import { canolicalizeRotation, SelectionEdge, toDomPrecision } from '@tldraw/primitives' import { TLFrameShape, TLShape, TLShapeId } from '@tldraw/tlschema' import { last } from '@tldraw/utils' import { SVGContainer } from '../../../components/SVGContainer' import { defaultEmptyAs } from '../../../utils/string' import { BaseBoxShapeUtil } from '../BaseBoxShapeUtil' import { TLOnResizeEndHandler } from '../ShapeUtil' import { createTextSvgElementFromSpans } from '../shared/createTextSvgElementFromSpans' import { TLExportColors } from '../shared/TLExportColors' import { FrameHeading } from './components/FrameHeading' /** @public */ export class FrameShapeUtil extends BaseBoxShapeUtil { static override type = 'frame' override canBind = () => true override canEdit = () => true override defaultProps(): TLFrameShape['props'] { return { w: 160 * 2, h: 90 * 2, name: '' } } override render(shape: TLFrameShape) { const bounds = this.bounds(shape) return ( <> ) } override toSvg( shape: TLFrameShape, font: string, colors: TLExportColors ): SVGElement | Promise { const g = document.createElementNS('', 'g') const rect = document.createElementNS('', 'rect') rect.setAttribute('width', shape.props.w.toString()) rect.setAttribute('height', shape.props.h.toString()) rect.setAttribute('fill', colors.solid) rect.setAttribute('stroke', rect.setAttribute('stroke-width', '1') rect.setAttribute('rx', '1') rect.setAttribute('ry', '1') g.appendChild(rect) // Text label const pageRotation = canolicalizeRotation(this.editor.getPageRotationById( // rotate right 45 deg const offsetRotation = pageRotation + Math.PI / 4 const scaledRotation = (offsetRotation * (2 / Math.PI) + 4) % 4 const labelSide: SelectionEdge = (['top', 'left', 'bottom', 'right'] as const)[ Math.floor(scaledRotation) ] let labelTranslate: string switch (labelSide) { case 'top': labelTranslate = `` break case 'right': labelTranslate = `translate(${toDomPrecision(shape.props.w)}px, 0px) rotate(90deg)` break case 'bottom': labelTranslate = `translate(${toDomPrecision(shape.props.w)}px, ${toDomPrecision( shape.props.h )}px) rotate(180deg)` break case 'left': labelTranslate = `translate(0px, ${toDomPrecision(shape.props.h)}px) rotate(270deg)` break default: labelTranslate = `` } // Truncate with ellipsis const opts = { fontSize: 12, fontFamily: 'Inter, sans-serif', textAlign: 'start' as const, width: shape.props.w, height: 32, padding: 0, lineHeight: 1, fontStyle: 'normal', fontWeight: 'normal', overflow: 'truncate-ellipsis' as const, verticalTextAlign: 'middle' as const, } const spans = this.editor.textMeasure.measureTextSpans( defaultEmptyAs(, 'Frame') + String.fromCharCode(8203), opts ) const firstSpan = spans[0] const lastSpan = last(spans)! const labelTextWidth = + - const text = createTextSvgElementFromSpans(this.editor, spans, { offsetY: -opts.height - 2, ...opts, })'transform', labelTranslate) const textBg = document.createElementNS('', 'rect') textBg.setAttribute('x', '-8px') textBg.setAttribute('y', -opts.height - 4 + 'px') textBg.setAttribute('width', labelTextWidth + 16 + 'px') textBg.setAttribute('height', `${opts.height}px`) textBg.setAttribute('rx', 4 + 'px') textBg.setAttribute('ry', 4 + 'px') textBg.setAttribute('fill', colors.background) g.appendChild(textBg) g.appendChild(text) return g } indicator(shape: TLFrameShape) { const bounds = this.bounds(shape) return ( ) } override canReceiveNewChildrenOfType = (shape: TLShape, _type: TLShape['type']) => { return !shape.isLocked } override providesBackgroundForChildren(): boolean { return true } override canDropShapes = (shape: TLFrameShape, _shapes: TLShape[]): boolean => { return !shape.isLocked } override onDragShapesOver = (frame: TLFrameShape, shapes: TLShape[]): { shouldHint: boolean } => { if (!shapes.every((child) => child.parentId === { this.editor.reparentShapesById( =>, ) return { shouldHint: true } } return { shouldHint: false } } onDragShapesOut = (_shape: TLFrameShape, shapes: TLShape[]): void => { const parentId = this.editor.getShapeById(_shape.parentId) const isInGroup = parentId?.type === 'group' // If frame is in a group, keep the shape // moved out in that group if (isInGroup) { this.editor.reparentShapesById( =>, ) } else { this.editor.reparentShapesById( =>, this.editor.currentPageId ) } } override onResizeEnd: TLOnResizeEndHandler = (shape) => { const bounds = this.editor.getPageBounds(shape)! const children = this.editor.getSortedChildIds( const shapesToReparent: TLShapeId[] = [] for (const childId of children) { const childBounds = this.editor.getPageBoundsById(childId)! if (!bounds.includes(childBounds)) { shapesToReparent.push(childId) } } if (shapesToReparent.length > 0) { this.editor.reparentShapesById(shapesToReparent, this.editor.currentPageId) } } }