import { exec } from './lib/exec' import { nicelog } from './lib/nicelog' import { getLatestVersion, publish, setAllVersions } from './lib/publishing' async function main() { const sha = (await exec('git', ['rev-parse', 'HEAD'])).trim().slice(0, 12) async function setCanaryVersions(bump: 'major' | 'minor' | 'patch') { const latestVersion = getLatestVersion() const nextVersion = latestVersion.prerelease.length ? // if the package is in prerelease mode, we want to release a canary for the current version rather than bumping latestVersion : latestVersion?.inc(bump) const versionString = `${nextVersion.major}.${nextVersion.minor}.${nextVersion.patch}-canary.${sha}` setAllVersions(versionString) } // module was called directly const bumpType = (await exec('npx', ['auto', 'version'])).trim() as | 'major' | 'minor' | 'patch' | '' nicelog('bumpType', bumpType) if (bumpType === '') { nicelog('nothing to do') } else if (['major', 'minor', 'patch'].includes(bumpType)) { nicelog('setting canary versions') setCanaryVersions(bumpType) publish() } else { throw new Error('Invalid bump type provided') } } main()