import { Editor, FileHelpers, TLArrowShape, TLBookmarkShape, TLEmbedShape, TLExternalContentSource, TLGeoShape, TLTextShape, VecLike, isNonNull, preventDefault, stopEventPropagation, uniq, useEditor, useValue, } from '@tldraw/editor' import { compressToBase64, decompressFromBase64 } from 'lz-string' import { useCallback, useEffect } from 'react' import { TLUiEventSource, useUiEvents } from '../context/events' import { pasteExcalidrawContent } from './clipboard/pasteExcalidrawContent' import { pasteFiles } from './clipboard/pasteFiles' import { pasteTldrawContent } from './clipboard/pasteTldrawContent' import { pasteUrl } from './clipboard/pasteUrl' /** * Strip HTML tags from a string. * @param html - The HTML to strip. * @internal */ function stripHtml(html: string) { // See const doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('') doc.documentElement.innerHTML = html.trim() return doc.body.textContent || doc.body.innerText || '' } /** @public */ export const isValidHttpURL = (url: string) => { try { const u = new URL(url) return u.protocol === 'http:' || u.protocol === 'https:' } catch (e) { return false } } /** @public */ const getValidHttpURLList = (url: string) => { const urls = url.split(/[\n\s]/) for (const url of urls) { try { const u = new URL(url) if (!(u.protocol === 'http:' || u.protocol === 'https:')) { return } } catch (e) { return } } return uniq(urls) } /** @public */ const isSvgText = (text: string) => { return /^ -1)) ) } /** * Whether a ClipboardItem is a file. * @param item - The ClipboardItem to check. * @internal */ const isFile = (item: ClipboardItem) => { return item.types.find((i) => i.match(/^image\//)) } /** * Handle text pasted into the editor. * @param editor - The editor instance. * @param data - The text to paste. * @param point - The point at which to paste the text. * @internal */ const handleText = ( editor: Editor, data: string, point?: VecLike, sources?: TLExternalContentSource[] ) => { const validUrlList = getValidHttpURLList(data) if (validUrlList) { for (const url of validUrlList) { pasteUrl(editor, url, point) } } else if (isValidHttpURL(data)) { pasteUrl(editor, data, point) } else if (isSvgText(data)) { editor.mark('paste') editor.putExternalContent({ type: 'svg-text', text: data, point, sources, }) } else { editor.mark('paste') editor.putExternalContent({ type: 'text', text: data, point, sources, }) } } /** * Something found on the clipboard, either through the event's clipboard data or the browser's clipboard API. * @internal */ type ClipboardThing = | { type: 'file' source: Promise } | { type: 'blob' source: Promise } | { type: 'url' source: Promise } | { type: 'html' source: Promise } | { type: 'text' source: Promise } | { type: string source: Promise } /** * Handle a paste using event clipboard data. This is the "original" * paste method that uses the clipboard data from the paste event. * * * @param editor - The editor * @param clipboardData - The clipboard data * @param point - The point to paste at * @internal */ const handlePasteFromEventClipboardData = async ( editor: Editor, clipboardData: DataTransfer, point?: VecLike ) => { // Do not paste while in any editing state if (editor.getEditingShapeId() !== null) return if (!clipboardData) { throw Error('No clipboard data') } const things: ClipboardThing[] = [] for (const item of Object.values(clipboardData.items)) { switch (item.kind) { case 'file': { // files are always blobs things.push({ type: 'file', source: new Promise((r) => r(item.getAsFile())) as Promise, }) break } case 'string': { // strings can be text or html if (item.type === 'text/html') { things.push({ type: 'html', source: new Promise((r) => item.getAsString(r)) as Promise, }) } else if (item.type === 'text/plain') { things.push({ type: 'text', source: new Promise((r) => item.getAsString(r)) as Promise, }) } else { things.push({ type: item.type, source: new Promise((r) => item.getAsString(r)) }) } break } } } handleClipboardThings(editor, things, point) } /** * Handle a paste using items retrieved from the Clipboard API. * * * @param editor - The editor * @param clipboardItems - The clipboard items to handle * @param point - The point to paste at * @internal */ const handlePasteFromClipboardApi = async ( editor: Editor, clipboardItems: ClipboardItem[], point?: VecLike ) => { // We need to populate the array of clipboard things // based on the ClipboardItems from the Clipboard API. // This is done in a different way than when using // the clipboard data from the paste event. const things: ClipboardThing[] = [] for (const item of clipboardItems) { if (isFile(item)) { for (const type of item.types) { if (type.match(/^image\//)) { things.push({ type: 'blob', source: item.getType(type) }) } } } if (item.types.includes('text/html')) { things.push({ type: 'html', source: (async () => { const blob = await item.getType('text/html') return await FileHelpers.blobToText(blob) })(), }) } if (item.types.includes('text/uri-list')) { things.push({ type: 'url', source: (async () => { const blob = await item.getType('text/uri-list') return await FileHelpers.blobToText(blob) })(), }) } if (item.types.includes('text/plain')) { things.push({ type: 'text', source: (async () => { const blob = await item.getType('text/plain') return await FileHelpers.blobToText(blob) })(), }) } } return await handleClipboardThings(editor, things, point) } async function handleClipboardThings(editor: Editor, things: ClipboardThing[], point?: VecLike) { // 1. Handle files // // We need to handle files separately because if we want them to // be placed next to each other, we need to create them all at once. const files = things.filter( (t) => (t.type === 'file' || t.type === 'blob') && t.source !== null ) as Extract[] // Just paste the files, nothing else if (files.length) { const fileBlobs = await Promise.all( => t.source!)) const urls = (fileBlobs.filter(Boolean) as (File | Blob)[]).map((blob) => URL.createObjectURL(blob) ) return await pasteFiles(editor, urls, point) } // 2. Generate clipboard results for non-file things // // Getting the source from the items is async, however they must be accessed syncronously; // we can't await them in a loop. So we'll map them to promises and await them all at once, // then make decisions based on what we find. const results = await Promise.all( things .filter((t) => t.type !== 'file') .map( (t) => new Promise((r) => { const thing = t as Exclude if (thing.type === 'file') { r({ type: 'error', data: null, reason: 'unexpected file' }) return } thing.source.then((text) => { // first, see if we can find tldraw content, which is JSON inside of an html comment const tldrawHtmlComment = text.match(/]*>(.*)<\/tldraw>/)?.[1] if (tldrawHtmlComment) { try { // If we've found tldraw content in the html string, use that as JSON const jsonComment = decompressFromBase64(tldrawHtmlComment) if (jsonComment === null) { r({ type: 'error', data: jsonComment, reason: `found tldraw data comment but could not parse base64`, }) return } else { const json = JSON.parse(jsonComment) if (json.type !== 'application/tldraw') { r({ type: 'error', data: json, reason: `found tldraw data comment but JSON was of a different type: ${json.type}`, }) } if (typeof === 'string') { r({ type: 'error', data: json, reason: 'found tldraw json but data was a string instead of a TLClipboardModel object', }) return } r({ type: 'tldraw', data: }) return } } catch (e: any) { r({ type: 'error', data: tldrawHtmlComment, reason: 'found tldraw json but data was a string instead of a TLClipboardModel object', }) return } } else { if (thing.type === 'html') { r({ type: 'text', data: text, subtype: 'html' }) return } if (thing.type === 'url') { r({ type: 'text', data: text, subtype: 'url' }) return } // if we have not found a tldraw comment, Otherwise, try to parse the text as JSON directly. try { const json = JSON.parse(text) if (json.type === 'excalidraw/clipboard') { // If the clipboard contains content copied from excalidraw, then paste that r({ type: 'excalidraw', data: json }) return } else { r({ type: 'text', data: text, subtype: 'json' }) return } } catch (e) { // If we could not parse the text as JSON, then it's just text r({ type: 'text', data: text, subtype: 'text' }) return } } r({ type: 'error', data: text, reason: 'unhandled case' }) }) }) ) ) // 3. // // Now that we know what kind of stuff we're dealing with, we can actual create some content. // There are priorities here, so order matters: we've already handled images and files, which // take first priority; then we want to handle tldraw content, then excalidraw content, then // html content, then links, and finally text content. // Try to paste tldraw content for (const result of results) { if (result.type === 'tldraw') { pasteTldrawContent(editor,, point) return } } // Try to paste excalidraw content for (const result of results) { if (result.type === 'excalidraw') { pasteExcalidrawContent(editor,, point) return } } // Try to paste html content for (const result of results) { if (result.type === 'text' && result.subtype === 'html') { // try to find a link const rootNode = new DOMParser().parseFromString(, 'text/html') const bodyNode = rootNode.querySelector('body') // Edge on Windows 11 home appears to paste a link as a single in // the HTML document. If we're pasting a single like tag we'll just // assume the user meant to paste the URL. const isHtmlSingleLink = bodyNode && Array.from(bodyNode.children).filter((el) => el.nodeType === 1).length === 1 && bodyNode.firstElementChild && bodyNode.firstElementChild.tagName === 'A' && bodyNode.firstElementChild.hasAttribute('href') && bodyNode.firstElementChild.getAttribute('href') !== '' if (isHtmlSingleLink) { const href = bodyNode.firstElementChild.getAttribute('href')! handleText(editor, href, point, results) return } // If the html is NOT a link, and we have NO OTHER texty content, then paste the html as text if (!results.some((r) => r.type === 'text' && r.subtype !== 'html') && { handleText(editor, stripHtml(, point, results) return } } } // Try to paste a link for (const result of results) { if (result.type === 'text' && result.subtype === 'url') { pasteUrl(editor,, point, results) return } } // Finally, if we haven't bailed on anything yet, we can paste text content for (const result of results) { if (result.type === 'text' && result.subtype === 'text' && { // The clipboard may include multiple text items, but we only want to paste the first one handleText(editor,, point, results) return } } } /** * When the user copies, write the contents to local storage and to the clipboard * * @param editor - The editor instance. * @public */ const handleNativeOrMenuCopy = (editor: Editor) => { const content = editor.getContentFromCurrentPage(editor.getSelectedShapeIds()) if (!content) { if (navigator && navigator.clipboard) { navigator.clipboard.writeText('') } return } const stringifiedClipboard = compressToBase64( JSON.stringify({ type: 'application/tldraw', kind: 'content', data: content, }) ) if (typeof navigator === 'undefined') { return } else { // Extract the text from the clipboard const textItems = content.shapes .map((shape) => { if ( editor.isShapeOfType(shape, 'text') || editor.isShapeOfType(shape, 'geo') || editor.isShapeOfType(shape, 'arrow') ) { return shape.props.text } if ( editor.isShapeOfType(shape, 'bookmark') || editor.isShapeOfType(shape, 'embed') ) { return shape.props.url } return null }) .filter(isNonNull) if (navigator.clipboard?.write) { const htmlBlob = new Blob([`${stringifiedClipboard}`], { type: 'text/html', }) let textContent = textItems.join(' ') // This is a bug in chrome android where it won't paste content if // the text/plain content is "" so we need to always add an empty // space 🤬 if (textContent === '') { textContent = ' ' } navigator.clipboard.write([ new ClipboardItem({ 'text/html': htmlBlob, // What is this second blob used for? 'text/plain': new Blob([textContent], { type: 'text/plain' }), }), ]) } else if (navigator.clipboard.writeText) { navigator.clipboard.writeText(`${stringifiedClipboard}`) } } } /** @public */ export function useMenuClipboardEvents() { const editor = useEditor() const trackEvent = useUiEvents() const copy = useCallback( function onCopy(source: TLUiEventSource) { if (editor.getSelectedShapeIds().length === 0) return handleNativeOrMenuCopy(editor) trackEvent('copy', { source }) }, [editor, trackEvent] ) const cut = useCallback( function onCut(source: TLUiEventSource) { if (editor.getSelectedShapeIds().length === 0) return handleNativeOrMenuCopy(editor) editor.deleteShapes(editor.getSelectedShapeIds()) trackEvent('cut', { source }) }, [editor, trackEvent] ) const paste = useCallback( async function onPaste( data: DataTransfer | ClipboardItem[], source: TLUiEventSource, point?: VecLike ) { // If we're editing a shape, or we are focusing an editable input, then // we would want the user's paste interaction to go to that element or // input instead; e.g. when pasting text into a text shape's content if (editor.getEditingShapeId() !== null || disallowClipboardEvents(editor)) return if (Array.isArray(data) && data[0] instanceof ClipboardItem) { handlePasteFromClipboardApi(editor, data, point) trackEvent('paste', { source: 'menu' }) } else { // Read it first and then recurse, kind of weird => { paste(clipboardItems, source, point) }) } }, [editor, trackEvent] ) return { copy, cut, paste, } } /** @public */ export function useNativeClipboardEvents() { const editor = useEditor() const trackEvent = useUiEvents() const appIsFocused = useValue('editor.isFocused', () => editor.getInstanceState().isFocused, [ editor, ]) useEffect(() => { if (!appIsFocused) return const copy = (e: ClipboardEvent) => { if ( editor.getSelectedShapeIds().length === 0 || editor.getEditingShapeId() !== null || disallowClipboardEvents(editor) ) { return } preventDefault(e) handleNativeOrMenuCopy(editor) trackEvent('copy', { source: 'kbd' }) } function cut(e: ClipboardEvent) { if ( editor.getSelectedShapeIds().length === 0 || editor.getEditingShapeId() !== null || disallowClipboardEvents(editor) ) { return } preventDefault(e) handleNativeOrMenuCopy(editor) editor.deleteShapes(editor.getSelectedShapeIds()) trackEvent('cut', { source: 'kbd' }) } let disablingMiddleClickPaste = false const pointerUpHandler = (e: PointerEvent) => { if (e.button === 1) { disablingMiddleClickPaste = true requestAnimationFrame(() => { disablingMiddleClickPaste = false }) } } const paste = (e: ClipboardEvent) => { if (disablingMiddleClickPaste) { stopEventPropagation(e) return } // If we're editing a shape, or we are focusing an editable input, then // we would want the user's paste interaction to go to that element or // input instead; e.g. when pasting text into a text shape's content if (editor.getEditingShapeId() !== null || disallowClipboardEvents(editor)) return // First try to use the clipboard data on the event if (e.clipboardData && !editor.inputs.shiftKey) { handlePasteFromEventClipboardData(editor, e.clipboardData) } else { // Or else use the clipboard API => { if (Array.isArray(clipboardItems) && clipboardItems[0] instanceof ClipboardItem) { handlePasteFromClipboardApi(editor, clipboardItems, editor.inputs.currentPagePoint) } }) } preventDefault(e) trackEvent('paste', { source: 'kbd' }) } document.addEventListener('copy', copy) document.addEventListener('cut', cut) document.addEventListener('paste', paste) document.addEventListener('pointerup', pointerUpHandler) return () => { document.removeEventListener('copy', copy) document.removeEventListener('cut', cut) document.removeEventListener('paste', paste) document.removeEventListener('pointerup', pointerUpHandler) } }, [editor, trackEvent, appIsFocused]) }