import { BaseRecord, createRecordType, defineMigrations, RecordId } from '@tldraw/store' import { JsonObject } from '@tldraw/utils' import { T } from '@tldraw/validate' import { BoxModel, boxModelValidator } from '../misc/geometry-types' import { idValidator } from '../misc/id-validator' import { cursorValidator, TLCursor } from '../misc/TLCursor' import { opacityValidator, TLOpacityType } from '../misc/TLOpacity' import { scribbleValidator, TLScribble } from '../misc/TLScribble' import { StyleProp } from '../styles/StyleProp' import { pageIdValidator, TLPageId } from './TLPage' /** * TLInstance * * State that is particular to a single browser tab * * @public */ export interface TLInstance extends BaseRecord<'instance', TLInstanceId> { currentPageId: TLPageId opacityForNextShape: TLOpacityType stylesForNextShape: Record // ephemeral followingUserId: string | null highlightedUserIds: string[] brush: BoxModel | null cursor: TLCursor scribbles: TLScribble[] isFocusMode: boolean isDebugMode: boolean isToolLocked: boolean exportBackground: boolean screenBounds: BoxModel zoomBrush: BoxModel | null chatMessage: string isChatting: boolean isPenMode: boolean isGridMode: boolean canMoveCamera: boolean isFocused: boolean devicePixelRatio: number isCoarsePointer: boolean /** * Will be null if the pointer doesn't support hovering (e.g. touch), but true or false * otherwise */ isHoveringCanvas: boolean | null openMenus: string[] isChangingStyle: boolean isReadonly: boolean meta: JsonObject } /** @public */ export type TLInstanceId = RecordId /** @internal */ export const instanceIdValidator = idValidator('instance') export function createInstanceRecordType(stylesById: Map>) { const stylesForNextShapeValidators = {} as Record> for (const [id, style] of stylesById) { stylesForNextShapeValidators[id] = T.optional(style) } const instanceTypeValidator: T.Validator = T.model( 'instance', T.object({ typeName: T.literal('instance'), id: idValidator('instance'), currentPageId: pageIdValidator, followingUserId: T.string.nullable(), brush: boxModelValidator.nullable(), opacityForNextShape: opacityValidator, stylesForNextShape: T.object(stylesForNextShapeValidators), cursor: cursorValidator, scribbles: T.arrayOf(scribbleValidator), isFocusMode: T.boolean, isDebugMode: T.boolean, isToolLocked: T.boolean, exportBackground: T.boolean, screenBounds: boxModelValidator, zoomBrush: boxModelValidator.nullable(), isPenMode: T.boolean, isGridMode: T.boolean, chatMessage: T.string, isChatting: T.boolean, highlightedUserIds: T.arrayOf(T.string), canMoveCamera: T.boolean, isFocused: T.boolean, devicePixelRatio: T.number, isCoarsePointer: T.boolean, isHoveringCanvas: T.boolean.nullable(), openMenus: T.arrayOf(T.string), isChangingStyle: T.boolean, isReadonly: T.boolean, meta: T.jsonValue as T.ObjectValidator, }) ) return createRecordType('instance', { migrations: instanceMigrations, validator: instanceTypeValidator, scope: 'session', }).withDefaultProperties( (): Omit => ({ followingUserId: null, opacityForNextShape: 1, stylesForNextShape: {}, brush: null, scribbles: [], cursor: { type: 'default', rotation: 0, }, isFocusMode: false, exportBackground: false, isDebugMode: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development', isToolLocked: false, screenBounds: { x: 0, y: 0, w: 1080, h: 720 }, zoomBrush: null, isGridMode: false, isPenMode: false, chatMessage: '', isChatting: false, highlightedUserIds: [], canMoveCamera: true, isFocused: false, devicePixelRatio: typeof window === 'undefined' ? 1 : window.devicePixelRatio, isCoarsePointer: false, isHoveringCanvas: null, openMenus: [] as string[], isChangingStyle: false, isReadonly: false, meta: {}, }) ) } /** @internal */ export const instanceVersions = { AddTransparentExportBgs: 1, RemoveDialog: 2, AddToolLockMode: 3, RemoveExtraPropsForNextShape: 4, AddLabelColor: 5, AddFollowingUserId: 6, RemoveAlignJustify: 7, AddZoom: 8, AddVerticalAlign: 9, AddScribbleDelay: 10, RemoveUserId: 11, AddIsPenModeAndIsGridMode: 12, HoistOpacity: 13, AddChat: 14, AddHighlightedUserIds: 15, ReplacePropsForNextShapeWithStylesForNextShape: 16, AddMeta: 17, RemoveCursorColor: 18, AddLonelyProperties: 19, ReadOnlyReadonly: 20, AddHoveringCanvas: 21, AddScribbles: 22, } as const /** @public */ export const instanceMigrations = defineMigrations({ currentVersion: instanceVersions.AddScribbles, migrators: { [instanceVersions.AddTransparentExportBgs]: { up: (instance: TLInstance) => { return { ...instance, exportBackground: true } }, down: ({ exportBackground: _, ...instance }: TLInstance) => { return instance }, }, [instanceVersions.RemoveDialog]: { up: ({ dialog: _, ...instance }: any) => { return instance }, down: (instance: TLInstance) => { return { ...instance, dialog: null } }, }, [instanceVersions.AddToolLockMode]: { up: (instance: TLInstance) => { return { ...instance, isToolLocked: false } }, down: ({ isToolLocked: _, ...instance }: TLInstance) => { return instance }, }, [instanceVersions.RemoveExtraPropsForNextShape]: { up: ({ propsForNextShape, ...instance }: any) => { return { ...instance, propsForNextShape: Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(propsForNextShape).filter(([key]) => [ 'color', 'labelColor', 'dash', 'fill', 'size', 'font', 'align', 'verticalAlign', 'icon', 'geo', 'arrowheadStart', 'arrowheadEnd', 'spline', ].includes(key) ) ), } }, down: (instance: TLInstance) => { // we can't restore these, so do nothing :/ return instance }, }, [instanceVersions.AddLabelColor]: { up: ({ propsForNextShape, ...instance }: any) => { return { ...instance, propsForNextShape: { ...propsForNextShape, labelColor: 'black', }, } }, down: (instance) => { const { labelColor: _, } = instance.propsForNextShape return { ...instance, propsForNextShape: {, }, } }, }, [instanceVersions.AddFollowingUserId]: { up: (instance: TLInstance) => { return { ...instance, followingUserId: null } }, down: ({ followingUserId: _, ...instance }: TLInstance) => { return instance }, }, [instanceVersions.RemoveAlignJustify]: { up: (instance: any) => { let newAlign = instance.propsForNextShape.align if (newAlign === 'justify') { newAlign = 'start' } return { ...instance, propsForNextShape: { ...instance.propsForNextShape, align: newAlign, }, } }, down: (instance: TLInstance) => { return { ...instance } }, }, [instanceVersions.AddZoom]: { up: (instance: TLInstance) => { return { ...instance, zoomBrush: null } }, down: ({ zoomBrush: _, ...instance }: TLInstance) => { return instance }, }, [instanceVersions.AddVerticalAlign]: { up: (instance) => { return { ...instance, propsForNextShape: { ...instance.propsForNextShape, verticalAlign: 'middle', }, } }, down: (instance) => { const { verticalAlign: _, ...propsForNextShape } = instance.propsForNextShape return { ...instance, propsForNextShape, } }, }, [instanceVersions.AddScribbleDelay]: { up: (instance) => { if (instance.scribble !== null) { return { ...instance, scribble: { ...instance.scribble, delay: 0 } } } return { ...instance } }, down: (instance) => { if (instance.scribble !== null) { const { delay: _delay, } = instance.scribble return { ...instance, scribble: rest } } return { ...instance } }, }, [instanceVersions.RemoveUserId]: { up: ({ userId: _, ...instance }: any) => { return instance }, down: (instance: TLInstance) => { return { ...instance, userId: 'user:none' } }, }, [instanceVersions.AddIsPenModeAndIsGridMode]: { up: (instance: TLInstance) => { return { ...instance, isPenMode: false, isGridMode: false } }, down: ({ isPenMode: _, isGridMode: __, ...instance }: TLInstance) => { return instance }, }, [instanceVersions.HoistOpacity]: { up: ({ propsForNextShape: { opacity, ...propsForNextShape }, ...instance }: any) => { return { ...instance, opacityForNextShape: Number(opacity ?? '1'), propsForNextShape } }, down: ({ opacityForNextShape: opacity, ...instance }: any) => { return { ...instance, propsForNextShape: { ...instance.propsForNextShape, opacity: opacity < 0.175 ? '0.1' : opacity < 0.375 ? '0.25' : opacity < 0.625 ? '0.5' : opacity < 0.875 ? '0.75' : '1', }, } }, }, [instanceVersions.AddChat]: { up: (instance: TLInstance) => { return { ...instance, chatMessage: '', isChatting: false } }, down: ({ chatMessage: _, isChatting: __, ...instance }: TLInstance) => { return instance }, }, [instanceVersions.AddHighlightedUserIds]: { up: (instance: TLInstance) => { return { ...instance, highlightedUserIds: [] } }, down: ({ highlightedUserIds: _, ...instance }: TLInstance) => { return instance }, }, [instanceVersions.ReplacePropsForNextShapeWithStylesForNextShape]: { up: ({ propsForNextShape: _, ...instance }) => { return { ...instance, stylesForNextShape: {} } }, down: ({ stylesForNextShape: _, ...instance }: TLInstance) => { return { ...instance, propsForNextShape: { color: 'black', labelColor: 'black', dash: 'draw', fill: 'none', size: 'm', icon: 'file', font: 'draw', align: 'middle', verticalAlign: 'middle', geo: 'rectangle', arrowheadStart: 'none', arrowheadEnd: 'arrow', spline: 'line', }, } }, }, [instanceVersions.AddMeta]: { up: (record) => { return { ...record, meta: {}, } }, down: ({ meta: _, ...record }) => { return { ...record, } }, }, [instanceVersions.RemoveCursorColor]: { up: (record) => { const { color: _, ...cursor } = record.cursor return { ...record, cursor, } }, down: (record) => { return { ...record, cursor: { ...record.cursor, color: 'black', }, } }, }, [instanceVersions.AddLonelyProperties]: { up: (record) => { return { ...record, canMoveCamera: true, isFocused: false, devicePixelRatio: 1, isCoarsePointer: false, openMenus: [], isChangingStyle: false, isReadOnly: false, } }, down: ({ canMoveCamera: _canMoveCamera, isFocused: _isFocused, devicePixelRatio: _devicePixelRatio, isCoarsePointer: _isCoarsePointer, openMenus: _openMenus, isChangingStyle: _isChangingStyle, isReadOnly: _isReadOnly, ...record }) => { return { ...record, } }, }, [instanceVersions.ReadOnlyReadonly]: { up: ({ isReadOnly: _isReadOnly, ...record }) => { return { ...record, isReadonly: _isReadOnly, } }, down: ({ isReadonly: _isReadonly, ...record }) => { return { ...record, isReadOnly: _isReadonly, } }, }, [instanceVersions.AddHoveringCanvas]: { up: (record) => { return { ...record, isHoveringCanvas: null, } }, down: ({ isHoveringCanvas: _, ...record }) => { return { ...record, } }, }, [instanceVersions.AddScribbles]: { up: ({ scribble: _, ...record }) => { return { ...record, scribbles: [], } }, down: ({ scribbles: _, ...record }) => { return { ...record, scribble: null } }, }, }, }) /** @public */ export const TLINSTANCE_ID = 'instance:instance' as TLInstanceId