import { approximately, Box2d, VecLike } from '@tldraw/primitives' import { createCustomShapeId, TLArrowShape, TLGroupShape, TLLineShape, TLShape, TLShapeId, TLShapePartial, } from '@tldraw/tlschema' import { assert, compact } from '@tldraw/utils' import { TLArrowShapeDef } from '../../app/shapeutils/TLArrowUtil/TLArrowUtil' import { TLGroupShapeDef, TLGroupUtil } from '../../app/shapeutils/TLGroupUtil/TLGroupUtil' import { TLArrowTool } from '../../app/statechart/TLArrowTool/TLArrowTool' import { TLDrawTool } from '../../app/statechart/TLDrawTool/TLDrawTool' import { TLEraserTool } from '../../app/statechart/TLEraserTool/TLEraserTool' import { TLLineTool } from '../../app/statechart/TLLineTool/TLLineTool' import { TLNoteTool } from '../../app/statechart/TLNoteTool/TLNoteTool' import { sortByIndex } from '../../utils/reordering/reordering' import { TestApp } from '../TestApp' let i = 0 jest.mock('nanoid', () => ({ nanoid: () => 'id' + i++ })) const ids = { boxA: createCustomShapeId('boxA'), boxB: createCustomShapeId('boxB'), boxC: createCustomShapeId('boxC'), boxD: createCustomShapeId('boxD'), boxE: createCustomShapeId('boxE'), boxF: createCustomShapeId('boxF'), boxX: createCustomShapeId('boxX'), lineA: createCustomShapeId('lineA'), } const box = (id: TLShapeId, x: number, y: number, w = 10, h = 10): TLShapePartial => ({ type: 'geo', id, x, y, // index: bumpIndex(), props: { w, h, fill: 'solid', }, }) const arrow = (id: TLShapeId, start: VecLike, end: VecLike): TLShapePartial => ({ type: 'arrow', id, // index: bumpIndex(), props: { start: { type: 'point', x: start.x, y: start.y, }, end: { type: 'point', x: end.x, y: end.y, }, }, }) const randomRotation = () => Math.random() * Math.PI * 2 const randomCoord = () => Math.random() * 100 - 50 const randomSize = () => Math.random() * 99 + 1 let app: TestApp beforeEach(() => { app = new TestApp() }) afterEach(() => { app?.dispose() }) const getAllShapes = () => app.shapesArray const onlySelectedId = () => { expect(app.selectedIds).toHaveLength(1) return app.selectedIds[0] } const onlySelectedShape = () => { const id = onlySelectedId() return app.getShapeById(id)! } const children = (shape: TLShape) => { return new Set(compact(app.getSortedChildIds( => app.getShapeById(id)))) } const isRemoved = (shape: TLShape) => { return !app.getShapeById( } describe('creating groups', () => { it('works if there are multiple shapes in the selection', () => { // 0 10 20 30 40 50 // ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ // │ A │ │ B │ │ C │ // └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ app.createShapes([box(ids.boxA, 0, 0), box(ids.boxB, 20, 0), box(ids.boxC, 40, 0)]), ids.boxB) expect(getAllShapes()).toHaveLength(3) expect(app.selectedIds.length).toBe(2) app.groupShapes() expect(getAllShapes()).toHaveLength(4) expect(app.selectedIds.length).toBe(1) expect(app.getShapeById(ids.boxA)).toBeTruthy() expect(app.getShapeById(ids.boxB)).toBeTruthy() const group = onlySelectedShape() expect(group.type).toBe(TLGroupUtil.type) expect(app.getPageBoundsById(!).toCloselyMatchObject({ x: 0, y: 0, w: 30, h: 10 }) expect(children(group).has(app.getShapeById(ids.boxA)!)).toBe(true) expect(children(group).has(app.getShapeById(ids.boxB)!)).toBe(true) expect(children(group).has(app.getShapeById(ids.boxC)!)).toBe(false) }) it('does not work if there are zero or one shape in the selection ', () => { // 0 10 20 30 40 50 // ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ // │ A │ │ B │ │ C │ // └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ app.createShapes([box(ids.boxA, 0, 0), box(ids.boxB, 20, 0), box(ids.boxC, 40, 0)]) expect(getAllShapes()).toHaveLength(3) app.groupShapes() expect(getAllShapes()).toHaveLength(3) app.groupShapes() expect(getAllShapes()).toHaveLength(3) expect(onlySelectedId()).toBe(ids.boxA) }) it('preserves the page positions and rotations of the grouped shapes', () => { for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) { const shapes = [ {, randomCoord(), randomCoord(), randomSize(), randomSize()), rotation: randomRotation(), }, {, randomCoord(), randomCoord(), randomSize(), randomSize()), rotation: randomRotation(), }, {, randomCoord(), randomCoord(), randomSize(), randomSize()), rotation: randomRotation(), }, ] app.createShapes(shapes) const initialPageBounds = { A: app.getPageBoundsById(ids.boxA)!.clone(), B: app.getPageBoundsById(ids.boxB)!.clone(), C: app.getPageBoundsById(ids.boxC)!.clone(), } const initialPageRotations = { A: app.getPageRotationById(ids.boxA), B: app.getPageRotationById(ids.boxB), C: app.getPageRotationById(ids.boxC), }, ids.boxB, ids.boxC) app.groupShapes() try { expect({ A: app.getPageBoundsById(ids.boxA)!.clone(), B: app.getPageBoundsById(ids.boxB)!.clone(), C: app.getPageBoundsById(ids.boxC)!.clone(), }).toCloselyMatchObject(initialPageBounds) expect({ A: app.getPageRotationById(ids.boxA), B: app.getPageRotationById(ids.boxB), C: app.getPageRotationById(ids.boxC), }).toCloselyMatchObject(initialPageRotations) } catch (e) { console.error('Failing nodes', JSON.stringify(shapes)) throw e } } }) it('works with nested groups', () => { // 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 // ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ // │ A │ │ B │ │ C │ │ D │ // └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ app.createShapes([ box(ids.boxA, 0, 0), box(ids.boxB, 20, 0), box(ids.boxC, 40, 0), box(ids.boxD, 60, 0), ]), ids.boxB) app.groupShapes() const groupAId = onlySelectedId(), ids.boxD) app.groupShapes() const groupBId = onlySelectedId(), groupBId) app.groupShapes() const uberGroup = onlySelectedShape() expect(uberGroup.type).toBe(TLGroupUtil.type) expect(app.getPageBoundsById(!).toCloselyMatchObject({ x: 0, y: 0, w: 70, h: 10 }) expect(children(uberGroup).size).toBe(2) expect(children(uberGroup).has(app.getShapeById(groupAId)!)).toBe(true) expect(children(uberGroup).has(app.getShapeById(groupBId)!)).toBe(true) }) it('works with shapes inside individual nested groups', () => { // 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 // // ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ // │ A │ │ C │ │ D │ │ F │ // 10 └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ // // 20 ┌───┐ ┌───┐ // │ B │ │ E │ // 30 └───┘ └───┘ app.createShapes([ box(ids.boxA, 0, 0), box(ids.boxB, 20, 20), box(ids.boxC, 40, 0), box(ids.boxD, 60, 0), box(ids.boxE, 80, 20), box(ids.boxF, 100, 0), ]), ids.boxB, ids.boxC) app.groupShapes() const groupA = onlySelectedShape(), ids.boxE, ids.boxF) app.groupShapes() const groupB = onlySelectedShape(), ids.boxE) app.groupShapes() const groupC = onlySelectedShape() expect(children(groupA).size).toBe(2) expect(children(groupB).size).toBe(2) expect(children(groupC).size).toBe(2) expect(groupA.parentId).toBe(app.currentPageId) expect(groupB.parentId).toBe(app.currentPageId) expect(groupC.parentId).toBe(app.currentPageId) expect(app.getShapeById(ids.boxA)!.parentId).toBe( expect(app.getShapeById(ids.boxC)!.parentId).toBe( expect(app.getShapeById(ids.boxB)!.parentId).toBe( expect(app.getShapeById(ids.boxE)!.parentId).toBe( expect(app.getShapeById(ids.boxD)!.parentId).toBe( expect(app.getShapeById(ids.boxF)!.parentId).toBe( }) it('does not work if the scene is in readonly mode', () => { // 0 10 20 30 40 50 // ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ // │ A │ │ B │ │ C │ // └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ app.createShapes([box(ids.boxA, 0, 0), box(ids.boxB, 20, 0), box(ids.boxC, 40, 0)]) app.setReadOnly(true) app.selectAll() expect(app.selectedIds.length).toBe(3) app.groupShapes() expect(app.selectedIds.length).toBe(3) }) it('keeps order correct simple', () => { // 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 // ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ // │ A │ │ B │ │ C │ │ D │ // └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ app.createShapes([ box(ids.boxA, 0, 0), box(ids.boxB, 20, 0), box(ids.boxC, 40, 0), box(ids.boxD, 60, 0), ]), ids.boxB) app.groupShapes() const groupAId = onlySelectedId() const sortedGroupChildrenIds = app .getSortedChildIds(groupAId) .map((id) => app.getShapeById(id)!) .sort(sortByIndex) .map((shape) => const sortedIds = app.getSortedChildIds(app.currentPageId) expect(sortedIds.length).toBe(3) expect(sortedIds[0]).toBe(ids.boxA) expect(sortedIds[1]).toBe(groupAId) expect(sortedIds[2]).toBe(ids.boxD) expect(sortedGroupChildrenIds.length).toBe(2) expect(sortedGroupChildrenIds[0]).toBe(ids.boxB) expect(sortedGroupChildrenIds[1]).toBe(ids.boxC) }) it('keeps order correct complex', () => { // 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 // ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ // │ A │ │ B │ │ C │ │ D │ // └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ app.createShapes([ box(ids.boxA, 0, 0), box(ids.boxB, 20, 0), box(ids.boxC, 40, 0), box(ids.boxD, 60, 0), ]), ids.boxA) app.groupShapes() const groupAId = onlySelectedId() const sortedGroupChildrenIds = app .getSortedChildIds(groupAId) .map((id) => app.getShapeById(id)!) .sort(sortByIndex) .map((shape) => const sortedIds = app.getSortedChildIds(app.currentPageId) expect(sortedIds.length).toBe(3) expect(sortedIds[0]).toBe(ids.boxB) expect(sortedIds[1]).toBe(groupAId) expect(sortedIds[2]).toBe(ids.boxD) expect(sortedGroupChildrenIds.length).toBe(2) expect(sortedGroupChildrenIds[0]).toBe(ids.boxA) expect(sortedGroupChildrenIds[1]).toBe(ids.boxC) }) }) describe('ungrouping shapes', () => { it('works if there is one selected shape and that shape is a group', () => { // 0 10 20 30 40 50 // ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ // │ A │ │ B │ │ C │ // └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ app.createShapes([box(ids.boxA, 0, 0), box(ids.boxB, 20, 0), box(ids.boxC, 40, 0)]), ids.boxB) app.groupShapes() const groupA = onlySelectedShape() app.ungroupShapes() expect(isRemoved(groupA)).toBe(true) expect(new Set(app.selectedIds)).toEqual(new Set([ids.boxA, ids.boxB])) expect(app.getPageBoundsById(ids.boxA)!).toCloselyMatchObject({ x: 0, y: 0, w: 10, h: 10, }) expect(app.getPageBoundsById(ids.boxB)!).toCloselyMatchObject({ x: 20, y: 0, w: 10, h: 10, }) }) it('selects the groups children and other non-group shapes on ungroup', () => { app.createShapes([box(ids.boxA, 0, 0), box(ids.boxB, 20, 0), box(ids.boxC, 40, 0)]), ids.boxB) app.groupShapes() const groupA = onlySelectedShape(), ids.boxC) app.ungroupShapes() expect(new Set(app.selectedIds)).toMatchObject(new Set([ids.boxA, ids.boxB, ids.boxC])) }) it('preserves the page positions and rotations of the ungrouped shapes', () => { for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) { const shapes = [ {, randomCoord(), randomCoord(), randomSize(), randomSize()), rotation: randomRotation(), }, {, randomCoord(), randomCoord(), randomSize(), randomSize()), rotation: randomRotation(), }, {, randomCoord(), randomCoord(), randomSize(), randomSize()), rotation: randomRotation(), }, ] app.createShapes(shapes) const initialPageBounds = { A: app.getPageBoundsById(ids.boxA)!.clone(), B: app.getPageBoundsById(ids.boxB)!.clone(), C: app.getPageBoundsById(ids.boxC)!.clone(), } const initialPageRotations = { A: app.getPageRotationById(ids.boxA), B: app.getPageRotationById(ids.boxB), C: app.getPageRotationById(ids.boxC), }, ids.boxB, ids.boxC) app.groupShapes() app.ungroupShapes() expect(app.selectedIds.length).toBe(3) try { expect({ A: app.getPageBoundsById(ids.boxA)!.clone(), B: app.getPageBoundsById(ids.boxB)!.clone(), C: app.getPageBoundsById(ids.boxC)!.clone(), }).toCloselyMatchObject(initialPageBounds) expect({ A: app.getPageRotationById(ids.boxA), B: app.getPageRotationById(ids.boxB), C: app.getPageRotationById(ids.boxC), }).toCloselyMatchObject(initialPageRotations) } catch (e) { console.error('Failing shapes', JSON.stringify(shapes)) throw e } } }) it('does not ungroup nested groups', () => { // 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 // ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ // │ A │ │ B │ │ C │ │ D │ // └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ app.createShapes([ box(ids.boxA, 0, 0), box(ids.boxB, 20, 0), box(ids.boxC, 40, 0), box(ids.boxD, 60, 0), ]), ids.boxB) app.groupShapes() const groupAId = onlySelectedId(), ids.boxD) app.groupShapes() const groupBId = onlySelectedId(), groupBId) app.groupShapes() expect(app.selectedIds.length).toBe(1) app.ungroupShapes() expect(app.selectedIds.length).toBe(2) expect(app.getShapeById(groupAId)).not.toBe(undefined) expect(app.getShapeById(groupBId)).not.toBe(undefined) }) it('does not work if the scene is in readonly mode', () => { // 0 10 20 30 40 50 // ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ // │ A │ │ B │ │ C │ // └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ app.createShapes([box(ids.boxA, 0, 0), box(ids.boxB, 20, 0), box(ids.boxC, 40, 0)]) app.selectAll() expect(app.selectedIds.length).toBe(3) app.groupShapes() expect(app.selectedIds.length).toBe(1) app.setReadOnly(true) app.ungroupShapes() expect(app.selectedIds.length).toBe(1) expect(onlySelectedShape().type).toBe(TLGroupUtil.type) }) it('keeps order correct simple', () => { // 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 // ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ // │ A │ │ B │ │ C │ │ D │ // └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ app.createShapes([ box(ids.boxA, 0, 0), box(ids.boxB, 20, 0), box(ids.boxC, 40, 0), box(ids.boxD, 60, 0), ]), ids.boxB) app.groupShapes() app.ungroupShapes() const sortedShapes = app.shapesArray.sort(sortByIndex).map((shape) => expect(sortedShapes.length).toBe(4) expect(sortedShapes[0]).toBe(ids.boxA) expect(sortedShapes[1]).toBe(ids.boxB) expect(sortedShapes[2]).toBe(ids.boxC) expect(sortedShapes[3]).toBe(ids.boxD) }) it('keeps order correct complex', () => { // 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 // ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ // │ A │ │ B │ │ C │ │ D │ // └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ app.createShapes([ box(ids.boxA, 0, 0), box(ids.boxB, 20, 0), box(ids.boxC, 40, 0), box(ids.boxD, 60, 0), ]), ids.boxA) app.groupShapes() app.ungroupShapes() const sortedShapes = app.shapesArray.sort(sortByIndex).map((shape) => expect(sortedShapes.length).toBe(4) expect(sortedShapes[0]).toBe(ids.boxB) expect(sortedShapes[1]).toBe(ids.boxA) expect(sortedShapes[2]).toBe(ids.boxC) expect(sortedShapes[3]).toBe(ids.boxD) }) }) describe('the bounds of a group', () => { it('changes when the children rotate', () => { app.createShapes([ box(ids.boxA, 0, 0, 100, 100), { id: ids.boxB, type: 'geo', x: 200, y: 200, props: { geo: 'ellipse', w: 100, h: 100, }, }, ]), ids.boxB) app.groupShapes() const group = onlySelectedShape() expect(app.getPageBoundsById(!.minX).toBe(0) / 4) // pythagoras to the rescue const expectedLeftBound = 50 - Math.sqrt(2 * (100 * 100)) / 2 expect(app.getPageBoundsById(!.minX).toBeCloseTo(expectedLeftBound) // rotating the circle doesn't move the right edge because it's outline doesn't change expect(app.getPageBoundsById(!.maxX).toBe(300) / 4) expect(approximately(app.getPageBoundsById(!.maxX, 300, 1)).toBe(true) }) it('changes when shapes translate', () => { // 0 10 20 30 40 50 // ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ // │ A │ │ B │ │ C │ // └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ app.createShapes([box(ids.boxA, 0, 0), box(ids.boxB, 20, 0), box(ids.boxC, 40, 0)]), ids.boxB, ids.boxC) app.groupShapes() const group = onlySelectedShape() expect(app.getPageBoundsById(!).toCloselyMatchObject({ x: 0, y: 0, w: 50, h: 10, }) // move A to the left, 0) expect(app.getPageBoundsById(!).toCloselyMatchObject({ x: -10, y: 0, w: 60, h: 10, }) // move C up and to the right, -10) expect(app.getPageBoundsById(!).toCloselyMatchObject({ x: -10, y: -10, w: 70, h: 20, }) }) it('changes when shapes resize', () => { // 0 10 20 30 40 50 // ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ // │ A │ │ B │ │ C │ // └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ app.createShapes([box(ids.boxA, 0, 0), box(ids.boxB, 20, 0), box(ids.boxC, 40, 0)]), ids.boxB, ids.boxC) app.groupShapes() const group = onlySelectedShape() expect(app.getPageBoundsById(!).toCloselyMatchObject({ x: 0, y: 0, w: 50, h: 10, }) // resize A to the left{ scaleX: 2 }, 'left') expect(app.getPageBoundsById(!).toCloselyMatchObject({ x: -10, y: 0, w: 60, h: 10, }) // resize C up and to the right{ scaleY: 2, scaleX: 2 }, 'top_right') expect(app.getPageBoundsById(!).toCloselyMatchObject({ x: -10, y: -10, w: 70, h: 20, }) }) }) describe('the bounds of a rotated group', () => { it('changes when the children rotate', () => { app.createShapes([ box(ids.boxA, 0, 0, 100, 100), { id: ids.boxB, type: 'geo', x: 200, y: 200, props: { geo: 'ellipse', w: 100, h: 100, }, }, ]), ids.boxB) app.groupShapes() const group = onlySelectedShape() app.rotateSelection(Math.PI / 2) expect(app.getPageBoundsById(!).toCloselyMatchObject({ x: 0, y: 0, w: 300, h: 300, }) / 4) // pythagoras to the rescue const expectedTopBound = 50 - Math.sqrt(2 * (100 * 100)) / 2 expect(app.getPageBoundsById(!.minY).toBeCloseTo(expectedTopBound) // rotating the circle doesn't move the right edge because it's outline doesn't change expect(app.getPageBoundsById(!.maxY).toBe(300) / 4) expect(approximately(app.getPageBoundsById(!.maxY, 300, 1)).toBe(true) }) it('changes when shapes translate', () => { // 0 10 20 30 40 50 // ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ // │ A │ │ B │ │ C │ // └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ // rotate this all 90 degrees app.createShapes([box(ids.boxA, 0, 0), box(ids.boxB, 20, 0), box(ids.boxC, 40, 0)]), ids.boxB, ids.boxC) app.groupShapes() const group = onlySelectedShape() app.updateShapes([{ id:, type: 'group', rotation: Math.PI / 2, x: 10, y: 0 }]) expect(app.getPageBoundsById(!).toCloselyMatchObject({ x: 0, y: 0, w: 10, h: 50, }) // move A up and to the left, -10) expect(app.getPageBoundsById(!).toCloselyMatchObject({ x: -10, y: -10, w: 20, h: 60, }) // move C up and to the right, -10) expect(app.getPageBoundsById(!).toCloselyMatchObject({ x: -10, y: -10, w: 30, h: 50, }) }) it('changes when shapes resize', () => { // 0 10 20 30 40 50 // ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ // │ A │ │ B │ │ C │ // └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ // rotate this all 90 degrees app.createShapes([box(ids.boxA, 0, 0), box(ids.boxB, 20, 0), box(ids.boxC, 40, 0)]), ids.boxB, ids.boxC) app.groupShapes() const group = onlySelectedShape() app.updateShapes([{ id:, type: 'group', rotation: Math.PI / 2, x: 10, y: 0 }]) expect(app.getPageBoundsById(!).toCloselyMatchObject({ x: 0, y: 0, w: 10, h: 50, }) // resize A to up{ scaleX: 2 }, 'left') expect(app.getPageBoundsById(!).toCloselyMatchObject({ x: 0, y: -10, w: 10, h: 60, }) // resize C up and to the right{ scaleY: 2, scaleX: 2 }, 'top_right') expect(app.getPageBoundsById(!).toCloselyMatchObject({ x: 0, y: -10, w: 20, h: 70, }) }) }) describe('focus layers', () => { let groupAId: TLShapeId let groupBId: TLShapeId let groupCId: TLShapeId beforeEach(() => { // group C // ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ // │ group A group B │ // │ ┌────────────────────────┐ ┌──────────────────────┐ │ // │ │ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ │ │ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ │ │ // │ │ │ A │ │ B │ │ │ │ C │ │ D │ │ │ // │ │ └───┘ └───┘ │ │ └───┘ └───┘ │ │ // │ └────────────────────────┘ └──────────────────────┘ │ // └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ app.createShapes([ box(ids.boxA, 0, 0), box(ids.boxB, 20, 0), box(ids.boxC, 40, 0), box(ids.boxD, 60, 0), ]), ids.boxB) app.groupShapes() groupAId = onlySelectedId(), ids.boxD) app.groupShapes() groupBId = onlySelectedId(), groupBId) app.groupShapes() groupCId = onlySelectedId() app.selectNone() }) it('should adjust to the parent layer of any selected shape', () => { expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(app.currentPageId) expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(groupAId) expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(groupAId) expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(groupBId) expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(groupBId) expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(groupCId) }) it('should adjust to the common ancestor of selected shapes in multiple groups', () => { expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(app.currentPageId) expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(groupAId) app.setSelectedIds([, ids.boxC]) expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(groupCId) app.deselect(ids.boxA) expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(groupBId) app.setSelectedIds([, ids.boxB]) expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(groupCId) }) it('should not adjust the focus layer when clearing the selection', () => { expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(app.currentPageId) expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(groupAId) app.deselect(ids.boxA) expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(groupAId), ids.boxC) expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(groupCId) app.selectNone() expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(groupCId) }) }) describe('the select tool', () => { let groupAId: TLShapeId let groupBId: TLShapeId let groupCId: TLShapeId beforeEach(() => { // group C // ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ // │ group A group B │ // │ ┌────────────────────────┐ ┌──────────────────────┐ │ // │ │ 0 20 │ │ 40 60 │ │ // │ │ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ │ │ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ │ │ // │ │ │ A │ │ B │ │ │ │ C │ │ D │ │ │ // │ │ └───┘ └───┘ │ │ └───┘ └───┘ │ │ // │ └────────────────────────┘ └──────────────────────┘ │ // └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ app.createShapes([ box(ids.boxA, 0, 0), box(ids.boxB, 20, 0), box(ids.boxC, 40, 0), box(ids.boxD, 60, 0), ]), ids.boxB) app.groupShapes() groupAId = onlySelectedId(), ids.boxD) app.groupShapes() groupBId = onlySelectedId(), groupBId) app.groupShapes() groupCId = onlySelectedId() app.selectNone() }) it('should select the outermost non-selected group when you click on one of the shapes in that group', () => { app.pointerDown(0, 0, ids.boxA).pointerUp(0, 0) expect(onlySelectedId()).toBe(groupCId) expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(app.currentPageId) app.pointerDown(0, 0, ids.boxA) app.pointerUp(0, 0, ids.boxA) expect(onlySelectedId()).toBe(groupAId) expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(groupCId) app.pointerDown(0, 0, ids.boxA).pointerUp(0, 0, ids.boxA) expect(onlySelectedId()).toBe(ids.boxA) expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(groupAId) }) it('should select the outermost non-selected group when you right-click on one of the shapes in that group', () => { const boxA = app.getShapeById(ids.boxA) app .pointerDown(0, 0, { target: 'shape', shape: boxA, button: 2 }) .pointerUp(0, 0, { button: 2 }) expect(onlySelectedId()).toBe(groupCId) expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(app.currentPageId) app .pointerDown(0, 0, { target: 'shape', shape: boxA, button: 2 }) .pointerUp(0, 0, { button: 2 }) expect(onlySelectedId()).toBe(groupAId) expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(groupCId) app .pointerDown(0, 0, { target: 'shape', shape: boxA, button: 2 }) .pointerUp(0, 0, { button: 2 }) expect(onlySelectedId()).toBe(ids.boxA) expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(groupAId) }) it('should allow to shift-select other shapes outside of the current focus layer', () => { app.pointerDown(0, 0, ids.boxA).pointerUp(0, 0) app.pointerDown(0, 0, ids.boxA).pointerUp(0, 0) app.pointerDown(0, 0, ids.boxA).pointerUp(0, 0) expect(onlySelectedId()).toBe(ids.boxA) expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(groupAId) app .pointerDown(40, 0, ids.boxC, { shiftKey: true }) .pointerUp(0, 0, ids.boxC, { shiftKey: true }) expect(app.selectedIds.includes(ids.boxA)).toBe(true) expect(app.selectedIds.includes(groupBId)).toBe(true) expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(groupCId) app.pointerDown(40, 0, ids.boxC, { shiftKey: true }).pointerUp(0, 0) expect(app.selectedIds.includes(ids.boxA)).toBe(true) expect(app.selectedIds.includes(groupBId)).toBe(false) expect(app.selectedIds.includes(ids.boxC)).toBe(true) expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(groupCId) }) it('if a shape inside a focused group is selected and you click outside the group it should clear the selection and focus the page', () => { expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(groupAId) // click outside the focused group, but inside another group app.pointerDown(35, 5, { target: 'canvas' }).pointerUp(35, 5) expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(app.currentPageId) expect(app.selectedIds).toHaveLength(0) expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(groupAId) // click the empty canvas app.pointerDown(35, 50, { target: 'canvas' }).pointerUp(35, 50) expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(app.currentPageId) expect(app.selectedIds).toHaveLength(0) }) it('if a shape inside a focused group is selected and you click an empty space inside the group it should deselect the shape', () => { expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(groupAId) app.pointerDown(15, 5, groupAId).pointerUp(15, 5, groupAId) expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(groupAId) expect(app.selectedIds.length).toBe(0) }) it('if you click inside the empty space of a focused group while there are no selected shapes, it should pop the focus layer and select the group', () => { app.pointerDown(15, 5, groupAId).pointerUp(15, 5, groupAId) expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(groupAId) expect(app.selectedIds.length).toBe(0) app.pointerDown(15, 5, groupAId).pointerUp(15, 5, groupAId) expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(groupCId) expect(onlySelectedId()).toBe(groupAId) }) it('should pop the focus layer when escape is pressed in idle state', () => { expect(app.selectedIds).toMatchObject([ids.boxA]) // box1 expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(groupAId) // deselct app.cancel() expect(app.selectedIds).toMatchObject([groupAId]) // groupA expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(groupCId) // pop focus layer app.cancel() expect(app.selectedIds.length).toBe(1) // Group C expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(app.currentPageId) app.cancel() expect(app.selectedIds.length).toBe(0) expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(app.currentPageId) }) describe('brushing', () => { // ! Removed: pointing a group is impossible; you'd be pointing the selection instead. // it('should work while focused in a group if you start the drag from within the group', () => { // // app.pointerDown(15, 5, groupAId).pointerMove(25, 9, ids.boxB) // expect(app.root.path.value).toBe(``) // expect(app.selectedIds.includes(ids.boxA)).toBe(false) // expect(app.selectedIds.includes(ids.boxB)).toBe(true) // app.keyDown('Shift') // expect(app.selectedIds.includes(ids.boxA)).toBe(true) // expect(app.selectedIds.includes(ids.boxB)).toBe(true) // }) it('should work while focused in a group if you start the drag from outside of the group', () => { app .pointerDown(15, -5, { target: 'canvas' }, { shiftKey: true }) .pointerMove(25, 9, ids.boxB, { shiftKey: true }) expect(app.root.path.value).toBe(``) expect(app.selectedIds.includes(ids.boxA)).toBe(true) expect(app.selectedIds.includes(ids.boxB)).toBe(true) app.keyUp('Shift') jest.advanceTimersByTime(200) expect(app.selectedIds.includes(ids.boxA)).toBe(false) expect(app.selectedIds.includes(ids.boxB)).toBe(true) }) it('should not select the group until you hit one of its child shapes', () => { // ┌────┐ // group C │ │ // ┌───────────┼────┼────────────────────────────────────────┐ // │ group A │ │ group B │ // │ ┌─────────┼────┼─────────┐ ┌──────────────────────┐ │ // │ │ ┌───┐ │ │ ┌───┐ │ │ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ │ │ // │ │ │ A │ │ │ │ B │ │ │ │ C │ │ D │ │ │ // │ │ └───┘ │ │ └───┘ │ │ └───┘ └───┘ │ │ // │ └─────────┼────┼─────────┘ └──────────────────────┘ │ // └───────────┼────┼────────────────────────────────────────┘ // │ │ // └────┘ // ▲ // │ mouse selection app.pointerDown(12.5, -5, undefined).pointerMove(17.5, 15, ids.boxB) expect(app.selectedIds.length).toBe(0) app.pointerMove(25, 15) expect(onlySelectedId()).toBe(groupCId) }) }) }) describe("when a group's children are deleted", () => { let groupAId: TLShapeId let groupBId: TLShapeId let groupCId: TLShapeId beforeEach(() => { // group C // ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ // │ group A group B │ // │ ┌────────────────────────┐ ┌──────────────────────┐ │ // │ │ 0 20 │ │ 40 60 │ │ // │ │ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ │ │ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ │ │ // │ │ │ A │ │ B │ │ │ │ C │ │ D │ │ │ // │ │ └───┘ └───┘ │ │ └───┘ └───┘ │ │ // │ └────────────────────────┘ └──────────────────────┘ │ // └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ app.createShapes([ box(ids.boxA, 0, 0), box(ids.boxB, 20, 0), box(ids.boxC, 40, 0), box(ids.boxD, 60, 0), ]), ids.boxB) app.groupShapes() groupAId = onlySelectedId(), ids.boxD) app.groupShapes() groupBId = onlySelectedId(), groupBId) app.groupShapes() groupCId = onlySelectedId() app.selectNone() }) it('should ungroup if there is only one shape left', () => { app.deleteShapes([ids.boxD]) expect(app.getShapeById(groupBId)).toBeUndefined() expect(app.getShapeById(ids.boxC)?.parentId).toBe(groupCId) }) it('should remove the group if there are no shapes left', () => { app.deleteShapes([ids.boxC, ids.boxD]) expect(app.getShapeById(groupBId)).toBeUndefined() expect(app.getShapeById(groupCId)).toBeUndefined() expect(app.getShapeById(groupAId)).not.toBeUndefined() }) }) describe('creating new shapes', () => { let groupA: TLGroupShape beforeEach(() => { // group A // ┌──────────────────────────────┐ // │ 0 10 90 100 │ // │ ┌───┐ │ // │ │ A │ │ // │ 10 └───┘ │ // │ │ // │ │ // │ │ // │ │ // │ 90 ┌───┐ │ // │ │ B │ │ // │ 100 └───┘ │ // └──────────────────────────────┘ app.createShapes([box(ids.boxA, 0, 0), box(ids.boxB, 90, 90)]), ids.boxB) app.groupShapes() groupA = onlySelectedShape() as TLGroupShape app.selectNone() }) describe('boxes', () => { it('does not create inside the group if the group is only selected and not focused', () => { app.setSelectedTool('geo') app.pointerDown(20, 20).pointerMove(80, 80).pointerUp(80, 80) const boxC = onlySelectedShape() expect(boxC.parentId).toBe(app.currentPageId) expect(app.getPageBoundsById({ x: 20, y: 20, w: 60, h: 60, }) }) it('does create inside the group if the group is focused', () => { expect(app.focusLayerId === app.setSelectedTool('geo') app.pointerDown(20, 20).pointerMove(80, 80).pointerUp(80, 80) const boxC = onlySelectedShape() expect(boxC.parentId).toBe( expect(app.getPageBoundsById({ x: 20, y: 20, w: 60, h: 60, }) expect(app.focusLayerId === }) it('will reisze the group appropriately if the new shape changes the group bounds', () => { expect(app.focusLayerId === app.setSelectedTool('geo') app.pointerDown(20, 20).pointerMove(-10, -10) expect(app.getPageBoundsById({ x: -10, y: -10, w: 110, h: 110, }) app.pointerMove(-20, -20).pointerUp(-20, -20) expect(app.getPageBoundsById({ x: -20, y: -20, w: 120, h: 120, }) const boxC = onlySelectedShape() expect(app.getPageBoundsById({ x: -20, y: -20, w: 40, h: 40, }) }) it('works if the shape drawing begins outside of the current group bounds', () => { expect(app.focusLayerId === app.setSelectedTool('geo') app.pointerDown(-50, -50).pointerMove(-100, -100).pointerUp() expect(app.getPageBoundsById({ x: -100, y: -100, w: 200, h: 200, }) const boxC = onlySelectedShape() expect(app.getPageBoundsById({ x: -100, y: -100, w: 50, h: 50, }) }) }) describe('pencil', () => { it('does not draw inside the group if the group is only selected and not focused', () => { app.setSelectedTool( app.pointerDown(20, 20).pointerMove(80, 80).pointerUp(80, 80) const lineC = onlySelectedShape() expect(lineC.parentId).toBe(app.currentPageId) }) it('does draw inside the group if the group is focused', () => { expect(app.focusLayerId === app.setSelectedTool( app.pointerDown(20, 20).pointerMove(80, 80).pointerUp(80, 80) const lineC = onlySelectedShape() expect(lineC.parentId).toBe( }) it('will resize the group appropriately if the new shape changes the group bounds', () => { expect(app.focusLayerId === app.setSelectedTool( app.pointerDown(20, 20) for (let i = 20; i >= -20; i--) { app.pointerMove(i, i) } app.pointerUp() const roundToNearestTen = (vals: Box2d) => { return { x: Math.round(vals.x / 10) * 10, y: Math.round(vals.y / 10) * 10, w: Math.round(vals.w / 10) * 10, h: Math.round(vals.h / 10) * 10, } } expect(roundToNearestTen(app.getPageBoundsById(!)).toCloselyMatchObject({ x: -20, y: -20, w: 120, h: 120, }) }) it('works if the shape drawing begins outside of the current group bounds', () => { expect(app.focusLayerId === app.setSelectedTool( app.pointerDown(-20, -20) for (let i = -20; i >= -100; i--) { app.pointerMove(i, i) } app.pointerUp() const roundToNearestTen = (vals: Box2d) => { return { x: Math.round(vals.x / 10) * 10, y: Math.round(vals.y / 10) * 10, w: Math.round(vals.w / 10) * 10, h: Math.round(vals.h / 10) * 10, } } expect(roundToNearestTen(app.getPageBoundsById(!)).toCloselyMatchObject({ x: -100, y: -100, w: 200, h: 200, }) }) describe('lines', () => { it('does not draw inside the group if the group is only selected and not focused', () => { app.setSelectedTool( app.pointerDown(20, 20) app.pointerMove(80, 80) app.pointerUp(80, 80) const lineC = onlySelectedShape() expect(lineC.type).toBe('line') expect(lineC.parentId).toBe(app.currentPageId) }) it('does draw inside the group if the group is focused', () => { expect(app.focusLayerId === app.setSelectedTool( app.pointerDown(20, 20).pointerMove(80, 80).pointerUp(80, 80) const lineC = onlySelectedShape() as TLLineShape expect(lineC.type).toBe('line') expect(lineC.parentId).toBe( }) it('will reisze the group appropriately if the new shape changes the group bounds', () => { expect(app.focusLayerId === app.setSelectedTool( app.pointerDown(20, 20).pointerMove(-10, -10) expect(app.getPageBoundsById('group with line shape') app.pointerMove(-20, -20).pointerUp(-20, -20) expect(app.getPageBoundsById('group shape after second resize') const boxC = onlySelectedShape() expect(app.getPageBoundsById('box shape after second resize') }) it('works if the shape drawing begins outside of the current group bounds', () => { expect(app.focusLayerId === app.setSelectedTool( app.pointerDown(-50, -50).pointerMove(-100, -100).pointerUp() expect(app.getPageBoundsById('group with line') const boxC = onlySelectedShape() expect(app.getPageBoundsById('box shape after resize') }) }) describe('sticky notes', () => { it('does not draw inside the group if the group is only selected and not focused', () => { expect(app.focusLayerId === app.currentPageId).toBe(true) app.setSelectedTool( app.pointerDown(20, 20).pointerUp() const postit = onlySelectedShape() expect(postit.parentId).toBe(app.currentPageId) }) it('does draw inside the group if the group is focused', () => { expect(app.focusLayerId === app.setSelectedTool( app.pointerDown(20, 20).pointerUp() const postit = onlySelectedShape() expect(postit.parentId).toBe( }) it('will reisze the group appropriately if the new shape changes the group bounds', () => { expect(app.focusLayerId === expect(app.getPageBoundsById({ x: 0, y: 0, w: 100, h: 100, }) app.setSelectedTool( app.pointerDown(80, 80) app.pointerUp() // default size is 200x200, and it centers it, so add 100px around the pointer expect(app.getPageBoundsById({ x: -20, y: -20, w: 200, h: 200, }) app.pointerMove(20, 20) app.pointerUp(20, 20) expect(app.getPageBoundsById({ x: -20, y: -20, w: 200, h: 200, }) }) it('works if the shape drawing begins outside of the current group bounds', () => { expect(app.focusLayerId === app.setSelectedTool( expect(app.getPageBoundsById({ x: 0, y: 0, w: 100, h: 100, }) app.pointerDown(-20, -20).pointerUp(-20, -20) expect(app.getPageBoundsById({ x: -120, y: -120, w: 220, h: 220, }) }) }) }) }) describe('erasing', () => { let groupAId: TLShapeId let groupBId: TLShapeId let groupCId: TLShapeId beforeEach(() => { // group C // ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ // │ group A group B │ // │ ┌────────────────────────┐ ┌──────────────────────┐ │ // │ │ 0 20 │ │ 40 60 │ │ // │ │ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ │ │ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ │ │ // │ │ │ A │ │ B │ │ │ │ C │ │ D │ │ │ // │ │ └───┘ └───┘ │ │ └───┘ └───┘ │ │ // │ └────────────────────────┘ └──────────────────────┘ │ // └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ // // 20 ┌───┐ // │ E │ // └───┘ app.createShapes([ box(ids.boxA, 0, 0), box(ids.boxB, 20, 0), box(ids.boxC, 40, 0), box(ids.boxD, 60, 0), box(ids.boxE, 0, 20), ]), ids.boxB) app.groupShapes() groupAId = onlySelectedId(), ids.boxD) app.groupShapes() groupBId = onlySelectedId(), groupBId) app.groupShapes() groupCId = onlySelectedId() app.selectNone() }) it('erases whole groups if you hit one of their shapes', () => { app.setSelectedTool( // erase D app.pointerDown(65, 5, ids.boxD) expect(app.pageState.erasingIds.length).toBe(1) expect(app.pageState.erasingIds[0]).toBe(groupCId) app.pointerUp() expect(app.getShapeById(groupCId)).toBeFalsy() }) it('does not erase whole groups if you do not hit on one of their shapes', () => { app.setSelectedTool( app.pointerDown(35, 5) expect(app.erasingIdsSet.size).toBe(0) }) it('works inside of groups', () => { expect(app.focusLayerId === groupAId).toBe(true) const groupA = app.getShapeById(groupAId)! app.setSelectedTool( // erase B app.pointerDown(25, 5, ids.boxB) expect(app.pageState.erasingIds.length).toBe(1) expect(app.pageState.erasingIds[0]).toBe(ids.boxB) app.pointerUp() // group A disappears expect(isRemoved(groupA)).toBe(true) }) it('works outside of the focus layer', () => { expect(app.focusLayerId === groupAId).toBe(true) app.setSelectedTool( // erase E app.pointerDown(5, 25, ids.boxE) expect(app.pageState.erasingIds.length).toBe(1) expect(app.pageState.erasingIds[0]).toBe(ids.boxE) // move to group B app.pointerMove(65, 5) expect(app.erasingIdsSet.size).toBe(2) }) }) describe('bindings', () => { let groupAId: TLShapeId let groupBId: TLShapeId beforeEach(() => { // group C // ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ // │ group A group B │ // │ ┌────────────────────────┐ ┌──────────────────────┐ │ // │ │ 0 20 │ │ 40 60 │ │ // │ │ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ │ │ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ │ │ // │ │ │ A │ │ B │ │ │ │ C │ │ D │ │ │ // │ │ └───┘ └───┘ │ │ └───┘ └───┘ │ │ // │ └────────────────────────┘ └──────────────────────┘ │ // └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ // // 20 ┌───┐ // │ E │ // └───┘ app.createShapes([ box(ids.boxA, 0, 0), box(ids.boxB, 20, 0), box(ids.boxC, 40, 0), box(ids.boxD, 60, 0), box(ids.boxE, 0, 20), ]), ids.boxB) app.groupShapes() groupAId = onlySelectedId(), ids.boxD) app.groupShapes() groupBId = onlySelectedId(), groupBId) app.groupShapes() app.selectNone() }) it('can not be made from some sibling shape to a group shape', () => { app.setSelectedTool( // go from E to group C (not hovering over a leaf box) app.pointerDown(5, 25).pointerMove(35, 5).pointerUp() const arrow = onlySelectedShape() as TLArrowShape expect(arrow.props.start).toMatchObject({ boundShapeId: ids.boxE }) expect(arrow.props.end).toMatchObject({ type: 'point' }) }) it('can not be made from a group shape to some sibling shape', () => { app.setSelectedTool( // go from group C (not hovering over a leaf box) to E app.pointerDown(35, 5).pointerMove(5, 25).pointerUp() const arrow = onlySelectedShape() as TLArrowShape expect(arrow.props.start).toMatchObject({ type: 'point' }) expect(arrow.props.end).toMatchObject({ boundShapeId: ids.boxE }) }) it('can be made from a shape within a group to some shape outside of the group', () => { app.setSelectedTool( // go from A to E app.pointerDown(5, 5).pointerMove(5, 25).pointerUp() const arrow = onlySelectedShape() as TLArrowShape expect(arrow.parentId).toBe(app.currentPageId) expect(arrow.props.start).toMatchObject({ boundShapeId: ids.boxA }) expect(arrow.props.end).toMatchObject({ boundShapeId: ids.boxE }) }) it('can be made from a shape within a group to another shape within the group', () => { app.setSelectedTool( // go from A to B app.pointerDown(5, 5).pointerMove(25, 5).pointerUp() const arrow = onlySelectedShape() as TLArrowShape expect(arrow.parentId).toBe(groupAId) expect(arrow.props.start).toMatchObject({ boundShapeId: ids.boxA }) expect(arrow.props.end).toMatchObject({ boundShapeId: ids.boxB }) }) it('can be made from a shape outside of a group to a shape within the group', () => { app.setSelectedTool( // go from E to B app.pointerDown(5, 25).pointerMove(25, 5).pointerUp() const arrow = onlySelectedShape() as TLArrowShape expect(arrow.parentId).toBe(app.currentPageId) expect(arrow.props.start).toMatchObject({ boundShapeId: ids.boxE }) expect(arrow.props.end).toMatchObject({ boundShapeId: ids.boxB }) }) }) describe('grouping arrows', () => { // Fix for it('grouping 2 arrows should not change indexes', () => { const arrowAId = createCustomShapeId('arrowA') const arrowBId = createCustomShapeId('arrowB') app.createShapes([ arrow(arrowAId, { x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: 0, y: 10 }), arrow(arrowBId, { x: 10, y: 0 }, { x: 10, y: 10 }), ]) const arrowABefore = app.getShapeById(arrowAId)! const arrowBBefore = app.getShapeById(arrowBId)! expect(arrowABefore.parentId).toMatch(/^page:/) expect(arrowABefore.index).toBe('a1') expect(arrowBBefore.parentId).toMatch(/^page:/) expect(arrowBBefore.index).toBe('a2'), arrowBId) app.groupShapes() const arrowAAfter = app.getShapeById(arrowAId)! const arrowBAfter = app.getShapeById(arrowBId)! expect(arrowAAfter.parentId).toMatch(/^shape:/) expect(arrowAAfter.index).toBe('a1') expect(arrowBAfter.parentId).toMatch(/^shape:/) expect(arrowBAfter.index).toBe('a2') }) }) describe('moving handles within a group', () => { let groupA: TLGroupShape beforeEach(() => { // group A // ┌──────────────────────────────┐ // │ 0 10 90 100 │ // │ ┌───┐ │ // │ │ A │ │ // │ 10 └───┘ │ // │ │ // │ │ // │ │ // │ │ // │ 90 ┌───┐ │ // │ │ B │ │ // │ 100 └───┘ │ // └──────────────────────────────┘ app.createShapes([box(ids.boxA, 0, 0), box(ids.boxB, 90, 90)]), ids.boxB) app.groupShapes() groupA = onlySelectedShape() as TLGroupShape app.selectNone() }) it('resizes the group appropriately', () => { expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe( app.setSelectedTool('arrow') app.pointerDown(50, 50).pointerMove(60, 60).pointerUp(60, 60) let arrow = onlySelectedShape() as TLArrowShape expect(arrow.parentId).toBe( expect(arrow.props.start.type).toBe('point') if (arrow.props.start.type === 'point') { expect(arrow.props.start.x).toBe(0) expect(arrow.props.start.y).toBe(0) } expect(arrow.props.end.type).toBe('point') if (arrow.props.end.type === 'point') { expect(arrow.props.end.x).toBe(10) expect(arrow.props.end.y).toBe(10) } app.expectToBeIn('select.idle') expect(app.getPageBoundsById({ x: 0, y: 0, w: 100, h: 100, }) app.pointerDown(60, 60, { target: 'handle', shape: arrow, handle: app .getShapeUtilByDef(TLArrowShapeDef) .handles(arrow) .find((h) => === 'end'), }) app.expectToBeIn('select.pointing_handle') app.pointerMove(60, -10) app.expectToBeIn('select.dragging_handle') app.pointerMove(60, -10) arrow = app.getShapeById(! expect(arrow.parentId).toBe( expect(arrow.props.start.type).toBe('point') if (arrow.props.start.type === 'point') { expect(arrow.props.start.x).toBe(0) expect(arrow.props.start.y).toBe(0) } expect(arrow.props.end.type).toBe('point') if (arrow.props.end.type === 'point') { expect(arrow.props.end.x).toBe(10) expect(arrow.props.end.y).toBe(-60) } expect(app.getPageBoundsById({ x: 0, y: -10, w: 100, h: 110, }) app.pointerMove(50, -10) for (let i = -10; i >= -30; i--) { app.pointerMove(i, i) } app.pointerUp() expect(app.getPageBoundsById({ x: -30, y: -30, w: 130, h: 130, }) }) }) // ! Parked temporarily. This behavior has changed and may need to change back. // describe('copy/pasting to/from groups', () => { // let groupAId: TLShapeId // let groupBId: TLShapeId // let groupCId: TLShapeId // beforeEach(() => { // // group C // // ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ // // │ group A group B │ // // │ ┌────────────────────────┐ ┌──────────────────────┐ │ // // │ │ 0 20 │ │ 40 60 │ │ // // │ │ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ │ │ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ │ │ // // │ │ │ A │ │ B │ │ │ │ C │ │ D │ │ │ // // │ │ └───┘ └───┘ │ │ └───┘ └───┘ │ │ // // │ └────────────────────────┘ └──────────────────────┘ │ // // └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ // // // // 20 ┌───┐ // // │ E │ // // └───┘ // app.createShapes([ // box(ids.boxA, 0, 0), // box(ids.boxB, 20, 0), // box(ids.boxC, 40, 0), // box(ids.boxD, 60, 0), // box(ids.boxE, 0, 20), // ]) //, ids.boxB) // app.groupShapes() // groupAId = onlySelectedId() //, ids.boxD) // app.groupShapes() // groupBId = onlySelectedId() //, groupBId) // app.groupShapes() // groupCId = onlySelectedId() // app.selectNone() // }) // it('should allow copying and pasting within the same focus layer', () => { // // expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(groupCId) // app.copy() // app.paste() // expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(groupCId) // expect(onlySelectedId()).not.toBe(groupAId) // expect(onlySelectedShape().type).toBe(TLGroupUtil.type) // expect( // app.getSortedChildIds(onlySelectedShape().id).map((id) => app.getShapeById(id)!.type) // ).toEqual(['geo', 'geo']) // }) // it('should allow copying from within a group and pasting into a higher focus level', () => { // // expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(groupCId) // app.copy() // // expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(app.currentPageId) // app.paste() // expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(app.currentPageId) // expect(onlySelectedId()).not.toBe(groupAId) // expect(onlySelectedShape().type).toBe(TLGroupUtil.type) // expect( // app.getSortedChildIds(onlySelectedShape().id).map((id) => app.getShapeById(id)!.type) // ).toEqual(['geo', 'geo']) // expect(app.getPageBoundsById(groupAId)).toCloselyMatchObject( // app.getPageBoundsById(onlySelectedId()) // ) // }) // it('should allow copying from a higher focus level and pasting into a group', () => { // // expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(app.currentPageId) // app.copy() // // expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(groupAId) // app.paste() // expect(app.focusLayerId).toBe(groupAId) // expect(onlySelectedId()).not.toBe(groupCId) // expect(onlySelectedShape().parentId).toBe(groupAId) // expect(onlySelectedShape().type).toBe(TLGroupUtil.type) // expect(app.getSortedChildIds(onlySelectedId()).map((id) => app.getShapeById(id)!.type)).toEqual( // [TLGroupUtil.type, TLGroupUtil.type] // ) // }) // }) describe('snapping', () => { let groupAId: TLShapeId let groupBId: TLShapeId let groupCId: TLShapeId beforeEach(() => { // group C // ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ // │ group A group B │ // │ ┌────────────────────────┐ ┌──────────────────────┐ │ // │ │ 0 20 │ │ 40 60 │ │ // │ │ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ │ │ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ │ │ // │ │ │ A │ │ B │ │ │ │ C │ │ D │ │ │ // │ │ └───┘ └───┘ │ │ └───┘ └───┘ │ │ // │ └────────────────────────┘ └──────────────────────┘ │ // └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ // // 20 ┌───┐ // │ E │ // └───┘ app.createShapes([ box(ids.boxA, 0, 0), box(ids.boxB, 20, 0), box(ids.boxC, 40, 0), box(ids.boxD, 60, 0), box(ids.boxE, 0, 20), ]), ids.boxB) app.groupShapes() groupAId = onlySelectedId(), ids.boxD) app.groupShapes() groupBId = onlySelectedId(), groupBId) app.groupShapes() groupCId = onlySelectedId() app.selectNone() }) it('does not happen between groups and their children', () => { app.pointerDown(10, 5, groupCId) app.pointerMove(80, 5, groupCId, { ctrlKey: true }) expect(app.snaps.lines.length).toBe(0) }) it('does not happen between children and thier group', () => { app.pointerDown(65, 5, ids.boxD) app.pointerMove(80, 105, ids.boxD, { ctrlKey: true }) expect(app.snaps.lines.length).toBe(0) }) }) describe('When pressing enter with selected group', () => { it('Should select the children of the group when enter is pressed', () => { app.createShapes([box(ids.boxA, 0, 0), box(ids.boxB, 20, 0), box(ids.boxC, 40, 0)]), ids.boxB, ids.boxC) app.groupShapes() app.keyDown('Enter') app.keyUp('Enter') expect(app.selectedIds).toMatchObject([ids.boxA, ids.boxB, ids.boxC]) }) it('Should select the children of multiple groups when enter is pressed', () => { app.createShapes([box(ids.boxA, 0, 0), box(ids.boxB, 20, 0)]) app.createShapes([box(ids.boxC, 40, 0), box(ids.boxD, 70, 0)]), ids.boxB) app.groupShapes(), ids.boxD) app.groupShapes() app.selectAll() // both groups app.keyDown('Enter') app.keyUp('Enter') expect(app.selectedIds).toMatchObject([ids.boxA, ids.boxB, ids.boxC, ids.boxD]) }) }) describe('Group opacity', () => { it("should set the group's opacity to max even if the selected style panel opacity is lower", () => { app.createShapes([box(ids.boxA, 0, 0), box(ids.boxB, 20, 0)]), ids.boxB) app.setProp('opacity', '0.5') app.groupShapes() const group = app.getShapeById(onlySelectedId())! assert( expect(group.props.opacity).toBe('1') }) })