import { defineMigrations, RecordId, UnknownRecord } from '@tldraw/store' import { nanoid } from 'nanoid' import { TLArrowShape } from '../shapes/TLArrowShape' import { TLBaseShape } from '../shapes/TLBaseShape' import { TLBookmarkShape } from '../shapes/TLBookmarkShape' import { TLDrawShape } from '../shapes/TLDrawShape' import { TLEmbedShape } from '../shapes/TLEmbedShape' import { TLFrameShape } from '../shapes/TLFrameShape' import { TLGeoShape } from '../shapes/TLGeoShape' import { TLGroupShape } from '../shapes/TLGroupShape' import { TLHighlightShape } from '../shapes/TLHighlightShape' import { TLIconShape } from '../shapes/TLIconShape' import { TLImageShape } from '../shapes/TLImageShape' import { TLLineShape } from '../shapes/TLLineShape' import { TLNoteShape } from '../shapes/TLNoteShape' import { TLTextShape } from '../shapes/TLTextShape' import { TLVideoShape } from '../shapes/TLVideoShape' import { TLPageId } from './TLPage' /** * The default set of shapes that are available in the editor. * * @public */ export type TLDefaultShape = | TLArrowShape | TLBookmarkShape | TLDrawShape | TLEmbedShape | TLFrameShape | TLGeoShape | TLGroupShape | TLImageShape | TLLineShape | TLNoteShape | TLTextShape | TLVideoShape | TLIconShape | TLHighlightShape /** * A type for a shape that is available in the editor but whose type is * unknown—either one of the editor's default shapes or else a custom shape. * * @public */ export type TLUnknownShape = TLBaseShape /** * The set of all shapes that are available in the editor, including unknown shapes. * * @public */ export type TLShape = TLDefaultShape | TLUnknownShape /** @public */ export type TLShapePartial = T extends T ? { id: TLShapeId type: T['type'] props?: Partial } & Partial> : never /** @public */ export type TLShapeId = RecordId // evil type shit that will get deleted in the next PR type UnionToIntersection = (U extends any ? (k: U) => void : never) extends (k: infer I) => void ? I : never type Identity = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] } /** @public */ export type TLShapeProps = Identity> /** @public */ export type TLShapeProp = keyof TLShapeProps /** @public */ export type TLParentId = TLPageId | TLShapeId /** @public */ export type TLNullableShapeProps = { [K in TLShapeProp]?: TLShapeProps[K] | null } export const Versions = { AddIsLocked: 1, HoistOpacity: 2, } as const /** @internal */ export const rootShapeMigrations = defineMigrations({ currentVersion: Versions.HoistOpacity, migrators: { [Versions.AddIsLocked]: { up: (record) => { return { ...record, isLocked: false, } }, down: (record) => { const { isLocked: _, } = record return {, } }, }, [Versions.HoistOpacity]: { up: ({ props: { opacity, ...props }, ...record }) => { return { ...record, opacity: Number(opacity ?? '1'), props, } }, down: ({ opacity, ...record }) => { return { ...record, props: { ...record.props, opacity: opacity < 0.175 ? '0.1' : opacity < 0.375 ? '0.25' : opacity < 0.625 ? '0.5' : opacity < 0.875 ? '0.75' : '1', }, } }, }, }, }) /** @public */ export function isShape(record?: UnknownRecord): record is TLShape { if (!record) return false return record.typeName === 'shape' } /** @public */ export function isShapeId(id?: string): id is TLShapeId { if (!id) return false return id.startsWith('shape:') } /** @public */ export function createShapeId(id?: string): TLShapeId { return `shape:${id ?? nanoid()}` as TLShapeId }