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## About The **TradingView Webhook Bot** ⚙️ listens to [TradingView]( alerts via [webhooks]( using [flask]( All alerts can be instantly sent to Telegram, Discord, Twitter and/or Email. ## [Webhook Alerts]( 🔥 I am running my own Webhook Alerts Service. No setup and hosting required! Send all your alerts to Telegram, Discord, Slack & Twitter along with a **full screenshot of the chart** complete with your indicators. Find out more at []( Got a question? Let me know! --- ## Features - Telegram Support using the [Python Telegram]( libary - Discord Support using [webhooks]( - Slack Support using [webhooks]( - Twitter Support using the [tweepy]( libary - Email Support using [smtplib]( - Alert channels can be enabled or disabled in [``]( - Dynamically send alerts to different Telegram and/or Discord channels - TradingView `{{close}}`, `{{exchange}}` etc. variables support. Read more [here]( > 💡 Got a feature idea? Open an [issue]( and I might implement it. ## Installation > ⚠️ Best to run the bot on a VPS. I can recommend Hetzner's CX11 VPS for 2.89€/month. 1. Clone this repository `git clone` 1. Create your virtual environment `python3 -m venv TradingView-Webhook-Bot` 1. Activate it `source TradingView-Webhook-Bot/bin/activate && cd TradingView-Webhook-Bot` 1. Install all requirements `pip install -r requirements.txt` 1. Edit and update [``]( 1. Setup TradingView alerts. An example alert message would be: ```json { "key": "9T2q394M92", "telegram": "-1001277977502", "discord": "789842341870960670/BFeBBrCt-w2Z9RJ2wlH6TWUjM5bJuC29aJaJ5OQv9sE6zCKY_AlOxxFwRURkgEl852s3", "slack": "T00000000/B00000000/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "msg": "Long *#{{ticker}}* at `{{close}}`" } ``` - `key` is mandatory! It has to match with `sec_key` in [``]( It's an extra security measurement to ensure nobody else is executing your alerts - `telegram`, `discord`, `slack` is optional. If it is not set it will fall back to the settings - `msg` can be anything. Markdown for [Telegram]( and [Discord]( is supported as well - TradingViews variables like `{{close}}`, `{{exchange}}` etc. work too. More can be found [here]( - Your webhook url would be `http:///webhook` 1. If you use a firewall be sure to open the corresponding port 1. Run the bot with `python` 1. [PM2]( can help you in running the app in the background / on system boot. *It is recommended to run flask on a different port like 8080. It is then necessary to forward port 80 to 8080.* ## Images ![Webhook Bot]( ## How can I help? All kinds of contributions are welcome 🙌! The most basic way to show your support is to `⭐️ star` the project, or raise [`🐞 issues`]( ***

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