import { PageRecordType, createShapeId } from '@tldraw/tlschema' import { structuredClone } from '@tldraw/utils' import { TestEditor } from './TestEditor' import { TL } from './jsx' let editor: TestEditor const ids = { box1: createShapeId('box1'), box2: createShapeId('box2'), box3: createShapeId('box3'), frame1: createShapeId('frame1'), group1: createShapeId('group1'), page2: PageRecordType.createId('page2'), } beforeEach(() => { editor = new TestEditor() editor.createShapes([ // on it's own { id: ids.box1, type: 'geo', x: 100, y: 100, props: { w: 100, h: 100 } }, // in a frame { id: ids.frame1, type: 'frame', x: 100, y: 100, props: { w: 100, h: 100 } }, { id: ids.box2, type: 'geo', x: 700, y: 700, props: { w: 100, h: 100 }, parentId: ids.frame1 }, { id: ids.group1, type: 'group', x: 100, y: 100, props: {} }, { id: ids.box3, type: 'geo', x: 500, y: 500, props: { w: 100, h: 100 }, parentId: ids.group1 }, ]) const page1 = editor.currentPageId editor.createPage('page 2', ids.page2) editor.setCurrentPageId(page1) }) const moveShapesToPage2 = () => { // directly maniuplate parentId like would happen in multiplayer situations editor.updateShapes([ { id: ids.box1, type: 'geo', parentId: ids.page2 }, { id: ids.box2, type: 'geo', parentId: ids.page2 }, { id: ids.group1, type: 'group', parentId: ids.page2 }, ]) } describe('shapes that are moved to another page', () => { it("should be excluded from the previous page's focusLayerId", () => { editor.setFocusLayer(ids.group1) expect(editor.focusLayerId).toBe(ids.group1) moveShapesToPage2() expect(editor.focusLayerId).toBe(editor.currentPageId) }) describe("should be excluded from the previous page's hintingIds", () => { test('[boxes]', () => { editor.setHintingIds([ids.box1, ids.box2, ids.box3]) expect(editor.hintingIds).toEqual([ids.box1, ids.box2, ids.box3]) moveShapesToPage2() expect(editor.hintingIds).toEqual([]) }) test('[frame that does not move]', () => { editor.setHintingIds([ids.frame1]) expect(editor.hintingIds).toEqual([ids.frame1]) moveShapesToPage2() expect(editor.hintingIds).toEqual([ids.frame1]) }) }) describe("should be excluded from the previous page's editingId", () => { test('[root shape]', () => { editor.setEditingId(ids.box1) expect(editor.editingId).toBe(ids.box1) moveShapesToPage2() expect(editor.editingId).toBe(null) }) test('[child of frame]', () => { editor.setEditingId(ids.box2) expect(editor.editingId).toBe(ids.box2) moveShapesToPage2() expect(editor.editingId).toBe(null) }) test('[child of group]', () => { editor.setEditingId(ids.box3) expect(editor.editingId).toBe(ids.box3) moveShapesToPage2() expect(editor.editingId).toBe(null) }) test('[frame that doesnt move]', () => { editor.setEditingId(ids.frame1) expect(editor.editingId).toBe(ids.frame1) moveShapesToPage2() expect(editor.editingId).toBe(ids.frame1) }) }) describe("should be excluded from the previous page's erasingIds", () => { test('[boxes]', () => { editor.setErasingIds([ids.box1, ids.box2, ids.box3]) expect(editor.erasingIds).toEqual([ids.box1, ids.box2, ids.box3]) moveShapesToPage2() expect(editor.erasingIds).toEqual([]) }) test('[frame that does not move]', () => { editor.setErasingIds([ids.frame1]) expect(editor.erasingIds).toEqual([ids.frame1]) moveShapesToPage2() expect(editor.erasingIds).toEqual([ids.frame1]) }) }) describe("should be excluded from the previous page's selectedIds", () => { test('[boxes]', () => { editor.setSelectedIds([ids.box1, ids.box2, ids.box3]) expect(editor.selectedIds).toEqual([ids.box1, ids.box2, ids.box3]) moveShapesToPage2() expect(editor.selectedIds).toEqual([]) }) test('[frame that does not move]', () => { editor.setSelectedIds([ids.frame1]) expect(editor.selectedIds).toEqual([ids.frame1]) moveShapesToPage2() expect(editor.selectedIds).toEqual([ids.frame1]) }) }) }) it('Begins dragging from pointer move', () => { editor.pointerDown(0, 0) editor.pointerMove(2, 2) expect(editor.inputs.isDragging).toBe(false) editor.pointerMove(10, 10) expect(editor.inputs.isDragging).toBe(true) }) it('Begins dragging from wheel', () => { editor.pointerDown(0, 0) editor.wheel(2, 2) expect(editor.inputs.isDragging).toBe(false) editor.wheel(10, 10) expect(editor.inputs.isDragging).toBe(true) }) it('Does not create an undo stack item when first clicking on an empty canvas', () => { editor = new TestEditor() editor.pointerMove(50, 50), 0) expect(editor.canUndo).toBe(false) }) describe('Editor.setProp', () => { it('Does not set non-style props on propsForNextShape', () => { const initialPropsForNextShape = structuredClone(editor.instanceState.propsForNextShape) editor.setProp('w', 100) editor.setProp('url', '') expect(editor.instanceState.propsForNextShape).toStrictEqual(initialPropsForNextShape) }) }) describe('Editor.opacity', () => { it('should return the current opacity', () => { expect(editor.opacity).toBe(1) editor.setOpacity(0.5) expect(editor.opacity).toBe(0.5) }) it('should return opacity for a single selected shape', () => { const { A } = editor.createShapesFromJsx() editor.setSelectedIds([A]) expect(editor.opacity).toBe(0.3) }) it('should return opacity for multiple selected shapes', () => { const { A, B } = editor.createShapesFromJsx([ , , ]) editor.setSelectedIds([A, B]) expect(editor.opacity).toBe(0.3) }) it('should return null when multiple selected shapes have different opacity', () => { const { A, B } = editor.createShapesFromJsx([ , , ]) editor.setSelectedIds([A, B]) expect(editor.opacity).toBe(null) }) it('ignores the opacity of groups and returns the opacity of their children', () => { const ids = editor.createShapesFromJsx([ , ]) editor.setSelectedIds([]) expect(editor.opacity).toBe(0.3) }) }) describe('Editor.setOpacity', () => { it('should set opacity for selected shapes', () => { const ids = editor.createShapesFromJsx([ , , ]) editor.setSelectedIds([ids.A, ids.B]) editor.setOpacity(0.5) expect(editor.getShapeById(ids.A)!.opacity).toBe(0.5) expect(editor.getShapeById(ids.B)!.opacity).toBe(0.5) }) it('should traverse into groups and set opacity in their children', () => { const ids = editor.createShapesFromJsx([ , , ]) editor.setSelectedIds([ids.groupA]) editor.setOpacity(0.5) // a wasn't selected... expect(editor.getShapeById(ids.boxA)!.opacity).toBe(1) // b, c, & d were within a selected group... expect(editor.getShapeById(ids.boxB)!.opacity).toBe(0.5) expect(editor.getShapeById(ids.boxC)!.opacity).toBe(0.5) expect(editor.getShapeById(ids.boxD)!.opacity).toBe(0.5) // groups get skipped expect(editor.getShapeById(ids.groupA)!.opacity).toBe(1) expect(editor.getShapeById(ids.groupB)!.opacity).toBe(1) }) it('stores opacity on opacityForNextShape', () => { editor.setOpacity(0.5) expect(editor.instanceState.opacityForNextShape).toBe(0.5) editor.setOpacity(0.6) expect(editor.instanceState.opacityForNextShape).toBe(0.6) }) }) describe('Editor.TickManager', () => { it('Does not produce NaN values when elapsed is 0', () => { // a helper that calls update pointer velocity with a given elapsed time. // usually this is called by the app's tick manager, using the elapsed time // between two animation frames, but we're calling it directly here. const tick = (ms: number) => { // @ts-expect-error editor._tickManager.updatePointerVelocity(ms) } // 1. pointer velocity should be 0 when there is no movement expect(editor.inputs.pointerVelocity.toJson()).toCloselyMatchObject({ x: 0, y: 0 }) editor.pointerMove(10, 10) // 2. moving is not enough, we also need to wait a frame before the velocity is updated expect(editor.inputs.pointerVelocity.toJson()).toCloselyMatchObject({ x: 0, y: 0 }) // 3. once time passes, the pointer velocity should be updated tick(16) expect(editor.inputs.pointerVelocity.toJson()).toCloselyMatchObject({ x: 0.3125, y: 0.3125 }) // 4. let's do it again, it should be updated again. move, tick, measure editor.pointerMove(20, 20) tick(16) expect(editor.inputs.pointerVelocity.toJson()).toCloselyMatchObject({ x: 0.46875, y: 0.46875 }) // 5. if we tick again without movement, the velocity should decay tick(16) expect(editor.inputs.pointerVelocity.toJson()).toCloselyMatchObject({ x: 0.23437, y: 0.23437 }) // 6. if updatePointerVelocity is (for whatever reason) called with an elapsed time of zero milliseconds, it should be ignored tick(0) expect(editor.inputs.pointerVelocity.toJson()).toCloselyMatchObject({ x: 0.23437, y: 0.23437 }) }) }) describe("App's default tool", () => { it('Is select for regular app', () => { editor = new TestEditor() expect(editor.currentToolId).toBe('select') }) it('Is hand for readonly mode', () => { editor = new TestEditor() editor.setReadOnly(true) expect(editor.currentToolId).toBe('hand') }) }) describe('currentToolId', () => { it('is select by default', () => { expect(editor.currentToolId).toBe('select') }) it('is set to the last used tool', () => { editor.setSelectedTool('draw') expect(editor.currentToolId).toBe('draw') editor.setSelectedTool('geo') expect(editor.currentToolId).toBe('geo') }) it('stays the selected tool during shape creation interactions that technically use the select tool', () => { expect(editor.currentToolId).toBe('select') editor.setSelectedTool('geo') editor.pointerDown(0, 0) editor.pointerMove(100, 100) expect(editor.currentToolId).toBe('geo') expect(editor.root.path.value).toBe('') }) it('reverts back to select if we finish the interaction', () => { expect(editor.currentToolId).toBe('select') editor.setSelectedTool('geo') editor.pointerDown(0, 0) editor.pointerMove(100, 100) expect(editor.currentToolId).toBe('geo') expect(editor.root.path.value).toBe('') editor.pointerUp(100, 100) expect(editor.currentToolId).toBe('select') }) it('stays on the selected tool if we cancel the interaction', () => { expect(editor.currentToolId).toBe('select') editor.setSelectedTool('geo') editor.pointerDown(0, 0) editor.pointerMove(100, 100) expect(editor.currentToolId).toBe('geo') expect(editor.root.path.value).toBe('') editor.cancel() expect(editor.currentToolId).toBe('geo') }) }) describe('isFocused', () => { it('is false by default', () => { expect(editor.isFocused).toBe(false) }) it('becomes true when you call .focus()', () => { editor.focus() expect(editor.isFocused).toBe(true) }) it('becomes false when you call .blur()', () => { editor.focus() expect(editor.isFocused).toBe(true) editor.blur() expect(editor.isFocused).toBe(false) }) it('remains false when you call .blur()', () => { expect(editor.isFocused).toBe(false) editor.blur() expect(editor.isFocused).toBe(false) }) it('becomes true when the container div receives a focus event', () => { expect(editor.isFocused).toBe(false) editor.elm.focus() expect(editor.isFocused).toBe(true) }) it('becomes false when the container div receives a blur event', () => { editor.focus() expect(editor.isFocused).toBe(true) editor.elm.blur() expect(editor.isFocused).toBe(false) }) it('becomes true when a child of the app container div receives a focusin event', () => { editor.elm.blur() const child = document.createElement('div') editor.elm.appendChild(child) expect(editor.isFocused).toBe(false) child.dispatchEvent(new FocusEvent('focusin', { bubbles: true })) expect(editor.isFocused).toBe(true) child.dispatchEvent(new FocusEvent('focusout', { bubbles: true })) expect(editor.isFocused).toBe(false) }) it('becomes false when a child of the app container div receives a focusout event', () => { const child = document.createElement('div') editor.elm.appendChild(child) editor.focus() expect(editor.isFocused).toBe(true) child.dispatchEvent(new FocusEvent('focusout', { bubbles: true })) expect(editor.isFocused).toBe(false) }) it('calls .focus() and .blur() on the container div when you call .focus() and .blur() on the editor', () => { const focusMock = jest.spyOn(editor.elm, 'focus').mockImplementation() const blurMock = jest.spyOn(editor.elm, 'blur').mockImplementation() expect(focusMock).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(blurMock).not.toHaveBeenCalled() editor.focus() expect(focusMock).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(blurMock).not.toHaveBeenCalled() editor.blur() expect(blurMock).toHaveBeenCalled() }) })