import { getShapeUtils } from 'lib/shape-utils' import { Data, Shape } from 'types' import { getCommonBounds, getSelectedIds, getSelectedShapes } from 'utils/utils' import state from './state' class Clipboard { current: string fallback = false copy = (shapes: Shape[], onComplete?: () => void) => { this.current = JSON.stringify({ id: 'tldr', shapes }) navigator.permissions.query({ name: 'clipboard-write' }).then((result) => { if (result.state == 'granted' || result.state == 'prompt') { navigator.clipboard.writeText(this.current).then(onComplete, () => { console.warn('Error, could not copy to clipboard. Fallback?') this.fallback = true }) } else { this.fallback = true } }) } paste = () => { navigator.clipboard .readText() .then(this.sendPastedTextToState, this.sendPastedTextToState) } sendPastedTextToState(text = this.current) { if (text === undefined) return try { const clipboardData = JSON.parse(text) state.send('PASTED_SHAPES_FROM_CLIPBOARD', { shapes: clipboardData.shapes, }) } catch (e) { // The text wasn't valid JSON, or it wasn't ours, so paste it as a text object state.send('PASTED_TEXT_FROM_CLIPBOARD', { text }) } } clear = () => { this.current = undefined } copySelectionToSvg(data: Data) { const shapes = getSelectedShapes(data) const svg = document.createElementNS('', 'svg') shapes .sort((a, b) => a.childIndex - b.childIndex) .forEach((shape) => { const group = document.getElementById( + '-group') const node = document.getElementById( const groupClone = group.cloneNode() groupClone.appendChild(node.cloneNode(true)) svg.appendChild(groupClone) }) const bounds = getCommonBounds( => getShapeUtils(shape).getBounds(shape)) ) // No content if (!bounds) return const padding = 16 // Resize the element to the bounding box svg.setAttribute( 'viewBox', [ bounds.minX - padding, bounds.minY - padding, bounds.width + padding * 2, bounds.height + padding * 2, ].join(' ') ) svg.setAttribute('width', String(bounds.width)) svg.setAttribute('height', String(bounds.height)) // Take a snapshot of the element const s = new XMLSerializer() const svgString = s.serializeToString(svg) // Copy to clipboard! try { navigator.clipboard.writeText(svgString) } catch (e) { Clipboard.copyStringToClipboard(svgString) } } static copyStringToClipboard(string: string) { let textarea: HTMLTextAreaElement let result: boolean | null textarea = document.createElement('textarea') textarea.setAttribute('position', 'fixed') textarea.setAttribute('top', '0') textarea.setAttribute('readonly', 'true') textarea.setAttribute('contenteditable', 'true') = 'fixed' textarea.value = string document.body.appendChild(textarea) textarea.focus() try { const range = document.createRange() range.selectNodeContents(textarea) const sel = window.getSelection() sel.removeAllRanges() sel.addRange(range) textarea.setSelectionRange(0, textarea.value.length) result = document.execCommand('copy') } catch (err) { result = null } finally { document.body.removeChild(textarea) } if (!result) return false return true } } export default new Clipboard()