import { build } from 'esbuild' import { copyFileSync, existsSync } from 'fs' import glob from 'glob' import kleur from 'kleur' import path from 'path' import rimraf from 'rimraf' import { pathToFileURL } from 'url' import { addJsExtensions } from './lib/add-extensions' /** Prepares the package for publishing. the tarball in case it will be written to disk. */ async function buildPackage({ sourcePackageDir }: { sourcePackageDir: string }) { // this depends on `build-types` being run first, but we'll rely on turbo to // make that happen. if (!existsSync(path.join(sourcePackageDir, 'src/index.ts'))) { throw new Error(`No src/index.ts file found in '${sourcePackageDir}'!`) } rimraf.sync(path.join(sourcePackageDir, 'dist')) // then copy over the source .ts files const sourceFiles = glob .sync(path.join(sourcePackageDir, 'src/**/*.ts?(x)')) // ignore test files .filter( (file) => !(file.includes('/__tests__/') || file.includes('.test.') || file.includes('/test/')) ) // build js files to /dist await buildEsm({ sourceFiles, sourcePackageDir }) await buildCjs({ sourceFiles, sourcePackageDir }) copyFileSync( path.join(sourcePackageDir, `api/public.d.ts`), path.join(sourcePackageDir, 'dist-cjs/index.d.ts') ) copyFileSync( path.join(sourcePackageDir, `api/public.d.ts`), path.join(sourcePackageDir, 'dist-esm/index.d.mts') ) } /** This uses esbuild to build the esm version of the package */ async function buildEsm({ sourceFiles, sourcePackageDir, }: { sourceFiles: string[] sourcePackageDir: string }) { const outdir = path.join(sourcePackageDir, 'dist-esm') rimraf.sync(outdir) const res = await build({ entryPoints: sourceFiles, outdir, bundle: false, platform: 'neutral', sourcemap: true, format: 'esm', outExtension: { '.js': '.mjs' }, }) addJsExtensions(path.join(sourcePackageDir, 'dist-esm')) if (res.errors.length) { console.error('Build failed with errors:')) console.error(res.errors) throw new Error('esm build failed') } } /** This uses esbuild to build the cjs version of the package */ async function buildCjs({ sourceFiles, sourcePackageDir, }: { sourceFiles: string[] sourcePackageDir: string }) { const outdir = path.join(sourcePackageDir, 'dist-cjs') rimraf.sync(outdir) const res = await build({ entryPoints: sourceFiles, outdir, bundle: false, platform: 'neutral', sourcemap: true, format: 'cjs', }) if (res.errors.length) { console.error('Build failed with errors:')) console.error(res.errors) throw new Error('commonjs build failed') } } if (import.meta.url === pathToFileURL(process.argv[1]).href) { // module was called directly ;(async () => { await buildPackage({ sourcePackageDir: process.cwd(), }) })() }