import { BaseRecord, IdOf, RecordId } from '../BaseRecord' import { createRecordType } from '../RecordType' import { SerializedStore, Store } from '../Store' import { StoreSchema } from '../StoreSchema' interface Book extends BaseRecord<'book', RecordId> { title: string author: IdOf numPages: number } const Book = createRecordType('book', { validator: { validate(value) { const book = value as Book if (!'book:')) throw Error() if (book.typeName !== 'book') throw Error() if (typeof book.title !== 'string') throw Error() if (!Number.isFinite(book.numPages)) throw Error() if (book.numPages < 0) throw Error() return book }, }, scope: 'document', }) interface Author extends BaseRecord<'author', RecordId> { name: string isPseudonym: boolean } const Author = createRecordType('author', { validator: { validate(value) { const author = value as Author if (author.typeName !== 'author') throw Error() if (!'author:')) throw Error() if (typeof !== 'string') throw Error() if (typeof author.isPseudonym !== 'boolean') throw Error() return author }, }, scope: 'document', }).withDefaultProperties(() => ({ isPseudonym: false, })) const schema = StoreSchema.create({ book: Book, author: Author, }) describe('Store with validation', () => { let store: Store beforeEach(() => { store = new Store({ schema, props: {} }) }) it('Accepts valid records and rejects invalid records', () => { store.put([Author.create({ name: 'J.R.R Tolkein', id: Author.createId('tolkein') })]) expect(store.query.records('author').get()).toEqual([ { id: 'author:tolkein', typeName: 'author', name: 'J.R.R Tolkein', isPseudonym: false }, ]) expect(() => { store.put([ { id: Book.createId('the-hobbit'), typeName: 'book', title: 'The Hobbit', numPages: -1, // <---- Invalid! author: Author.createId('tolkein'), }, ]) }).toThrow() expect(store.query.records('book').get()).toEqual([]) }) }) describe('Validating initial data', () => { let snapshot: SerializedStore beforeEach(() => { const authorId = Author.createId('tolkein') const authorRecord = Author.create({ name: 'J.R.R Tolkein', id: authorId }) const bookId = Book.createId('the-hobbit') const bookRecord = Book.create({ title: 'The Hobbit', numPages: 300, author: authorId, id: bookId, }) snapshot = { [authorId]: authorRecord, [bookId]: bookRecord, } }) it('Validates initial data', () => { expect(() => { new Store({ schema, initialData: snapshot, props: {} }) }).not.toThrow() expect(() => { // @ts-expect-error snapshot[0].name = 4 new Store({ schema, initialData: snapshot, props: {} }) }).toThrow() }) }) describe('Create & update validations', () => { const authorId = Author.createId('tolkein') const bookId = Book.createId('the-hobbit') const initialAuthor = Author.create({ name: 'J.R.R Tolkein', id: authorId }) const invalidBook = Book.create({ // @ts-expect-error - deliberately invalid data title: 4, numPages: 300, author: authorId, id: bookId, }) const validBook = Book.create({ title: 'The Hobbit', numPages: 300, author: authorId, id: bookId, }) it('Prevents creating a store with invalid records', () => { expect( () => new Store({ schema, initialData: { [bookId]: invalidBook, [authorId]: initialAuthor }, props: {}, }) ).toThrow() }) it('Prevents updating invalid records to a store', () => { const store = new Store({ schema, initialData: { [bookId]: validBook, [authorId]: initialAuthor }, props: {}, }) expect(() => { store.put([invalidBook]) }).toThrow() }) it('Prevents adding invalid records to a store', () => { const newAuthorId = Author.createId('shearing') const store = new Store({ schema, initialData: { [bookId]: validBook, [authorId]: initialAuthor }, props: {}, }) expect(() => { store.put([ Author.create({ // @ts-expect-error - deliberately invalid data name: 5, id: newAuthorId, }), ]) }).toThrow() expect(store.get(newAuthorId)).toBeUndefined() }) })