# UV_K5_playground ## src/spectrum ![auto release build](https://github.com/piotr022/UV_K5_playground/actions/workflows/c-cpp.yml/badge.svg) ![rssi printer](./docs/spectrum.gif) **update** Spectrum scanner. It prints a spectrum graph. Zoom in well as resolution can be controled via keyboard. * download mod [uv_k5_01_26_spectrum_2MHz_encoded.bin](https://github.com/piotr022/UV_K5_playground/releases/latest) * to enable spectum view press **flash light button** * hold **up** or **down** key to change center frequency * press **8** / **2** for zoom in / zoom out * press **1** / **7** to increase / decrease resolution (smaller resolution == faster update rate) * press **PTT** or **EXIT** to disable spectrum view To show your appreciation and support for ongoing work, you can make a [donation](https://paypal.me/sq9p). ## src/rssi_sbar ![auto release build](https://github.com/piotr022/UV_K5_playground/actions/workflows/c-cpp.yml/badge.svg) ![rssi printer](./docs/rssi_sbar.png) sbar with calibrated S steps * download mod [uv_k5_01_26_rssi_sbar_encoded.bin](https://github.com/piotr022/UV_K5_playground/releases/latest) * flash with original quansheng update tool ## src/rssi_printer ![auto release build](https://github.com/piotr022/UV_K5_playground/actions/workflows/c-cpp.yml/badge.svg) ![rssi printer](./docs/rssi_printer.png) mod for printing rx signal level (RSSI) in numerical format, also includes small signal level chart. ### uploading to radio * download mod [uv_k5_01_26_rssi_printer_encoded.bin](https://github.com/piotr022/UV_K5_playground/releases/latest) * upload it through original firmware update tool: [Quancheng website](http://en.qsfj.com/support/downloads/3002) ## src/pong ![auto release build](https://github.com/piotr022/UV_K5_playground/actions/workflows/c-cpp.yml/badge.svg) ![rssi printer](./docs/pong_game.gif) this is useless * download mod [uv_k5_01_26_pong_game_encoded.bin](https://github.com/piotr022/UV_K5_playground/releases/latest) ## flash masking and memory layout Chinese mcu DP32G030 has feature called flash masking, here is how it works: ![original_memory layout](./docs/memory-map-original-fw.png) ## libs/k5_uv_system (par_runner) The idea is to run this firmware 'parallel' with the original Quencheng firmware. This can be achieved by relocating the original vector table to the end of the original firmware, and placing a new vector table at the beginning, with entities pointing to the par_runner functions that wrap the original firmware handlers. Every interrupt is first processed by the par_runner handlers, which can perform tasks like responding to a button press(todo), before invoking the original firmware handler #### flash memory layout When building the "par_runner" target automaticly "bootloader" target will be build ![memory layout](./docs/memory-map.png) building par_runner target will result in following outputs: * par_runner.bin / .hex - right part of image, can be used to generate encrypted firmware compatible with orginal Quescheng update tool * bootloader.bin - stripped bootloader from orginal firmware * par_runner_with_bootloader.bin - complete firmware image To change the original firmware that will be wrapped and placed into the original firmware section, replace `./original_fw/original_fw.bin` or set the variable ```CMakeLists.txt set(ORGINAL_FW_BIN orginal_fw.bin)``` in ./orginal_fw/CMakeLists.txt and rebuild par_runner ## build system installation currently tested on windows, requred: * arm-none-eabi-gcc * python (i have newest version) * cmake * ninja * open-ocd All folders with executables of the above programs should be added to the PATH environment variable. for debugging: * vs code * Cortex-Debug plugin * CMake plugin ### building ##### via terminal ```$ mkdir build``` ```$ cd build``` ```$ cmake ../ -G Ninja``` ```$ ninja par_runner``` outputs ./build/src/par_runner/par_runner.bin / hex / elf ###### uploading ```$ ninja par_runner_flash``` ##### via VS Code Select the par_runner build target in the bottom bar and press build. ###### uploading Enter the 'Run & Debug' tab, select 'kwaczek DBG', and press run. ## useful links * currently firmare that is wrapped by par_runner comes from Tunas1337 mod k5_26_encrypted_18to1300MHz.bin [UV-K5-Modded-Firmwares](https://github.com/Tunas1337/UV-K5-Modded-Firmwares) * crypting/encrypting/modding py tools [amnemonic repo](https://github.com/amnemonic/Quansheng_UV-K5_Firmware) ## Warning I'm not responsible for radios bricked by this trojan xD