import { DRAG_DISTANCE, Mat, StateNode, TLDefaultSizeStyle, TLDrawShape, TLDrawShapeSegment, TLEventHandlers, TLHighlightShape, TLPointerEventInfo, TLShapePartial, Vec, VecModel, createShapeId, last, snapAngle, structuredClone, toFixed, uniqueId, } from '@tldraw/editor' import { STROKE_SIZES } from '../../shared/default-shape-constants' type DrawableShape = TLDrawShape | TLHighlightShape export class Drawing extends StateNode { static override id = 'drawing' info = {} as TLPointerEventInfo initialShape?: DrawableShape override shapeType = === 'highlight' ? ('highlight' as const) : ('draw' as const) util = this.editor.getShapeUtil(this.shapeType) isPen = false segmentMode = 'free' as 'free' | 'straight' | 'starting_straight' | 'starting_free' didJustShiftClickToExtendPreviousShapeLine = false pagePointWhereCurrentSegmentChanged = {} as Vec pagePointWhereNextSegmentChanged = null as Vec | null lastRecordedPoint = {} as Vec mergeNextPoint = false currentLineLength = 0 canDraw = false markId = null as null | string override onEnter = (info: TLPointerEventInfo) => { this.markId = null = info this.canDraw = !this.editor.getIsMenuOpen() this.lastRecordedPoint = this.editor.inputs.currentPagePoint.clone() if (this.canDraw) { this.startShape() } } override onPointerMove: TLEventHandlers['onPointerMove'] = () => { const { inputs } = this.editor if (this.isPen !== inputs.isPen) { // The user made a palm gesture before starting a pen gesture; // ideally we'd start the new shape here but we could also just bail // as the next interaction will work correctly if (this.markId) { this.editor.bailToMark(this.markId) this.startShape() return } } else { // If we came in from a menu but have no started dragging... if (!this.canDraw && inputs.isDragging) { this.startShape() this.canDraw = true // bad name } } if (this.canDraw) { if (inputs.isPen) { // Don't update the shape if we haven't moved far enough from the last time we recorded a point if ( Vec.Dist(inputs.currentPagePoint, this.lastRecordedPoint) >= 1 / this.editor.getZoomLevel() ) { this.lastRecordedPoint = inputs.currentPagePoint.clone() this.mergeNextPoint = false } else { this.mergeNextPoint = true } } else { this.mergeNextPoint = false } this.updateDrawingShape() } } override onKeyDown: TLEventHandlers['onKeyDown'] = (info) => { if (info.key === 'Shift') { switch (this.segmentMode) { case 'free': { // We've just entered straight mode, go to straight mode this.segmentMode = 'starting_straight' this.pagePointWhereNextSegmentChanged = this.editor.inputs.currentPagePoint.clone() break } case 'starting_free': { this.segmentMode = 'starting_straight' } } } this.updateDrawingShape() } override onKeyUp: TLEventHandlers['onKeyUp'] = (info) => { if (info.key === 'Shift') { this.editor.snaps.clearIndicators() switch (this.segmentMode) { case 'straight': { // We've just exited straight mode, go back to free mode this.segmentMode = 'starting_free' this.pagePointWhereNextSegmentChanged = this.editor.inputs.currentPagePoint.clone() break } case 'starting_straight': { this.pagePointWhereNextSegmentChanged = null this.segmentMode = 'free' break } } } this.updateDrawingShape() } override onExit? = () => { this.editor.snaps.clearIndicators() this.pagePointWhereCurrentSegmentChanged = this.editor.inputs.currentPagePoint.clone() } canClose() { return this.shapeType !== 'highlight' } getIsClosed(segments: TLDrawShapeSegment[], size: TLDefaultSizeStyle) { if (!this.canClose()) return false const strokeWidth = STROKE_SIZES[size] const firstPoint = segments[0].points[0] const lastSegment = segments[segments.length - 1] const lastPoint = lastSegment.points[lastSegment.points.length - 1] return ( firstPoint !== lastPoint && this.currentLineLength > strokeWidth * 4 && Vec.DistMin(firstPoint, lastPoint, strokeWidth * 2) ) } private startShape() { const { inputs: { originPagePoint, isPen }, } = this.editor this.markId = 'draw start ' + uniqueId() this.editor.mark(this.markId) this.isPen = isPen const pressure = this.isPen ?! * 1.25 : 0.5 this.segmentMode = this.editor.inputs.shiftKey ? 'straight' : 'free' this.didJustShiftClickToExtendPreviousShapeLine = false this.lastRecordedPoint = originPagePoint.clone() if (this.initialShape) { const shape = this.editor.getShape( if (shape && this.segmentMode === 'straight') { // Connect dots this.didJustShiftClickToExtendPreviousShapeLine = true const prevSegment = last(shape.props.segments) if (!prevSegment) throw Error('Expected a previous segment!') const prevPoint = last(prevSegment.points) if (!prevPoint) throw Error('Expected a previous point!') const { x, y } = this.editor.getPointInShapeSpace(shape, originPagePoint).toFixed() const pressure = this.isPen ?! * 1.25 : 0.5 const newSegment: TLDrawShapeSegment = { type: this.segmentMode, points: [ { x: prevPoint.x, y: prevPoint.y, z: +pressure.toFixed(2), }, { x, y, z: +pressure.toFixed(2), }, ], } // Convert prevPoint to page space const prevPointPageSpace = Mat.applyToPoint( this.editor.getShapePageTransform(!, prevPoint ) this.pagePointWhereCurrentSegmentChanged = prevPointPageSpace this.pagePointWhereNextSegmentChanged = null const segments = [...shape.props.segments, newSegment] if (this.currentLineLength < STROKE_SIZES[shape.props.size] * 4) { this.currentLineLength = this.getLineLength(segments) } const shapePartial: TLShapePartial = { id:, type: this.shapeType, props: { segments, }, } if (this.canClose()) { ;(shapePartial as TLShapePartial).props!.isClosed = this.getIsClosed( segments, shape.props.size ) } this.editor.updateShapes([shapePartial]) return } } // Create a new shape this.pagePointWhereCurrentSegmentChanged = originPagePoint.clone() const id = createShapeId() this.editor.createShapes([ { id, type: this.shapeType, x: originPagePoint.x, y: originPagePoint.y, props: { isPen: this.isPen, segments: [ { type: this.segmentMode, points: [ { x: 0, y: 0, z: +pressure.toFixed(2), }, ], }, ], }, }, ]) this.currentLineLength = 0 this.initialShape = this.editor.getShape(id) } private updateDrawingShape() { const { initialShape } = this const { inputs } = this.editor if (!initialShape) return const { id, props: { size }, } = initialShape const shape = this.editor.getShape(id)! if (!shape) return const { segments } = shape.props const { x, y, z } = this.editor.getPointInShapeSpace(shape, inputs.currentPagePoint).toFixed() const newPoint = { x, y, z: this.isPen ? +(z! * 1.25).toFixed(2) : 0.5 } switch (this.segmentMode) { case 'starting_straight': { const { pagePointWhereNextSegmentChanged } = this if (pagePointWhereNextSegmentChanged === null) { throw Error('We should have a point where the segment changed') } const hasMovedFarEnough = Vec.Dist2(pagePointWhereNextSegmentChanged, inputs.currentPagePoint) > DRAG_DISTANCE // Find the distance from where the pointer was when shift was released and // where it is now; if it's far enough away, then update the page point where // the current segment changed (to match the pagepoint where next segment changed) // and set the pagepoint where next segment changed to null. if (hasMovedFarEnough) { this.pagePointWhereCurrentSegmentChanged = this.pagePointWhereNextSegmentChanged!.clone() this.pagePointWhereNextSegmentChanged = null // Set the new mode this.segmentMode = 'straight' const prevSegment = last(segments) if (!prevSegment) throw Error('Expected a previous segment!') const prevLastPoint = last(prevSegment.points) if (!prevLastPoint) throw Error('Expected a previous last point!') let newSegment: TLDrawShapeSegment const newLastPoint = this.editor .getPointInShapeSpace(shape, this.pagePointWhereCurrentSegmentChanged) .toFixed() .toJson() if (prevSegment.type === 'straight') { this.currentLineLength += Vec.Dist(prevLastPoint, newLastPoint) newSegment = { type: 'straight', points: [{ ...prevLastPoint }, newLastPoint], } const transform = this.editor.getShapePageTransform(shape)! this.pagePointWhereCurrentSegmentChanged = Mat.applyToPoint(transform, prevLastPoint) } else { newSegment = { type: 'straight', points: [newLastPoint, newPoint], } } const shapePartial: TLShapePartial = { id, type: this.shapeType, props: { segments: [...segments, newSegment], }, } if (this.canClose()) { ;(shapePartial as TLShapePartial).props!.isClosed = this.getIsClosed( segments, size ) } this.editor.updateShapes([shapePartial], { squashing: true, }) } break } case 'starting_free': { const { pagePointWhereNextSegmentChanged } = this if (pagePointWhereNextSegmentChanged === null) { throw Error('We should have a point where the segment changed') } const hasMovedFarEnough = Vec.Dist2(pagePointWhereNextSegmentChanged, inputs.currentPagePoint) > DRAG_DISTANCE // Find the distance from where the pointer was when shift was released and // where it is now; if it's far enough away, then update the page point where // the current segment changed (to match the pagepoint where next segment changed) // and set the pagepoint where next segment changed to null. if (hasMovedFarEnough) { this.pagePointWhereCurrentSegmentChanged = this.pagePointWhereNextSegmentChanged!.clone() this.pagePointWhereNextSegmentChanged = null // Set the new mode this.segmentMode = 'free' const newSegments = segments.slice() const prevStraightSegment = newSegments[newSegments.length - 1] const prevPoint = last(prevStraightSegment.points) if (!prevPoint) { throw Error('No previous point!') } // Create the new free segment and interpolate the points between where the last line // ended and where the pointer is now const newFreeSegment: TLDrawShapeSegment = { type: 'free', points: [...Vec.PointsBetween(prevPoint, newPoint, 6).map((p) => p.toFixed().toJson())], } const finalSegments = [...newSegments, newFreeSegment] if (this.currentLineLength < STROKE_SIZES[shape.props.size] * 4) { this.currentLineLength = this.getLineLength(finalSegments) } const shapePartial: TLShapePartial = { id, type: this.shapeType, props: { segments: finalSegments, }, } if (this.canClose()) { ;(shapePartial as TLShapePartial).props!.isClosed = this.getIsClosed( finalSegments, size ) } this.editor.updateShapes([shapePartial], { squashing: true }) } break } case 'straight': { const newSegments = segments.slice() const newSegment = newSegments[newSegments.length - 1] const { pagePointWhereCurrentSegmentChanged } = this const { ctrlKey, currentPagePoint } = this.editor.inputs if (!pagePointWhereCurrentSegmentChanged) throw Error('We should have a point where the segment changed') let pagePoint: VecModel let shouldSnapToAngle = false if (this.didJustShiftClickToExtendPreviousShapeLine) { if (this.editor.inputs.isDragging) { // If we've just shift clicked to extend a line, only snap once we've started dragging shouldSnapToAngle = !ctrlKey this.didJustShiftClickToExtendPreviousShapeLine = false } else { // noop } } else { // If we're not shift clicking to extend a line, but we're holding shift, then we should snap shouldSnapToAngle = !ctrlKey // don't snap angle while snapping line } let newPoint = this.editor.getPointInShapeSpace(shape, currentPagePoint).toFixed().toJson() let didSnap = false let snapSegment: TLDrawShapeSegment | undefined = undefined const shouldSnap = this.editor.user.getIsSnapMode() ? !ctrlKey : ctrlKey if (shouldSnap) { if (newSegments.length > 2) { let nearestPoint: VecModel | undefined = undefined let minDistance = 8 / this.editor.getZoomLevel() // Don't try to snap to the last two segments for (let i = 0, n = segments.length - 2; i < n; i++) { const segment = segments[i] if (!segment) break if (segment.type === 'free') continue const first = segment.points[0] const lastPoint = last(segment.points) if (!(first && lastPoint)) continue // Snap to the nearest point on the segment, if it's closer than the previous snapped point const nearestPointOnSegment = Vec.NearestPointOnLineSegment( first, lastPoint, newPoint ) if (Vec.DistMin(nearestPointOnSegment, newPoint, minDistance)) { nearestPoint = nearestPointOnSegment.toFixed().toJson() minDistance = Vec.Dist(nearestPointOnSegment, newPoint) snapSegment = segment break } } if (nearestPoint) { didSnap = true newPoint = nearestPoint } } } if (didSnap && snapSegment) { const transform = this.editor.getShapePageTransform(shape)! const first = snapSegment.points[0] const lastPoint = last(snapSegment.points) if (!lastPoint) throw Error('Expected a last point!') const A = Mat.applyToPoint(transform, first) const B = Mat.applyToPoint(transform, lastPoint) const snappedPoint = Mat.applyToPoint(transform, newPoint) this.editor.snaps.setIndicators([ { id: uniqueId(), type: 'points', points: [A, snappedPoint, B], }, ]) } else { this.editor.snaps.clearIndicators() if (shouldSnapToAngle) { // Snap line angle to nearest 15 degrees const currentAngle = Vec.Angle(pagePointWhereCurrentSegmentChanged, currentPagePoint) const snappedAngle = snapAngle(currentAngle, 24) const angleDiff = snappedAngle - currentAngle pagePoint = Vec.RotWith( currentPagePoint, pagePointWhereCurrentSegmentChanged, angleDiff ) } else { pagePoint = currentPagePoint } newPoint = this.editor.getPointInShapeSpace(shape, pagePoint).toFixed().toJson() } // If the previous segment is a one point free shape and is the first segment of the line, // then the user just did a click-and-immediately-press-shift to create a new straight line // without continuing the previous line. In this case, we want to remove the previous segment. this.currentLineLength += Vec.Dist(newSegment.points[0], newPoint) newSegments[newSegments.length - 1] = { ...newSegment, type: 'straight', points: [newSegment.points[0], newPoint], } const shapePartial: TLShapePartial = { id, type: this.shapeType, props: { segments: newSegments, }, } if (this.canClose()) { ;(shapePartial as TLShapePartial).props!.isClosed = this.getIsClosed( segments, size ) } this.editor.updateShapes([shapePartial], { squashing: true }) break } case 'free': { const newSegments = segments.slice() const newSegment = newSegments[newSegments.length - 1] const newPoints = [...newSegment.points] if (newPoints.length && this.mergeNextPoint) { const { z } = newPoints[newPoints.length - 1] newPoints[newPoints.length - 1] = { x: newPoint.x, y: newPoint.y, z: z ? Math.max(z, newPoint.z) : newPoint.z, } // Note: we could recompute the line length here, but it's not really necessary // this.currentLineLength = this.getLineLength(newSegments) } else { this.currentLineLength += Vec.Dist(newPoints[newPoints.length - 1], newPoint) newPoints.push(newPoint) } newSegments[newSegments.length - 1] = { ...newSegment, points: newPoints, } if (this.currentLineLength < STROKE_SIZES[shape.props.size] * 4) { this.currentLineLength = this.getLineLength(newSegments) } const shapePartial: TLShapePartial = { id, type: this.shapeType, props: { segments: newSegments, }, } if (this.canClose()) { ;(shapePartial as TLShapePartial).props!.isClosed = this.getIsClosed( newSegments, size ) } this.editor.updateShapes([shapePartial], { squashing: true }) // Set a maximum length for the lines array; after 200 points, complete the line. if (newPoints.length > 500) { this.editor.updateShapes([{ id, type: this.shapeType, props: { isComplete: true } }]) const newShapeId = createShapeId() this.editor.createShapes([ { id: newShapeId, type: this.shapeType, x: toFixed(inputs.currentPagePoint.x), y: toFixed(inputs.currentPagePoint.y), props: { isPen: this.isPen, segments: [ { type: 'free', points: [{ x: 0, y: 0, z: this.isPen ? +(z! * 1.25).toFixed() : 0.5 }], }, ], }, }, ]) this.initialShape = structuredClone(this.editor.getShape(newShapeId)!) this.mergeNextPoint = false this.lastRecordedPoint = inputs.currentPagePoint.clone() this.currentLineLength = 0 } break } } } private getLineLength(segments: TLDrawShapeSegment[]) { let length = 0 for (const segment of segments) { for (let i = 0; i < segment.points.length - 1; i++) { const A = segment.points[i] const B = segment.points[i + 1] length += Vec.Dist2(B, A) } } return Math.sqrt(length) } override onPointerUp: TLEventHandlers['onPointerUp'] = () => { this.complete() } override onCancel: TLEventHandlers['onCancel'] = () => { this.cancel() } override onComplete: TLEventHandlers['onComplete'] = () => { this.complete() } override onInterrupt: TLEventHandlers['onInterrupt'] = () => { if (this.editor.inputs.isDragging) { return } if (this.markId) { this.editor.bailToMark(this.markId) } this.cancel() } complete() { // If we weren't focused when the drawing shape started, and if // we haven't dragged far enough to start dragging, then don't do // anything here. Most likely we clicked back into the canvas from // a menu or other UI element. if (!this.canDraw) { this.cancel() return } const { initialShape } = this if (!initialShape) return this.editor.updateShapes([ { id:, type: initialShape.type, props: { isComplete: true } }, ]) this.parent.transition('idle') } cancel() { this.parent.transition('idle', } }