03 +02:00



flash masking and memory layout

Chinese mcu DP32G030 has feature called flash masking, here is how it works: original_memory layout


The idea is to run this firmware 'parallel' with the original Quencheng firmware. This can be achieved by relocating the original vector table to the end of the original firmware, and placing a new vector table at the beginning, with entities pointing to the par_runner functions that wrap the original firmware handlers.
Every interrupt is first processed by the par_runner handlers, which can perform tasks like responding to a button press(todo), before invoking the original firmware handler

flash memory layout

When building the "par_runner" target automaticly "bootloader" target will be build memory layout building par_runner target will result in following outputs:

  • par_runner.bin / .hex - right part of image, can be used to generate encrypted firmware compatible with orginal Quescheng update tool
  • bootloader.bin - stripped bootloader from orginal firmware
  • par_runner_with_bootloader.bin - complete firmware image

To change the original firmware that will be wrapped and placed into the original firmware section, replace ./original_fw/original_fw.bin or set the variable


Unfortunately, I managed to brick my radio again :D. Here are some notes for later: Instead of building a single target, it is necessary to build two separate targets. The first target will be the stock bootloader, located at addresses 0x0 to 0x1000. The second target will be the main firmware, which will start from address 0x0 but will be flashed at address 0x1000. Additionally, this second target can be encoded as an 'encrypted' binary to work with the original Quasheng flasher tool. done

CMakeLists.txt set(ORGINAL_FW_BIN orginal_fw.bin) in ./orginal_fw/CMakeLists.txt and rebuild par_runner

build system installation

currently tested on windows, requred:

  • arm-none-eabi-gcc
  • python (i have newest version)
  • cmake
  • ninja
  • open-ocd

All folders with executables of the above programs should be added to the PATH environment variable.

for debugging:

  • vs code
    • Cortex-Debug plugin
    • CMake plugin


via terminal

$ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake ../ -G Ninja $ ninja par_runner outputs ./build/src/par_runner/par_runner.bin / hex / elf


$ ninja par_runner_flash

via VS Code

Select the par_runner build target in the bottom bar and press build.


Enter the 'Run & Debug' tab, select 'kwaczek DBG', and press run.