import { existsSync, mkdirSync, readdirSync, readFileSync, rmSync } from 'fs' import { join } from 'path' import { optimize } from 'svgo' import { BUBLIC_ROOT, readJsonIfExists, writeCodeFile, writeFile, writeJsonFile, writeStringFile, } from './lib/file' import { nicelog } from './lib/nicelog' // We'll need to copy the assets into these folders const PUBLIC_FOLDER_PATHS = [join(BUBLIC_ROOT, 'packages', 'assets')] const FONT_MAPPING: Record = { 'IBMPlexMono-Medium': 'monospace', 'IBMPlexSerif-Medium': 'serif', 'IBMPlexSans-Medium': 'sansSerif', 'Shantell_Sans-Tldrawish': 'draw', } const ASSETS_FOLDER_PATH = join(BUBLIC_ROOT, 'assets') const collectedAssetUrls: { fonts: Record icons: Record translations: Record embedIcons: Record } = { fonts: {}, icons: {}, translations: {}, embedIcons: {}, } // 1. ICONS async function copyIcons() { // Get a list of all icons const icons = readdirSync(join(ASSETS_FOLDER_PATH, 'icons', 'icon')).filter((icon) => icon.endsWith('.svg') ) // Write list of names into icon-names.json (just the name, not extension) const iconNames = => name.replace('.svg', '')) const sourceFolderPath = join(ASSETS_FOLDER_PATH, 'icons', 'icon') // Create the optimized SVGs const optimizedSvgs = => { const iconPath = join(sourceFolderPath, icon) const content = readFileSync(iconPath, 'utf8') const svg = optimize(content, { path: iconPath }) return { fileName: icon, data: } }) // Optimize all of the svg icons and write them into the new folders for (const folderPath of PUBLIC_FOLDER_PATHS) { const publicIconsRootFolderPath = join(folderPath, 'icons') const pulicIconsFolderPath = join(publicIconsRootFolderPath, 'icon') if (existsSync(publicIconsRootFolderPath)) { rmSync(publicIconsRootFolderPath, { recursive: true }) } // Create the folders mkdirSync(publicIconsRootFolderPath, { recursive: true }) mkdirSync(pulicIconsFolderPath, { recursive: true }) // Copy each optimized icons into the new folder for (const { fileName, data } of optimizedSvgs) { await writeStringFile(join(pulicIconsFolderPath, fileName), data) } // Write the JSON file containing all of the names of the icons await writeJsonFile(join(pulicIconsFolderPath, 'icon-names.json'), iconNames) } // Get the names of all of the svg icons and create a TypeScript file of valid icon names const iconTypeFile = ` /** @public */ export type TLUiIconType = ${ => JSON.stringify(icon.replace('.svg', ''))).join(' | ')} /** @public */ export const iconTypes = [ ${ => JSON.stringify(icon.replace('.svg', ''))).join(', ')} ] as const` await writeCodeFile( 'scripts/refresh-assets.ts', 'typescript', join(BUBLIC_ROOT, 'packages', 'tldraw', 'src', 'lib', 'ui', 'icon-types.ts'), iconTypeFile ) // add to the asset declaration file for (const icon of icons) { const name = icon.replace('.svg', '') collectedAssetUrls.icons[name] = `icons/icon/${icon}` } } // 2. EMBED-ICONS async function copyEmbedIcons() { const folderName = 'embed-icons' const extension = '.png' const sourceFolderPath = join(ASSETS_FOLDER_PATH, folderName) const itemsToCopy = readdirSync(sourceFolderPath).filter((icon) => icon.endsWith(extension)) for (const publicFolderPath of PUBLIC_FOLDER_PATHS) { const destinationFolderPath = join(publicFolderPath, folderName) // Delete the folder if it exists if (existsSync(destinationFolderPath)) { rmSync(destinationFolderPath, { recursive: true }) } // Make the new folder mkdirSync(destinationFolderPath, { recursive: true }) // Copy all items into the new folder for (const item of itemsToCopy) { await writeFile(join(destinationFolderPath, item), readFileSync(join(sourceFolderPath, item))) } } // add to the asset declaration file for (const item of itemsToCopy) { const name = item.replace(extension, '') collectedAssetUrls.embedIcons[name] = `${folderName}/${item}` } } // 3. FONTS async function copyFonts() { const folderName = 'fonts' const extension = '.woff2' const sourceFolderPath = join(ASSETS_FOLDER_PATH, folderName) const itemsToCopy = readdirSync(sourceFolderPath).filter((icon) => icon.endsWith(extension)) for (const publicFolderPath of PUBLIC_FOLDER_PATHS) { const destinationFolderPath = join(publicFolderPath, folderName) // Delete the folder if it exists if (existsSync(destinationFolderPath)) { rmSync(destinationFolderPath, { recursive: true }) } // Make the new folder mkdirSync(destinationFolderPath) // Copy all items into the new folder for (const item of itemsToCopy) { await writeFile(join(destinationFolderPath, item), readFileSync(join(sourceFolderPath, item))) } } // add to the asset declaration file for (const item of itemsToCopy) { const itemWithoutExtension = item.replace(extension, '') const name = FONT_MAPPING[itemWithoutExtension] if (!name) { nicelog('Font mapping not found for', itemWithoutExtension) process.exit(1) } collectedAssetUrls.fonts[name] = `${folderName}/${item}` } } // 3. TRANSLATIONS async function copyTranslations() { const folderName = 'translations' const extension = '.json' const sourceFolderPath = join(ASSETS_FOLDER_PATH, folderName) const itemsToCopy = readdirSync(sourceFolderPath).filter((item) => item.endsWith(extension)) for (const publicFolderPath of PUBLIC_FOLDER_PATHS) { const destinationFolderPath = join(publicFolderPath, folderName) // Delete the folder if it exists if (existsSync(destinationFolderPath)) { rmSync(destinationFolderPath, { recursive: true }) } // Make the new folder mkdirSync(destinationFolderPath) // Copy all items into the new folder for (const item of itemsToCopy) { await writeFile(join(destinationFolderPath, item), readFileSync(join(sourceFolderPath, item))) } } // Create hardcoded files const uiPath = join( BUBLIC_ROOT, 'packages', 'tldraw', 'src', 'lib', 'ui', 'hooks', 'useTranslation' ) // languages.ts const languagesSource = await readJsonIfExists(join(sourceFolderPath, 'languages.json'))! const languagesFile = ` /** @public */ export const LANGUAGES = ${JSON.stringify(languagesSource)} as const ` const schemaPath = join(BUBLIC_ROOT, 'packages', 'tlschema', 'src', 'translations') const schemaLanguagesFilePath = join(schemaPath, 'languages.ts') await writeCodeFile( 'scripts/refresh-assets.ts', 'typescript', schemaLanguagesFilePath, languagesFile ) // main.ts const defaultTranslation = await readJsonIfExists(join(sourceFolderPath, 'main.json'))! const defaultTranslationFilePath = join(uiPath, 'defaultTranslation.ts') const defaultTranslationFile = ` /** @internal */ export const DEFAULT_TRANSLATION = ${JSON.stringify(defaultTranslation)} ` await writeCodeFile( 'scripts/refresh-assets.ts', 'typescript', defaultTranslationFilePath, defaultTranslationFile ) // translationKeys.ts const translationKeys = Object.keys(defaultTranslation).map((key) => `'${key}'`) const translationKeysFilePath = join(uiPath, 'TLUiTranslationKey.ts') const translationKeysFile = ` /** @public */ export type TLUiTranslationKey = ${translationKeys.join(' | ')} ` await writeCodeFile( 'scripts/refresh-assets.ts', 'typescript', translationKeysFilePath, translationKeysFile ) // add to the asset declaration file for (const item of itemsToCopy) { const name = item.replace(extension, '') collectedAssetUrls.translations[name] = `${folderName}/${item}` } } // 4. ASSET DECLARATION FILES async function writeUrlBasedAssetDeclarationFile() { const codeFilePath = join(BUBLIC_ROOT, 'packages', 'assets', 'urls.js') const codeFile = ` // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/triple-slash-reference /// import { formatAssetUrl } from './utils.js' /** * @param {AssetUrlOptions} [opts] * @public */ export function getAssetUrlsByMetaUrl(opts) { return { ${Object.entries(collectedAssetUrls) .flatMap(([type, assets]) => [ `${type}: {`, ...Object.entries(assets).map( ([name, href]) => `${JSON.stringify(name)}: formatAssetUrl(new URL(${JSON.stringify( './' + href )}, import.meta.url).href, opts),` ), '},', ]) .join('\n')} } } ` await writeCodeFile('scripts/refresh-assets.ts', 'javascript', codeFilePath, codeFile) } async function writeImportBasedAssetDeclarationFile(): Promise { let imports = ` // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/triple-slash-reference /// import { formatAssetUrl } from './utils.js' ` let declarations = ` /** * @param {AssetUrlOptions} [opts] * @public */ export function getAssetUrlsByImport(opts) { return { ` for (const [type, assets] of Object.entries(collectedAssetUrls)) { declarations += `${type}: {\n` for (const [name, href] of Object.entries(assets)) { const variableName = `${type}_${name}` .replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/g, '_') .replace(/_+/g, '_') .replace(/_(.)/g, (_, letter) => letter.toUpperCase()) imports += `import ${variableName} from ${JSON.stringify('./' + href)};\n` declarations += `${JSON.stringify(name)}: formatAssetUrl(${variableName}, opts),\n` } declarations += '},\n' } declarations += ` } } ` const codeFilePath = join(BUBLIC_ROOT, 'packages', 'assets', 'imports.js') await writeCodeFile( 'scripts/refresh-assets.ts', 'javascript', codeFilePath, imports + declarations ) } async function writeSelfHostedAssetDeclarationFile(): Promise { const codeFilePath = join(BUBLIC_ROOT, 'packages', 'assets', 'selfHosted.js') const codeFile = ` // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/triple-slash-reference /// import { formatAssetUrl } from './utils.js' /** * @param {AssetUrlOptions} [opts] * @public */ export function getAssetUrls(opts) { return { ${Object.entries(collectedAssetUrls) .flatMap(([type, assets]) => [ `${type}: {`, ...Object.entries(assets).map( ([name, href]) => `${JSON.stringify(name)}: formatAssetUrl(${JSON.stringify('./' + href)}, opts),` ), '},', ]) .join('\n')} } } ` await writeCodeFile('scripts/refresh-assets.ts', 'javascript', codeFilePath, codeFile) } async function writeAssetDeclarationDTSFile() { let dts = ` export type AssetUrl = string | { src: string } export type AssetUrlOptions = { baseUrl?: string } | ((assetUrl: string) => string) export type AssetUrls = { ` for (const [type, assets] of Object.entries(collectedAssetUrls)) { dts += `${type}: {\n` for (const name of Object.keys(assets)) { dts += `${JSON.stringify(name)}: string,\n` } dts += '},\n' } dts += ` } ` const assetDeclarationFilePath = join(BUBLIC_ROOT, 'packages', 'assets', 'types.d.ts') await writeCodeFile('scripts/refresh-assets.ts', 'typescript', assetDeclarationFilePath, dts) } // --- RUN async function main() { nicelog('Copying icons...') await copyIcons() nicelog('Copying embed icons...') await copyEmbedIcons() nicelog('Copying fonts...') await copyFonts() nicelog('Copying translations...') await copyTranslations() nicelog('Writing asset declaration file...') await writeAssetDeclarationDTSFile() await writeUrlBasedAssetDeclarationFile() await writeImportBasedAssetDeclarationFile() await writeSelfHostedAssetDeclarationFile() nicelog('Done!') } main()